Junk Rat

Chapter 83: Same fate


Seeing the corpses were gone, I walked quickly to the ATV rental shop, opened a glass door, and flashed in.

The store is large and empty. There are more than 20 four-wheeled beach buggies under the three walls, and they are covered with a layer of dust.

After I walked to a long black table, I opened three drawers and searched for the change. The change in the middle drawer was one drawer. I pulled a few times, and the car key was buried under the change.

I picked an ATV in the newest condition. I tried it one key after another. I found the key of this car and took out the emergency power supply from my backpack. Just about to start a fire, I heard a hum from the back door. Once, the voice was faint, almost inaudible.

I was taken aback. The sound sounded like a human. I hurriedly grabbed the Houyi on the ATV and shot the crossbow, walked to the back door and listened carefully. There were a few more hums, accompanied by the sound of chewing.

A thought flashed in my heart: "Are zombies eating people again? But listening to the hum, it seems that there is no pain at all."

Curious in my heart, I opened the back door gently, and suddenly "Ah" made me feel cold and got goose bumps.

Outside the back door was a vegetable field, and a woman fell on the side of the vegetable border, and two zombies knelt beside her.

It's not the first time I saw the scene of zombies cannibalism, but every time I saw it again, I couldn't help but be frightened and often woke up in the middle of the night. After waking up, I often sweat profusely, my heart beats wildly, and I can't calm down for a long time.

The woman's eyes are out of focus, and her mouth sometimes hums unconsciously. I now finally understand why there is no pain in this faint voice. It turns out that when she died, she had no mind at all.

Two cannibal zombies were skinny, with deep sunken cheeks, straightened their stiff necks, propped up the dry skin on their cheeks with a sharp water chestnut, and their teeth chewed loudly.

I took Houyi and shot the crossbow, and the tip of the sword kept trembling. The two zombies ate as if they had forgotten everything. Although they saw me, they still knelt on the ground and couldn't get up.

There was a cold sweat on my head, and suddenly I yelled and detained the mechanism one after another, but the crossbow arrows shot did not fly towards

Zombies, but women lying on the ground.

Because compared to cold-blooded zombies, the appearance of a woman at this time makes me feel more terrified!

I panted and closed the back door with a bang. I tried too hard and the door shook, thinking that it might also be my future destiny, and the sadness in my heart was extreme.

On one side, a mirror hung on the wall behind the door. In the mirror, my face was blue and white.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and torrents of torrential rain splashed on the roof, sizzling, and I jumped up with a sound of "ah", and after a while, I responded: "Yes... thunder... rain Up."

The big raindrops of soybeans poured down, and a gust of wind swept the raindrops in from outside the door and hit me.

I fought the cold war, and rushed to shut the door, and saw the sky changing, black clouds on the horizon, mountains and hills rushing over.

I walked slowly to the long table, sat down on a stool, took out a cigarette from my body, caught fire on the spot with a trembling thumb, took a few mouthfuls, and suddenly coughed.

The sky was as dark as night, flashes of lightning followed by flashes of lightning, which made me bend over and cough, and shivered against the white wall.

This heavy rain continued until midnight, and still refused to stop, except for the sound of rain outside the door, there was no other sound.

The next day it rained and the sky was clear, the sky was bright, and the sun was just right. The torrential rain that changed the color of the world yesterday seemed to have never happened.

I casually ate some compressed dry food, started the ATV, and rode out of the store. There was a mess on the road, with leaves knocked down by rain everywhere.

After driving less than one kilometer, the road was connected to a wider road. On a slanted blue road sign, the four characters "Circular Road" were printed.

"Yes, it's easier to find an ideal place to stay along the road around the island."

Thinking of this, I drove the ATV on the road around the island. There was no shortage of living dead on the road. I speeded up and swished past them. After half an hour, a car was on the side.

The overturned tourist bus blocked the road tightly.

I slammed the accelerator, ran on the road, and walked around on the sidewalk. I saw a lot of mobile phones, clothing, backpacks and other items scattered around the bus. In a black backpack with an open bag, a shiny knife was exposed. .

As soon as I bent over, I picked up my backpack, took out a knife and put it on my body.

After driving for another ten minutes, more vehicles were abandoned on the highway, and even the sidewalk was blocked. I had to drive off the highway, along a grassy slope, and drove directly onto the beach.

However, there is no clean fine sand on this beach, only fist-sized sharp gravel. The ATV drives on it, bumping up and down, just like driving on a rugged mountain road.

This gravel beach is so long. Fortunately, the wheels on the beach are solid and the tires are not punctured. After driving out of the gravel for an hour, I saw a white wall in the woods on the coast.

I looked around and found that this area was very remote. Although there were shadows of zombies, there were few zombies in sight. I wanted to stay here, but it was a good choice.

So I drove the ATV to the edge of the woods, got off and walked into the woods. But when I saw the whole picture of the white wall, I couldn't help being disappointed.

This is a small hydrological observatory that cannot be smaller. It is hidden in trees and grass. Although the terrain is hidden, there is only a small house less than five square meters.

I glanced through the window. There was only a table, a chair, and a small bed inside.

Pushing the door in, there was a stinky smell, the ground was dirty, instant noodle boxes, biscuit bags, and empty mineral water bottles were everywhere. It seems that although this place is small, survivors have lived here for a period of time.

There is still a pile of ashes on the ground, but it has long since disappeared. This survivor, who is not known whether it is a male or a female, is an old and young survivor, even if he is still alive, has been gone for a long time.

I sighed, wishing that I didn't have to be alone when I met someone. I couldn't help but think of Lin Yaxuan. She was going to find Hu Dacheng. Did she see Hu Dacheng escape when she fell down the ridge

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)