Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 29


Gu Yanshu rubbed in his direction, murmuring an inaudible "hmm".

Eyelashes drooping lazily, brows slightly frowned, obviously burnt out.

But he looked good when he was sick.

Good to see that Shen Jue decided to be unreasonable.

Rubbing his ankle, he said in a low voice: "Before I lock you up, let me chase you first, okay? Seriously chase, the kind of chase that chases a boyfriend, and you are not allowed to kill me when chasing you."

"Hmm." Seemingly dissatisfied that Shen Jue only played with his ankles and didn't hug him, Gu Yanshu rubbed against Shen Jue again, keeping his face on Shen Jue's arm until he calmed down a bit.

Shen Jue moved out his other hand, rubbed his head, and sighed: "Gu Yanshu, you have provoked me for the third time, if you turn your back on me this time, I will get angry."

Gu Yanshu buried himself in Shen Jue's arms, mumbled something vaguely.

Shen Jue didn't hear clearly, he plucked his hair, and coaxed: "What did you say?"

"Brother, don't be angry."

Gu Yanshu's volume was slightly louder, his voice was slightly hoarse and soft.

With a dazed sentence, he kicked hard at the most sore spot in Shen Xin's heart.

Gu Yanshu was the most irritating and painful little thing he had ever seen.

"Gu Yanshu, do you like me?"

Gu Yanshu didn't answer.

"Gu Yanshu, are you afraid of liking me?"

Gu Yanshu still didn't answer.

"Gu Yanshu, can I chase you?"

Gu Yanshu still didn't answer, and frowned, as if he didn't sleep well, and opened his lips slightly, as if he wanted to say something.

Shen Jue approached.

Gu Yanshu choked up and called out: "Mom."


"Cold. Hug me."


Shen Jue lowered his head, smiled helplessly, then rolled onto the bed, and put Gu Yanshu in his arms: "I don't want to be a boyfriend, I'm going to be a mother first."

Forget it, whether it's a boyfriend or a mother, what he always wants is Gu Yanshu's life to be safe and happy. If possible, it's best to include him in this peace and happiness.

The moment he saw Gu Yanshu break the chain on the stage, Shen Jue became more determined than ever, and he didn't want to worry about it anymore.

Five years later, Gu Yanshu is already good enough, strong enough, and brave enough, and he is no longer that brat, and has enough ability to protect him and this relationship.

You don't have to be afraid of public opinion, and you don't have to worry about the future, you just have to think about whether Gu Yanshu likes him or not.

Because Gu Yanshu is so cool, he will say with a cold face that those restraints are not a big deal.

So everything is really no big deal, except whether Gu Yanshu likes him or not.

"Gu Yanshu, do you like me?"

"Ah Choo."

"... little bastard. Don't rub it on my sleeve. This shirt is out of print."

Gu Yanshu had a dream.

I dreamed that I was a little stray cat, I couldn’t find my mother everywhere, I ran and ran on the corner of the street, I was cold and hungry, and there were many fierce dogs trying to eat him, so he continued to run and run Ah, ran, ran, and then suddenly bumped into something warm.

Looking up, it was a wolf with a big tail.

He looked even scarier than a big dog, so he turned around and prepared to continue running, but the wolf with a big tail opened its mouth wide, picked him up, carried him back to the den, and then pawed him on the wolf's tail , had a warm sleep.

When he woke up, he opened his eyes and saw a lump of black and shiny fur in front of him, which was exactly the same as the tail of a wolf with a big tail. Immediately, he raised his foot and kicked it hard.


Shen Jue had been busy helping Gu Yanshu wipe sweat, hand water, and change dressing all night, and finally fell asleep, when he was kicked at the waist and kicked out of bed by surprise.

Clutching his waist, he stood up and looked at Gu Yanshu, who was on guard, annoyed and amused.

"Why are you kicking me?"

"Why are you lying on my bed?"

"You were the one who pulled my sleeve last night to keep me from going."


Gu Yanshu pursed his lips, lowered his eyelids, and said nothing.

Looks a little guilty.

Shen Jue reached out to touch his head, and he instinctively stepped back.

Shen Jue was about to die of anger from him. If it wasn't for his heartache, he would have wished that Gu Yanshu had been sick all the time, and how good he was when he was sick.

"Let me see if you're still burning?"

Gu Yanshu didn't move, and let Shen Jue touch his head.

Shen Jue tried it, and it seemed that he still had a low fever: "I'll call the doctor. Is there any other discomfort?"

Gu Yanshu wanted to be brave, but felt that this was not the time to be brave, so he said flatly, "Knees hurt, bones hurt."

"Where's the ankle?"

"Fortunately, it's just a flesh wound."

"Okay, you lie down for a while, I'll ask the nurse to bring the food."

Shen Jue rubbed his shoulders and went out the door.

Gu Yanshu noticed that Shen Jue didn't change his clothes after a whole night, which was really not like his young master style.

It couldn't be that he took care of himself in the hospital all night.

What about Fangyuan

No, I slept all night. How did you deal with the rest of last night

Ding Yun must have sent a draft to slander himself and Shen Jue. Has Fang Yuan dealt with it

Gu Yanshu pinched the center of his brows, and reached for the phone in his coat.

When I opened it, it was packed with congratulations and greetings from all parties, and there was not a single work report from Fangyuan.

Gu Yanshu felt a little tired, so he braced himself up and was just about to deal with it.

Suddenly there was a ding dong, Weibo popped up and pushed "Chen Ran and Gu Yanshu's chat recording exposure #

Recording exposure

Could it be that Fang Yuan didn't get paid for nothing this time

Click Push.

