Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 23


Pei Ying stopped immediately.

The man was still wearing a black coat and white sneakers, and had visible dark circles under his eyes.

Pei Ying stood there for two seconds, turned and walked in the opposite direction, and the man under the tree really followed her.

It was still light and it was on the street again. Pei Ying felt that he should not dare to mess around, so he dragged his injured leg and moved forward little by little.

There was a police station not far in front of her, so she wanted to see if this person would follow her to the police station.

Turning a corner at the next intersection, Pei Ying saw the sign of the police station from a distance. Usually passing by here may not feel anything, but at this time, the calm and calm dark blue really reassured her a lot.

The man behind her came to the intersection with her and stopped. Pei Ying didn't dare to look back, so she had to speed up and walk towards the police station. A police officer stopped her at the door and asked her why she came. After Pei Ying said that she had come to report the crime, the police took her in.

There were several police officers on duty in the office, and she was told to sit down when she heard that she was going to report the case.

"What case do you want to report?" the policeman across from her asked her.

Pei Ying said: "A strange man has been following me for three days. Every day when I come home from get off work, he stands at the door of our community and follows me all the way downstairs to the unit where I live."

"Just following you? Did it do anything to you?"

"No, but this is very scary. He has been following me to the intersection just now."

The police looked at her and said, "It's just like this, we can't file a case."

Pei Ying frowned: "Then how can I file a case? When he really does something to me?"

"Don't get excited, lady, I understand your mood, but we have to follow the rules and regulations."

Pei Ying pursed the corners of her mouth slightly and eased her tone: "Then what should I do now? Just let him follow me all the time? I don't even dare to go home now."

The police said: "At present, we can only strengthen the patrols in the surrounding areas. If we see the man you mentioned, we will educate and warn him."

Hearing what he said, Pei Ying felt a little discouraged. The policeman sitting opposite watched her for a while, and said a little suddenly, "Are you a star? Seems like your name is Pei Ying?"

"...Yes." Pei Ying had mixed feelings in her heart, but she didn't expect to be recognized by the police one day.

"If that's the case, will the person stalking you be a paparazzi?"

Pei Ying shook her head. She had considered this possibility before, but the man didn't bring any camera equipment, and he stood under the tree to wait for her in a grand manner. He didn't look like a paparazzi. After she expressed her thoughts, the police asked again, "Could that be your fanatical fan?"

This Pei Ying is not sure. After all, she has been out for so long and has never met a fanatical fan.

"I don't think it's the same. If I were a fan, I would be very excited to ask for autographs and photos, etc., but he didn't say a word to me, just followed me and smiled pervertedly at me. Twice." Pei Ying felt horrified when he recalled those two hehes now.

The policeman thought for a while and said, "Does your family live near here? I'll take you back. If that person is still downstairs in your house, I'll just educate him, so don't be afraid."

"Okay..." Pei Ying agreed, and now there is no other way, she can only hope that the police can really deter him.

The policeman called another colleague and sent Pei Ying back together. Seeing that her foot was sprained, she asked with concern, "Could it be that your foot was sprained while hiding from that stalker?"

"Ah, this isn't... I sprained myself while practicing dancing."

The police snorted: "You guys still work hard all day."

Pei Ying smiled and said, "Who doesn't work hard?"

"That's true." The two policemen walked out of the police station with her, and Pei Ying saw the man in the black coat at a glance.

He was still standing at the intersection.

"It's the man with the black coat and white sneakers." When Pei Ying said this, she deliberately didn't point to it, but just described it to the police, but the man turned around quickly and left. One of the policemen called him, and instead of stopping, the man ran faster and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Pei Ying saw the man, she felt a little flustered. She asked the policeman beside her worriedly, "Will he know that I called the police and deliberately retaliate against me?"

The policeman said: "Don't worry too much, we will focus on this area recently. You should pay more attention when you come and go. It's best to ask your boyfriend to accompany you."

Pei Ying pursed her lips: "My boyfriend has been abroad for a while, and he won't be back in a few days."

The policeman nodded thoughtfully: "Then this person may have identified this opportunity to follow you... Then do you have any other male friends who will send you off temporarily?"

Pei Ying thought about it, although she knew a few male friends, only Chen Sheng was suitable. But it's not easy for her to talk to Chen Sheng, after all, that's her boss.

"Why don't I live with my friend recently." Fortunately, in this city, she also knew Ren Shanshan.

