Junk Rat

Chapter 92: Disappeared out of thin air


Hu Xiaoyun looked to the roof of the car: "Unload the sunroof."

"Unload the sunroof? Do you want to get on the roof?" Seeing Hu Xiaoyun nodded, Hu Dacheng curled his lips, "What are you doing on the roof, conspiracy?"

Hu Xiaoyun said: "Always leave a way for yourself, it will always be good."

At this moment, I began to look at Hu Xiaoyun, who was ugly and slender in shape, in a different light. Apart from anything else, I didn't expect to prepare a set of such tools for the standing items in my backpack.

"Let me do it."

I stood up, took the wrench and screwdriver in Hu Xiaoyun's hand, removed the sunroof cover, and asked, "You girl, how did you think of preparing tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches?"

Hu Xiaoyun smiled indifferently and looked out of the car window: "The living dead below will not be merciful and refuse to eat me just because I am a girl."

Hu Xiaoyun's face was dark and her smile was shy, but there was another kind of beauty in her smile.

Hu Dacheng disapproved of Hu Xiaoyun's actions, but did not expect that a few hours later, the lifted skylight opened an escape door for us.

The four of them stayed on the double-decker bus until it was dark, and the surrounding zombies were scattered a lot. I raised Houyi to shoot the crossbow, unloaded the quiver for inspection, and consumed more than 20 crossbow arrows during the day. , There are only four crossbow arrows.

Hu Dacheng said, "When you get to the county seat, you don't have to worry about crossbow arrows."

As soon as he landed with the word "L", the double-decker bus suddenly shook slightly, and immediately after a few sounds of "Awk", the four of us looked at each other, our expressions changed drastically, and we all heard that a night demon had entered the lower compartment.

"Quick, get on the roof!" With a wave of my hand, I only heard a few muffled noises in the lower carriage. It seemed that the night demon lifted the zombie corpse on the stairs and threw it aside to get up to the second carriage.

Four people climbed to the roof of the car, I gently put down the sunroof cover, looked at Hu Xiaoyun, and thought:

"If this girl hadn't been thoughtful, we wouldn't be able to avoid the night demon. Just smash the car

It was too late to hang the window glass on the roof of the car. What's more, as soon as the car window was smashed, the night demon heard movement. "

Then I thought: "Hu Xiaoyun is not stupid, why did he fall into Hu Dacheng's hands not long ago? Well, it should be a girl who is clever but can't see through the human heart of the adult world."

I looked through the gap in the lid, whirred a few times, and five or six black shadows jumped up, turning back and forth, and found no one.

With a bang, a night demon smashed the glass of the front car, and these night demon jumped down one after another, and walked cleanly, leaving an empty carriage.

Hu Dacheng touched his head: "How strong is it? If this claw hits my head, even ten Hu Dacheng will not want to live."

This night, the dark blue night sky was full of stars, but the moon was not visible. The four of us heard the terrible roar of the night demon turning around the street before hoisting them back into the carriage one by one.

Lin Yaxuan said, "Sister Xiaoyun, thanks to you." The tone was really affectionate.

I was stunned. Does Lin Yaxuan want to win Hu Xiaoyun and deal with Hu Dacheng together? Pulling Hu Xiaoyun: "Follow me." Walked towards the stairs.

Going down the stairs, there were still a few zombies stranded in the first-floor carriage. I put on my headlights and killed them one by one with weapons. He whispered: "The torches in your three hands shouldn't be turned on."

The island in April, the breeze is breezy, and the black shadows on the road are really "three steps and one post, five steps and one guard".

I walked carefully in front, leading the three people through the corpse group, and when I couldn't get around, I stabbed the zombies blocking the road.

At this time, when you start, you must be steady, accurate, and ruthless to prevent the zombies from howling. Hold the corpse again and place it gently on the ground.

Walking out of a hundred meters in this way, he arrived at the door with surprise and no danger. Looking in from the telescopic door, four or five buildings stood in the dark courtyard.

We turned over one by one, thinking that the retractable door blocked the corpse group, but there were no zombies inside.

Lin Yaxuan checked the various gates with a flashlight, and pointed to the last building: "The weapon depot seems to be there."

The four people walked over and saw that the building in front of them was a bit weird. The three-story building, with a large iron door, and every window with iron bars, looked like a building.

I opened the door and went in. There was a deep corridor in front of me. When I walked forward with a flashlight, I saw rooms on both sides of the corridor. It was really a damn building.

This old building is so gloomy, I really don't want to stay longer.

On the second floor, it was the boss's warehouse. There were piles of cardboard boxes in the warehouse, which were two meters high. Crisscross and neatly arranged.

I tore open several boxes one after another, and saw that it was either a top tent, a box of candles, or masks, etc. It seemed that this was a warehouse for emergency supplies.

I turned around and was about to say: "Go and see on the third floor." Suddenly, I realized that Lin Yaxuan and Hu Dacheng had disappeared.

"What about people?" I asked Hu Xiaoyun.

Hu Xiaoyun was also at a loss, and said, "What's the matter? When did the two of them disappear?" I asked her, but she asked me instead.

Hearing Hu Xiaoyun's voice was full of panic, I was already faintly disturbed, but this time I felt even more weird and said:

"These two guys, don't say a word where they are going." But he thought in his heart, "Is Lin Yaxuan impatient and started on Hu Dacheng? Or why didn't he hear a little movement, and the two disappeared inexplicably?"

Hu Xiaoyun folded her hands in front of her mouth and yelled softly: "Sister Xiaoya, Sister Xiaoya."

The huge warehouse was completely silent, and Hu Dacheng and Lin Yaxuan seemed to have suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

I was uncomfortable, and Hu Xiaoyun was about to leave the warehouse when there was a loud noise, and the door opened wide.

Four black shadows rushed into the warehouse, rushing eastward and then westward, the muscles of the whole body seemed to contain infinite power, and they were about to vent. It was the four-headed Night Demon who threw in!

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)