Junk Rat

Chapter 9: New weapons


The sunlight from the skylights of the dome also weakened when it penetrated into the roast duck restaurant, and the back of the shop was even more dim. The limited light made it possible to see everything but not everything.

I thought to myself that I didn't eat breakfast, and after searching the roast duck restaurant, I would take a rest and eat, knocking on the table with the back of a knife, and alarming the zombies to appear automatically.

The zombies have no IQ. As long as they hear the noise, they will howl, uh, uh, there is a group of silence in the shop, and it seems that there is no "person".

Pushing open the door of a box room, by surprise, a black shadow rushed out, because I thought that there were no zombies in the store. Face up to the sky.

The zombie rushed down, and I stabbed with a sharp knife.

But this fatal injury to ordinary people is of no use to the living dead. The zombie has a pair of big hands like steel claws, pressed firmly on my shoulder, opened the big mouth exposing the back teeth, and bit it down.

I screamed, let go of the handle of the knife, pinched the neck of the zombie with both hands, and pushed it away hard, the palm of my hand was wet, and a bloody smell was smelled in my nose.

Unexpected things really don't happen all the time. Who would have expected such a "dumb" zombie to be encountered suddenly

I tried my best to prevent the zombie’s stinky mouth dripping with black blood from approaching, but my arms became more and more difficult, and I insisted on a cigarette.

Kung Fu gradually became numb.

The torch fell to one side, and I forcefully freed up one hand, grabbed the torch to shine in the eyes of the zombie, but this trick didn’t work, the zombie’s white Sensen’s teeth came closer, pressing my other arm. , The bones and joints rattle.

The fear of death made the desire to survive even stronger. I stuffed the flashlight into the zombie's mouth, then raised the remaining strength of my whole body, kicked the zombie away, and immediately rolled away.

The zombies staggered to their feet. I don't know where these cannibal demons have such great strength. My arms and hands were so weak that I couldn't lift them up, so I had to circle the long table in the hall and circulate with the zombies.

Fortunately, these demons are not as flexible as humans! I dodge, while wiping cold sweat with emotion.

In this way, the numbness of my arms gradually receded. I stood still, bent down slightly, and was on guard, ready to turn around and flee at any time.

When the zombie approached, he suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the handle of the knife, pulled it out, and jumped to the long table in one step.

The weapon returned to my hand, and the courage bulged up again, I rounded my arm and hit it down with a vengeance.

I took a few breaths, walked into the back kitchen of the roast duck restaurant, lit the gas stove, washed rice and made a pot of rice.

I opened the disinfection cabinet and saw that a few ducks were smeared with thick sauce on the inside and outside. When I mentioned it, the sauce had antiseptic effect, and the ducks hadn’t

When the smell changed, another gas stove was ignited and grilled.

Filling my stomach, I felt a little tired, so I opened two cans of Red Bull, half-lying on the sofa in a box, drinking slowly, anyway, not in a hurry.

This afternoon, I regained a total of twelve stores. These stores vary in size and size. Approaching the evening, return to the private room of the roast duck restaurant for the night.

The night was deep, and the stern corpse howls faintly muffled in the empty hall, and the feeling of helplessness in loneliness was like a heavy stone in my heart.

It was the southern mall that was recovered yesterday, and today I continue to search for the eastern mall. The east mall is all sporting goods. I was overjoyed that there is a weapon store in the mall.

There are various types of weapons, and there are rows of dazzling arrays. I picked up a longbow and tried an arrow. It felt that the power was not very strong.

Suddenly saw a box in the lower row of the container locked, and opened it to see that there were some books and instructions for bow and arrow use. After pulling out the pile of debris, a snakeskin bag was exposed.

When I lifted the bag, it felt heavy. When I dragged it out, there were four crossbows inside. The dark body of the crossbow was so dark that it did not reflect light. I knew it was not a common product.

My eyes lit up and I caught a short crossbow.

I looked at the crossbow and stroked its cold-textured crossbow body, the joy in my heart couldn't be said.

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)