Junk Rat

Chapter 88: Don't think so much


Zhang Guangxiong said: "South Pole? What kind of South Pole? Where is the South Pole?"

I smiled: "On the south side of the earth."

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Far from me?"

I said, "It's not far away. If you stand at the North Pole, you are all in the south."

Zhang Guangxiong said: "I still don't understand. What does this have to do with me?"

I said: "The relationship is big, let alone Hengsha Island will be submerged, the demons will be submerged, and the entire Xizhou will no longer exist."

Zhang Guangxiong stayed for a while, looked at me and said, "The sea has risen, I think there is actually another possibility."

Hearing that Zhang Guangxiong, who couldn't know a few big characters, had another unique insight, I wondered: "What else is possible?"

Zhang Guangxiong said: "We are sinking into the bottom of the sea in the east of He Guo."

I smiled, knocked on my forehead and said, "Well, Japan is a country prone to earthquakes. If there is a big earthquake, this is also possible, but I don’t know how fierce a tsunami will be, and the sea level is not so calm. Uplifted."

Zhang Guangxiong saw that I was fascinated, and he patted my hand: "What do you want to do so much? If you want me to say it, that's good."

I said hey: "Yes, what do we think so much, we just guessed."

Zhang Guangxiong pointed to a forest by the sea: "Here."

The two of them walked through the woods, and there was a deserted farmland in front of them. There were more than a dozen households with weeds that were as tall as half a person.

Zhang Guangxiong pointed to a two-story building: "I live there."

"You say-home?"

Zhang Guangxiong nodded: "Well, that's my house."

Two zombies walked out of the weeds, and I took up my weapon and solved it easily.

Zhang Guangxiong's face was unbearable, and he sighed and said, "Oh, I used to be from the village folks."

I said: "You can't bear it, be careful to hurt them sooner or later."

Zhang Guangxiong asked: "Why don't you do it?"

I said: "One is that I am afraid of attracting zombies again, and the other is that Hengsha Island is just a small island. I am worried that I will run out of crossbow arrows and there is no place to add."

The battle at the dock and the battle at Coconut Grove when I went to the island cost most of the crossbow arrows I fired at Houyi, and now there are only forty-three rounds left.

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Who says you can't find a place to add, there is a place in Hengsha County, I'm afraid you won't dare to go."

"Really? Where is Hengsha County? How to get there?" I asked quickly.

Zhang Guangxiong took out the key, opened the door, and said, "It's in the middle of the island, but I advise you to die. There are many zombies in the county."

When I walked into the hall, I saw a mess, the whole family was dead, and Zhang Guangxiong was left alone. He was in no mood to clean up if he wanted to come.

However, Zhang Guangxiong's cooking skills are good. The braised crabs and steamed crabs are very delicious. I shook my arms and my belly button was bulging.

On the second day after returning to Bishuiwan Villa, I set out to go to Hengsha County. Crossbow arrows are the guarantee for survival. If you are not prepared enough, you will always have no bottom in your heart.

Isn't there an old saying that says that? There is food at home, so I don't panic.

Zhang Guangxiong promised the guide to take me from the small road to the outskirts of Hengsha County. The two agreed to get him a crossbow and at least 100 crossbow arrows as a reward.

I followed Zhang Guangxiong over three or four hills, walked in the valley until noon, and climbed onto a small hill. I saw a basin in the middle of the hills, where Hengsha County was located.

Standing on the top of the mountain, the county town is not too large, but the streets are bustling with zombies. There are many tall buildings in the city, and its prosperity is not inferior to the magic capital.

Zhang Guangxiong said: "Brother Xiaoqiang, have you really decided? Let me remind you once again. Although Hengsha County has a population of only over 20,000, there are many tourists coming from all over the world, hehe, I am afraid there are many times more people than the people in the county."

I smiled, pretending to be relaxed and said: "Did not I also survive a metropolis with a population of more than 20 million people?"

Zhang Guangxiong shook his head and pointed to a farm house on the hill: "I will wait for you in the house for three days. If you don't come back after three days, I will go back."

Tight on my shoulders

Houyi shot the crossbow belt of the sun crossbow and said, "Okay, that's it."

Zhang Guangxiong took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and said, "This is a sketch I drew. You have to be careful. It's the center of the county."

I took the sketch and strode down the mountain. When I reached the foot of the mountain, a river was flowing around the city, green willows on both sides were like smoke, and the river was misty.

Zhang Guangxiong wrote in three words crookedly in his sketch, which is "Jumahe". Because of the big river's obstruction, a few zombies were not visible here.

It was still early, I squatted in the grass by the river, lit a cigarette, and waited patiently for the night to come.

With the density of zombies in Hengsha County, entering the city during the day is equivalent to looking for death. Although there are night monsters at night, there are not many night monsters, and there is still one. It may not be such a bad luck, and it will be a fluke.

The waiting time always seemed very long. I was bored and saw an abandoned courtyard not far away, so I wandered over.

I pushed open the decayed wooden door and walked into the yard. I saw that a century of time had eroded the exaggerated colored glaze of the eaves of the ancient temple, collapsed sections of vermilion high walls, and the weeds and vines everywhere were luxuriant and comfortable.

I saw the old locust tree on the side of the altar becoming more and more desolate and desolate in the heart of the earth. It stood there day and night, from when I was not born until when I was no longer in this world.

After smoking half a pack of cigarettes intermittently, the sun finally set behind the mountain. After waiting for a while, the sky became darker, and within ten paces, the appearance of people could not be seen clearly.

I lifted Hou Yi to shoot the crossbow and crossed the Juma River, which is wide and not deep. The center of the river just flooded my neck.

As night fell, the howling of the living dead was not as loud as during the day.

I detonated a few cars at the intersection of entering the city, a large group of zombies were drawn out, and the county was empty, making it easier to move.

Sneaking into the county from another small road, I saw broken doors and windows of merchants along the street, car jams on the road, and black shadows of zombies everywhere, a strong wind blew, and the advertising cloth above my head was rustling.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)