Junk Rat

Chapter 91: The flies see blood


I picked up Hou Yi and shot the sun crossbow, ejected the knife, Hu Dacheng straightened his spear, greeted the two women, and ran towards the end of the street together.

There are a lot of dead people on the road, we try to avoid them, otherwise, as long as we stop and fight, we will be surrounded by layers, even if we have three heads and six arms at that time, I am afraid it will be hard to escape.

Hu Dacheng said that the number of zombies was less than usual. It must be the fire I had at the intersection of the county last night, which played a role.

Hu Dacheng and I took the lead, Lin Yaxuan and Hu Xiaoyun followed, and the four of them crossed a street again, followed by hundreds of zombies, messy, like a group of flies that couldn't be driven away.

At this moment, there was a howling in front, and a large group of zombies turned out at the intersection on the left, densely packed with the pupils of the four people.

"Xiaoqiang, Xiaoqiang." Hu Dacheng's voice seemed very urgent, "most of us can't rush over."

I killed a zombie with a bayonet, and shouted: "If you open the bow without turning back the arrow, you will win if you rush over!"

A street sign stood at the intersection with the word Feiyun on it. According to the sketch drawn by Zhang Guangxiong, Feiyun Road used to be Tiansha Road.

Lin Yaxuan held a cold moon, and Hu Xiaoyun held a short sword in his hand. The two of them struggled to kill, and they had already joined the battle group.

Regardless of Hu Xiaoyun's young age, he was bold enough to make shots. People who can live in this world to this day are brave people. If you are not brave, no one will be brave for you.

The four were close together, covering each other. But this short distance is an insurmountable gap at this time.

I held my bayonet upright, swiped it twice, and stabbed a zombie. Suddenly, I heard Hu Dacheng yell: "Lin Yaxuan, do you still have crossbow arrows in your crossbow? Help me!"

When I looked back, I realized that the four of them had been separated by a group of corpses.

Hu Dacheng stuck his back on a double-decker bus and resisted a dozen zombies alone. His spear was not conducive to close combat. The zombies rushed forward and had to kick with their feet. The situation was already precarious.

Lin Yaxuan and Hu Xiaoyun's situation is not much better, they are back to back, surrounded by a group of zombies.

Just listen to Lin Yaxuan shouting: "What more? Just a crossbow arrow, I left it for myself!" As he said, he tried hard to lean towards Hu Dacheng, but the group of corpses pressed hard, and suddenly, where did they rush

Got it

"Xiaoqiang!" Hu Dacheng yelled at me again, "Brother, I call you my grandfather, please help!"

The group of corpses spread their teeth and danced their claws, and they were extremely excited, as if a jackal smelled blood.

I know that once I do it, it will only attract more zombies, but at this moment of life and death, the eyebrows are burnt, and I have to take one step and count one step.

I picked up Hou Yi and fired the sun crossbow, and fired a few short shots. First, I solved Hu Dacheng's urgent need, and then rushed to the corpse group that surrounded Lin Yaxuan and Hu Xiaoyun. Retreat to the double-decker bus.

"Get in the car! Get in the car!"

The continuous sound of attacks had already alarmed the zombies on the Tiansha Road that swarmed over, and there was only this way to go in front of them.

Hu Dacheng was bloodied and got into the car first, followed by Lin Yaxuan and Hu Xiaoyun.

The corpses were howling together, and Ullala surrounded them. No matter how many times the brave people had gone through many battles, every time they faced such a scene, they couldn't help but feel hairy in their hearts.

Because no matter how inconspicuous wounds are, they will be fatal!

As soon as I got into the car, I yanked the door of the bus with both hands, trying to shut the group of corpses out of the car.

Hu Dacheng shouted: "Go to the upper floors!"

The four people swarmed to the upper floor again, and Hu Dacheng turned around and stood at the top of the stairs, constantly stabbing down with his spears.

The stairs were narrow. After the corpses reached the first floor of the carriage, they pushed each other and squeezed into a ball. It was not easy to climb up, and only one person could hold them.

But when the group of corpses saw the living people, they had no reason to give up, and Hu Dacheng cried out: "Think of a way, my hands are almost numb."

I raised my head and said, "Get on the roof." Standing on the chair, I pushed it with my hand, and the sunroof above my head could not be opened by half a foot, and I couldn't open it. I was firmly pulled by two steel bars.

No way, the sunroof design of the double-decker bus is like this.

But at this time, the problem was solved, and only Hu Dacheng yelled: "Mother, it's finally safe!"

I jumped over and saw that after Hu Dacheng killed more than a dozen zombies, the corpses blocked the stairs. The zombies had no IQ and didn't know how to open the corpses to make room, so they couldn't get up.

I took a long breath and pulled Hu Dacheng away from the entrance of the building, and said in a low voice, "Don't let you see it, you will slowly get away."

Hu Dacheng wiped the sweat on his forehead, and sat down, "But we were stuck in the car and couldn't get off."

I said: "Wait until the night, when the zombies are scattered, we will jump the window again and sneak away."

Lin Yaxuan said, "I can't see anything at night. What if I bump into a zombie?" She shrank, "Oh, when I think of their cold bodies, there is a layer of goose bumps on my body."

Hu Dacheng said: "It doesn't matter if you just touch it, because you're afraid of being blinded by the black light. Just take a bite and grab a claw and it's done."

I said, "I have an idea, I'm afraid you... That, disgusting."

Hu Dacheng and the three looked at each other, then looked at me together: "What's the idea?"

Without blinking my eyes, I said, "Smear the rotting blood of the zombies on the clothes."

Lin Yaxuan and Hu Xiaoyun both showed disgust. Lin Yaxuan said, "It's really disgusting."

Hu Dacheng was silent for a while, habitually twisting his three strands of long hair, and asked: "Xiaoqiang, don't bluff, this will work?"

"it works!"

Hu Dacheng asked: "How do you know?"

I said, "Because I tried it twice."

Lin Yaxuan gasped, "I won't do that if I kill him."

I said indifferently: "It's dead or disgusting, you choose it yourself."

Although I have a nonchalant expression, when I think of the rotten abscesses, smelly green flesh and blood of the living dead, I really don't want to do that again if there are some other methods.

And in fact, I dare not guarantee that this method will be foolproof. It's okay when the corpse group is quiet, but if something unexpected happens and riots, and the living dead scratch and bite, it may leave a wound on the body.

There was a moment of silence in the car, half payment, and Hu Xiaoyun said, "Isn't it still early before dark, before the time..." He looked at me, "Brother Xiaoqiang, shall we decide according to the situation?"

I nodded, but saw Hu Xiaoyun put down the backpack on his back, opened the zipper and took out a black tool box. When I opened it, it was full of tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, and small wrenches.

I wondered: "What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)