Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 23


Gu Yanshu:


The five people who just came home and stood at the door: ? ?

Gu Yanshu shook off Shen Jue's hand: "The power went out just now, and the stairs were dark."

"Oh—" everyone suddenly realized, "You are afraid of the dark."

Gu Yanshu's eyebrows were cold: "I'm not afraid."

"Then why are you holding hands with Teacher Shen?"

Gu Yanshu: "..."

Weigh for three seconds.

"I'm afraid."

However, it has not helped.

[No, you are not afraid, you just want to hold hands]

[Is this the legendary straight man who likes to hold hands? Okay, I understand]

[So what the hell are you doing up there! Why haven't you changed your clothes yet! Mom is so anxious! ]

[I have already imagined 10,000 images of this screen-opening crit! So what happened when the live broadcast was interrupted just now! Why don't you let me see it! ]

[VJ deducts wages! ! ! ! ]

Gu Yanshu looked at the barrage, and felt that after this day's live broadcast, he really couldn't explain it clearly.

She turned her head and gave Shen Jue a gouging look: Stay away from me.

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows: Can this also be my fault

Huang Yinan passed by in a high-profile manner with a big bag of agricultural products in his hand: "Okay, you two don't flirt with each other, it's not the first time you hold hands, so pretend not to be familiar."

Xu Fangfang followed behind and passed by with an exaggerated expression: "Wow. Teacher Shen and Xiaoshu have such a good relationship!"

Immediately behind, Sheng Ping nodded in agreement: "Yes! It's really good!"

Don't be too contrived.

Gu Yanshu turned around and gave Shen Jue a hard look.

Shen Jue chuckled: "I'll go back and change first."

After speaking, he turned and went upstairs.

Gu Yanshu was left alone and walked towards the kitchen with a stern face, picked up the kitchen knife, raised the knife and dropped it, and there was a deafening bang, which made Shen Jue on the third floor touch his neck in fright.

Why is this little temper getting more and more explosive

How can I coax you in the future.

Getting angry with Shen Jue is going to be angry with Shen Jue, and Gu Yanshu will never forget what he should do.

The pig's trotters are quickly processed and stewed into the pot.

Then I washed all the ingredients, cut them, and put them on a plate. The table was neatly arranged, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder looked extremely comfortable.

Moreover, the whole set of movements was clean and smooth, without embarrassment, in stark contrast to Xia Qing, Qiao Xu Fangfang and Jieshuang Xing who were in a hurry to cook a hot pot in the living room.

Sheng Ping helped them cut up the vegetables, and after serving them out, he couldn't help but praise: "Xiao Shu is really one of the most capable male entertainers I've seen in recent years."

"That's necessary, Xiaoshu can do it since he was a child." Huang Yinan on the other end took over the conversation, "At the earliest time, none of us rough guys knew how to do housework, and the trainee dormitory was as messy as a doghouse. Only when Xiaoshu comes is it like a place where a person lives.”

Shen Jue had just changed his clothes and went downstairs, when he heard this, he gave him a sideways glance: "That's you, don't take me with you, I like to be clean."

"You like to be clean, but do you know how to do housework? You won't wash your clothes when they're dirty, throw them away after wearing them for a day, buy new ones when they're not enough to wear, and become penniless and pauper in less than a month, right? You? If Xiaoshu hadn’t come to live in the same room with you later, you could only live in the kennel with us.”

Danmaku loves to listen to Teacher Tetsuo's speech.

[hhhh, throw away the international luxury brand when you wear it, and buy a new one if you don't have it, the wealthy and wealthy people in the capital don't deceive me]

[Damn, this boy group is too real, you look at the glamorous and handsome brothers, maybe there is a dirty dog behind them]

[Is it only me who cares more about why I became poor in less than a month? Isn't the strength of our wealthy and wealthy families unlimited swiping of black cards? Or am I being tricked by Mary Sue novels? ! ]

Several other people were also a little curious about this question.

Shen Jue's family background has never been a secret, and he himself has never shied away from it.

So he teased: "Mr. Shen should not be short of money."

Xu Fangfang and Shen Jue graduated from the same school, and they asked another question casually: "And Mr. Shen has been studying acting, right? Why did you suddenly want to become an idol at that time?"

Xu Fangfang pushed Xia Qingqiao aside as he spoke, to make a place next to Gu Yanshu.

Shen Jue took the opportunity to sit down on the vacant seat, and answered casually: "My family has always disapproved of my career. At that time, I had some conflicts with my elders. I was young and energetic, so I ran away from home, and then I went to work in a daze. Trainee."

He said it lightly, obviously unwilling to talk about it in depth.

