Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 17


Leave me alone.

Gu Yanshu wanted to say this.

But it felt like she was throwing a fit with Shen Jue.

So he just lowered his eyebrows and said coldly: "It should have nothing to do with Mr. Shen."

Nothing to do with me

Besides me, who do you want to have anything to do with this matter

Seeing Gu Yanshu's cold look, Shen Jue wanted to pick him up and shake him three times, shaking out all those small thoughts, so that he didn't have to think hard about guessing.

But he dare not.

Gu Yanshu is just an awkward kitten, he is more obedient than anyone else if he brushes his fur smoothly, but if he doesn't stroke well, he will ruthlessly scratch your paw, turn his head and walk away.

But this cat's temper is something I'm used to, and I only like this cat, so what can I do.

And it's not that I haven't thought about raising this kitten.

But after holding back for several years, he only dared to watch secretly, and secretly helped him drive away those bad dogs. I couldn't help but want to take him home and hide him.

Then in a blink of an eye, he turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

As if the little drunk cat who whimpered and whimpered was not a cat like him.

Only I was left guarding such an unpredictable little thing, neither advancing nor retreating. Sometimes I'm afraid it's too abrupt and scare him, and sometimes I'm afraid it's too obscure and he can't understand it.

Originally, he could deceive himself and others, saying that as long as Gu Yanshu is good, it is fine, but what Huang Yinan said just now made Shen Jue suddenly realize that he seemed to have been ignoring the possibility of Gu Yanshu falling in love with others.

Thinking of this, Shen Xin felt a suffocating soreness in his heart.

It's like the kitten he raised and raised, suddenly doesn't want him, and runs to others to purr.

He was so angry that he wanted to shave the cat bald.

Thinking of this, Shen Jue felt that he should be more cruel and less human, he must let this cat be responsible for his drunken disorder, and not allow him to hit and run again.

So he walked slowly to the sofa opposite Gu Yanshu and sat down: "As your former captain and current cohabitant partner, it shouldn't be too much for me to care about your love life?"

While typing on the keyboard, Gu Yanshu said indifferently: "Mr. Shen didn't seem to let me care when he was looking for a girlfriend."


Shen Jue's prepared routine suddenly got stuck.

After a short pause, in retrospect, Gu Yanshu probably took Xia Qingqiao's words seriously during lunch today.

Can't it be jealous

But whether he is jealous or blames himself for not telling him that he has a girlfriend, the fundamental reason is because he cares about himself, as long as he cares about himself, he may like himself, as long as he can like himself, then he may become himself Boy friend.

The soreness and discomfort at Shen Ruoxin's mouth suddenly improved a lot.

She smiled lowly and said, "I've said it all, Xia Qingqiao is talking nonsense, I don't have a girlfriend."

Gu Yanshu didn't respond.

Shen Jue felt like a strict wife who knelt on the washboard to explain after being checked by his wife. The smile deepened: "I'm the kind of person who would cover up when I'm in love?"

Gu Yanshu's fingertips moved slightly.

Indeed not.

If Shen Jue falls in love, he will definitely give that girl the best he can, and then drag her around the world to show off.

So Shen Jue should indeed not have a girlfriend.

But he always will.

Gu Yanshu couldn't express his current feeling in his heart, he seemed to be relieved, but also seemed to be a little jealous, unable to sum up his emotions, so he simply ignored Shen Jue.

However, by coincidence, after he hit the space bar twice, he suddenly added a sentence inexplicably: "I don't like anyone. It's Brother Nan who thinks too much."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Shen Jue's answer, he followed closely: "I still have work to do, so I'll be busy first."

Shen Jue would not be a human being again, nor would he disturb Gu Yanshu's work, so he did not speak again.

It's just that after hearing Gu Yanshu's answer, it seemed that he had made up his mind, and the corners of his lips involuntarily evoked a little animal-like smile. Then he got up, went to the bathroom to wash up, changed into clean clothes, leaned lazily against the head of the bed, and read the script.

Occasionally, I looked up at Gu Yanshu and saw him sitting quietly cross-legged on the sofa, with his back naturally straight, his long eyelashes catching the warm light in the winter night, focused and serious.