The policeman said, "That's fine, we'll still keep an eye on that man."

They put Pei Ying in a taxi and left. Pei Ying looked at the time. Ren Shanshan should still be in the studio at this point, so the driver drove the car to the studio.

When she arrived, Ren Shanshan was eating dinner with her bowl in her arms. Seeing her limping in, she quickly stood up: "What's your situation?"

Pei Ying leaned against her, walked to the table and sat down, before exhaling: "I swelled while dancing in the afternoon, it's not serious."

"Isn't it serious and wrapped like this? The hospital gauze doesn't cost money?" Ren Shanshan studied her feet and sat down beside her, "Why do you remember?"

Pei Ying told her about the perverted stalker, Ren Shanshan stayed for two seconds after listening, and then suddenly put down the bowl in her hand: "Damn it, this is too scary, and your Song Nanchuan doesn't care? "

"Well, I didn't tell him, he's abroad now, and it's useless to tell him."

"Why is it useless, it's good to act like a spoiled child to make him feel bad!" Ren Shanshan said, looking out nervously, "That man didn't follow you here, did he?"

"… I think should not be."

"That's good." Ren Shanshan patted her heart. Seeing Pei Ying watching her dinner, she clicked her tongue, "Don't look at it, there's not much more, I'll go next door and order bowl noodles for you."

"Twenty-two ribs noodles, thank you."

Ren Shanshan: "..."

After the two of them had dinner in the studio, Ren Shanshan drove Pei Ying back to her house in her little polo. Pei Ying couldn't take a bath because of her injured leg, so she simply washed and slept on the sofa.

Ren Shanshan came out of the shower and saw that she was playing games, and despised her: "How old are you, you're still so fascinated by playing a dress-up game."

Pei Ying didn't mind saying: "Song Nanchuan charged me more than 200,000 diamonds before, it's a waste if you don't play."

Ren Shanshan: "..."

Dare to show affection in front of her at her house! Lawless!

She was about to go up to teach her to be a human again, when Pei Ying's cell phone rang. Pei Ying glanced at it and picked it up quickly: "Chuanchuan..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ren Shanshan grabbed the phone: "Hey, is that Song Nanchuan? I said how did you become a boyfriend? You know that Pei Ying in your family was followed by a perverted man, and she was so scared that they all hid. Is my house here?"

Song Nanchuan on the other end of the phone froze for a moment, and then said in a deep voice, "Give the phone to Pei Ying."

Ren Shanshan returned the phone to Pei Ying and ran away quickly. Pei Ying looked at her cheerful back and picked up the phone in a dry voice: "Chuanchuan..."

"Pei Xiujuan, is what your friend said just now true?"

Pei Ying's heart skipped a beat, and glared at Ren Shanshan angrily: "Yes, but..."

"You haven't mentioned a word to me about such a serious matter? Do you still think I'm your boyfriend?"

Pei Ying explained to him a little anxiously: "I want to tell you after you come back. You are abroad now, so why should you worry..."

The corner of Song Nanchuan's mouth collapsed into a straight line. He was silent for a while before asking, "Do you know who he is? Did he do anything to you?"

"No, just follow me. I don't know who it is. I went to the police today, but the police said that I couldn't file a case. That person knew that I had called the police. I was afraid that he would retaliate against me, so I temporarily lived with Shanshan."

Song Nanchuan frowned, Pei Ying was a public figure no matter what, since that person knew where she lived, it was very likely that she also knew where her company was. He can't wait to fly back to the country right now, it's better than being scared here: "You go to your friend's place, is that person following you?"

"It shouldn't be. It was the police who put me in a taxi."

Song Nanchuan's heart didn't let go at all: "Remember to lock your doors and windows when you go to bed at night. Send me your friend's address, and I'll ask the driver to pick you up tomorrow morning."

"Ah, no need for this..."

"Why not, I will ask the driver to pick you up when you commute to get off work in the future, and you don't go back to the community where you live, and move to my place."

Pei Ying thought for a while, although she really didn't dare to go back to the community by herself, but it's not very appropriate to move to Song Nanchuan's house like this: "Before you come back, I'd better live with Shanshan."

Ren Shanshan, who was surfing the Internet on the side, heard what she said, and hurriedly turned around and said to her: "Don't, you live here, I can't bring a man back."

Pei Ying: "..."