Sheng Ping changed the subject and looked at Xia Qingqiao: "Then what about you, how did you, a rich second generation, suddenly think of becoming an idol?"

Xia Qingqiao stuffed a large piece of beef balls, and her mouth bulged: "Because if I don't become an idol, I will study abroad, and after studying abroad, I will inherit the family business. I don't like my father's company, so I can only be an idol. "

The eyes are innocent and pure, and the expression is serious and sincere.

Everyone present: "..."

Sheng Ping frowned: "Xiao Xia, if someone asks you this question again in the future, don't answer it so honestly, just answer it as a dream."


Xia Qingqiao was a fool, but she was quite obedient.

After thinking for a while, he added, "But it's not just for this reason. I followed my sister to a Yanshu brother's concert. At that time, I thought how could someone be so handsome and beautiful, standing on the stage The whole person seemed to be glowing, and then I thought that I should also be such a person.”

In the year when Xia Qingqiao debuted in the draft, Huang Yinan was a rap instructor and invited Gu Yanshu to be a flight instructor. At that time, Xia Qingqiao exposed his fanboy attributes, and everyone was not surprised.

Huang Yinan nodded in agreement: "Indeed, when we were training, all the teachers liked Xiaoshu the most. He is the kind of person who is talented and hardworking. I feel that he should stand on the stage by nature. Later, when he went back to school, I still I thought he had given up on this job, but it was a pity for a long time. But fortunately, he came back later."

Huang Yinan took a sip of beer, with rare emotion in his tone.

It seemed that he felt from the bottom of his heart that it would be a pity if Gu Yanshu left the stage.

And the director on the other end has already taken out the teleprompter: Continue to chat!

Obviously the audience loved the party.

Sheng Ping then asked again: "Then how did Xiao Shu think of suddenly becoming an idol? You must have not graduated from high school at that time, right?"

Gu Yanshu looked indifferent: "I just like it."

"I think you have learned piano, Russian, and vocal music since you were young. Your family should be very supportive, right?"

Gu Yanshu lowered his eyes, and did not directly answer Sheng Ping's words about the family, but said indifferently: "My mother was a musical actor stationed in Russia when she was young, and later became a music teacher when she came back, so I have learned from her since I was a child."

Sheng Ping nodded: "Very good. You really have talent. I met Director Qin yesterday, and he said that your voice is very suitable in all aspects. If you have time next week, you can try to sing the OST. I will help you. about."

"Thank you, Teacher Sheng."

If they can sing the OST of an internationally renowned director's film, it will be an extremely powerful bargaining chip on the road to transformation for singers like them from idols.

Gu Yanshu's fans on the bullet screen immediately reveled.

[Director Qin! Is that Director Qin I thought of? ! Zai Zai is promising! ]

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo powder ]

[I don’t know why, but Teacher Tie Nan said that it’s a good thing that Xiaoshu came back, I wanted to cry so much, it’s a good thing, those bad things didn’t defeat us, Gu Xiaoshu! ]

[To tell you the truth, when I saw the three of them sitting together eating hot pot, I wanted to cry. It felt like I was back in the days when I watched TV dramas]

Huang Yinan looked at the bullet screen and said with a smile: "Indeed. When I think of the time when we secretly ate hot pot together in the dormitory, it seems like it hasn't been too long, but it turns out that it has been five years. I really didn't expect that one day we could Sitting with Lao Shen and Xiao Shu to eat hot pot, it's like a dream."

Shen Jue said lazily: "Why didn't you think of it?"

"When the regiment was disbanded, you... Forget it, don't talk about it."

Even if Huang Yinan stopped, he handed a can of beer to each other, "Anyway, I feel relieved now that you are so good. After all, it was so hard at that time, and we all got through it together. It doesn't make sense that we are all doing well now, but when Not brothers anymore, right?"

Right shit.

Shen Jue didn't bother to talk to him.

Who wants to be brothers with Gu Yanshu.

He conveniently replaced the beer can in front of Gu Yanshu with a can of Wangzai's milk: "You let him drink, do you want to die?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot." Huang Yinan slapped his forehead and looked at Gu Yanshu, "Xiao Shu, look at how kind Lao Shen is to you, and remember that you can't drink, so don't be angry with him. Protect your hands from being hurt."


Put the chopsticks away.

It's okay not to say.

As soon as he said this, Gu Yanshu, whose expression had already softened, suddenly remembered something, got up and walked to the kitchen, after a while, brought out a big bowl, and put it in front of Shen Jue.

"You eat this."

His tone was cold.

Shen Jue looked down.

Without any side dishes, any seasoning, just a bowl of white fat pig's trotters and boiling water.


Shen Jue looked up at Gu Yanshu.

