Junk Rat

Chapter 87: Civilization disappeared


I nodded: "The devil came here, my surname is Zhan, and my name is Zhan Xiaoqiang."

Zhang Guangxiong smiled bitterly: "I look forward to leaving this island of the dead every day, why did you come here eagerly?"

I smiled: "You don't know the blessing in the blessing. The air on the island is at least good."

Zhang Guangxiong was silent, and after a while he asked, "Where do you live now?"

"Bishuiwan." I said, "It's a good place. Come here too. Everyone can take care of each other."

Zhang Guangxiong suddenly stood up solemnly: "Oh, Zhan Xiaoqiang, I advise you not to live there."

I was a little surprised: "Why? It's good there."


I sneered, picked up a crab and threw it into the net bag: "If there is a place to live, what auspiciousness and bad luck?"

"Don't believe it..."

Zhang Guangxiong said with a serious face: "What is Clearwater Bay? It used to be called Deadman's Bay. Did you know that Deadman's Bay? It's mass graves. In the past, older generations passed away, and their children and grandchildren had no money to bury them. Buried in the bay, if it’s a child, it’s even simpler, without digging a hole."

I hummed: "No wonder only two villas are sold."

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Only those two were bought by outsiders, locals, huh, who bought them?"

I disapproved of it: "These are old sayings you are talking about. The villa is in a good location and very hidden. Are you really planning to come over?"

Zhang Guangxiong's head shook like a rattle: "If you don't go or go, I advise you not to go back. There is a small fishing village over there, or you can go to my place."

At this time, the crab was almost caught. I stretched my waist and said, "Okay, it's okay to go and take a look."

"Not to look, but to stay."

"Look and talk."

I started the ATV, Zhang Guangxiong sat in the back seat and drove in the direction he came.

I haven't explored this area yet. After driving the ATV for more than an hour, the beach in front of it was rocky and the ATV was unable to pass.

Zhang Guangxiong jumped out of the car and said, "Just leave the car here, no one has stolen it anyway."

I suddenly remembered something and asked him: "I saw a person in Yongan Town, is that person you?"

Zhang Guangxiong smiled and said, "It's me."

I said: "Then what else are you running?"

Zhang Guangxiong said: "At that time, I was not

Are you still scared? "

I said, "Are you not afraid now?"

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Later, I saw you several times in the small town and found that you are also a person like me, so of course I am not afraid."

"Why didn't I see you?"

"I'm hiding it." Zhang Guangxiong said triumphantly.

The two of them were walking and talking, suddenly there was a howling of corpses, and four or five zombies came out behind a large rock next to them.

Zhang Guangxiong was shocked by surprise, and fled.

There was also a hydrological observatory on the rocky beach. He fled in and waved at me: "Zhan Xiaoqiang, come in and hide!"

I thought to myself: "This old man is the same as Hu Dacheng's method of dealing with zombies, he just slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet."

I drew out the spike weapon and killed two. Turning his head and shouting at Zhang Guangxiong: "Aren't there just a few zombies? Are you afraid too?"

Zhang Guangxiong pointed behind me: "Don't kill her!"

"What are you doing so surprised?"

I turned my head back, and a white-haired female corpse was already approaching. At this moment, the arrow was on the string and I had to send it. He stabbed it and plunged it into the eye socket. Before he could draw the knife, he only heard Zhang Guangxiong wailing: "Mom! That's... That's..."

My heart was tight: "This is Zhang Guangxiong's mother? He just ran away, not because he was afraid, but because he saw his relatives?"

After killing the remaining two zombies, Zhang Guangxiong walked over one step at a time, knelt beside the female corpse, staying still for a long time.

I patted Zhang Guangxiong on the shoulder: "Brother, I... It was too late."

Tears flickered in Zhang Guangxiong's eyes, and he sighed: "My mother is alive and will thank you. In fact, I, I... It's just a few times and I can't get it."

Zhang Guangxiong and I picked up rubbish rocks and buried his mother. We knocked three heads and stood up, only to see Zhang Guangxiong staring at the sea for a long time.

I thought to myself: "He is overly sad." Said: "It's great to live on an island. You can see the sea as soon as you open your eyes, and you can't escape.

Zhang Guangxiong shook his head: "I'm looking at the benchmark."

I followed his gaze. There is a stone pillar standing on the coast, the surface of the stone pillar is mottled, and the scale on it is blurred.

"What's so interesting?" I asked curiously.

"The sea is submerged to 10 meters." Zhang Guangxiong was expressionless.


"So what?" I became more curious.

Zhang Guangxiong looked at me sideways, then turned his gaze back to staring at the goal pole, and slowly said, "I have lived on Hengsha Island for more than 40 years. Even when the tide was high, the seawater was only 8 meters deep. ."

I was slightly surprised: "You remembered correctly."

Zhang Guangxiong nodded affirmatively: "Of course I remembered it correctly, how could I remember it wrong?"

I frowned, wondering if this meant that the sea level was raised by at least two meters? But then he shook his head: "It's impossible. The sea level has risen by two meters. How big an environmental problem has to happen?"

Zhang Guangxiong said: "What's impossible? Even people can eat people."

I was stunned: "Yes, the end can happen, what else is incredible?"

Zhang Guangxiong said: "You said that one day, if the flood water will flood all the land, we will cut off our children and grandchildren."

I pondered: "In a sense, civilization will disappear."

Zhang Guangxiong looked at me inexplicably: "I'm talking about people."

I smiled bitterly: "I'm talking about human beings. Without human beings, there would be no civilization."

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Civilization will also disappear?"

I nodded: "Yes, we are now living in a moment when civilization disappears. Many things we do now are also slowly disappearing."

Zhang Guangxiong scratched his head: "Then civilization will disappear cleanly. Without the civilization you mentioned, what will happen?"

I slowly said: "That person is not a person anymore."

Zhang Guangxiong pointed to several other zombies: "Just like them?"

I nodded: "In a sense, yes."

Zhang Guangxiong didn't understand what I was saying, and was at a loss. He knelt down and knocked three heads at his mother and said, "Let's go."

I walked forward side by side with Zhang Guangxiong, but thoughts were ups and downs in my heart: "If the sea level really rises by two meters, what kind of power beyond human imagination can we achieve it

"Maybe only nature has such power. Before the end, the melting of Arctic glaciers has caused the sea level to rise by six meters?"

Zhang Guangxiong saw me being silent all the way, and asked: "What are you thinking?"

I said: "In the past, the news said that if the Antarctic glaciers all melt, the global sea level will rise by about 60 meters."

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)