Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 6


The heating on the third floor didn't seem to be turned on all the time, and there was always a chill in the room, which was so cold that it hurt people's bones.

Gu Yanshu was afraid of the cold, so he simply changed the original woolen jacket into a knee-length black down jacket. The zipper was pulled all the way to the neck, and the whole body was wrapped tightly.

Then when he turned around, he found that Shen Jue was smiling brightly.

Frowning slightly, he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

After all, as long as Shen Jue is willing, he can look at a dog with sweet eyes.

So he just said coldly: "Button up, what a wave."

He opened the door and went downstairs.

As soon as the door was opened, a spicy aroma was immediately smelled.

Downstairs, I don't know when a table of hot pot has been set up, and it is steaming, surrounding the four people sitting and talking at the table.

The table was quite big, and several people sat in a semicircle facing the camera. There were two empty seats on the left, which should be reserved for him and Shen Jue.

Gu Yanshu walked over and sat next to Xia Qingqiao, just in time Xia Qingqiao was about to put a plate of tomatoes into the pot, almost without thinking, he reached out and grabbed Xia Qingqiao's wrist.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Xia Qingqiao braked in time, and immediately understood, "Oh, brother, do you not like tomatoes?"

Gu Yanshu let go of his hand and nodded: "Yes."

"That's fine, let's not put it away." Xia Qingqiao put the plate back on the table.

Gu Yanshu still felt that it wasn't enough, picked up the plate, stood up, put it back in the kitchen, and then sat back on his seat, as if he didn't intend to leave any possibility of accidentally putting them into the pot.

After sitting down at the table again, Shen Jue just went downstairs, and the buttons of his open coat had been neatly buttoned.

Sitting in the empty seat next to Gu Yanshu, he raised his eyebrows slightly in the direction of the director team: "What expression?"

Director Cao looked at him sadly, and picked up the small speaker: "Let me emphasize to everyone here that the villa is full of 24-hour recording, so please don't cover the camera and turn off the mic casually!"

Shen Jue: "Oh."

Gu Yanshu: "Yes."

Very perfunctory.

Director Cao: "..."

Forget it, endure the calm for a while.

Anyway, the days to torture them are still long.

Taking advantage of the situation, he stroked his few hairs and cleared his throat: "Also, please enjoy this hot pot, because if there is no accident, it should be everyone's last supper."


Everyone stopped their chopsticks and raised their heads.

"Starting today, all members of the hut, please take the initiative to hand in all your cash, and during the recording period of more than one month, you are not allowed to use any mobile payment or bank card except for personal work reasons. Follow PD and VJ will be tight Staring at everyone, of course, it is best to hope that everyone can consciously abide by the rules."

When talking about "consciously abide by the rules", Cao Dan glanced at Shen Jue meaningfully.

Shen Jue washed a piece of fat cow slowly: "Don't look at me like that, it's useless, let's talk about you."

Where the hell did this ancestor come from

Cao Dan endured and continued to talk about the recording rules, "During this period, all members need to obtain all living expenses from the program group. We will play a small game later to determine the initial funds that each pair of roommates can obtain, except In addition, we also provide various jobs, and members can get paid by working part-time, so as to improve their quality of life.”

As he spoke, he took out a small whiteboard with the words "Part-time Work Form in Cohabitation Cabin" written on it.

Working in a restaurant is 10 yuan per hour per person.

Part-time job in flower shop, 10 yuan per hour per person.

Community volunteers, 10 yuan per hour.

Gu Yanshu can be regarded as a child of the poor who has been in charge of the family for a long time, but he has not experienced a salary of 10 yuan per hour for many years.

Shen Jue sneered directly: "You call this improving the quality of life?"

Cao Dan: "Otherwise?"

"It's called the basic continuation of life."

Cao Dan: "..."

Shen Jue conveniently put the cooked beef into Gu Yanshu's bowl, and lazily leaned back on the chair, "Don't you guys have some little games? Let me see how good you guys are."

The program team of Koukou Soso has already taken out a lie detector: "In order to enhance the understanding between the members of the hut, the program team has written 50 questions in advance and put them in the box. In each round of the game, five questions will be randomly selected. Questions are asked to the selected members, if the answer is true, you will get 100, if you are false, you will subtract 80, that is to say, each pair of roommates can get negative living expenses ranging from 800 to 1,000."

