Junk Rat

Chapter 77: Daredevil invades


I immediately rushed over, but did not find Zhou Zi. I saw Wu Zeyong hug Zhou Xiaoxiao running wildly, and I yelled at his back: "Gather at the dock!"

Yang Cheng sprang out from behind: "You can run off? There are still two or three kilometers away from the dock. Find a place to hide!"

In addition to her lust, this person seems not bad-hearted, and has time to remind me.

The light was dim, the corpses were inseparable, and some people acted indiscriminately. The container stacking site was in chaos. Not only Zhou Zi, Chen Xiaoxue, Hu Dacheng, Lin Yaxuan, etc. were missing, and I did not see a few of Yang Cheng's men.

Cao Linwei controlled the bow and crossbow, Zhang Yun gave him arrows on the side, and the two seven-star crossbows swept through the place, the zombies fell down like grass, but there were too many zombies, how many did the two kill

I killed my eyes, headshot a dozen zombies one after another, and rushed to the side of the warrior car, only to remember that the bastard who gave the car key to Yang Cheng, but at this time I didn't know where he had escaped.

I only heard the corpses screaming behind me, and a large group of zombies turned out in a black pressure. I was shocked to put the crossbow on my back, dragged out the box of Kong Fan on the warrior cart, and bombarded the corpse group indiscriminately.

Boom, boom!

Kong Fan shattered one after another, but at the front and back, more zombies were alarmed by the sound of shattering and surged over.

I grabbed seven or eight Kong Fans and put them on my body, climbed to the roof of the warrior, and then climbed from the roof to the container. Open your mouth and shout: "Everyone, climb up!"

Seeing Yang Cheng grasping one of his subordinates, the two of them worked together to lift the fat black woman up.

There was more than half of the box in Kong Fan's box that hadn't been thrown out. I waited for the corpse group to close up and squeeze into a swarm around the warrior. I pulled out a Kong Fan fuze, dropped it into Kong Fan's box, and lay down.

There was a loud bang, it was really like the sky and the earth cracked, this huge fragmentation, at least hundreds of zombies were reimbursed, a rain of blood soared into the sky, and the warrior car was also burning with it.

"Good fried!" Seven or eight people were already standing on the container. These people cheered loudly. When I glanced away, I only saw Lin Yaxuan and Hu Dacheng, standing on another row of containers.

"Where is Zhou Zi?" I yelled to the two of them.

Hu Dacheng heard it several times. He pointed to his ear, meaning that it was too noisy to hear what I was shouting.

Seeing that I was separated from the place where Hu Lin and the two were standing, there are only three rows of containers, and the gap between the two is less than five meters, so I backed up and jumped over several times, and grabbed Hu Dacheng: "Where is Zhou Zi? "

Hu Dacheng pointed to several rows of containers in the distance: "I seem to see her and Chen Xiaoxue escape."

I let go of Hu Dacheng, and continued to run up and jump between the containers, Hu Dacheng's presumptuous laughter faintly came from behind: "Is it worth it to be a woman?"

At this time, the sky was completely dark. Fortunately, a bright moon hung on the horizon. I skipped four or five rows of containers. I couldn't help being dumbfounded. The three containers in the front row were stacked on top of each other, which was one storey higher than this side. .

At this moment, someone on the left yelled for help, I followed the sound, and suddenly I was surprised.

Under the bright moonlight, I saw Zhou Zi, Chen Xiaoxue, and a man under Yang Cheng. The three were forced to a blind spot under the container by the group of corpses, fighting desperately.

The zombies were crowded into a mass, and they couldn't be killed. A container was more than two meters high, close to three meters, and two stacked together, it was almost two stories high. Zhou Zi and the three were eagerly unable to climb up.

I shot the crossbow down for a burst, and dropped four Kong Fans one after another away from the three of them. After a while, I hurriedly grabbed the two longitudinal iron bars at the top of the container door and slid down, and picked up Zhou Zi. Raised his legs: "Climb up!"

Zhou Zi climbed to the top of the container and continued to cover us. Chen Xiaoxue and Yang Cheng's men followed.

When I climbed up again with the iron rod, I saw that the container door lock was slightly opened after being kicked, and a barrel of kerosene was exposed in the crack of the door. The barrel of kerosene fell down.

Seven or eight zombies were suppressed by the oil barrel and couldn't get up. I shouted to the three of Zhou Zi: "Quickly leave!" I took out another Kong Fan and threw it down.

With a loud bang, the raging flame rose more than ten meters high, reflecting the sky as red as blood.

I saw Zhou Ziman in the fire

It was blood, she had a terrible expression at first, but for the rest of her life, she felt unspeakably handsome and cute. He hugged her and hugged her together.

Zhou Zi said in my ear: "Do you know why I keep resisting?"

I didn't react for a while, and asked her: "What did you say?"

Zhou Zi's face blushed slightly: "I mean, do you know why I am so resistant?"

I was taken aback: "Why?"

Zhou Zi said: "Because you didn't love me at all."

I smiled: "How do you know?"

Zhou Zi said: "Because when you held me, I heard you call another person's name, your name is Alice!"

I was stunned: "Did I call it?"

Zhou Zi didn't answer, put her head in my arms, and said, "Asshole, you're such an ass!"

I was in a daze, and when I turned my head, I saw Chen Xiaoxue's expression dumb, as if she was shutting down again, and her heart was a little choked. Why could Zhou Xiaoxiao move her to leave the Shuangcheng District

Before I turned a thought, I heard a scream soaring into the sky. I was taken aback. I saw a figure flying straight to the sky on the side where Yang Cheng and others were standing in the distance!

At the same time, I heard Lin Yaxuan scream: "Night Demon!"

The person weighing a hundred jins was thrown by the night demon and flew straight to the sky. What a powerful arm strength that should be, Zhou Zi and the three were shocked.

The raging fire reflected the past, and dozens of dark shadows rushed onto the top of the container, the speed was unimaginable.

Yang Cheng and the others did it together. Cao Linwei's heavy seven-star continuous shooting of crossbows was particularly high-pitched, and the black shadows all rushed over, the attack stopped abruptly, followed by Cao Linwei's long cry.

I pulled Zhou Zi: "Run away!" Even with weapons in hand, I can't resist this group of demons in the dark night!

Yang Cheng's subordinates also dragged Chen Xiaoxue to follow.

The four of us ran wildly on the top of the container and flew over when we encountered an empty space. After jumping over four or five rows of containers, I looked back and saw that Chen Xiaoxue and Yang Cheng's men were gone.

Seven or eight night monsters screamed loudly and swiftly chased them.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)