Gu Yanshu looked down at him coldly.

Shen Jue picked up the fork with his left hand: "Okay, I'll eat."

Then, smelling the spicy and rich aroma, listening to the laughter of everyone tasting the hot pot, silently ate the boiled pig's trotters.

She thought to herself, this idiot Huang Yinan is really a brother.

But the barrage is still full of [Tuanhun Niubi! ]

At the end of the live broadcast, the number of viewers in the whole day has exceeded one billion, and the highest real-time online number is tens of millions.

There are several free hot searches on Weibo.

There are quite a few hot searches for half-buying and half-recommending.

Don't even think about it, I and Shen Jue are basically on the hot search list today.

Gu Yanshu went back to the room first, covered the lens, took off the microphone, took a shower, lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone, only to find that Fangyuan had sent countless WeChat messages.

Densely packed, ninety-nine plus, each with an indisputable exclamation mark, it is simply a full follow-up of today's live video.

And thousands of words come together into one sentence in the end.

Fangyuan: [Gu Yanshu! Didn't you promise me to stay away from Shen Jue! Is this what you mean by going further? ! Did you know this is live! Not even post-editing! If someone wants to mess with you, there is no excuse anywhere! Attached: video link. ]

Click on the link.

——"Everyday with You"/Shen Jue X Gu Yanshu/cut: Li Xiaoren, a master of food production/Gao Tian Wuyou has a car and recalls killing

Gu Yanshu: "..."

Compared with the cool tone of the previous video, the color tone of this video is obviously much pinker.

At the beginning of the chapter, I don’t know which time Shen Jue woke him up, and then he fed Shen Jue breakfast by himself, tied Shen Jue’s hair, and went out to play together holding hands.

The shots of the amusement park are carefully processed frame by frame, and even the haunted house is processed into a mischievous little romance.

Gu Yanshu watched and realized that he had laughed so many times today, that every time he was frightened, he would instinctively call out to Shen Jue and lean towards Shen Jue.

Just as he was thinking, the subtitles appeared as appropriate.

—Whether you are laughing, making trouble, being afraid, or lonely, as long as you look back, I will always be behind you.

Gu Yanshu had goose bumps all over his body.

He seems to have seen the Qzone signatures of the girls in his class in elementary and junior high schools.

It's been so many years, why is it still so non-mainstream.

Gu Yanshu wanted to turn it off in disgust, but his fingers told him that he could watch it for a few more seconds.

The scene had changed to sunset, he tore off a piece of marshmallow and handed it to Shen Jue, smiling softly.

Shen Jue opened his mouth to swallow the marshmallow, and the camera zoomed in infinitely, giving a close-up of the lips.

The cold white fingertips wrapped in transparent sticky cotton candy touched the rosy lips, looking erotic and ambiguous.

Gu Yanshu had a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next second, when everything was on camera, he hugged Shen Jue again and began to undress...

Come again!

Gu Yanshu quickly exited the video with red ears.

As soon as I quit, I saw the first place in the video tipping list.

@小沉小许Tiansheng a pair: reward 13145.20.


Where did this come from, people with stupid money and many CP fans? !

Gu Yanshu is angry now just looking at this name.

Without this person, how could there be so many things in the amusement park, how could there be a haunted house, and how could I hold Shen Jue's hand because of fear, and how could there be so much messy heat.

If you are not careful, you will not know where there is a mistake, and where you will provoke people who should not be provoked.

Gu Yanshu just clicked on the homepage, intending to see who this person really is.

Suddenly a voice came from behind: "What are you looking at?"

Gu Yanshu's hands trembled, he didn't know what he clicked on, but he didn't have time to control it, so he could only lock the screen quickly, turned around, and said coldly, "I didn't see anything."

It looks like a guilty conscience.

Shen Jue stood by the bed, looked down at him condescendingly, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you see anything?"

Gu Yan wrote expressionlessly: "Well, I didn't see anything."

Shen Jue chuckled: "I didn't see anything, why are you so nervous?"

Gu Yanshu remained expressionless: "Who is nervous?"

He was so nervous that his ears turned red, and his mouth was stiff.

Shen Jue bent down even lower, and with a smile on his face, he made a questioning look: "Couldn't you be reading my bad words?"

"Do you think everyone is as boring as you?" Gu Yanshu asked coldly.

Shen Jue played a rogue: "Then you are talking bad about me."

"I don't."

"You have."

"Shen Jue, are you childish or not!"

Gu Yanshu couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his leg and kicked Shen Jue.

Shen Jue nimbly grabbed his ankle.

Gu Yanshu immediately raised his other leg to kick.

