Junk Rat

Chapter 79: Landing on the island


Lin Yaxuan's eyes were a little straight: "You didn't hear, Xiao Xiao, let us save her."

"She asks you to save, so you save. Lin Yaxuan suddenly changed your sex and became compassionate?"

"Brother Xiaoqiang, why don't you save me?"

My heart was shocked. The voice seemed to be full of unspeakable sex. I felt that it was worth going up to the knife mountain and going down to the pan for this cute little girl.

When I was about to pick up the oars and row over, I suddenly felt horrified, and told me rationally that I must not go there. I quickly stopped my mind and rushed downstream with a few strokes.

The river was rushing and the boat was moving fast, and Zhou Xiaoxiao's figure gradually became a black spot. Lin Yaxuan and I looked at each other, and our hearts were at a loss. Why did it happen just now

Lin Yaxuan said: "Brother Xiaoqiang, can it be... Can Zhou Xiaoxiao control people's minds?"

I pondered for a long time, and said: "This, it seems impossible, right?"

Lin Yaxuan thought for a while and said, "Yes, I think it's impossible."

At this time, the river turned a bend, the water flow slowed down suddenly, and a voice calling for help suddenly sounded on the surface of the river: "Xiaoqiang, Lin Yaxuan, help!"

I was taken aback: "There are still people alive!"

Just listen to Lin Yaxuan beside him laughing: "Hu Dacheng! Haha... Your old thing is not dead, it's great, haha!"

The sudden appearance of Hu Dacheng caused Lin Yaxuan and I to leave Zhou Xiaoxiao behind. I picked up the oars and paddled over, only to see Hu Dacheng holding a wooden stool with a distressed expression.

"Hu Dacheng, you didn't die?" Although I despise Hu Dacheng's personality, I met again after the rest of my life. Everyone experienced a tribulation together, and I didn't hate him that much anymore. The two worked together to drag Hu Dacheng onto the boat.

Hu Dacheng grinned, grinned reluctantly, and said weakly:

"As soon as the Night Demon appeared, I jumped into the container and escaped. As soon as I landed, I rolled around in the blood. Haha, the zombies actually treated me like a similar person. Oops, it just made my shoulder hurt."

"Have you seen Zhou Zi?" I didn't quite believe Lin Yaxuan's answer, and asked Hu Dacheng again.

Hu Dacheng panted for a long time before he said, "I didn't see Zhou Zi, only Yang Cheng and Cao Linwei were caught by the zombies..."

Head, "Oh, it's miserable!"

I said frustratedly: "Yang Cheng's group, I'm afraid none of them survived."

Hu Dacheng asked, "Where are Wu Zeyong and Chen Xiaoxue."

Lin Yaxuan and I shook our heads together: "Most of them are also dead."

Hu Dacheng put his head on the ship board and let out a bang, "It would be fine if Chen Xiaoxue was alive."

Lin Yaxuan gave him a glance: "Old thing, why, do you still want to hit her and pay attention?"

Hu Dacheng didn't answer, and looked at me: "Xiaoqiang, you keep your backpack at any time. Give me something to eat. I'm starving."

I shook my head: "This is backup food, I don't usually use it."

Hu Dacheng said: "Then what to eat now?"

I pointed to the cabinet door in the cabin: "There should be food in it." When I opened the cabinet door, I saw a bag of millet, some seasonings, bowls, chopsticks, pots, and a bucket of water.

Lin Yaxuan opened another cabinet door and found a small gas stove, so he cooked a big pot of millet porridge. When the three of them were drinking the porridge, they suddenly felt that the boat was bumpy and violent. Looking out of the cabin, the white waves were rolling, and the river water had already poured in. The sea.

To fill our stomachs, Hu Dacheng and I took the oars and rowed. After bypassing Chongming Island, we saw a small island with verdant trees and swaying coconut trees. This is Hengsha Island.

Before the catastrophe, Hengsha Island was positioned as a tourist and leisure center, with clear waves and white sands and endless scenery. Even many international conferences would be held here.

The difference from what I have remembered is that Hengsha Island is not without a permanent population, because after landing, I vaguely saw a primary school through the coconut grove. Since there is a primary school, there must be a permanent population.

I knocked my head, searched in my memory, and suddenly patted with my hand. I remembered that the permanent population of Hengsha Island was about 30,000.

"Oh, I can read this book... Then I have to add tourists, I'm afraid there will be about 100,000? But anyway, it is better than staying in the magic city, and the least air is good." I am laughing at myself and myself. When comforting, I suddenly felt a loose waist belt.

"Raise your hand!" Lin Yaxuan pulled out a crossbow that I had inserted on my belt, held it in both hands, and pointed at Hu Dacheng.

"What are you doing?" I glared at Lin Yaxuan angrily, "Just the three of us, do you want to kill each other?"

Lin Yaxuan curled her lips slightly and said, "Brother Xiaoqiang, you promised in Tianpeng Building. As long as you get on the island, Hu Dacheng and I will kill you and you don't care."

Hu Dacheng smiled wryly: "Hey, little fairy, you have started first."

Lin Yaxuan swung his crossbow and said coldly, "Go over there."

Hu Dacheng asked: "Where to go?"

Lin Yaxuan said: "Behind the coconut grove, there seems to be an elementary school."

I looked at Lin Yaxuan: "I won't go back on what I said, but I advise you, we have just arrived on the island, so it is better to unite a little bit."

Lin Yaxuan sneered: "Brother Xiaoqiang, don't tell me, you also go."

I froze for a moment, then laughed instead: "Hey, I won't let it go?"

Lin Yaxuan's face sank, and a layer of frost covered her eyebrows: "Hmph, you forgot how my mother died?"

She raised her left hand, hooked her jade-like index finger down, and said without emotion: "Now slowly, put the Sun Shooting Crossbow and the other Piercing Crossbow on the ground."

I threw the Hou Yi Shooting Crossbow in front of her, then pulled out the other Chuan Yang Crossbow on the belt behind my waist and threw it over. Lin Yaxuan slowly picked it up and glanced at Hu Dacheng.

Hu Dacheng smiled and turned around in the same place: "When I jumped into the river, I lost the crossbow."

Lin Yaxuan swung his crossbow: "Go."

Soon after entering the coconut grove, the light became dim and dim. A bush suddenly shook, and a juvenile zombie was drilled out. The flesh on one cheek was completely gone, exposing the posterior molars.

With Lin Yaxuan's cry, it was a crossbow at the underage zombie. When I just said don't do it, the zombie's head was already blooming.

Lin Yaxuan smiled: "Why don't you save your crossbow arrows? Your backpack looks heavy. You should have a lot of crossbow arrows, right?"

I glanced at her and said without annoyance: "The straw bag girl, the bushes around are so dense, what if there are still zombies hidden, won't you be alarmed?"

Lin Yaxuan snorted: "Go!"

I shook my head helplessly, and walked a few steps forward. Suddenly, zombies appeared in front and back, all of them were underage zombies.

Lin Yaxuan's expression changed drastically, and he killed a few one after another, but more and more zombies came out of the bushes.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)