Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 1


Note: The time of this article is set in 2024, the administrative regions and related policies are all half-empty, the characters have no prototypes, and do not support realistic textual research.

The phone lay quietly in the bathtub.

Soaked in a pool of clear water, shrouded in the warm yellow light of the bathroom, it seems to be walking peacefully.

Fang Yuan stared at it in silence for a while, then turned his head to look at Gu Yanshu.

The latter leaned against the door frame and glanced back indifferently.

Fang Yuan turned back silently, leaned over to drain the water in the bathtub: "Book, you didn't really break up last night, did you?"

As he spoke, he took out the phone and shook it twice, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Gu Yanshu didn't speak, straightened up and walked to the living room.

It is the default.

Fang Yuan clicked his tongue twice: "I don't even know what to say about you with your drinking capacity."

Last night was the 7th anniversary concert of Gu Yanshu's debut, and it was even more successful than expected. At the celebration banquet, everyone was in high spirits, so they coaxed him to have a drink.

Fang Yuan thought at the time, it's just a glass of red wine, what could go wrong, it wouldn't spoil everyone's interest, so he didn't help Gu Yanshu stop him.

As a result, he woke up the next morning and couldn't get in touch with anyone, so he hurried over to take a look, only to find that Gu Yanshu was hangover and his cell phone was buried under the water.

When I asked, it was broken.

It's no wonder that Gu Yanshu hasn't touched a drop of alcohol for so many years, otherwise there might be many troubles due to his excessive drinking capacity.

Fang Yuan capitalized and bolded the five words "Gu Yanshu banned alcohol" into his manager's manual, and went into the kitchen with his mobile phone.

Gu Yanshu took out a bottle of water from the bar and glanced at him: "Why are you running to the kitchen?"

From the kitchen came the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets and Fang Yuan's thoughts: "Bury your soaked phone in the rice, maybe you can use it again after a while. You young people, learn a little bit."

I don't know where I heard this crooked way.

Gu Yanshu ignored him, took out the painkiller by himself, and took a tablet with cold water.

In the past year, there have been two music variety shows, three concerts, and one physical album, with various commercial performances and announcements interspersed. The throat has been overloaded for a long time. After a concert, even swallowing hurts badly.

Her throat rolled up and down, and her eyebrows frowned slightly.

Fang Yuan came out of the kitchen and bumped into him.

"Your throat hurts again?"

"It doesn't matter."

"It doesn't matter, can you take painkillers like candy?"

Fang Yuan hates iron for being weak, "I told you to slow down, but you didn't listen. You are only in your early twenties, and you can still eat for several years with this face alone. Why are you in such a hurry to transform? Do you want it?"

"Twenty-five soon."

Gu Yanshu corrected.

"Round up, thirty."

After speaking, he lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

No further discussion on this topic.

He has lost weight recently. When lying on the sofa, the neckline reveals a large area of deeply sunken collarbone and thin and sharp shoulder and neck lines. Under the light glaze of the floor lamp, it shows an almost transparent pale and harsh bone texture.

It looked like thin porcelain that would shatter at the touch of a bottle.

Fangyuan's heart trembled when he saw it.

He really didn't understand what Gu Yanshu was anxious about.

I can only sigh: "Okay, I have to record a show tonight, so hurry up and sleep."

Then he sat down on the sofa with his laptop in his arms, and began to deal with the accumulated work of the past few days.

Gu Yanshu's ears finally cleared up. Putting the fingertips on the center of the eyebrows, exerting a slight force, the dull pain slowly covered his nerve endings, with the drowsiness after the paralysis.

He has always been a poor drinker.

When I was a trainee in the past, I bought a few cans of beer with my roommate when I didn’t go home during the Chinese New Year, ordered takeaway, and had a simple New Year’s Eve dinner.

At that time, he was young and careless, so he drank two extra sips. As a result, when I woke up the next morning, I was dizzy and had a severe headache. I couldn't remember what happened before.

I only heard from my roommate that she held him and made a fuss all night, and almost made a big fuss.

After that, I never dared to drink casually again.

I didn't expect that after so many years, I didn't make any progress. I can't remember what happened last night.

