Just Blame Me For Being Blind in the Beginning

Chapter 9: Very nice


Pei Ying looked at the words she sent out, and her head was full of black lines all of a sudden.

Why did she hesitate for so long before picking out the plainest sentence and sending it...

She especially wanted to withdraw this message, but after withdrawing it, there would be a reminder that the other party would withdraw a message... Why is WeChat so annoying, since everyone has withdrawn it, can't it let others withdraw silently...

Just when she complained about the inhumanity of WeChat, Song Nanchuan's reply suddenly jumped out.

Chuanchuan: Good evening. ^_^

Pei Ying was caught off guard, what should she say next!

Compared with her helplessness, Song Nanchuan sent another message with ease: "What have you been busy with these two days? I think you didn't have breakfast until eight o'clock in the morning, so you shouldn't be filming, right?"

Pei Ying was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect him to be so careful, he even paid attention to the time when she delivered breakfast...

Pei Ying: Well, I don't have a job after finishing the project orz, but the online store opened by my friends and I is going to be busy recently. Chuanchuan: Online store

Pei Ying: Well, it's a women's clothing store. My main job is modeling.

Song Nanchuan remembered that he seemed to have seen this article on Pei Ying's profile before: "So that's the case, it's quite suitable for you."

Pei Ying: [shy] I'm just doing some side business with my friends. If I only depend on the notification fee, I'll starve to death. Song Nanchuan chuckled lightly, and typed in the dialog box with a slight hook, "Don't worry, the work will get worse and worse. A lot, when I went to the studio last time, the director also praised your acting skills, saying that you are better than Tao Tao."

Pei Ying looked at the message he sent and smiled lightly. How is her acting better than Tao Tao, Tao Tao is still the heroine. However, she believed that Song Nanchuan was right, there would be more and more jobs, and things would develop in a good direction. As long as she kept improving herself, she would always wait for the right opportunity.

She has always been an optimistic person.

She was still replying to Song Nanchuan, and her phone rang without warning.

Pei Ying glanced at the screen a little dazedly, and suddenly became even more dazed.

The call was from Song Nanchuan.

She stared at the incoming call like an enemy, took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions and answered the phone: "President Song?"

"Well." It was still that gorgeous and noble voice, but it came through the receiver, which seemed to add some kind of charm. "It was too troublesome to type, so I just called."

"...Oh." Pei Ying paused for three seconds before responding.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to laugh and said, "This seems to be our first time talking on the phone."

"Yeah..." Pei Ying didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear that her breath would reveal her nervousness at the moment.

"It feels quite special." Song Nanchuan said softly, with a smile in his voice.

Pei Ying sat upright while holding the phone, her cheeks flushed slightly and asked, "Mr. Song, are you busy at work?"

"Well, it's a little bit." Song Nanchuan's voice rarely got a hint of tiredness, "This customer is more difficult to deal with, and the competitors are more powerful."

"Ah, did I disturb your rest?"

"It's okay." Song Nanchuan said with a smile, "I'm very relaxed chatting with you."

Pei Ying: "..."

But she was about to die of nervousness.

"Well, by the way, I took a lot of photos today, do you want to take a look?" Pei Ying wanted to say something to distract herself, but... What did she say! Why ask people if they can't look at their photos, this topic sucks!

But she didn't even have the function of withdrawing what she said at the moment, and she suddenly felt that WeChat was still humanized.

Song Nanchuan also seemed to be silent for a second, before the voice came again: "Okay, you can send it directly to my WeChat later."

"Well..." Pei Ying blushed silently.

"I see that you are eating breakfast every day. Did you make it according to the recipe I sent?"

"Yes, the ingredients are also used by you."

Song Nanchuan laughed: "It's really good."

These two words blew up Pei Ying's soul almost to the sky, especially the seemingly non-existent indulgence in his tone, which made every word hit her heart like a meteorite.

"The plan of the day is in the morning, and breakfast must be taken seriously," he said.

"... Well, Mr. Song, you too, don't forget to eat because you are busy at work... " Pei Ying's head hadn't returned to normal, and she only said these words subconsciously.

Song Nanchuan said: "Then I won't disturb you so late, rest early. Good night."

"Good night… "

When there was no sound on the other end of the phone, she realized that the phone had been hung up.

The two words "Really good" were still hovering in her mind like a magic sound. Maybe he just said it casually, but these two words were too intimate, and Pei Ying's whole heart was disturbed.

Chuanchuan: Don't forget to send me photos. :)

Seeing the news that Song Nanchuan had just sent, Pei Ying felt embarrassed again. She actually refused in her heart, but just now she said that she wanted to pass photos to others, and she could only do it herself and suffer by herself.

There are not many photos in her mobile phone, and Ren Shanshan only passed a few to her. She flipped through the photo album and picked out the one she was most satisfied with and sent it over.

Ah... as expected, I'm still ashamed...