It reminded Shen Jue of the year before his debut, when Gu Yanshu happened to be in his third year of high school, and every night he would turn on the lights and fight at night like this.

He is smart. Even though he has less time to study than other children, his grades have always been very good. There is no problem at all in being admitted to a double first-class university. Even so, he has never stopped working hard, because he really wants to be admitted to his favorite School.

So when Shen Jue knew that he agreed to the agency company to debut directly and give up the college entrance examination, he was so angry that he ignored him for three days.

Later, Young disbanded, and he was not in a hurry to get Ye Ting to sign him. Instead, he secretly found someone to help him secure his school status, and only after he finished the college entrance examination in Anxin did he let Ye Ting go to find him.

Shen Jue felt that a clean and well-behaved child like Gu Yanshu should wear a white shirt and carry a backpack to learn what he wanted to learn.

Later, I secretly went to see it, and it proved that Gu Yanshu looked the best in a white shirt.

Of course, Gu Yanshu was good-looking, and everything was good-looking.

Even a stretch is cute, like an elegant cat, stretched out lazily, revealing its soft waist.

After Gu Yanshu finally finished all the arrangements, he put down the computer, and was so sleepy that he wanted to yawn, but in the middle of typing, he met Shen Jue's naked probing gaze, so he immediately turned cold and suppressed his yawn.

The corners of his eyes were filled with water: "What are you looking at?"

"Look at you." Shulan smiled.

Gu Yanshu's face suddenly became colder.




He tapped the computer, stood up, and went out to call Fang Yuan.

"I'm done here, come and pick me up."

The background sound on Fangyuan's side was very noisy: "You finished the little book so quickly? I'm talking with the bosses of the brand side about the renewal of the contract, socializing, drinking some wine, and I can't come to pick you up. "

Ever since he decided to terminate the contract with UN and set up his own studio, Fang Yuan has been very busy, and he has helped him deal with all the interpersonal relationships that he is not good at.

Gu Yanshu understood very well: "Well, then I'll go there by myself. You should drink less and don't hold on."

"I'm fine. You have to be careful yourself, and wear thicker clothes at night... Okay, I'll be right there. Xiaoshu, I'll hang up first."

hang up the phone.

Gu Yanshu returned to the room, packed up his things, wrapped himself in a beige down jacket, and prepared to go out.

Shen Jue stopped him: "Where are you going?"

"Guokong TV."

"Is your agent coming to pick you up?"

"Take a taxi."

Shen Jue got up and put on his clothes.

Gu Yanshu frowned: "What are you doing?"

"I'll drive you."

Shen Jue's car was still parked in the community, so it would be very convenient to drive him off.

Gu Yanshu refused: "No need."

"Do you think it's easy to take a taxi at this point?"

There has never been a taxi willing to come near the villa area.

Gu Yanshu opened the car-hailing software and expected to wait for 20 minutes.

Shen Jue has already put on his coat: "Being angry is tempering, don't delay the business."

It was already nine o'clock, and Gu Yanshu remembered that Fang Yuan told himself that the person in charge of "The Strongest Stage" got off work at ten o'clock.

He is not a willful person, he can distinguish the priorities, and he didn't refute.

He just glanced at the useless windbreaker on Shen Jue, frowned slightly, pulled the thick down jacket that Shen Jue had just replaced and threw it to him: "It's late at night, don't waste your time."

Shen Jue knew that he was afraid of being cold.

While changing clothes, he asked slowly, "Why are you so fierce?"

Because you are scum.

Gu Yanshu turned around and went downstairs, ignoring him.

Shen Jue's flamboyant LaFerrari had been parked in the garage of the community for two days, and it finally came in handy. It came out from the north gate of the community in style, swaggered through the city, and drove straight through the night to Chaoyang District.

In the cold night at the end of the year, there was a layer of mist, and when it was lively at night, the road was a little congested.

Fortunately, Shen Jue grew up in Beijing and was familiar with the road conditions. He took Gu Yanshu to the left and right, and delivered Gu Yanshu safely before the person in charge left.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Shen Jue parked the car in the underground parking lot of the building, sent Gu Yanshu to the elevator, and returned to the car to wait.