I can only vaguely remember that I had a dream. In the dream, there was a very annoying person showing off that he took a movie—

"Fuck! Shen Jue won the Golden Universe Award for Best Actor?!"


It's a dream that works pretty damn well.

Gu Yanshu's headache was caused by Fang Yuan's voice, and the back of his hand rested on his eyelids, covering the light of the floor lamp: "Don't yell."

His voice was cold, and it was obvious that he wanted to chase away customers.

Fang Yuan still hugged the computer and came over: "Book, don't sleep, something happened. Our fans and Shen Jue's family are arguing again."

Gu Yanshu didn't even lift his eyelids: "Not used to it yet?"


I'm used to it.

Fang Yuan paused and explained, "But this time it's different."

Gu Yanshu didn't respond.

Fang Yuan added: "This time the quarrel has become the number one trending search."

Gu Yanshu still didn't respond.

Fang Yuan added again: "This time, because Shen Jue didn't go to the awards ceremony last night, your CP fan came back from the dead."

Gu Yanshu still didn't respond.

Fangyuan: "..."

Forget it, Gu Yanshu is probably deaf.

Turn around, select a piece of text, click "Smart Reading", and the volume bar will be pulled to its fullest.

A mechanical female voice with a unique metallic texture suddenly sounded in the room, and she began to read a word at a speed of half a second.

Cadence, with its own mixing effect.

Echoing in the empty living room, it was so weird and shocking.

"The reason why the new best actor was absent from the awards ceremony is because of this."

"Why did Shen Jue show up at Gu Yanshu's concert late at night?"

"The five-year breakup is all an illusion..."


In the middle of the "elephant", Gu Yanshu finally couldn't bear it anymore, sat up, covered the computer with his hand, and half drooped his eyelids.

"Speak up if you have something to say."

Dare to be deaf.

Fang Yuan took the opportunity to turn on the computer, turn off the recitation, and turned the screen to Gu Yanshu: "You can read it yourself."

Gu Yanshu glanced.

The content read by the artificial mentally handicapped just now is a Weibo.

Blogger ID @CP Girls Concentration Camp, Kim V.

In addition to the title party that was used as a gimmick just now, it was followed by a very high-level text:

[Sisters! Come and show me! Does the guy photographed outside Gu Yanshu's concert look like Shen Jue? ! Look like? ! The reason why Shen Jue didn't go to the awards ceremony has been solved! ! ! ]

There are several accompanying pictures, showing the same man from different angles.

Wearing a black peaked cap, the brim of the hat was pressed down extremely low, almost seamlessly connecting with the black mask, completely covering the entire face.

The pixels are blurry like a landline.

Whether it's a person or a ghost, you can't see clearly.

How do you know it looks like Shen Jue

Gu Yanshu raised his eyelids.

Fangyuan opened the comment section.

[This is definitely Shen Jue! Look at the comparison of the height difference between Figure 3 and the passers-by. The height is close to 1.9 meters and he didn’t run away. Look at the back view in Figure 7. When you zoom in three times, you can see a little shadow. These two characteristics are not considered popular, except for Shen Jue, no other person can be thought of. ]

[Second, and what normal person would wrap up so tightly at night? Which normal straight man would come to Gu Yanshu's concert alone? If it wasn't for Shen Jue, I'd cut off his head and give it to you as a ball. ]

[Fuck! The upstairs solution is awesome! I'm done! Really drunk! ! ! Yesterday I was still sad that the captain and the youngest hadn't been in the same frame for five years, and it turned out to be fulfilled today! ! ! ]

[Heh, the idiot CP fans upstairs are all crawling for me, a piss wakes you up, this Shen Jue seven-year-old fan can't tell that this is Shen Jue, you group of passers-by in Huangquan have opened your eyes? ]

[I can't see Shen Jue at the same time. Trouble everyone who is daydreaming, thank you, YOUNG has been disbanded for five years, and we Shen Yingdi are unique]

[That's right, that's right, you film kings are so awesome, our little idols can't afford to climb up high]

[That must be too high to climb, Shen Jue has a wall with idols who depend on fans for food]