She blushed while waiting for Song Nanchuan's reply.

The phone vibrated, and Pei Ying's heart shuddered.

Chuanchuan: Very beautiful, I feel like I can sleep well tonight.

Pei Ying's face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and almost smoke came out of his head. She fell back on the bed and rolled over with the quilt.

That night, Pei Ying's heart was light. She felt that whether she was twenty-three or sixteen, she was the same in front of love, and her age did not give her any advantage.

She slept late at night and was woken up by the phone ringing the next morning. She fumbled for a long time with her right hand, and finally touched her mobile phone: "Hello..."

"Pei Ying, you are still sleeping! When I left yesterday, I specially reminded you to come to the studio this morning!"

Ren Shanshan's angry roar made Pei Ying gradually sober up, she said "Huh?", rubbed her hair and sat up abruptly: "I'll be right over here!"

After quickly picking herself up, Pei Ying galloped down the road in a taxi. Xiao ran into Ren Shanshan's studio, and Pei Ying threw off her bag anxiously: "Quick, quick, take a picture!"

Ren Shanshan glanced at her, and her eyes became probing: "Why are you looking so bad, you stole chicken last night?"

"... I had a phone call with Song Nanchuan last night."

Ren Shanshan blinked: "Did you get through until midnight? Or did you talk on the phone about something inappropriate for children?"

"... We chatted for a few minutes. Did you use the decontamination powder I gave you last time?"

Ren Shanshan rolled her eyes and smiled gracefully again: "Just chatting for a few minutes? Mr. Song is a little faster."

Pei Ying: "..."

She doesn't understand, she doesn't understand... I can't chat with an old driver like Ren Shanshan!

She went straight to pick up a set of clothes and went to the dressing room to change.

Because of the activities of the website, the studio has been very busy, and the employees employed by Ren Shanshan have multiple jobs, and they are even more dizzy. Pei Ying, the little boss, can't be idle after taking pictures as before, because everyone is not free, so she plays the role of customer service.

Promotional activities and a large number of new listings have led to a rapid increase in the number of inquiries from buyers. These days, Pei Ying almost always goes to Ren Shanshan's studio early in the morning to soak, and only leaves when it gets dark at night.

Although the work was very tiring, it also gave her less time to think about it, and three days passed before she knew it.

That day, I was still working as a cow and a horse in Ren Shanshan's studio all day. Pei Ying took a shower and came out of the bathroom, habitually picking up her phone and flipping through it.

There was a new message on WeChat, and she quickly clicked in.

Chuanchuan: I'm back, are you free tomorrow afternoon? I have two concert tickets from a friend here, do you want to go to see it together

Pei Ying swallowed nervously and thought about it. Tomorrow, the online store's activities will officially start, and all the preliminary work has been prepared, so she should have nothing to do.

Pei Ying: Okay, what about the time and place

Chuanchuan: I'll pick you up at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

Pei Ying listened to her heartbeat clearly and tried to reply to him calmly: "Okay. ^_^"

After this matter was finalized, Pei Ying opened the wardrobe almost immediately, and began to choose the clothes to wear tomorrow in front of the dazzling array of clothes.

Since she was going to a concert, she had to dress a little more formally. She tried on several pieces, and finally picked her favorite red dress.

This one-shoulder dress is popular this year. It may be a little cold to wear it in spring, but she doesn't care whether it is cold or not in order to look good, and her long hair is thrown down, which is not much different from wearing a dress.

After preparing the clothes, Pei Ying felt a little relieved. Although she and Song Nanchuan had eaten together twice, it was the first time they went out alone.

Thinking of this, she was a little nervous. Do you want to think about what topics to talk about when we meet tomorrow, so as not to be cold at the time

Pei Ying really thought about it seriously, and almost didn't take out the notebook to take notes. After feeling that everything was infallible, she suddenly realized that she forgot to ask what concert it was, she should have known about it first.

After hesitating for a while whether to send another message to Song Nanchuan, Pei Ying decided... Forget it, go to sleep.

She doesn't want to lose sleep tonight, she has to go out on a date in a good mood... No, she means listening to a concert.

After lying down for two seconds, Pei Ying suddenly turned over and got up, and found a mask to put on herself.

It was so dangerous, so dangerous, I almost forgot.

After Pei Ying's careful preparation and great anticipation, this concert finally came.

Pei Ying just put on a makeup carefully. Her makeup skills are not as good as a professional makeup artist, but she can still see it. Seeing that the time on the phone had jumped to 1:50, Pei Ying became more and more nervous.

When the familiar violin song came, Pei Ying inexplicably calmed down. She took a deep breath and answered the phone: "Hello, President Song."

Song Nanchuan laughed and said on the other end of the phone, "I'm going downstairs to your house, are you ready?"

"Okay, I'll come down now." Pei Ying hung up the phone and went downstairs like a soldier going to the battlefield.