Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 8: Acacia


After Pei Ying returned home, Song Nanchuan's words were still circling in her mind.

She touched her heart, which was still beating fast, and sent a WeChat message to Ren Shanshan: "Shanshan, do you remember the last time I posted breakfast on the Moments? Song Nanchuan sent me a recipe after seeing it, and also put I bought everything in the recipe and gave it to me."

Ren Shanshan: ... So you don't sleep at night to show your love, right? [Smile]

Pei Ying: No, I just think... Do you think he wants to chase me? [shy]

Ren Shanshan: I think he wants to have sex with you. [Smile]

Pei Ying: "..."

An old driver like Ren Shanshan is really dirty.

Pei Ying: As soon as you touch him, you will know that he is a gentleman [goodbye] and his tear mole is full of abstinence [smile]

Ren Shanshan: …

Ren Shanshan: I'm not afraid of hooligans having culture, but I'm afraid that perverts have patience :)

Pei Ying: "..."

She thought about it with her mobile phone, and sent another message: "By the way, didn't I post a still photo before, when I left today, he told me not to post this kind of photo to the circle of friends in the future, you said he What means

Ren Shanshan: Are all the legs below the chest? What are his original words

Pei Ying: I saw your photo, it's very beautiful, but in the future, don't pass this kind of photo to the circle of friends. Well, roughly like this.

Ren Shanshan: [smiles] Song always wants to keep himself licked, not happy that you are seen by others, tsk tsk.

Pei Ying: ...Do you have to be so vulgar

Ren Shanshan: The world is so vulgar [smile]

Pei Ying: ... But that's a still. Even if you don't post it on your Moments, it will be broadcast on TV later.

Ren Shanshan: Oh.

Ren Shanshan: It seems that Mr. Song will be jealous in the future~~~

Pei Ying: "..."

She quit WeChat and didn't want to talk to Ren Shanshan anymore.

For the next two days, Pei Ying lived a life of idleness again. There is no need to get up early in the morning to rush to the set, but she didn't directly sleep through the whole morning. She gets up at 8:30 every day, and uses the ingredients Song Nanchuan bought herself to make a nutritious breakfast according to the recipe Song Nanchuan sent her.

Taking a photo of the breakfast she just made, Pei Ying posted the photo on the Moments.

Since Song Nanchuan went on a business trip, she hasn't heard from him again, not even the likes in her previous circle of friends.

After breakfast, she still didn't wait for Song Nanchuan's praise, so she took the food bowl and went down to feed the cat.

There was one more stray cat in the yard than before. Pei Ying squatted aside to watch them eat and sighed softly: "Little Hei Xiaohua, what do you think Chuanchuan is doing now? Are you busy? ?"

"Meow~" The little black flower who was eating should be very perfunctory.

Pei Ying sighed again, she had thought Song Nanchuan wanted to chase after her before, but he forgot about her as soon as he was away on business.

Pei Ying pouted, a little disgusted with herself like this.

She is like those little girls who fell in love at the beginning, thinking and sighing for a little trivial matter, which is really sorry for her 23-year-old age.

After squatting by the corner for a while, Pei Ying took out her mobile phone and prepared to harass Ren Shanshan: "Ambiguity makes people feel wronged [sad]."

Ren Shanshan: …

Ren Shanshan: If you are so busy, come over to help the warehouse clear the goods [smile]

Pei Ying thought about it, she didn't have a job or classes these days, so she might as well help Ren Shanshan clear the goods.

With a gesture of ok back, Pei Ying waited for the cat to finish eating, then put away the empty food bowl and went upstairs. After changing into a long trench coat and jeans, Pei Ying went out with a shoulder bag.

In addition to herself, Ren Shanshan's studio has two employees, a man and a woman, who are busy in the warehouse at the moment. Pei Ying walked over, looked at the pile of clothes and said, "What's the situation?"

Ren Shanshan rolled her eyes at her: "You don't care too much about our online store, don't you? There will be a large-scale promotion on the website in a few days, and our store will also participate. I plan to take advantage of the event with a large number of new and old models. Counting and counting, discounts and promotions."

"Oh..." Pei Ying nodded, "How big is the batch of new models?"

"More than 20 sets, two different styles." Ren Shanshan straightened up and looked at her, "The new clothes were delivered a few days ago, I didn't inform you that you were busy. You are fine now. Now, you have to take pictures quickly. Trust me, you will have a very fulfilling life, and you will never have time to feel wronged again."

Pei Ying: "..."

She put the bag down and helped them count their inventory. Just finished the coolie in the morning, and in the afternoon, Ren Shanshan pulled out to take pictures without stopping.

This time, Ren Shanshan thought of two particularly romantic themes, one is "Flowers and Beautiful Girls" and the other is "Paris Diary".

As the name suggests, Flowers and Beautiful Girls are sweet, fresh and ladylike, while Paris Diary is fashionable and urban.

