Junk Rat

Chapter 84: Fisherman by the sea


"Oh, when is the time for retribution. Of all the creatures on the earth, only humans have the longest hatred and the most unforgettable."

I walked a few steps in the room, turned and went out, back to the edge of the woods.

The two zombies had just walked to the beach buggy, they had seen me long ago, but they were slow to move, and then they came.

I took the zombies a dozen steps away, then jumped on the beach buggy and drove off. Every time I killed the zombies, I watched it once, and lost my appetite.

After driving for more than ten kilometers, I arrived at a bathing beach with beautiful scenery, verdant trees and dozens of hotels, but unfortunately there are many undressed living dead.

Parking lot, hotel lobby, seaside tennis court, seafood restaurant... They are crouched everywhere, it's such a good place to stay.

I increased the throttle and galloped over, thinking that there are many zombies in good places, and places with bad environments lack the supplies for survival. It seems that my wish is going to be frustrated. If it doesn't work, it's better to go to the middle of the island.

When passing through the beach, a large group of zombies followed, but their stiff legs could not run through the four wheels of the beach buggy after all, and within three hundred meters, these flies-like living dead were far away.

Maybe it can be divided into several times to lead away all the zombies in the bathing beach, but thinking that the amount of work is too large, I shook my head and gave up.

Driving further forward, a mountain blocked the way. The side facing the sea seemed to have been slashed. The cliff stood steeply, and the waves hit the top of several meters at the foot of the mountain. In order to bypass the mountain, I drove back to the roundabout. highway.

On the side of the highway, there are more than a dozen shops. There is no shortage of shops for renting ATVs along the sea. I walked into the store, filled the ATVs with fuel again, took two more buckets, and placed them on the back seat of the ATV. .

Two adjacent stores are separated by a distance. The next store is a small supermarket. Between rows of shelves, there are five or six zombies swimming.

I weighed the backpack on my back, and it was time to add some supplies. At the same time, it's noon, and it's time to fill the stomach.

I coughed in front of the glass door of the small supermarket. These zombies were immediately disturbed, stumbled, and walked out of the shop.

Leading the zombies to go forward, in a small restaurant, a few more zombies followed, and in a blink of an eye, there were thirty or forty zombies behind Haohao.

I led the group of corpses down the road and saw a culvert under the road. The open channel was about two meters wide and taller than a person. So I took two steps, jumped over, and looked back at the group of corpses.

The zombies seemed to have prey in their two eyes. They thumped without looking at their feet, and fell one by one.

I clapped my hands and was about to go back. I only heard a howl from the depths of the culvert. I took a photo with a flashlight. A night monster was standing in the waist-deep water, ho ho roaring.

Although the red sun was in the sky at this time, when I saw the brutal red eyes of the Night Demon, I still felt my heart hairy and uncomfortable.

Immediately hold the crossbow, press the thumb to open the insurance, and the zombies can leave it alone, but they must be killed when they see the night demon.

These guys are too aggressive, and there seems to be endless energy under the faintly transparent skin.

Tu Tu Tu

The night demon struck a few times in its chest, and it howled wildly and fled into the depths of the culvert. With a few crossbows, the night demon threw on the water and was slowly sent out of the cave by the current. When it saw the sun, it suddenly disappeared in ashes.

I breathed a sigh of relief, returned to the highway, walked into a seafood restaurant, simmered in the kitchen for a while, cooked a pot of scallop seafood porridge, and when the porridge was cooked, I went to the small supermarket to search for some supplies and prepared water and food.

The scallop seafood porridge was fragrant and fragrant. After eating two large bowls, I sat in the store and lit a cigarette to enjoy the afternoon comfortably.

In the doomsday, in a sense, the most important thing is to know how to relax. I think this is even more than how to survive, because the world suddenly becomes completely unrecognizable, and the impulse to the soul is extremely shocking!

How to prevent one's nerves from breaking down is the first problem faced by all survivors.

There was a howl of a corpse outside the door, and a minor female zombie dragged its heels and passed by the door in a rustle. I was motionless, but the zombie didn't notice it. Seeing its lonely back figure drifting away, my heart couldn't help but feel melancholy.

Start the ATV, the scenery on both sides keeps passing by, driving until the evening, seeing half of the sun falling into the sea

Here, swimming thousands of golden lights on the surface of the sea, I still haven't found an ideal foothold.

After driving for a few kilometers, a three-story building appeared alone on the side of the road. It was far away from the prosperous area. The building faced the sea and there were a few coconut trees on the sandy ground in front of the door.

I stopped the beach buggy and walked around in front of the small building. I saw a fishing boat buckled under the coconut tree and a fishing net hanging on a bamboo pole. At this time, there was only a trace of the sunset, and the salty and wet wind blew the treetops. , A quiet place.

I sighed in my heart that the fishermen's family who used to live here saw the blue sea as soon as they left the house. Their life was so poetic and picturesque. Suddenly, there was a howling of a corpse, and a zombie walked out of the door.

The zombie has a high nose and deep eyes, with blond hair. It should be a foreigner who came to play on the island. He didn't know how to swim and entered the house.

Its eyes were dull and ferocious. After I killed it with a bayonet, I walked into the room.

There was a faint musty smell in the main room, and the white walls were slightly bulging. It was just that there was no one living in it for about half a year, but the house seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

I checked every room and finally came to the third floor and walked into a bedroom.

The bedroom was extremely cold, the paint was corroded by penicillium, the white walls were spotted, and a star pictorial that had passed away before the corpse was bleak.

I put down the curtains, dig out a blanket in the closet and hung it on, then turned on the headlamp and placed it on the bedside table as a table lamp.

The battery-mounted lamp head I used before has been discarded. Now this headlamp is charged, and there is a three-shift switch to adjust the brightness, which is much more convenient to use.

I was very tired, but I had no appetite to eat. I lighted a cigarette and lay in a daze. I suddenly felt a pain in my fingers. It turned out that most of the cigarette had burned, and I threw away the cigarette butts in a hurry.

After a long time, I heard a slap downstairs, like the sound of a glass cup falling to the ground and breaking. I was clever and immediately turned off my headlight.

But after the sound, it was quiet for a long time. Only the sound of waves hitting the beach could be heard faintly from outside the window.

"Could it be that the mouse knocked over the glass? Or I closed the doors and windows properly, and the zombies can't get in. If it's a Night Demon, the movement should be bigger."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)