Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 59


Before the Chinese New Year, Song Nanchuan made a special trip back to City C in order to steal the family's household registration book.

He didn't notify his parents in advance, and planned to do it first. Unexpectedly, Jiang was always old and hot. When he got home, Father Song was waiting for him in the living room.

Song Nanchuan was slightly surprised in his heart, but he still pretended to be nonchalant: "Dad, didn't you go to the company today?"

Father Song glanced at him and said with a grin, "Didn't you also go to the company?"

"I came here specially to see you."

"Look at us? I think you came here specially to get this." Father Song raised his right hand, and what he was holding happened to be the account book Song Nanchuan was looking for.

Song Nanchuan pursed his lips, walked to the sofa opposite him and sat down: "Just tell me if you have any conditions."

Father Song snorted: "Mr. Song is negotiating business with me?"

Song Nanchuan watched him silent for a while, and asked, "How did you know I would come back?"

"Who do you think raised you? You ass. I know what shit you're going to do as soon as you poke your ass."

Song Nanchuan: "...Dad, your words are getting more and more vulgar."

"Yes, it's stylish to go to New York to eat lobster if you are interested."

Song Nanchuan: "..."

Did his father send someone to monitor Pei Ying's Weibo

"Anyway, I'm done with this marriage." He leaned back on the sofa, as if you could do whatever you like.

Father Song frowned: "I don't understand what you like about her?"

"All." Song Nanchuan answered succinctly.

After he said these two words, the living room fell into silence. The eyes of the two people collided, as if they were engaged in a silent confrontation. After a long while, Father Song exhaled and said, "Forget it, your mother is right. Among the three of you, only your eldest brother is obedient. I don't know why you two were born in the first place."

Song Nanchuan said: "If I didn't have my second brother and I distracted two-thirds of my mother's energy, my elder brother would have been disabled by her."

Father Song: "..."

It made sense.

He coughed dryly and said, "Since you insist on marrying Pei Ying, then you should make it clear to her that since you have entered the door of our Song family, you should pay attention to your usual behavior and not be caught by those reporters. It's like that Yu Kaize from before."

"Don't worry about that." He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Father Song across from him, "But then again, do you really keep an eye on entertainment news?"

"Hmph, seeing you on the entertainment page every day really gives me a face."

"I will strive to be on the Finance and Economics edition every day in the future, can I have the account for me?"

"..." Father Song frowned and glared at him for a while, then threw the account book on the table, "Take it."

"Thank you Dad." Song Nanchuan changed his expression just now, took the household registration book with the corners of his mouth up, and walked out the door.

Father Song said behind him, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"No, I'm busy preparing for the wedding, and I'll notify you as soon as the decision is made." Song Nanchuan raised the household registration book in his hand to him and left with a smile.

Father Song: "..."

Others say that women's colleges don't stay, but why does he still feel this way after raising three sons

After Song Nanchuan came out of Song Mansion, before returning to City A, he called Pei Ying first. Pei Ying has also been preparing for the wedding for a while, so she didn't pick up any work, and was cooking lunch at home. Hearing the phone ringing in the living room, she gently kicked away Xiao Hei who was lying domineering at her feet with her toes, walked to Ke Ding and picked up the phone: "Chuan Chuan?"

"I got the household registration book, and I also agreed to our marriage." Song Nanchuan's tone sounded very brisk.

"Really, that's great." As if infected by his emotions, the corners of Pei Ying's mouth also turned up.

Song Nanchuan continued on the other end of the phone, "But he said that you should be careful after you get married, and stop spreading scandals with other people, especially Yu Kaize."

Pei Ying: "..."

Is the one she shared with Yu Kaize called a scandal? It's just that the media is just making it up. But at this moment, she still responded obediently: "I will pay attention."

Apart from work, she has little contact with other male artists in private.

"That's it, I'm rushing back to City A now, you and your parents confirm the time."

"Ok, have you eaten yet?"

"not yet."

"Then I'll wait for you to come back and eat together, I'm cooking."

Song Nanchuan smiled and said, "Eat first, don't wait for me, don't starve."

"It doesn't matter, I can eat some snacks to fill my stomach haha, the meal is delicious only for two people."

Song Nanchuan couldn't help but chuckle again: "Then what did you eat alone before?"

"It's dog food."

"Pfft." Song Nanchuan's laughter came from the receiver intermittently, "Yingying, why are you so endearing?"

Speaking of "lovable", Pei Ying made up her mind about how Song Nanchuan would love her, and suddenly felt that the phone was a little hot: "I won't tell you, I'll call my mother."

When she spoke, she hung up the phone, puffed her cheeks, and dialed up her mother's phone.

Hearing that Song Nanchuan was going to visit in person, Pei Ying's family was of course very happy to welcome him. They made an appointment to greet Song Nanchuan on the fifth day of the new year.

Pei Ying's hometown is in a small city in the north, where there is no airport, so Song Nanchuan and her first arrived at the airport in the provincial capital city, and then drove to her hometown.