Ren Shanshan drove a car of people to a tourist attraction. The entire street here is a hotel disguised as a residential building, built as a detached house, much like a Japanese-style house. At a glance, the clean streets, blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, and peach blossoms blooming all the way, can be called Ren Shanshan's ideal location.

Pei Ying, who was a model, was tossed so hard, because there was no place for her to change clothes outside. She always went back to the car to change her clothes. After a dozen sets of clothes were photographed, she was so tired that she almost lost consciousness. .

But the photographer was still shouting: "Leave your head a little further to the left, yes, that's it, smile."

Pei Ying smiled.

After the last color of the last dress was photographed, it was finally done, and Pei Ying almost wanted to sit down directly on the ground. She felt that it was impossible to continue like this, she still had to work hard to receive the notice, or she would be tortured to death by Ren Shanshan sooner or later.

Ren Shanshan looked at the photos just taken by the photographer and felt very satisfied. The effect of the photo is very close to what she imagined. The strong spring atmosphere makes breathing romantic.

"Pei Pei, come and take a look, the photos are so beautiful." She waved to Pei Ying. Pei Ying stayed on the spot and didn't want to move: "You can take it."

Ren Shanshan pulled the corner of her mouth and took the camera over. Pei Ying took a few glances, and it was really beautiful, both in terms of color and composition.

Ren Shanshan sighed: "When our brand becomes bigger in the future, and there are several million turnovers a day, I will take you around the world, playing and shooting locations!"

Pei Ying recalled their current daily turnover and felt a little desperate: "How many millions? When will we wait?"

"Well... three to five or seven years."

Pei Ying's eyes jumped: "I was thirty years old at that time... Can you let me play all over the world before I turn thirty?"

Ren Shanshan refuted her: "You haven't turned 23 yet, and you will be 29 in seven years!"

"It's full right now, what's the difference..."

"At least when someone asks you, you won't say you are 30, but 29!"

Pei Ying thought for a while: "No, I'll say I'm 16."

Ren Shanshan: "..."

"Okay, I'm here today, everyone has worked hard, I'll invite you to dinner tonight." Ren Shanshan put away the camera and announced in a boss-like manner.

"Let's eat here, I can't walk anymore." Pei Ying suggested that restaurants in the scenic area are generally expensive, so Ren Shanshan had to be slaughtered to be worthy of her day's labor.

Ren Shanshan glanced at her, but she didn't say anything right. She told everyone to pack up and get in the car, and drove towards a well-known restaurant in the scenic area.

While sitting in front of the table, Pei Ying finally returned a little blood. Ren Shanshan held several strings of meat in her hand, and asked her next to her, "What happened to you in the morning? Your family's President Song ignored you?"

Pei Ying swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "He's gone on a business trip."

Ren Shanshan blinked: "He told you? He also reported the itinerary to you."

Pei Ying's face turned red when she said: "What is the report, he just mentioned it casually."

"Oh—" Ren Shanshan's tone and expression were meaningful, "so he ignored you when he went out of town, didn't he?"

Pei Ying frowned and silently ate what was in front of her. Ren Shanshan knew that she had guessed correctly when she looked like that, and tutted: "He doesn't contact you, you can contact him. Someone has to take the initiative."

Pei Ying said: "I also thought about contacting him, but what if he is very busy? It's not good for me to disturb others so rashly, we are not boyfriend and girlfriend relationship... "

"Huh?" Ren Shanshan looked at her jokingly, "Are you complaining about your lack of status now?" After she finished speaking, she sang, "Ambiguous~ makes people feel wronged~"

Pei Ying: "..."

"Young man, if you don't want to be wronged, you should take the initiative to take him down." Ren Shanshan patted her on the shoulder, saying that she has a long way to go.

"I've already taken the initiative..." Pei Ying muttered in a low voice. She asked for Song Nanchuan's contact information, and now she wants to contact him when he is on a business trip. Her heart of Sima Zhao seems to be hidden. what.

Although she thought so, Pei Ying couldn't help but secretly took out her phone. As soon as she opened WeChat, she saw a new reminder in the circle of friends. She clicked in and took a look, and laughed lightly.

"Why?" Ren Shanshan, who was next to him, looked at her while making a string.

Pei Ying said, "Song Nanchuan gave me a like."

Ren Shanshan: "..."

She watched Pei Ying be silent for a while before shaking her head and said, "Girl, you are very dangerous like this."

Pei Ying pouted indifferently, how did she know that when she saw Song Nanchuan's praise, she instantly settled down.

After the meal, Ren Shanshan sent her home, not forgetting to explain her work tomorrow. After Pei Ying got home, she took a shower and went to bed. After a while, she touched her phone, resolutely opened Song Nanchuan's WeChat, and began to edit the message: "Mr. Song, are you busy?"

After typing these words, she felt that it was too abrupt and quickly deleted them. She pursed her lips and thought for a while, and then she edited it again: "Mr. Song, how is the work going?"

Ahh still not right! How is it like Cha Gang's...

After repeated several times, Pei Ying finally stumbled and sent this WeChat message.

"Mr. Song, good evening. ^_^"