Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 36


After returning from the swimming pool, Pei Ying was obsessed by Song Nanchuan until almost five o'clock.

After taking a shower, she changed her clothes and said, "I'm so hungry, I want to eat snail noodles."

Song Nanchuan was still lying on the screen girl. Hearing what she said, he frowned slightly: "I'll call the restaurant to deliver the meal."

"No, I just want to eat snail noodles."

"It's only five o'clock, you'll be hungry after eating this evening." Song Nanchuan said very sincerely.

Pei Ying thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It makes sense, then you can call the restaurant to deliver the meal."

Before Song Nanchuan had time to be happy, Pei Ying added, "I'll have dinner after I eat snail noodles."

"..." Song Nanchuan looked at her speechlessly, "You're not afraid of gaining weight if you eat so much? Didn't you see how many people on your Weibo are cursing you for gaining weight?"

Pei Ying snorted indifferently, and pulled her long hair out of her clothes: "I have bounced back from those who cursed me."

Song Nanchuan: "..."

"You said so much because you don't want me to eat snail noodles?" Pei Ying looked at him sideways, wrinkling her nose, "Are you doing well this afternoon? I'm going to eat snail noodles now."

… so is there any causal relationship between these two things? Seeing that she was really walking downstairs, Song Nanchuan quickly put on her pajamas and followed. Pei Ying walked to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and glanced inside: "Hey, I still have a bag of snail noodles? I remember that there was a bag left when I left."

She has been distressed for a long time because of this.

Song Nanchuan walked to her side and put his left hand on the refrigerator: "You remember wrong."

"How is that possible." Pei Ying frowned and looked at Song Nanchuan, "Did you throw it away!"

"..." Song Nanchuan thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Well."

He wouldn't admit to being eaten by him anyway.

"How could you throw it away! It hasn't expired yet! You can't stand it sitting quietly in the fridge!"

"...It always feels like it will smell other things, eh."

Pei Ying: "..."

Seeing her long face, the boss looked unhappy, Song Nanchuan closed the refrigerator door and coaxed her: "I will ask Xiao Zhang to buy a box for you tomorrow, okay?"

Pei Ying thought about it for a while: "Okay, I want to eat every packet in front of you."

Song Nanchuan: "..."

What a hatred.

Because Luoshi Fan had "unfortunately killed", Pei Ying had to ask Song Nanchuan to call the restaurant to order food. When he went to the living room to make a call, Pei Ying's cell phone also rang. She took it over to see that it was her mother.

Gently frowning, Pei Ying walked to the other side and picked up the phone: "Mom, what's the matter?"

"Oh Xiujuan, isn't it that your brother is about to end his term? I'm worried that he won't have enough living expenses. You see how hard it is to review at the end of term, so he has to eat better, right?"

"Well, I see, I'll transfer the money to him later."

"That's good." Pei Ying's mother was silent for a few seconds after speaking, and then asked again, "I heard that you had a conflict with that Mr. Song before, but now you are reconciled, right?"

Pei Ying frowned and said patiently, "Well."

"Is that right? Get along well with him, and don't get angry with others at every turn. These rich people must have strong personalities, you just have to be more patient."

Pei Ying finally got a little unhappy after hearing her say this: "Mom, it's okay for two people to get along with each other a little bit, but I can't let him blindly, and it depends on what's going on."

"You said that you are angry with someone else's boss. It's a blessing for people to see you. Can Mr. Song still be short of women?"

"Well, family status may be linked to economic income, but I can make money myself. Although I don't earn as much as him, I won't beg him to buy me anything. I can buy what I want. If I can't afford it now, I'll always be able to afford it later, and if I can't afford it for the rest of my life, I don't have to. I don't think I have to be short in front of him."

"You know that you don't earn as much as others. Is it necessary to be so strong in this kind of thing? You have to work hard to earn something that you can get by acting like a spoiled child?"

"Do you think this kind of relationship can last for a long time? Only an equal relationship can last for a long time."

"Okay, I'm not arguing with you about this. As long as you get along well with him, it's up to you how you get along with him."

Pei Ying knew that they were still trying to make money from Song Nanchuan, so he repeated the old story: "Mom, I said before that I will do my duty of support, but don't think about his money."

"How do you talk about this child? In the future, when you get married, won't he give you a little dowry?"

Pei Ying smiled: "What about my dowry?"

Hearing the silence on the other end of the phone, Pei Ying smiled silently: "That's it, I'll transfer my brother's living expenses to him later."

She hung up and turned around, only to find Song Nanchuan leaning on the sofa and looking at herself. He raised his eyebrows and asked her with a smile, "Who do you call?"