@娱乐圈龙蝞Captain: Justice will only be late, but never absent! Everyone, come and listen to the audio of this meeting record just released by the UN official! Absolutely nothing! Chen Ran and his manager are really shameless! By the way, give Gu Yanshu a thumbs up.

Audio is not finished yet.

Ding dong.

Immediately another push pops up #data fraud company exposure #

@娱乐圈Justice Alliance: The Chaoyang District police just reported an Internet company suspected of violating the Network Security Management Law, and revealed that it had manipulated hot searches and various fraudulent data for Ding Yun's artists many times, including last night's "The Strongest" Stage" voting, a total of 40,000 votes were faked. There are pictures and truth.

Ding dong.

#Shen Juefang issued a lawyer’s statement, intending to sue Ding Yun and his marketing account for malicious rumors and defamation#

Ding dong.

#UN Media officially issued a notice that because Ding Yun was suspected of violating the company's regulations and instigating artists to maliciously compete in marketing, he was expelled, and reserved the right to pursue his legal responsibility and civil compensation#

Ding dong.

#"The Strongest Stage" officially released a notice that the stage accident during the rehearsal was deliberate, and the evidence has been handed over to the police, waiting to be dealt with#

Ding dong.

#陈玉 said that he was not aware of the broker’s illegal behavior, but apologized for cooperating with the broker’s improper marketing behavior#

One after another, the marketing accounts were sent out intensively, and the hot searches soared.

The logic is clear, the evidence is solid, and the law is behind it, making it impossible to find mistakes, and directly pushing the public's emotions to an extreme climax.

[Fuck! Last night, I still loved Chen Ran sincerely, and felt that it was not easy for a newcomer to be suppressed! The result is the truth! Fuck, I'm going to buy Gu Yanshu's endorsement to apologize to him! ]

[It's disgusting! If you want to stick to others to fry CP to suck blood, but others don't want to, so you beat them back! Falsify your own votes and talk about other people's inside story! What rubbish! ]

[Ah! I'm really blind to like Chen Ran! Ding Yun must die! Chen Ran must be confused! Get out of the entertainment industry! ! ! ]

[Gu Yanshu's three views are really upright. There are not many idols who are so principled these days, and there is a reason why they are popular]

[And Gu Yanshu still has strength! Chen Ran's strength can't be matched by fraudulent votes! I strongly recommend everyone to go to Gu Yanshu's stage last night! Although the stage beauty is ruined! But absolutely! ]

[Gu Yanshu performed with a high fever last night, but he didn't sell badly from the beginning to the end. Because of this, I turned from a passer-by fan to a die-hard fan. It's good to speak with strength]

[This wave of passers-by has also turned into a career fan. I am a top cancer fan. Fans who are beautiful, capable, and upright in character will never go wrong! ]

[So can Ding Yun be imprisoned! Use it as an example! The entertainment industry is such a mess because there are so many scum! ]

[Hope new idols can learn from Gu Yanshu]

From the beginning to the end, I didn't buy any marketing drafts about the "Imprison" stage last night, but they were automatically posted by passers-by and fans, one by one, so that the number of pen-hold views has exceeded 50 million.

And some people who don't know about idols, so they have a mocking mentality towards Gu Yanshu, have also greatly improved Gu Yanshu's business ability and character because of various revelations.

In addition, the Heizi marketing account did not dare to move out again for a while, so Gu Yanshu, who had been silent all the time, came out with an extremely positive image amidst all the bloody storms.

Not only did he escape from being framed, but he also gathered a large number of fans.

This efficient and perfect public relations model, if there is no strong material resources and manpower, few people in the circle can do it.

At least it can't be done by just relying on Fangyuan.

And Shen Jue...

This person is so arrogant, every time he quarrels with the media, mainstream press releases criticize him for being arrogant and rude, he doesn't care at all, he still does his own way, what should he do, because he is a person who disdains these things .

But this time, they found a company with fraudulent data, persuaded Mr. Ye to release the recording in the name of the company and gave up the company's artists and managers, and organized the major media to push the news in time. It must have taken a lot of thought and contacts.

Gu Yanshu's eyelids drooped slightly, and the corners of his lips were pursed.

Then there was a "squeak -" sound.

The door was pushed open.

Gu Yanshu looked up and met Shen Jue's gaze.

Because of his illness, his eyes were unbelievably bright.

Shen decided to move, then raised his brows slightly, and chuckled softly: "Why do you suddenly look at me with this kind of eyes that intend to promise you with your body?"


rogue. Scumbag. tease everywhere.

Gu Yanshu's emotion faded away in an instant.

He said coldly, "Get lost."

"Why are you so fierce, it's a pity that I went to buy you a gift on purpose." As he spoke, Shen Jue carried a square gift bag with the logo of the high-end pro-pai to the side of the bed, and handed it to him, "Open it and have a look? "


Gu Yanshu took it suspiciously.

Shen Jue took advantage of the opportunity to sit by the bed, looked at him, and explained: "The doctor said that in your current physical condition, you need to eat more and rest more, maintain a happy mood, use your throat less, and gain weight to be healthy. There is also knee pain. You must pay attention to keeping warm and not catch cold, or you will become old cold legs when you get older, and the root cause of the disease will be too late to regret. So I specially picked a gift for you, and you can see if you like it."

It has been a long time since Shen Jue gave him a gift last time.

Still picked it for myself.

The subtle touch of anticipation in Gu Yanshu's heart quietly surfaced again.

He took out the dark gray delicate gift box from the bag, untied the smoky blue ribbon with his fingertips, and slowly opened the lid.

Then when he saw the gift clearly, he was stunned.