"How much to how much?"

"Negative eight hundred to one thousand."

"How much more?"

"Negative eight hundred..."

"Tch." Shen Jue let out a light sneer, and interrupted, "If you really owe eight hundred, do you still have to work here to pay back the money?"

The program team nodded: "Yes."

"Then what if you can't afford it?"

"We will contract a billboard at Xidan Subway Station for a month, telling the world that you will not pay back the money you owe." After a pause, he added, "Use the ugliest photos."


Xia Qingqiao: "Wow, looking forward to it."

Xia Qingqiao originally thought this was an excellent opportunity to promote herself for free, but when she saw the ugly photos prepared by the program crew, she silently chose to stick her hand into the lie detector.

In fact, the polygraph commonly used on the show cannot really detect polygraphs, but only roughly judges whether a person is nervous through pulse, heart rate and blood pressure.

Gu Yanshu thought that his psychological quality was not bad, curled up on the sofa, buried his chin in his collar, and looked calmly at Xia Qingqiao who was on the carpet in front of him, screaming from the electric shock.

Sheng Ping: "How tall is it?"

Xia Qingqiao: "188! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!


Finally the green light came on.

Gu Yanshu, who had just denied the functionality of the lie detector: "..."

It is actually accurate to the decimal point. Has the development of science and technology advanced by leaps and bounds

Xia Qingqiao took out her hand that was numb from the electric shock, and wiped away her tears: "I can't keep my 188-year-old iron-blooded image."

Xu Fangfang comforted him with tears in his eyes: "Little brother, it's okay, didn't my 88-jin perfect goddess figure collapsed too? What kind of broken lie detector is this, how accurate it is!"

Gu Yanshu thought of some of the questions they were asked just now, and suddenly didn't really want to participate in this game.

But Sheng Ping had already called his name: "Xiao Shu, it's your turn."

Gu Yanshu sat where he was, his eyelashes drooping slightly, and he didn't move.

Shen Jue cast a sideways glance, and chuckled lightly: "What? Is there something shady about being asked?"

Gu Yanshu stood up indifferently, and sat in front of the polygraph.

Shen Jue sat behind him, stared at that most beautiful little head, and smiled silently.

Little awkward thing.

Sheng Ping has already put his arm into the question box: "Xiaoshu, are you ready?"


"Okay, the first question is, have you ever had a crush on someone?"

Gu Yanshu: "?"

He was still tall and heavy just now, why did his painting style suddenly change when he got here

He didn't really want to answer, but when he thought that Shen Jue behind him might be lazily leaning on the sofa with his chest folded, looking like he was watching a show, he still replied coldly: "No."


red light.

Gu Yanshu: "..."

Junk polygraph, fake and shoddy.

Sheng Ping suppressed the gossiping smile, pretended nothing happened, and asked another question: "What hairstyle do you think boys are the most handsome?"

"Buzz cut."


Red light again, and shouting even more joyously.

"What kind of people do you like to get along with?"

"Knowledgeable and reasonable."


"The happiest thing this year."

"Bird's Nest holds a concert."

drop drop drop drop —

"Is there anyone you miss in particular?"


drop drop drop drop —

completely annihilated.

The lie detector screamed so jubilantly that it almost flew up.

Gu Yanshu withdrew his hand indifferently, pushed the lie detector towards the program crew, and said calmly, "It's broken."

Cao Dan frowned: "Is it broken?"

Gu Yanshu nodded firmly: "Well, only the red light will be on."

Cao Dan was dubious: "Really?"

Gu Yan wrote without changing his expression: "Really."

"Okay." Probably because Gu Yanshu has always been aloof and indifferent, and when he is rarely so persistent, the program crew chose to believe him, "Then let's change and start over."

However, just as the lie detector was about to be taken off, Gu Yanshu felt himself shrouded in a shadow, and a slender and strong finger protruded from behind him, touching the lie detector: "Is it broken? Let me try. "

Then he bypassed Gu Yanshu directly, put on the sensor, and poked his hand in: "Ask."

Sheng Ping took out a question from the question box, "The most hated food."

Shen Jue: "I'm allergic to tomatoes."


There was a crisp sound, and the lights were brightly green.

Gu Yanshu: "..."

Program group: "...?"

Xia Qingqiao: "???"

