Junk Rat

Chapter 95: A blessing in disguise


Chen Ziping said: "What's the matter, if we die for the star lord, our soul will rise to heaven."

Lin Yaxuan suddenly interjected: "Brother Chen, right, can I join you?"

When I heard it, I knew Lin Yaxuan still refused to let Hu Dacheng go, so I wanted to join these people.

Chen Ziping smiled and replied: "Yes, of course, the door of the star master's kindness is open to everyone." Next, he walked over and asked Hu Xiaoyun and me, "Where are you two, would you like to join the Star Civilization Organization?"

I have some good feelings for Chen Ziping, but I instinctively reject the so-called star civilization, who is the star master, what is dedicated to the star master, what soul rises to heaven after death, and shook his head: "Not interested."

Hu Xiaoyun shrank behind my back: "I... I won't go either."

"It's a pity, it's a pity." Chen Ziping waved his hand with a look of regret for us, "Everyone, let's go."

"Wait a minute." I stopped Chen Ziping, "I have a friend named Wang Teng, is he in your place?"

Chen Ziping tilted his head slightly: "Not sure?"

I was disappointed and asked, "Why are you here?"

Chen Ziping hesitated for a moment, and he replied: "We are here to pick up a member of the organization."

I was a little surprised: "Zombies all over the city, how can you know his specific location?"

A middle-aged man interrupted and said, "You don't know, I have a mobile phone in my hand, and I can send location information in the group number..."

"The star master knows everything." Chen Ziping raised his hand and interrupted the middle-aged man. He turned around and left. The others filed out. After a while, he heard the sound of the helicopter's engine flying farther and farther. Inaudible.

"Group number, they mentioned that group number again, but will the mobile phone still have a signal now?"

I was puzzled, and there happened to be a mobile phone in my backpack, mainly for viewing offline maps. But I can't remember the group number anymore. It seems that the first three numbers are seven or eighty one, and I can't remember it anymore.

Just listen to Hu Xiaoyun sighed: "These people finally left."

I wondered: "Why didn't you go with them just now?"

Hu Xiaoyun whispered: "Because... because

… I know they are not good people. "

I said, "You seem to be afraid of these people?"

Hu Xiaoyun gritted his teeth: "My mother joined the Star Civilization Organization."

I was taken aback: "What's the matter?"

Hu Xiaoyun burst into tears and choked up: "My mom wants my dad to participate, but my dad doesn't agree. She... she killed my dad."

I said "Ah": "Is there such a thing?"

Hu Xiaoyun nodded: "I saw it with my own eyes. When Dad was dying, he told me to run away. I escaped from the house, thinking that if I call the police, I will become a child without a father or a mother. Sorry my dad."

"I'm really contradictory, thinking left and right can't make up his mind, so I had to hide in Hengsha Island by myself. I said it was a tourist, but... but it's similar to fleeing.

I slapped the iron fence: "It's really a group of monsters!"

After a long period of trouble, it was midnight. I opened my backpack, took out water and dry food, and handed Hu Xiaoyun a bag of pine nut biscuits. Thanks to the advanced technology of food additives, the biscuits are still crispy and delicious although they have expired for three months.

Hu Xiaoyun chewed the biscuits and said, "Just like my dad said, my mother has been wicked. After she joined the Star Civilization Organization, she was like a new person. She didn’t care about everything at home, and she didn’t care about me, every day. Going to the meeting, what kind of second-level church members have been promoted"

I said, "They still have a hierarchy?"

Hu Xiaoyun said, "Brother Xiaoqiang, haven't you seen it? There are four stars on Chen Ziping's chest."

The lights in the corridor are dim. I hadn't noticed before. At this moment, Hu Xiaoyun said that he remembered the clothes on the right chest of Chen Ziping, which seemed to be wearing four five-star badges.

I shook my head: "These people's ideas are really incredible, then Chen Ziping doesn't look stupid."

At this time, a long corpse howl came in from outside the courtyard. It was far apart, and it was not very clear, but because the voice was weak and faint, it sounded more like a windy side and a cold air.

Hu Xiaoyun, if he hadn’t heard of it, went on to say: “Their star civilization organization seems to be divided into nine levels, with one star at the lowest and nine stars at the highest. Chen Ziping wears four stars, that’s a four-level education.

Friends, the level is not low. "

I said, "What else do you know? They have a group number, do you know the group number?"

Hu Xiaoyun said: "I hate the Star Civilization Organization. I know that they are connected through the Internet, but I don't know the specific number."

I said, "It's a pity, can I add it with my mobile phone. I can see that the signal is gone. Can I really add it?"

Hu Xiaoyun was unwilling to continue this topic, saying: "The night I went to the island, I fell ill, and the person was limp, as if the bones of the whole person were taken away. On a hot day, I asked the waiter to add two more layers. The quilt still feels bitterly cold."

"I took my body temperature and it was 39 degrees 3. I thought the thermometer was broken. I have lived for 17 years, and I have never had a fever as severe as that. I felt that my consciousness and body were constantly falling. Two days in a row, both Did not go out. On the third day, I stood at the window and found that the whole Hengsha County was not right."

I said: "You are a blessing in disguise. If you play around in good health, the corpse will happen, you will definitely not escape."

"That's it." Hu Xiaoyun nodded, "I stood at the window and saw people everywhere on the street, but I don't know what happened, but what I felt was deserted and desolate. Hengshan County is like an empty city."

"At that time, my head was still groggy, and suddenly I felt so hot on my body. I took off my clothes one after another. By the early hours of the morning, my body temperature actually dropped. But I was still sore and weak, like I was beaten up. ."

"Lack of appetite, accompanied by cold sores, and pus on the mouth. I took out the phone, but I couldn't see the screen again, my eyes became sore and I couldn't open them."

"Rang the bell and contacted the waiter, but no one answered it. Fortunately, I had a lot of snacks in my bag, and it took a few days."

"After I recovered, I went downstairs to the lobby. It was strange. From the fifth floor to the first floor, I didn't bump into anyone. The door was closed, as if the hotel had been closed."

"I'm so hungry, I can't control that much anymore. I asked if there was anyone, and walked into the kitchen. I saw a layer of dust on the chopping board. I opened the door of the refrigerator. There were cold dishes and rice in it. "

I smiled and said, "You are extremely hungry, no matter what, or luck, there is no one in the hotel?"

(End of this chapter) (End of this chapter)