Junk Rat

Chapter 85: radar


I shook the Hou Yi in my hands and shot the crossbow, but I didn't dare to open the door and go downstairs to check. It was in the middle of the night, if it was the night monster, it would be dangerous.

After a while, there was another sound. After a while, there was a scratching sound outside the bedroom door, rustling, not sure of the direction, and not sure of what came out.

My throat was mentioned in my heart, and when I heard two "aims", I suddenly sighed in relief and opened the door to see that it turned out to be a kitten.

The kitten was white all over, without a single hair, and had a beard like a silver needle. The two green cat eyes were full of vigilance, staring at me motionlessly, as if to distinguish whether I was a living or a dead.

I put the headlight on my head, took out a bag of dried fish from my backpack, which was searched from a seafood store, and called the kitten in softly.

This snow-white kitten, chewing delicious dried fish, gradually relaxed his vigilance, and couldn't help rubbing me with his body. Maybe it was the same, but also very lonely, right

I lay down on my skin, stroking its little furry body, feeling its slightly higher body temperature, and I felt a sense of peace in my heart, which had a decompressive effect, and fell asleep unconsciously.

In my sleep, I suddenly stood on a green grass, surrounded by wild flowers fragrant, and bees buzzing busy collecting nectar.

Amidst the beautiful spring scenery, I suddenly saw Alice, Zhou Zi, Wang Teng, Cheng Yongbo, Chen Xiaoxue, Hu Dacheng, Lin Yaxuan, Wu Zeyong and others approaching from a distance.

Seeing so many people at once, my surprise was indescribable, and I hurriedly walked and ran to meet them.

Suddenly, the appearance of these people all changed to the same face, they were all Zhou Xiaoxiao's faces. I stopped abruptly and suddenly froze.

At this moment, my arm tightened, and I suddenly woke up. It turned out that the little white cat bit my sleeve and couldn't help pulling it.

"What's wrong? Cat."

The palpitations in my dream have not gone, but seeing the little white cat standing on its back and looking irritable, it also became alert. The cat is a walker in the night. Did it perceive any danger

I grabbed the Hou Yi on the pillow and shot the crossbow, opened the insurance, and listened attentively, but there was silence in my ears, and I heard nothing.

"Are you too nervous?" I comforted the little white cat softly, stroking it upright with one hand, and suddenly

With a crash, the glass in the next room next to the corridor was suddenly broken.

I was startled, I quickly turned off my headlights, picked up Xiao Bai, and shrank into the corner of the wall.

There was another clatter, glass shards splashed, and the window glass in my bedroom was also broken!

In the darkness, a big hand like a steel claw came in and pulled off the curtain a few times. Under the melting moonlight, a face that belonged to the night demon was revealed!

My heart bounced wildly, and for a while, I couldn't make up my mind about whether to kill the night monsters, for fear that the sound of the attack might attract more night monsters.

I saw the night demon grasping the iron bars on the window with both hands and swaying fiercely. The steel bar with the thick thumb was slammed by it.

This devil, did he perceive someone in the bedroom? It’s still full of energy, what to look for, how can you compete with the window strips

At this time, there was no time to think about it. With a soft click, I gently opened the knife on Houyi's sun-shooting crossbow, and suddenly rushed forward, and a bayonet plunged into the eye socket of the night demon.

Withdrawing the knife, the night demon's body slipped and fell under the window. I sighed for a long breath, only to realize that there was cold sweat on the palms of my forehead and palm.

"Kitten, you have done a great job!"

I touched the kitty's furry head and thought, "Give the cat a name, um, it actually sensed the arrival of the Night Demon in advance! It's like a radar warning of an enemy plane, OK, let's call it radar."

The kitten stretched out her thin pink tongue and added to the palm of my hand, seemingly satisfied with the name Radar.

An hour later, the corpse of the night demon quickly carbonized with the newborn sun, turning into a blackened scorched corpse, kicked with a foot, and was wiped out in ashes.

I put on my backpack, unzipped the zipper on my chest, and put the radar in. This little thing stayed obediently, very satisfied with the arrangement. Meow yelled in two colors, seeming to find an ideal comfort zone.

When I got out of the small building, I drove an ATV to move on. At noon, I saw the mountains facing the sea, and a small coastal town appeared in front of me.

I was thinking about the danger and unpredictable passing through the town in broad daylight. Who knew that when I climbed onto a soil slope and observed with a telescope, there were very few living dead in the limited seven or eight streets of the town.

With long legs on zombies, where these unconscious guys want to swim, just

It’s God, and it’s impossible to know.

I didn’t care. I drove an ATV into the town. There were many shops selling dried seafood on both sides of the street. I recalled the fragrance of yesterday’s scallop porridge, so I stopped in front of a big shop and got off the car. Go in and get a few packages of dry goods.

The shop was empty, and behind a row of shelves, two corpses fell on the ground, and a large pool of black blood flowed. Flies flew around the corpses, smelling rancid.

"Change a store, change a store." I covered my nose and hurriedly backed out.

In the shop next door, all kinds of dried seafood in bags were scattered everywhere. I took a large plastic bag, picked it up and stuffed it indiscriminately. Before entering the shop, I saw zombies at the end of the street. Here, although the number is not large, it would be quite dangerous if they were jammed in the shop.

Suddenly, Radar stood upright in my arms, his head stretched out of his clothes, and he stared at the small door of the store closely, with his hair on his back standing upright, as if he had foreseen the arrival of the night monster last night.

I shook my heart, guardingly walked to the door, reached out my hand to hold the doorknob, yanked it open, then jumped aside and prepared with the crossbow.

With a scream, there was a three-point sorrow in the voice, and a night demon swooped out. I put my index finger on the mechanism before I started, and the night demon was already scorched.

The store's backing, this high-pitched howl, caused the valley to respond, and the wailing sound echoed, and a strong wind blew and murmured.

I only felt the creeps for a while, and the thoughts I had left behind were all dismissed at this time.

In a town, the wind is horrible everywhere, and the corpses are stinking, which is really not an ideal place to stay. I quickly got on the ATV and rushed out of the town.

After driving for more than ten miles, another pile of abandoned vehicles blocked the road. After going around, I saw a fork on the side of the road. A billboard read: Hole in the sky, overlooking the lakes and mountains, knowing how to appreciate nature, it is a kind of enjoyment.

The following row of small prints: Bishuiwan Villa, enter here.

The billboard is exquisitely made, a *** lying on the shore of the green grassy lake, behind it are several villas in an orderly style and stylish style.

The radar noticed that the ATV was not moving, and leaned out of my arms. I patted its little furry head and said to myself: "Why don't you go in and take a look?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)