After Gu Yanshu signed the contract, handed over all the materials to the program team, confirmed that there was no problem, and communicated with him about the ideas and requirements for stage design and makeup, it was already eleven o'clock.

When he came out of the program group, he suddenly remembered that Shen Jue was waiting for him downstairs by himself, so he quickly hurried down.

As soon as he walked to the elevator, Gu Yanshu felt as if someone was following him. Looking back, there was nothing there. He frowned slightly and kept vigilant. He got on the elevator, arrived at the underground parking lot, and quickly got into the car all the way.

Sit in the co-pilot.

Shen Jue asked: "What's wrong?"

Gu Yanshu fastened his seat belt, and calmly stated: "It seems that someone is following me."

Usually when people hear such words, they will question "No way" or comfort "You should think too much".

However, Shen Jue just whispered: "It's okay, I'm here."

The seat belt on Gu Yanshu's hand got stuck.

Shen Jue turned sideways, stretched his arms in front of Gu Yanshu, grabbed the seat belt and pulled it down, and naturally leaned in front of Gu Yanshu, with a warm breath, and his earlobes were barely ten centimeters away from Gu Yanshu's lips.

Gu Yanshu's mind became hot, he pushed Shen Jue away without thinking, and said coldly, "Shen Jue, what are you doing?"

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows slightly: "What happened to me?"

Gu Yanshu controlled his expression and voice to be calm: "Mr. Shen doesn't think this behavior is inappropriate?"

"Why is it inappropriate?" Shen Jue showed great interest in this sentence, "What is inappropriate between two big men?"


There is something inappropriate between two big men.

Straight men think so.

Gu Yanshu also thought so a few years ago.

But it's different now.

Gu Yanshu didn't know whether his self-control was good or not, so instead of losing control at that time, it's better to speak clearly when he is awake.

"The CP rumors between the two of us have already brought a lot of bad influence, so I hope Teacher Shen can be more careful in his behavior in the future, and don't do things that cause people to misunderstand, and avoid unnecessary trouble."

"for example?"

"For example, I don't think it's very difficult to avoid unnecessary physical contact and jokes."

Where is the joke.

There was silence in the carriage for a while.

Shen Jue knew that Gu Yanshu was really unhappy.

He asked in a low voice: "Gu Yanshu, are you still angry with me?"

"No." Gu Yanshu turned his head to look out the window, and said calmly, "Go back first, or it will be too late and disturb others' rest."

Shen Jue didn't speak.

The car starts and drives into the dark night.

The crowds on the street have slowly receded, revealing the original appearance of the city, only the complicated lights of the street illuminated the thick outline of the dark clouds in the sky, showing the force of destroying the city.

Shen Jue guessed that it should be snowing soon.

Then I can cook hot pot for Gu Yanshu tomorrow.

Thinking about it, he raised his eyes to look in the rearview mirror, and then frowned.

A broken Santana followed closely behind, and the distance between cars was far below the safe distance.

This car is very familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere.

It should have followed me halfway when I left the community today.

Shen Jue suddenly remembered what Wang Yang said in the supermarket during the day that there were two people sneaking around with cameras, and when he came back from the supermarket, there seemed to be someone squatting at the north gate, and Gu Yanshu said that someone was following him.

Eyebrows turned cold.

Dial the bluetooth phone and report your location: "Xia Meng, I have encountered something here that I don't know if it is an illegitimate child or a paparazzi. Come here and deal with it."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a red light ahead, and the brakes were stepped on.

Almost at the same instant, Gu Yanshu shouted: "Shen Jue, be careful!"

Then Shen Jue's arm instinctively stretched out to protect the back of Gu Yanshu's neck.


There was a sharp sound.

Violent impact.

The strong impact and inertia made Gu Yanshu feel a dull pain all over his body, but fortunately his neck was protected, and he didn't cause the neck bones to be dislocated or strained due to the inertia of the head and body.

Quickly regaining consciousness, he unbuckled his seat belt and eagerly looked at Shen Jue's arm: "Are you all right? Does it hurt?"

