Just Want to Be His Lover

Chapter 9


You are a fool.

Gu Yanshu shook his arm, but did not shake it away.

He just realized that he doesn't need to run away, being recognized by fans is just a matter of signing a few autographs and taking a few photos, and it may not be the same.

But now that Shen Jue appeared, he had to run away, otherwise the fans would recognize the two of them together, that would be a real bloodbath.

So he could only reluctantly be led by Shen Jue.

His hand was pulled tightly, he staggered forward while running forward bravely, behind him were all hysterical "Gu Yanshu, come back to me!!!", so that at a certain moment, Gu Yanshu had the illusion of elopement.

But quickly dismissed the metaphor.

Could it be called elopement between him and Shen Jue? At most it was called robbery.

Still robbing the court without thinking.

After all, doll clothes are heavy and stuffy, and it is really uncomfortable to run.

Gu Yanshu's little face hidden under Pikachu's hood was already stinky, and he didn't know how he got such an unlucky thing as Shen Jue.

The unlucky guy doesn't feel that he is an unlucky guy at all, he also thinks he is a hero and saves the cuteness, very handsome.

Relying on his height, long legs, tall and burly man, he forcibly opened a bloody path in the crowd, took three steps at a time, dragged Gu Yanshu and stuffed him into the van of the program crew.

When it was stuffed in, because Pikachu's figure was too round, it got stuck in the car door, so Shen Jue naturally pushed his butt and pushed him in.

Then with a long leg, he stepped into the compartment, closed the door with his backhand, and said to the driver: "Master, let's go."

The car immediately started and drove towards the villa.

The whole set of movements was completed smoothly and in one go, as if he had never committed any crime against that cute Pikachu.

But when he turned around, he found Pikachu looking at him angrily.

Anger that could be felt through the hood.

Shen Jue had probably imagined Gu Yanshu's expression at this moment, recalled the feeling of touching his butt just now, and chuckled inwardly.

On the face, he pretended to be innocent: "What? You want me to help you take off the hood?"

Who wants your help.

Gu Yanshu was very cool: "No need."

I stretched out my two hands, intending to pick it off by myself, but halfway through the lift, my hands froze in mid-air, and I couldn't lift it up no matter how hard I tried.

The movement lasted for three seconds, the air seemed to freeze, and the scene was very embarrassing.

After all, Shen Jue couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

He hooked his hand towards Gu Yanshu: "Come here."

Gu Yanshu couldn't come.

Putting down his hands, pursing his lips, he turned his head and looked out the car window, trying to pretend that nothing happened just now.

However, he underestimated the size of the headgear, so he turned sharply and hit the car window with a bang.

The carriage shook three times, and the sound was very tragic.

Shen Jue could faintly hear the sound of gasping for air, distressed and funny, sat up straight, stretched out his hand: "Okay, stop making trouble, come here, I'll help you pick it off."

Gu Yanshu still wanted to hide, but Shen Jue didn't give him a chance to hide at all. Relying on his long and powerful arms, he took off the hood with ease, revealing a beautiful little head soaked in sweat.

Because of being pressed down for a long time, the cold brown hair drooped softly, half covering the eyebrows and eyes, making the whole person's temperament much softer.

It's just that his expression is so smelly that it's almost murderous.

Shen Jue raised his eyebrows: "You just look at your savior with this expression?"

"I want you to save me?" Gu Yanshu's tone was worse than his expression.


It's alright, when it comes to turning heads and denying people, Gu Yanshu takes the second place, no one should dare to take the first place.

Shen Jue simply held up the hood and threatened, "Then why don't I send you back?"

Gu Yanshu stopped talking.

Turning his face away, he turned around, leaving Shen Jue with a chubby and indifferent back.

Shen Jue looked at the back and suddenly smiled.

He felt that he wasn't really to blame for touching his butt just now.

After all, for such a round yellow mouse, who can tell which is the buttocks and which is the waist, in a hurry, he exerted force on the place that seems to feel the most comfortable, what's the problem

Besides, with such a thick doll costume, the ass is not a real butt, why are you so stingy

And last night when someone took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, he sat still and didn't take advantage of it, but now he is treated as a hooligan, no matter what he thinks, he will lose money.