There are so many flaws, I don't know where to start!

Song Nanchuan didn't know whether he heard Ren Shanshan's words or not, but insisted that Pei Ying move to his place: "My place is safer, and there are surveillance cameras around, and security will come faster if anything happens."

"Um, okay... but what about my stuff?"

"Wait when I come back and accompany you to get it. I still have some of your things there. You can use it for now."

"it is good."

After listening to her obediently agreeing, Song Nanchuan finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Remember to send me the address later, and be sure to check the doors and windows when you sleep, and call me immediately if anything happens."

"Okay, don't worry, I should be fine with Shanshan."

Song Nanchuan was silent for a moment, and then said in a low voice, "How can you not be worried..."

He was almost scared to death. He couldn't imagine how scared and helpless she would be when she was alone in the country.

And he wasn't by her side, couldn't do anything...

"If you have nothing to do, take a rest early. My phone is turned on 24 hours a day. You can call me at any time."

"Okay." Listening to Song Nanchuan's words, Pei Ying felt a warm current in her heart, which slowly flowed in her heart.

"I'll be back soon, wait for me."

Ren Shanshan, who had been pretending to play on the computer beside her, saw that Pei Ying finally hung up the phone, and turned to her side and sighed: "Oh, I thought you were finally going to transfer recently, why are you still so unlucky? Perverted stalker."

Pei Ying didn't speak, Ren Shanshan walked over to look at her legs again: "And your feet, can you dance during the audition?"

"I don't know..." Pei Ying tried to move. "Actually, it's not particularly painful. This dance only lasts for more than a minute, and it will be over by then."

"Well, I wish you good luck." Ren Shanshan patted her shoulder and went to the dressing table to get a mask. "Do you want it? My friend brought it back from abroad. After the treatment, the whole face is bulingbuling."

"Hey, thank you." Pei Ying grabbed her mask unceremoniously.

Before going to bed that night, Pei Ying followed Song Nanchuan's will and checked the doors and windows carefully before going to bed with Ren Shanshan.

The next day the two went out together, Ren Shanshan still went to get her little polo, but a black Maybach was parked quietly downstairs.

She laughed and said to Pei Ying, "Yes, I'm here to pick you up, my car won't hold your big Buddha~"

Pei Ying: "..."

She got into Song Nanchuan's car, with the driver she was familiar with in the front row.

"Hello, Miss Pei, Mr. Song asked me to pick you up to and from get off work." The driver said to her politely.

"Well, I see, thank you." Pei Ying also politely replied. Having a chauffeur to pick up and drop off is much more convenient than taking a taxi by herself before, and her foot just hurts, which saves her a lot of trouble.

When she got to the dance studio, she changed her clothes and started to warm up. Today, her main task is to practice the spinning movements. The injury on her feet is better than yesterday, but she still feels pain when dancing.

"You better not dance for too long today, lest the injury will worsen when you audition tomorrow." The dance teacher saw that she was practicing very diligently, and kindly reminded her, "In fact, everyone who dances has their own characteristics, and the same dancer is different. Come dance, the feeling is also different. I think your audition tomorrow, the director does not really want to see how well you dance, but to see who feels the best fit with the characters in the play. Dance moves you are now When you're almost done, you can try to figure out the role and dance with her feelings."

This really gave Pei Ying a lot of hints. She gratefully said to the teacher: "Thank you, you are right, I will try to figure it out."

"Well, that's good, let's do the audition tomorrow."

"Yeah." Considering that her feet needed a necessary rest, Pei Ying didn't practice until late, and left after the class.

Tao Tao only came this afternoon, danced for two hours, and left with her. She looked at Pei Ying's injured foot and asked her, "Can you dance tomorrow?"

"Yes, it's not particularly painful, just endure it and go." Pei Ying smiled at her.

Tao Tao nodded and said nothing. Pei Ying changed her clothes and walked outside the studio. The driver was already waiting for her at the door. This time, he sent Pei Ying to the garden, and only reported to Song Nanchuan when she entered the house.

Pei Ying rested for a while after entering the room, and then started to prepare dinner. She put a few bags of snail noodles here last time, but this time, while Song Nanchuan is away, she can finally cook it with confidence.

In the evening, I routinely called Song Nanchuan for more than ten minutes, and Pei Ying washed up and went to bed early in a good mood.

After practicing for so long, I finally have an audition tomorrow.