Such a strong impact, how could it not hurt.

Gu Yanshu's indifference finally broke the ice.

Shen Jue comforted him: "It doesn't hurt."

Then he turned the steering wheel with his left hand, pulled over the car, unfastened his seat belt, opened the door, got out of the car, and walked towards the rear.

A thin and small man came down from Santana in the rear, who seemed to be stunned, and seeing a big man who was 1.9 meters walking with wide steps and an unfriendly expression, his calves trembled violently.

Shen Jue walked all the way to him, stood still, looked down, squinted his eyes slightly, his momentum and figure completely oppressed him.

The thin man stumbled and wanted to say something, but he was so frightened that he couldn't utter a word.

Shen Jue simply didn't bother to listen to him.

Raising his eyelids, his eyes glanced over his head and landed on the camera in the driver's seat.

The thin man took out the camera tremblingly.

After taking a look, it was full of candid photos of Gu Yanshu, as well as the ambiguous image of him helping Gu Yanshu fasten his seat belt in the parking lot just now.

Shen Jue's lips curled into an unclear sneer.

The thin man quickly explained: "We are the media..."


Before the words were finished, the camera fell straight to the ground and fell to pieces.

Shen Jue twirled his fingers lightly, as if he felt dirty.

Then he held a business card and handed it over: "The address of my company. You can go there to claim at any time. By the way, please provide me with an address, so that the court can send a subpoena."

The thin man is just a paparazzi who listens to other people's affairs. He has never seen a battle of subpoenas, and he wants to defend himself.

Shen Jue has already said indifferently: "According to Article 42 of the "Public Security Management Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China", those who peep, secretly film, eavesdrop, or spread other people's privacy, if the circumstances are serious, shall be detained for not less than five days but not more than ten days, and shall also be fined. A fine of less than five hundred yuan. And."


"You'd better ask your master if the insurance of this car has been paid on time. Otherwise, I may not be able to pay for a rear bumper of my car if I sell your car."

This is not scary at all.

It just sounds a bit rich and unkind.

Coupled with the overly obvious appearance characteristics and flamboyant behavior style, many passers-by have already surrounded the scene, and they all took out their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos.

Gu Yanshu also seemed to have forgotten the words to draw a clear line with Shen Jue, and after taking photos of the scene and saving them, he walked up to Shen Jue.

Originally, he wanted to question the paparazzi who secretly took pictures, but as soon as he walked in, he saw fine beads of sweat between the broken hair on Shen Jue's forehead.

How can you sweat in the cold winter months

Gu Yanshu's heart tightened.

Hastily went to touch Shen Jue's arm, it was indeed swollen.

A look of worry leaked from the cold eyebrows in an instant: "Does it hurt?"

Shen Jue turned his head to look at him, restrained his arrogance and coldness just now: "It's okay."

"Fortunately, you should move."

Can't move.

Because it really hurts.

Shen Jue lowered his head and smiled lazily: "It just hurts a little."

Gu Yanshu pursed his lips extremely deeply.

Take out your phone and call 120.

Shen Jue hastily stopped him: "Don't occupy public resources indiscriminately."

"Then follow me to the hospital immediately."

"I don't want the car? What if the person runs away?"

"If the car is gone, I will buy it for you. When people run away, they run away."

Gu Yanshu's voice was calm and indifferent, as if he didn't want to reveal his anxiety, but he didn't know if it was from the cold, and the corners of his eyes were a little red.

Go stop the car after speaking.

It was as if he wanted to tie Shen Jue to the hospital.

Fortunately, Xia Meng arrived soon with the people from the legal department.

The people from the legal department stayed behind, and Xia Meng drove them to the private hospital under the name of the Shen Group.

Registration, consultation, filming, all the way down Gu Yanshu's face was tense, he looked unhappy or angry, and he didn't say a word until he got to the VIP consultation room, just watching the doctor on Shen Jue's arm. touch around.

The doctor grabbed Shen Jue's arm and pressed it: "Does it hurt?"

Shen Jue frowned slightly, but soon relaxed again: "It's okay."

Gu Yanshu's lips pursed even tighter.