So just take it back at night.

But someone seemed determined to sleep in separate beds.

Shen decided to think about it, and slowly opened his mouth: "It's very good, why do you suddenly want to sing?"

Gu Yanshu said coldly: "Why?"

"For money?"

"Or for art?"

"What about the money?"

"money… "

Gu Yanshu suddenly stopped.

Yes, what about the money

The money is placed there by Xu Fang.

What about Xu Fangfang? ?

When Gu Yanshu turned his head, the subway station had disappeared.

— It seems that Xu Fangfang was accidentally sold by them.

When the staff carried Xu Fangfang back, Xu Fangfang was almost collapsed.

Wearing a Kumamon coat, lying sprawled on the carpet, life is hopeless.

The Follow PD who followed her explained: "After the two of you left, the fans recognized Xu Fangfang. Because they didn't catch Xiaoshu, they grabbed Fangfang and took pictures one by one to sign. There were too many people and I was tired."

Gu Yanshu poured a glass of warm water and handed it over, "Sorry."

Xu Fangfang struggled to stand up, took the water, gulped down a whole cup in one gulp, and then wiped his mouth: "It's okay! You and Mr. Shen just run away, otherwise none of us may be able to get out of that place alive today." piece of square."

Anyway, as long as my CP is good, it doesn't matter if I sacrifice a bit.

Xu Fang lay down contentedly.

After a while, he remembered something, and added: "However, there are two fans who are very aggressive today. They didn't listen to what they said, and they were almost followed back by their car. Xiaoshu, you should be more careful next time you go out. And , the money is here, you count and see how much there is.”

As he spoke, he took out a large amount of scattered money from his small pocket.

Gu Yanshu made a rough point. They sang for about two hours, including the salary for distributing flyers before, a total of 368 yuan.

Counted out one hundred and eighty-five and handed it to Xu Fangfang.

Xu Fangfang waved his hand quickly: "I can't take so much, you've been singing all the time, I didn't do much."

"You paid for the rental of the stereo, and you also collected the money. In the end, you helped stop the fans. Besides, don't you still have to buy flowers for Sister Shuang?" Gu Yanshu's voice was calm and his tone was light, but let People inexplicably feel that it makes sense.

Xu Fangfang thought about it, yes.

Gu Yanshu is probably feeling embarrassed now, if he doesn't accept it, then he will probably feel bad about it, and the family doesn't talk about each other, so he keeps it first, and later when he is short of money, he just takes it out.

There is no need to engage in such vain politeness between handsome men and beautiful women.

So I didn't bother to refuse any more, and took it over: "Okay, then I'll go up and take a shower first, rest for a while, and wait for Teacher Sheng and the others to come back."

As he spoke, he got up awkwardly, and walked unsteadily towards the second floor, "Oh, I've been bored all day, I'm so sticky."

Gu Yanshu was also about to get up and go back to the third floor, take a shower and change clothes.

Thinking of the chill after taking a shower last night, he turned around and stretched out his hand to Shen Jue who was lying on the sofa playing with his mobile phone.

Shen Jue: "?"

Gu Yanshu said concisely: "Money."

"what money?"

Gu Yanshu said patiently, "Twenty is enough for your part-time job in the flower shop."

Heating costs two hundred. After he and Xu Fangfang finished dividing, there was only one hundred and eighty-three two yuan, which was a little bit worse.

Shen Jue still didn't seem to understand: "Why did I give you my money?"

Gu Yanshu showed his last patience and said calmly, "Pay the heating bill."

"Who told you I wanted to turn on the heat?"


"I'm allergic to heating, don't you know that?"


Gu Yanshu looked at Shen Jue's handsome face, put his thumb on his index finger, and pressed down hard, making a crisp "click".

He originally wanted to be angry peacefully, but some people go to the house to expose the tiles without fighting for three days.

The author has something to say: Shen Nicholas, the Nobel Prize winner in medicine: Human beings can be allergic to everything for love.