As soon as he got off the plane, Pei Ying shivered from the cold. The temperature here is lower than in city a, and the icy air outside understands that she almost wants to get back on the plane.

"Is it very cold?" Song Nanchuan put her hands into the palms of her hands, and sighed while rubbing them together, "Aren't people who grew up in northern cities not afraid of the cold?"

"Isn't it good! We all have heating at home, you can try it when you freeze outside!" It was not the first time that Pei Ying had been told this, and she couldn't help wrinkling her nose at Song Nanchuan.

Song Nanchuan smiled and took off his scarf, wrapping it around her neck: "Is that so? Is it still cold?"

Pei Ying shook his head and looked at his neck with only a sweater and a turtleneck: "Aren't you cold?"

"I'm not cold, I'm a man."

Pei Ying: "..."

Men are not afraid of cold and northerners are not afraid of cold are two of the biggest rumors of mankind!

"You'll catch a cold like this, so put on your scarf." Pei Ying said and took off the scarf from her neck. Song Nanchuan took her hand and said, "I'm really not cold, but your face is red with freezing."

"Wear it even if it's not cold, I don't look good with two scarves!" Pei Ying stood on tiptoe and put the scarf back on Song Nanchuan's neck without any reason.

The stewardess who had been standing beside her couldn't help but see the word "Well" on her forehead. If it's cold, please leave the two of you quickly! Can you keep warm by abusing dogs here all the time

Just tell me, how can you smile and serve in the face of such a couple!

Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan, the flight attendant, knew each other. She was silently excited when she first saw them, but now she just wants to hang them on Weibo.

As soon as she said it, she hung up, and when she was resting, she climbed on Weibo and exposed the unscrupulous couple.

"I met Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan at the airport today. They have been abusing dogs like no one else. I was deeply hurt. [Bye bye] Oh, their conversation was roughly as follows: Are you cold? Here's a scarf for you. I don't It's cold, give you the scarf. I'm not cold either, so give you the scarf. [I'm cold, give me the scarf! You go! [scolding]"

Although the flight attendant's Weibo is not a big one, but for some reason, this Weibo was discovered by the gossip, and then aroused strong onlookers from all netizens.

"Fuck, Mr. Song is so rich, can't he buy a few more scarves?!! [Bye bye]"

"I feel bad for the stewardess [laugh cry], but being able to watch the dog abuse on the spot makes me a little envious [laugh cry]"

"This dialogue... Was the script written by Grandma Qiongyao for you [laughs cry] Pei Ying"

"You are all watching dog abuse. Am I the only one who found out that this flight attendant is flying to H city today! Pei Pei's hometown is right next to H city!"

"Σ(°△°|||) said something in H City to wake up the dreamer! This is Pei Pei bringing President Song home for the New Year???"

"Paparazzi, where's your follow-up report! Here's the eighth episode of your series! Both of you have gone back to your hometown for Chinese New Year! Do you still want to mix up! [Angry scolds]"

"I have a strong hunch that a large-scale dog slaughter event is approaching, and I am happy."

The flight attendant saw that the incident had attracted such a wide range of attention, and quickly deleted this Weibo, but the topic of Pei Ying taking Song Nanchuan home for the Chinese New Year still climbed the hot topic list like a rocket took off.

But neither Song Nanchuan nor Pei Ying knew about it.

When the driver drove the car into the community where Pei Ying's house was located, the security guard in the community opened his mouth so wide that an apple could be stuffed into it.

He has been guarding the door for so many years, but this is the first time he has seen such a car! Whose relative is that

He watched the car gradually move away, unable to take back his astonishing gaze.

"It's here." When the car drove downstairs to Pei's house, Pei Ying asked the driver to stop the car.

Mother Pei and Pei Xiuran were already waiting downstairs. Pei Xiuran recognized the car and immediately shouted, "This is my brother-in-law's car!"

Just as he was talking, the car door opened from the inside, and Song Nanchuan came out. Pei Ying hurriedly followed him out of the car and introduced him, "This is my mother, you have already met my brother."

Song Nanchuan nodded at her and looked at Mother Pei, who was wearing a brand new red cotton coat. I have to say that Mother Pei and Pei Ying have very similar eyebrows and eyes, and even if they are old now, they can still see the charm of their youth.

"Hello Auntie, I'm Song Nanchuan."

"Hello Mr. Song, hello Mr. Song." Mother Pei couldn't help looking at Song Nanchuan. She had seen his photos on the news before, but now that she sees him, she looks many times better than the photos. Good looks are second, people are still so rich, to be able to see their family Pei Xiujuan, it is simply a past life for ancestors to accumulate virtue!

Seeing her mother staring at Song Nanchuan so frankly, Pei Ying pushed her up and said, "Mom, let's go up and talk, stop standing here."

"Yes, go upstairs first, Mr. Song please." Mother Pei warmly invited Song Nanchuan to go upstairs.