The doctor changed the position and pressed again: "Does it hurt?"

This time he frowned deeper, and then quickly said calmly: "It doesn't hurt much."

Gu Yanshu pinched his fingertips into his palm.

The doctor pressed harder.

Shen Jue couldn't help but took a light breath of cold air, beads of sweat oozed from his forehead: "It hurts a little."

It's just a little sore from start to finish.

Gu Yanshu couldn't help but say: "If it hurts, just say it hurts, don't hide it, it hurts and there is no shame in it."

Shen Jue smiled: "I don't feel ashamed of the pain."

It's because you're afraid of worrying or feeling guilty.

Gu Yanshu understood.

Shen Jue smiled again: "And you are still angry with me, I'm afraid you will say that I pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic."

"I've already told you that I'm not angry with you, so why don't you listen." Gu Yanshu blurted out, with a rare urgent tone, fierce, but extraordinarily true.

After blurting out, I realized what I said, and my ears turned red.

Immediately, his face turned cold again, and he turned to look at the doctor: "Doctor, is he all right?"

The doctor hesitated: "It's hard to say, I have to watch the film first."

Just as Xia Meng was about to say that she was going to pick up the film, she saw Shen Jue secretly winking at her, and understood instantly.

Looking at Gu Yanshu: "Can I trouble Teacher Gu to take down the film?"

With such a big incident, there must be something to talk about between the agent and the artist, Gu Yanshu had no doubt about him, nodded and left.

Close the door.

Xia Meng rolled her eyes at Shen Jue.

Originally thought that Shen Jue really lost his arm.

Looking at it now, nine times out of ten, a certain movie star used his superb acting skills to play the seven-point pain into a very real pain, and pretended that he was enduring it.

Sure enough, Shen Jue looked at the doctor and showed a gentlemanly smile: "Doctor Tong Huo, right?"


Shen Jue is the young master of the Shen family, everyone knows about it.

As an employee of Shen Group, Tong Huo has a very good attitude.

Shen Jue nodded: "Good name. It's just my injury..."

"If the bones are not damaged, it should be a muscle strain caused by a sharp contraction and a strong impact. After a cold compress, wrap it with a bandage, and rest for two days, you can resume activities. But you must not do such a dangerous thing in the future. Action, one inattentive is a broken bone."

"so… "

Shen Jue's tone seemed a bit regretful.

He tapped the table with the tip of his left finger and looked at Tong Huo, "Then when that pretty boy comes back later, can Dr. Tong make my situation a little bit more serious, that I won't be able to use my right hand for about a week and need someone else to help me?" The degree of personal care."

Tong Huo was puzzled.

Shen Jue explained with a smile: "We are actually recording a reality show, which requires the program to be effective. As for the medical records, doctors should write them as they please. We will not affect your work."

The request sounds reasonable and empathetic.

The key is that the other party is still the baby son of his boss.

Tong Huo thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay. Then I'll report to the director first."

"Then trouble Dr. Tong."

Shen Jue was so polite as a dog.

However, when Tong Huo came to the door, Xia Meng couldn't help complaining: "Boss, you are really shameless."

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows, noncommittal.

He didn't want a face, he only wanted Gu Yanshu.

For a little thing like Gu Yanshu who is cold on the outside and soft on the inside, he must be allowed to open the shell on his own initiative, otherwise he will only make the relationship between the two of them more and more rigid.

Knowing that he was hopeless, Xia Meng rolled her eyes again: "But you were too impulsive today, and you vented your anger on Gu Yanshu, but have you ever thought about how much this will affect your personal image?"

"Anyway, it's not like I haven't smashed other people's things before."

Shen Jue tapped his knuckles on the table one after another, as if he didn't mind at all.

"And what kind of virtue I am, is there anyone who doesn't know?"

"You still said. You forgot what you were scolded for when you smashed the microphone and hit the reporter? And you were misunderstood as homophobia? You didn't explain a word from the beginning to the end, just because of Gu Yanshu..."

Xia Meng became more and more excited as she spoke, so that she didn't hear the slight footsteps in the corridor.

Gu Yanshu's knuckles on the doorknob had already stopped.