Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 37


There are 57 missed calls on the screen.

All with the same number, no names.

But Gu Yanshu knew who the number belonged to just by looking at the string of numbers he knew by heart.

November 30 at 1 am.

An hour after the concert celebration banquet.

Shen Jue made 57 missed calls to him.

And he had no recollection of it.

Shen Jue would not call him so many times for no reason.

Realizing this, Gu Yanshu's fingertips tingled, his heart beat faster, and every nerve cell seemed to be filled with lead. He exhaled slowly, clicked on the message list, and then his throat seemed to be strangled in an instant, and he couldn't even breathe. also became extremely difficult.

At the bottom of the message list is a message he sent.

- brother, i miss you

Brother, I miss you.

Yes, he wanted to settle down.

Since the first day Shen Jue left, he has been thinking about him, thinking about him for so many days and nights, and thinking about him tormentingly, all night long, endlessly.

But he knew it was a taboo, so he worked like hell, trying to keep himself too busy to think about it, and then use all his calm and reason to keep this secret that he couldn't tell.

He has worked hard enough, he feels that he hides well, but it turns out that some things really cannot be hidden, so that all his efforts are like a joke.

It's like he clearly blamed Shen Jue for not seeing him for five whole years, yet another sudden appearance without an explanation, and blamed him for seizing all the initiative and teasing him without considering his own wishes, but he still couldn't help liking him.

So while losing his temper with him, he was afraid that he would go away.

But it turned out that before Shen Jue suddenly appeared, he was the one who provoked him first. Then what is the reason for the temper I have lost these days, and what role does I play in Shen Xinzhi.

Gu Yanshu's knuckles holding the phone were slightly white.

Slide your fingertips, and after 57 missed calls, there is a message from the other party.

I'm at your door, is the password your birthday

The password is not his birthday, but his and Shen Jue's birthdays.


This is the last message from Shen Jue, so does it mean that he guessed the password and successfully entered the door.

What would he think about the password if he guessed it.

If he entered the door and saw himself drunk, did he say anything he shouldn't have said.

And why didn't Shen Jue tell himself about these things that happened, just indulged his petty temper, beat and scolded him freely, it seemed that he was very unreasonable.

Gu Yanshu's heart was in a mess.

Then the door was opened suddenly with a "squeak", and he turned his head in panic, just in time to meet Shen Jue's gaze.

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows slightly: "What's wrong? Scared you like this?"

Gu Yanshu lowered his eyelashes, put his phone away calmly: "It's nothing."

"It's nothing, your eyes are red." Shen Jue walked over, looked down at him, and said softly, "Who bullied you?"

"I've said it all, it's nothing." Gu Yanshu's tone returned to his indifference, "Why did you come up?"

Seeing that he didn't want to say anything, Shen Jue didn't force him, he just replied along the way: "Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu has covered me with cat hair, I'll come up and change clothes so I can go out."

Gu Yanshu frowned slightly: "It's snowing so heavily, why are you going out?"

"Ms. Sheng asked me to go out and buy some rice. By the way, I took Gu Gugu to the hospital to check for any health problems, and then bought cat food and cat litter."

"You don't need to buy rice, I have it here." Gu Yanshu pointed his chin in the direction of the rice.

When Shen Jue saw the rice, he was a little amused: "Where did you get such a big bag of rice?"

"Fangyuan brought it for me."

"..." Shen Jue paused, "Your manager is really a treasure."

It was indeed a treasure, otherwise I might never have known that I had sent such a text message to Shen Jue when I was drunk.

Gu Yanshu pulled the zipper of his coat to the top, buried his chin in it, raised his eyelids, and looked at Shen Jue: "He is quite a treasure, so is there anything you want to tell me?"


Shen Jue didn't quite understand what Gu Yanshu meant by saying this suddenly.

Gu Yanshu calmly explained: "For example, is there anything you are hiding from me?"


There are indeed.

For example, you kissed me last night, and then I kissed you again, and I recorded it.

But this occasion is obviously not the time to say these words.

And thinking of how drunk Gu Yanshu was to death last night and unwilling to tell who he likes, Shen Jue felt that it might not be a good thing for him to raise it rashly.

After all, Gu Yanshu has a thin skin and a sensitive mind. If something is exposed directly, it may be difficult to end it. He prefers to patiently wait for Gu Yanshu to slowly open his heart, and then things will happen naturally.

So after a little hesitation, Shen Jue replied: "Not yet."

big liar.

Gu Yanshu lowered his eyelids again, and said coldly, "It didn't fall down."

After finishing speaking, he went straight past Shen Jue and went downstairs with a bag of rice. Shen Jue wanted to help, but Gu Yanshu slammed the door indifferently and locked him in the room: "Change your clothes before you come out. Then think about yourself Is there anything to explain?"

Shen Jue: "..."

He has a lot to explain, but the question is which one does Gu Yanshu want to hear

When Gu Yanshu went downstairs carrying the rice, the few remaining people almost wanted to confess him as the God of Wealth.

Seeing that lunch was settled, Xu Fangfang, Jieshuang and Xia Qingqiao went out to sweep the snow to make money to support their family without worry.