[Oh, my sister laughed to death. Check out the three sold-out concerts at the Bird's Nest, check out the record-breaking sales of physical albums, and check out the top-ranked singles in consecutive sales. Our elder brother is powerful and popular, so you can shut up if you say that the sour chicken who relies on fans for food]

[Laughing to death dad, Shen Jue doesn’t have any great resources, as for acidifying your family? I really take that little bit of popularity as a treasure]

[After all, the flow family only has the flow, otherwise how could they run over to suck their blood when they saw their former teammate win the Best Actor]

[Shen Jue's homophobia is already so stone-hammered, can a certain top streamer stop bundling marketing and selling rot? Cheap or not?]


The computer was violently closed again.

Fangyuan was so angry that white smoke came out of his nostrils: "If this group of people can use their imagination and energy to create science and culture, Chinese society will progress for at least ten years!"

Gu Yanshu's expression remained unchanged, and he leaned back on the sofa: "So why show me these things?"

"Huh? Oh."

Fang Yuan was stunned, and recovered from his anger, "It's nothing, I just wanted to tell you that you and Shen Jue definitely don't get along."


Gu Yanshu watched quietly.

Fang Yuan: "Don't look at me with that stupid look."

Gu Yanshu closed his eyes.

Fang Yuan felt insulted.

The complaining woman said: "I'm not doing it for your own good. There must be people who don't have good eyesight who will ask you about this in the past few days. I just want you to know that as long as you get involved with Shen Jue, nothing good will happen. So we have to draw a line... Hey, Mr. Zhang?"

Halfway through the chatter, the phone rang, and Fang Yuan had to stop temporarily to pick up the phone.

Gu Yanshu's ears were temporarily relieved, but his head hurt even more. Stand up and prepare to go back to the bedroom to catch up on sleep.

However, just as he got up, he was stopped by Fang Yuan.

"Little book."

The tone is unusually heavy.

Gu Yanshu turned his head.

Fang Yuan looked serious: "Did you do something you shouldn't have done last night?"


"Boss Zhang asked you to go to the company right away, it's urgent."


Arrive at the UN Media Building.

Fangyuan asked for the 23rd time: "Xiaoshu, are you sure you drank too much last night and didn't do anything with your mobile phone in the bathroom that would be mosaiced? Otherwise, why did Mr. Zhang suddenly ask you? You are a top-notch man now. Celebrity, in case there is nudity..."

Gu Yanshu gave him a cold sideways look.

Fang Yuan closed her mouth tactfully, and followed her to the front desk.

The two little girls at the front desk were whispering on their mobile phones.

As soon as he saw Gu Yanshu, he immediately put down his phone and smiled sweetly: "Mr. Gu, brother Fang, are you here to find Mr. Zhang?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang asked us to come here." Fang Yuan usually knew the little girl in the company quite well, "Shall we go directly to his office?"

"He's still in a meeting, why don't you wait in the reception room first, and I'll take you there."


Before he could say "good", he saw Gu Yanshu walking towards the reception room with two straight and long legs without looking back.

Fang Yuan could only swallow it back, and changed his words halfway.

Smiling at the two little girls who didn't care about drinking, "No, my company, do you have anything to bring?"

At the end, thinking of the way they were whispering just now, she couldn't help gossiping, "But what were you two talking about just now, with an expression of grief over the loss of precious human wealth."

As soon as these words came out, the two little girls who were staring at Gu Yanshu when they saw Gu Yanshu just now fainted.

Eyebrows drooping, lifeless: "There's nothing to talk about, it's just that Shen Jue's love affair has been exposed."


It took such a short time to drive from home to the company, and there was so much explosive material.

"What's the situation?"

The little girl felt wronged like she had lost her love: "You don't know, Shen Jue didn't go to receive the award last night, he went to see his girlfriend."


Hearing this, Fang Yuan couldn't care less about teasing the little girl, so she quickly took out her phone and opened Weibo to search it.

Sure enough, there was a particularly eye-catching row of labels hanging on the top.