Seeing that the two three-year-old primary school chickens over 1.8 meters tall were about to fight, Shen Jue's cell phone on the bedside table rang.

The two stopped their movements and turned their heads to look.

The screen flickers.

Shen Ji.

Shen Jue's father.

The atmosphere fell silent for an instant.

Shen Jue withdrew his teasing expression, and straightened up: "I'll answer the phone first."

Then, holding the mobile phone, she walked onto the terrace, and the floor-to-ceiling windows were tightly closed.

Gu Yanshu looked at the tall and steady figure in the thick night through the glass window, pursed the corners of his lips, lowered his eyelashes, and seemed to be lost in thought.

Sure enough, the live broadcast was too noisy, and those who should be alarmed were alarmed.

Then the phone vibrated, and he lowered his head.

[Hot push: @吃蓝王大妈: Cut off the resources of newcomers, maliciously sell rotten fried rice, and the popular movie star eats ugly. ]

Gu Yanshu frowned, and clicked into the text.

[According to insiders, Shen Jue's recording of "Cohabitation Life" was actually to cut off a certain C surname's small-traffic resources. The reason is that a small traffic with the surname C is unwilling to cooperate with the hype of selling rot, and the actors are in urgent need of commercial enthusiasm, and the traffic side needs first-line resources, so the two parties decided to work together to sell rot. In other words, the candy you see today is actually shit under the operation of capital. It should have been a long time ago, and the person who shouted that the book of refusal is real. The ending five years ago is waiting for you not far away. ]

Gu Yanshu lowered his eyebrows.

In fact, since today's surprise live broadcast, he has been prepared to face black teasing and pressure from all parties, but he didn't expect the draft to come down so quickly. Still down so undisguised.

If it's just for yourself, it's okay.

But there is Shen Jue in it, even if Ding Yun is radical, he will not be so indifferent.


"Gu Yanshu."

A low voice came from behind.

Gu Yanshu turned his head.

Shen Jue entered the house wrapped in the cold wind of winter night, looked at him with dark eyes, and said in a low voice: "I have to go out for a while."

The calm tone seemed to be a discussion, but also a notification.

Gu Yanshu suddenly remembered the day they separated five years ago, Shen Jue also received such a call, and told himself that he had to go out for a while, and when he came back, a large group of people in suits and leather shoes came to help him clean up. thing.

Only then did he realize that Shen was definitely not a poor kid in the entertainment industry chasing his dreams, but a wealthy young master who came out to experience the hardships of the people, and he was not at all the same as himself.

At that time, he was angry that Shen Jue lied to him, he was also angry that Shen Jue told him that the regiment had to be disbanded, and he was even more angry that Shen Jue wanted to leave.

Because he knew that after Shen Jue left, they would really be people from two worlds from now on.

So he said angrily at the time, um, from then on, keep a distance and don't meet again.

And Shen Jue looked at him for a long time, finally rubbed his head, and said, good boy, go back, don't let your family worry.

Then he turned back indifferently and closed the door.

At that time, he actually knew that Shen Jue had difficulties, and he always believed that no matter what Shen Jue did, there must be ten thousand reasons why he should do it, so he never doubted Shen Jue's decision.

It wasn't until later that the group disbanded, the breach of contract lawsuit was won, and all the things they couldn't solve were settled, Gu Yanshu became more convinced of this.

They were still too young at that time, and some things were beyond their capabilities. If they took time, they might not be able to solve them, but no one could say how long those times would be.

It may grow long enough to wipe out their greatest enthusiasm and innocence in their teens and twenties, it will grow long enough to bury their dreams and persistence, and it will grow long enough to cause his mother to die early amidst rumors and slander because of lack of money for medical treatment .

He understands all this.

So he always thought of Shen Jue's kindness.

What made him angry for so many years was that Shen Jue was unwilling to tell him those 10,000 reasons, what made him angry was that Shen Jue didn't show up when he dressed up for every occasion he thought he might meet again, and what made him angry was that he acted like a Lost child.

What was even more angry was that Shen Jue suddenly appeared out of nowhere for no reason, and he was still as useless as before.

But Gu Yanshu remembered what Shen Jue's agent said in the hospital that day, "Have you forgotten what the old man forced you into?"

He decided not to be angry with Shen Jue for now.

He stood up and looked at Shen Jue seriously: "Then will you come back?"

Soft and wet hair hangs between his cold eyebrows and eyes, and his plain face is clean and beautiful under the light. The white T-shirt shows his thin figure that has not changed since he was a teenager.

It seems that it is easy to see the softness in the depth through the indifferent shell.

Shen Jue looked at him and smiled softly.

"You are so afraid of the dark, how can you sleep if I don't come back at night? Just remember to leave the door for me this time."