Gu Yanshu and Sheng Ping started cooking.

The TV in the living room is playing the news.

"In 2024, when the cold snap hits, there will be sudden heavy snowfall near the Yangtze River and the northeast of my country. Beijing Airport will suspend some routes one after another. Citizens are requested to plan their travels reasonably..."

Sheng Ping sighed: "I haven't seen such heavy snow for many years. The last time was the snow disaster in 2008. A lot of people died that time. I hope the situation will be better this year."

Gu Yanshu was cutting vegetables beside him, but did not respond.

Although Gu Yanshu was cold-tempered, he was always very polite. Sheng Ping sensed something was wrong, turned his head to look at Gu Yanshu, and found that Gu Yanshu was cutting vegetables with his head down, his eyes were empty, as if he was in a daze.

The tentative called out: "Little book?"

"Huh?" Gu Yanshu came back to his senses, "What's wrong, Teacher Sheng."

In Sheng Ping's heart, Gu Yanshu has always been a steady and sensible child. After meeting Shen Jue, he developed a little youthful temper, and his temper became lively. never seen it.

So he smiled gently and said, "Is there something on your mind?"

Gu Yanshu lowered his head and fiddled with the ingredients on the chopping board, his eyelashes drooped, covering his eyes.

Sheng Ping patiently and persuasively said: "You are still young, it's normal to encounter problems, if you don't understand, you can tell me, after all, I am more than 20 years older than you, even if I can't help you, it won't help."

Gu Yanshu did have something on his mind.

He had many questions he wanted to ask Shen Jue, but it was obvious that Shen Jue didn't intend to talk to him yet.

So he didn't know if Shen Jue was deliberately avoiding certain topics, if so, then once he said something, the two of them would never turn back.

But if he doesn't say it, then there will never be any more possibilities between him and Shen Jue.

He is timid and greedy, so he is at a loss.

He paused, seemed to be thinking, and then asked softly: "Mr. Sheng, if you don't do one thing, you can keep the status quo, but you will never get what you want most. If you do it, you may be able to get what you want most." What you want, or you may have nothing, what will you do?"

Sheng Ping didn't seem surprised by his question: "Have you ever seen a cupboard full of bowls?"

Gu Yanshu looked up at him.

Sheng Ping put down the ingredients in his hands, picked up a plate, walked to the cabinet, opened the glass door, put the plate upright in the gap between the wooden board and the glass, and then quickly closed it.

Turning to look at Gu Yanshu: "This is the case. Some bowls are so full that they have slipped off the wooden board. What will you do?"

Gu Yanshu pursed his lips slightly.

If the cabinet door is opened, the bowls that have fallen are likely to break, but the remaining bowls and cabinets can be restored to normal use.

If it has not been opened, the bowl will not be broken, but this cabinet can only be placed there, and the bowl will not be used, and everything will only become a decoration that is always in danger.

Sheng Ping asked again: "If this cabinet and these bowls are the last cabinets and bowls you can have, what would you do?"

If it is the last choice, it can only fight with one's back.

Seeing the determination in his eyes, Sheng Ping smiled lightly and said, "So, since the problem has come to you, then solving him is the only way. And open the cabinet door, move faster, the bowl may not be broken. "

As he spoke, he opened the cabinet door, and the plate caught in the gap fell rapidly.

Shengping tried to catch it with a very handsome posture.

Then with a "pa—", the plate grazed Sheng Ping's fingers, fell to the ground, and fell to pieces.


The whole section collapsed, and the audience was silent.

Cao Dan coughed twice: "Then what, Teacher Sheng, a plate is 49.99, do you want to pay in cash or by debit?"

Sheng Ping: "... transfer the account."


What kind of rubbish and stingy program group doesn't know how to match his chicken soup atmosphere, it's annoying.

Sheng Ping turned his head to look at Gu Yanshu, and forced his respect: "Then what, Xiaoshu, I am because I am old and slow to react, and you are still young, so it is different. So you have to try bravely, you know?"

"Yeah. I know." Gu Yanshu's lips curled into a faint smile, he knelt down, and picked up the pieces, "Sui Sui is safe, a good sign."

Hearing this answer, Sheng Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to persuade Gu Yanshu to face up to his heart, if such a mistake backfired, relying on Shen Jue's virtue, he would not have to fight for his old bones.

Just as he was thinking about it, Shen Jue changed his clothes and went downstairs. On the stairs, he saw the kitchen scene from a distance, and frowned slightly: "Why is the bowl broken? Gu Yanshu, don't do it, your hand will be scratched later..."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Yanshu took a deep breath, and a drop of dark red blood hit the ground.

Shen Jue immediately quickened his pace, ready to see what was going on.

However, before he had time to walk down the last step, the door of the living room was opened, and an unknown creature with pink hair appeared at the door. Ear Zhishi quickly rushed into the kitchen.

As soon as he grasped Gu Yanshu's hand, he screamed out of his voice: "Ah! How did your hand hurt your hand! Woohoo ..."

Shen Jue: ...

Small book? !