Junk Rat

Chapter 89: Molotov cocktail


The headlights on my head have been adjusted to the weakest third gear, and I put on another layer of black cloth and walked tremblingly among the corpses.

Passing through two streets, a group of zombies rushed into the black at the intersection ahead. The group was attracted by the soaring flames of cars burning at the intersection of the county seat, and they were rushing there on a "pilgrimage".

I opened the door of a van and hid it in.

Across a car window glass, a crowd of corpses rushed by like a tide, you pushed me and squeezed, and the van swayed from side to side.

More and more zombies came from behind, all moving in one direction. Many vehicles made creaking noises and were pushed away from their original positions.

I was holding a handful of cold sweat on both palms, and I didn't expect that there were so many living dead, and my heart seemed to be so tight that the van should never be overthrown.

Murphy's law, what you are afraid of, it really comes from. The body shook suddenly and violently, and the van rolled over with a bang.

But fortunately, the window glass of the upturned side is still intact. After a long time, the group of corpses finally came to an end.

I sighed, smashed the window glass, climbed out of the van, and after stepping on the zombies, a mess of places crossed the intersection. I saw the stars in the sky flashing and flashing, which seemed to panic for me.

I crossed two horizontal streets again. Because of the high-rise buildings, the fire at the gate of the county could not reach here. The street in front of me was completely dark, and only the headlight above my head gave off a faint light.

Jumping over the roofs of several abandoned cars, and walking a dozen steps forward, suddenly there were two bangs, and two fires burst into the sky!

The zombies on a street were startled at first, er, yelling, and surrounded from all directions.

I was taken aback and killed four zombies one after another, and rushed into the roadside hotel.

There was another bang behind me, and the fire became more blazing. I looked back in my busy schedule. In a window of the tall building opposite, someone was throwing a Molotov cocktail.

I was surprised and angry, the angry

This person is obviously coming at me.

To my surprise, I didn’t expect that there were still alive people in this county town like a corpse nest, but I just entered the county town, so who did I provoke

At this moment of life and death, it was too late to think carefully. I ran up the hotel’s red-carpeted stairs. Just now I saw that the window where the Molotov cocktail was thrown seemed to be on the fourth floor. who is it.

Fleeing to the third floor, eight or nine zombies blocked the entrance of the building. I killed two with a weapon. A person suddenly rushed upstairs, waving a spear with both hands to help me kill the remaining zombies.

Who is this person? I wiped the sweat off my face and cried out in surprise: "Hu Dacheng!"

Hu Dacheng smiled and said, "Xiaoqiang, it's really you. Come upstairs with me."

I followed Hu Dacheng up to the fifth floor and walked into a guest room facing the street. The window of the guest room was covered with a thick blanket. Hu Dacheng closed the door and said, "Lin Yaxuan is the one who threw the Molotov cocktail at you."

I said "Ah", surprised, and asked: "Why did she throw me Molotov cocktail?"

Hu Dacheng said: "It goes without saying that she must treat you as me."

I did not say angrily: "You two are doing it again."

Hu Dacheng chuckled, and said gloomily: "This little fairy, I now find that playing with her is getting more and more exciting."

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

Hu Dacheng said, "You and Lin Yaxuan fell down the ridge that day, and I ran away from the other side, and I was not familiar with the road conditions. After dark, the lights were blind and I entered the county town without knowing why."

"And then?" I was in shock at this moment, took out a cigarette, and lighted one to suppress my shock.

Hu Dacheng didn't need to disperse my cigarette, so he smoked a cigarette and continued: "When I found out that the county town was full of zombies, thinking about the same danger when I went out of town, I stayed in a hotel."

"Later I thought, you and Lin Yaxuan were definitely not dead, so they were born on the hotel rooftop during the day.

Fire, I hope you will find fireworks if you see them. "

I understood in my heart: "Hu Dacheng only lighted a fire during the day. He was worried that lighting a fire at night would attract night demons. It was different during the day. Although the zombies saw the fireworks, they couldn't find the door."

Hu Dacheng continued: "Who knew you didn't come, but attracted a girl, seventeen or eighteen years old..."

I snorted, "Hu Dacheng, have you done ethical things again?"

"What happened later?" I snorted. "You won't die sooner or later."

Hu Dacheng didn't take it seriously: "So, later that night, who knew Lin Yaxuan would hit the door, hey, that little goblin was really vicious, if I didn't escape fast, the pipa bone would be broken for her."

"After she saved the girl, the two of them stayed opposite each other..."

I thought to myself: "Why doesn't Lin Yaxuan change places." But then I understood, "Lin Yaxuan wants revenge, just waiting for Hu Dacheng to find it again and throwing himself into the net."

Sure enough, I heard Hu Dacheng continue: "The little fairy knew that I would definitely come back. Actually, I didn't escape too far, so I kept hiding here, waiting for the opportunity to catch her again. Haha!"

Hu Dacheng laughed wildly, then remembered and asked me: "Xiaoqiang, why did you find it too?"

When I talked about my purpose, Hu Dacheng salivated: "Xiaoqiang, shall I go with you? I have only one crossbow arrow left on the crossbow in my hand."

I snorted: "I will get angry when I see you."

Hu Dacheng grinned, twisting the three strands of long hair on the mole, and said with a slick face: "Xiaoqiang, there are a lot of zombies in this city, one more person, one more effort."

I glanced at him: "Why is there only one crossbow arrow left?"

Hu Dacheng suddenly changed his expression, put away his smile, and said, "I keep this crossbow arrow for myself." When he said this, he changed from the usual slickness, and his tone was full of desolation.

I was silent for a while: "What's the girl's name? Is it a local or a tourist from outside?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)