Junk Rat

Chapter 8: Regain the mall


As one of the best first-tier cities, shopping is no longer the only function of the super shopping mall in Magic City. Dining, entertainment, and leisure and health care are also listed as standard by savvy businesses.

I looked at the floor plan of the mall again, and saw that just to the right of the fire door, there was a large chain pharmacy called Zhengyang.

There were only seven or eight zombies in the corridors and terraces, and they were also a hundred meters away from me.

I thought to myself, at such a long distance, most of these guys can't tell whether I am a human or a zombie.

So boldly, learning the posture of zombies walking slightly slow, walked towards the pharmacy step by step, watching the movement of the zombies obliquely.

These demons didn't pay attention to me, but when I walked into the drugstore, I still had a short breath and weakened hands and feet.

The pharmacy is very large, at least three or four thousand square meters, and rows of medicine racks are neatly arranged to the back, silent, and there is no figure of the living dead yet.

I slowly closed the two glass doors of the pharmacy, and saw that there were two other doors connected to the bookstore and yoga studio next door, so I walked over and closed the two doors.

When closing the glass door that communicated with the bookstore, I saw three zombies wandering between the bookshelves. Fortunately, they turned their backs to this side and didn't find me.

Now, I am the only one in the huge pharmacy. I found a Chinese patent medicine for Tongluohuoxue and treating internal injuries on a row of shelves. After taking it according to the instructions, I bandaged the wound on my knee and lay down in a corner.

The effect of the medicine was good. One day later, I felt that my internal chest injury had healed four to five times in the evening. I couldn't help but feel relieved. After taking the medicine for at most two days, it was completely cured.

The largest light source in the mall comes from the dome skylight. This skylight is astonishingly half the size of a football field. I think it’s better to break the dome glass so that the inside of the mall will not only be brighter, but the air will also be much better. If it rains, it will be Can solve the problem of drinking water in the future.

There is also the atrium garden on the first floor. When I peeked from behind the fire door, there were green-red fruits between the green leaves, which seemed to be either apples or oranges. If there was rain water, the fruit supply would not be interrupted in the future.


Pat your head, how do you make a long-term plan? Deep down in my heart, didn't I want to find a few companions, escape from the magic city together, and then go back to my hometown to see my parents

But think about it, I drove an SUV out of a few roads and almost lost my life, and I couldn't help getting frustrated again.

Facing the sea, Magic City has 16 municipal districts, a population of more than 20 million, and a total area of 63,405 square kilometers. It is an impossible task to escape.

In addition, the hope that parents have to live may be infinitely close to zero.

I was so contradictory, and finally let out a long sigh, let's take one step at a time.

The shopping mall has a good environment and abundant supplies, and it is indeed worth making it a foothold.

I thought about everything, and gradually fell asleep, and woke up several times in one night.

There is no sense of security in an unfamiliar environment and it is difficult to sleep deeply. Moreover, there are human-eating monsters on the left and right behind a layer of glass, so how can you sleep soundly

When the skylight of the dome turned gray, a new day had come. I stood up from the corner of the pharmacy and stretched hard, feeling the internal injury of my chest healed faster than I expected.

I looked at the glass door leading to the bookstore, thinking that since I want to build Guofu Mall into a foothold, or a personal base, I should start with the three zombies in the bookstore.

I drew out the knife, hacked it a few times, opened the door and entered the bookstore. I didn't walk a few steps along the aisle. I saw the figure of a male zombie between the two rows of bookshelves shaking, and what was unpredictable was a howl.

The three zombies I saw yesterday were all former female clerks in the bookstore. Now there is one more male corpse. It seems that there are at least four zombies in the bookstore.

The zombie's back was facing me, and the body shook. I walked behind it lightly and with a flick in my mouth. When the zombie heard the movement, he turned around, and I stabbed it with a knife.

At this time, the bookshelves on both sides were in the way, and unlike the intercom door when in the community, there was spare time for aiming, and the knife was slightly off.

The male corpse let out a howl, and walked forward against the head of the knife with so much strength that it pushed my feet to slide backwards.

I quickly jumped back, retreated to a slightly wider area in the aisle, looked at the position, and slammed it down.

At this moment, the three female clerk zombies in the bookstore were alarmed. They surrounded on three sides between the bookshelves. The momentum was fierce, and the heavy bookshelf was turned over three or four.

I thought I dealt with three zombies at the same time. Although they were all thin female zombies, I couldn’t guarantee that I was infallible. If I was bitten or grabbed a claw, the little life would be reimbursed, and I rushed past it. Several rows of bookshelves hid.

Fortunately, although the zombies had great strength, they couldn't run fast under their feet. After not catching up with me, after a while, the three female corpses dispersed again in a daze. This also proves once again that the memory capacity of zombies is indeed very short.

I hid for a while and heard the movement diminish, so I hid among the bookshelves like a mouse, and with the help of the bookshelves, I lured the three female corpses to a spacious place one by one, killing them one by one.

After killing one male and three males and four zombies, my forehead was slightly sweaty, but the sense of accomplishment in my heart was overwhelming, and I gained another layer of confidence in living.

Next to the bookstore, there is a music tea bar. Adjacent businesses are connected by doors, so there is no need to go around the corridor outside.

I walked to the door, and the music tea bar was not too big, but the tabletop was clean and elegantly furnished. A beautiful glass cabinet was filled with exquisite tea and biscuits. The tea bar looked all over, and there were no zombies stuck here.

Opened the glass cabinet, took two small pieces of green mustard cake and ate it. The taste was quite good. See the music tea bar next door, which is a western restaurant. Like the music tea bar, it is also empty. No one can be seen. "shadow.

Going forward after that, they basically belonged to catering businesses. They killed them all the way and killed seven or eight zombies.

There are not too many zombies, but after searching from one store to another, the spirit has been kept high, especially the two large Chinese food stores, which are very deep in the vertical direction, and there is basically no light at the back of the store, so you can’t see everything clearly, and it’s even worse. Be careful every step, so mentally very tired.

At noon, I searched for a roast duck restaurant. The area of the roast duck restaurant is not small. The first half is the lobby, with a dozen long tables, and the rear is a vaguely row of boxes.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)