In Gu Yan's writing, he still had the coldness and calmness that a flower of a high mountain should have: "It should be because I'm wearing too thick clothes and it's a little hot. I'll go up and change."

After speaking, he went straight upstairs.

His brows and eyes were cold, and he could not see the slightest clue.

An imperceptible smile flashed across Shen Jue's eyes: "Well, Gu Yanshu's heart rate is indeed faster than the average person's, and it's normal to be inaccurate."

Shen Jue's reaction was so gentle that the program team had to remind him friendly: "Mr. Shen, Xiaoshu made five mistakes in a row, that is to say, even if you got all five questions right, you only have one hundred living expenses, otherwise you may have to pay for it." I owe money to the show crew."

"Just owe it, I still can't earn this little money to support him."

A light and fluffy sentence, a little indescribable, even with some kind of strange pleasure.

Gu Yanshu didn't hear what questions Shen Jue was asked later, and went straight back to the room.

As soon as he entered the door, a cold chill enveloped him.

Gu Yanshu tightened the slightly loose down jacket on his body.

He grew up in the south and was afraid of the cold since he was a child. In the first year he came to Beijing, he lived in a place without air conditioning or heating. It was so cold that he couldn't sleep all night, so he didn't like winter in the north very much.

Later, when the conditions improved, I gradually felt that it was not so hard to endure.

I didn't expect that at this moment, I would feel the feeling of being so cold that my bones ached again.

Probably the heater is broken.

Gu Yanshu wanted to ask the staff to come up and take a look.

His fingers just touched the doorknob, but stopped.

He remembered the lie detector incident just now.

There are more and more counterfeit and shoddy products these days. Shen Jue was probably waiting to laugh at him.

But what questions would Shen Jue be asked

But it's none of his business.

Anyway, he doesn't want to go on now.

I glanced at the time.

Just now, I had a hot pot meal and played a game. Before I knew it, it was past ten o'clock. Gu Yanshu felt that he could go to bed before Shen Jue came back, so as to avoid many unnecessary troubles and embarrassments.

He took out the toiletries and pajamas, and when he was habitually preparing to make the bed before going to bed, he suddenly realized what he thought was missing before.

— There are only sheets on the bed, no comforter.

No, quilt.

Gu Yanshu suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Before he could deny himself, the door creaked open.

look back.

Shen Jue stood at the door.

The 1.89-meter-high male model is wearing a limited runway model of a high-end luxury brand. If you stop there casually, you will be so expensive that you can't take your eyes off it.

What's more, she was holding a large quilt with red flowers on a green background in her hand.

It looked so fucking festive.

Like a little prince of the Northeast.

Under Gu Yanshu's disgusted eyes, Shen Jue walked slowly to the side of the bed, and threw the big quilt in his hand onto the bed: "Don't look at me like that, you can only buy such a thing for a hundred dollars."

Gu Yanshu sent a question mark indifferently: "Only one quilt?"

"What do you think?" Shen Jue spread out the quilt, "Whoever tells five lies without blinking, doesn't know what to do?"

"It's the lie detector that's broken."

Gu Yanshu looked at Shen Jue's back, his voice was flat and calm, without flaws.

Shen Jue smiled lowly: "Okay, it's broken. But the problem is that I recognize it, but the program team doesn't recognize it. You have to ask them to buy quilts, ingredients, and daily necessities. We only have a total of one hundred yuan. Can I give it to you?" Just get a quilt and you'll be content."

Only then did Gu Yanshu notice that Shen Jue had spread the quilt on the bed next to the wall: "Why did you put the quilt on my bed?"

"Otherwise? Are you afraid of the cold or am I?" Shen Jue spread the quilt, straightened up, and looked back at Gu Yanshu.

Only then did he realize that Gu Yanshu was standing quietly by the side, his eyelashes drooping, the light blue veins of his eyelids faintly visible under the light, the corners of his lips were unconsciously pursed into a straight line, and his chin was hidden in his collar again.

The expression was still cold, but Shen Jue knew that Gu Yanshu had this expression every time he felt that he had made a mistake.

It looks like it will be a lot easier to bully.

Shen Jue raised the corners of his lips, suppressed his voice, and hid his low smile: "Don't worry, I'll sleep in the living room at night, it's warm there."

But when the staff on duty come and go, it depends on whether someone can bear it or not.