—Shen Jue’s love affair is suspected to be exposed

Looking up again, Gu Yanshu's figure had almost disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Quickly trotting to keep up: "I'm going, Xiao Shu, Shen Jue didn't go to the awards ceremony last night, but went on a sneaky date."

Gu Yanshu turned a corner, and said indifferently, "Where did I hear the rumor again?"

"It's not a rumor, there is evidence, you see." Fang Yuan handed over the phone.

Gu Yanshu glanced at it from the corner of his eye.

It was a photo taken secretly at the entrance of the hotel.

In the photo, Shen Jue's red LaFerrarie is particularly eye-catching in the night, and there is a woman in red clothes standing beside her who is also eye-catching. Although his face is extremely vague, it is not difficult to see his tall figure and glamorous temperament.

Gu Yanshu remembered that Shen Jue said that his ideal type was a tall, thin, cold beauty.

Looking away, he said casually, "There is no intimacy, and there is no time to prove it."

"But in the middle of the night, a lonely man and a widow appearing together at the entrance of the hotel is a real hammer... no." Fang Yuan realized, "Little Shu, why are you still talking to Shen Jue?"

Gu Yanshu ignored him and walked forward on his own.

He was tall and long-legged, and walked extremely fast.

Fang Yuan walked behind with two short legs, a little reluctantly, but he still kept on talking earnestly.

"Xiaoshu, don't you still think that Shen Jue is a good person? Have you forgotten how he turned his back on others before? Don't think too much about people. You have to trust my brother, this kind of stalking Men don't have a good thing... hey, why don't you go?"

Already at the door of the reception room, Gu Yanshu stopped suddenly. The back also stretched straight in an instant visible to the naked eye.

Fang Yuan was curious, she tiptoed to look inside.

However, the door of the reception room was only half opened, the gap was very narrow, and Gu Yanshu was half a head taller than Fang Yuan, so the entire field of vision was completely blocked.

Fang Yuan couldn't see anything: "Is there anything in the house?"

There was a brief silence.

Gu Yanshu said lightly: "It's nothing, I just think you're right."

"Huh? What's the right thing? Oh, there's no good thing for the man who pinched the little one, right?"

Fang Yuan heard what Gu Yanshu said, and he just thought he was thinking about what he said just now, so he didn't care. Bypassing him, he pushed open the door of the reception room and walked in.

He said proudly, "That's not true, after all, your brother and I have lived for more than thirty years, so we must - yes."

The last couplet was spoken by inertia.

After speaking, he stood on the spot.

He saw the scene inside the house.

In fact, there was nothing else, only a young man was leaning against the floor-to-ceiling windows, talking on the phone in a low voice.

The blue-gray sky light unique to early winter in Beijing fell from behind him, outlining a tall and slender figure with two long legs propped up lazily, holding a mobile phone in one hand and putting the other in his pocket.

The room is brightly lit, and the light and shadow cut out the original three-dimensional and deep features of the facial features. The neck is slightly tilted forward, the head is drooping, and a lock of broken hair in front of the forehead inadvertently falls out and is slightly curled.

The glass behind him clearly reflected his hair that was casually tied behind his head.

Hmm, hairy.

Fang Yuan wanted to die.

And the man in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows has already raised his head and looked over here.

The dark eyes mean nothing.

half an hour.

He just pulled the corner of his lips and smiled.

"Like me?"

The author has something to say: Follow me: Gu Yanshu is shou, Gu Yanshu is shou, Gu Yanshu is shou

Sweet text, no abuse, sweet text, no abuse, sweet text, no abuse.

In addition, everyone remember this mobile phone put in the rice! (What Fang Yuan said was a rumor, but don’t forget it)

Attached reading instructions:

[1] The background is set in 2024. Same-sex marriage is not allowed. I will try my best to avoid idol disqualification, but I will come out publicly, and I don’t like to be cautious.

[2] Don't compare reality in online articles, what are the paper people doing, and the beautiful love story of two handsome guys are all in Jinjiang Literature City.

[3] The author's writing style is not good (not modest), everyone can watch it if they are happy, if you are not happy, it is recommended to make a difference, don't wrong yourself, okay

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