"Oh, my mother." Pei Ying held the phone in her hand, as if someone had caught some pigtails, looking a little cramped, "She asked me to pay for my brother's living expenses, it's the end of the term."

"Oh..." Song Nanchuan raised his eyebrows meaningfully, "Why did I hear about the dowry?"

"...How can you eavesdrop on someone's phone calls!" Pei Ying looked at her angrily. Song Nanchuan smiled and went up to comfort Pei Ying, who was frizzy, and asked with a chuckle, "Auntie can't wait to marry you to me?"

Pei Ying's mouth is flat, she can't wait to get your money.

Seeing that Pei Ying didn't speak, Song Nanchuan pulled her onto the sofa and sat down, asking her, "Have you quarreled with your mother again?"

Pei Ying pursed her lips and said, "I have a fight every time I call her recently." She said, looking up at Song Nanchuan, "Don't buy me anything in the future."


"Lest I eat people's mouths softly and take people's hands short."

Song Nanchuan couldn't help but chuckle: "Do you think so?"

"Anyway, my mother thinks so. Since you've crushed me financially, I should listen to you in everything." She paused and asked Song Nanchuan seriously, "Is it the same for you? thought?"

Song Nanchuan rubbed the top of her head and said, "I had this idea more or less before, but after I quarreled with you last time, I thought about it seriously. I think you are right, two people. There should really be mutual respect between them, not just one party has the final say. On the issue of spending money, who else should a man spend his money on instead of his wife?"

Pei Ying snorted twice and didn't comment on the word "wife". Song Nanchuan looked at her with tender eyes: "You need to understand one thing, spending money for you is not for you, but for myself. If I can't spend money for you, what am I doing with so much money? Woolen cloth?"

… it sounds like it makes perfect sense.

Pei Ying was deeply persuaded by him.

"Meow~" Xiao Hei appeared out of nowhere and jumped on the sofa lightly. Pei Ying held it and teased it, and Song Nanchuan glanced at the unsightly cat impatiently. I can't come out early, I can't come out late, but I came out at this time. He just felt that the atmosphere was good, maybe he could hold Pei Ying for another shot.

Pei Ying hugged her and picked up the script and started reciting the lines. Song Nanchuan had to sit aside and pick up the tablet to read the news.

Half an hour later, the meal Song Nanchuan ordered was delivered. Pei Ying put down Xiao Hei, washed his hands, and sat opposite Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan put a chopstick in her bowl, looked at her and asked, "Finally willing to put down the script?"

Pei Ying was stunned for a while, then couldn't help laughing: "It's so sour, are you still eating the script's vinegar?"

"Shouldn't it be? How many nights did you say you chose to favor the script over me?"

Pei Ying laughed even more now, Song Nanchuan waited for her to laugh enough before asking, "How long will you have to film this scene?"

Pei Ying said: "The filming work has been going well so far. It should be completed ahead of schedule. I estimate that it will be completed in the middle of next month."

"Well, after you finish, let's go out to play."

"it is good."

Song Nanchuan started planning the trip in advance. As he told Pei Ying before, yachting and seaside vacations were included. In order to have fun at the beach, he didn't stop taking Pei Ying's swimming lessons. Every time the crew took a break, he pulled her to the swimming pool.

After so many training sessions, Pei Ying is no longer afraid of water, but she has not fully learned how to swim. She is the type that will sink after swimming two or three meters in the water.

Pei Ying's work in the crew is still busy but in an orderly manner. With the popularity of "Love Season", her popularity has also increased rapidly, and more and more audiences have known her, and her performance in the TV series , has also been recognized by most of the audience and the media.

Entering July, we can already see the hope that the crew will finish the film. Song Nanchuan also learned from Xiao Zhang that the script of "The Actor" was basically completed.

He calculated the time, and Pei Ying's TV series should be successfully completed in the middle of the month. At the end of the month, "Player" will hold a press conference, and then the selection of heroines should begin.

There is just half a month of buffer time in the middle, so I can take Pei Ying out to play around.

In mid-July, "The Season of Love" was completed as scheduled, and the crew held a grand completion ceremony that day. Many media came to hear the news, the crew prepared a sumptuous meal, and sent a bouquet of flowers to each actor.

Pei Ying took pictures of the banquet and flowers, and uploaded them on Weibo.

Pei Ying v: Today's "Love is Season" has been completed, and I have mixed feelings in my heart. This is my first play with a female lead, and it means a lot to me. I've learned a lot during the few months I've been on the set, all the cast and crew are amazing, and of course you guys who are on tv every week are amazing. Thank you for your support, the show is only halfway through now, please continue to support it in the future~ Finally, I would like to thank the crew for making me eat so much meat [cute] There will be this kind of play in the future, remember to find me again [cute]