Just Want To Be With You

Chapter 3


Ah Zhao also lowered her voice, her face full of disbelief, "Is that Liang Yinliang's queen? Why is she here?"

Naturally, he also recognized Liang Yin.

He had gotten to know Liang Yin on purpose. As Zhou Jianchen's assistant, there were certain things that had to be mastered, and Liang Yinghou was an unavoidable one.

It is said that Liang Yinghou is the only actress that Brother Chen has publicly liked for so many years. He publicly "likes" rather than publicly "appreciates"—for so many years, Brother Chen has "admired" and "respected" more than a dozen actresses, " "Like" is the only one.

Moreover, Brother Chen chased Liang Yinghou for a long time.

However, Liang Yinghou did not agree from the beginning to the end.

Azhao didn't believe it when he heard the gossip from his senior colleagues at the beginning. Brother Chen was very proud, how could he take the initiative to chase after him, and he was so good, how could he not agree to it after he took the initiative to chase everyone? After a deeper understanding, I realized that this matter was really groundless.

That was five or six years ago. At that time, brother Chen had already risen to the top of his popularity, and had already won several honors such as Best Actor, Best Actor, etc. One day, he suddenly posted on his personal Weibo A photo of him with an actress immediately caused an uproar.

Brother Chen has worked with many actresses and had numerous scandals, but he has never talked to any of them, let alone posted photos with others on Weibo—at that time he was still keen on Weibo and posted countless blogs every day.

In that photo, the actress smiled reservedly, while Brother Chen beside her was smiling extremely happily.

Additional text: Take a photo with the goddess. I really like her acting.

This Weibo was quickly deleted, but many people took screenshots and widely discussed it, and the actress in it was also recognized as Liang Yin, the actress who had just been posted.

At that time Liang Yinghou was 21 years old, and she had made two movies, but she was low-key, and the movies were all literary films, so although she was sealed overseas, not many people knew her.

The reason for the deletion of the Weibo is a mystery. It was claimed that Zhou Jianchen and Liang Yinghou will co-star in a movie. Because it involves confidentiality matters, the Weibo was deleted. Brother Chen did not make any response to this matter. As for the other party involved, Liang Yinghou did not open Weibo, and never participated in any interviews, so the details are even more unknown.

The matter seemed to be settled with the official statement, but it was finally recorded by some people. When another photo was released a year later, the matter was brought up again.

It was a public welfare awards ceremony, and Yinghou Liang attended such an occasion for the first time. It was a coincidence that the organizer arranged Brother Chen's seat one space to her left. Then in the photo, Liang Ying, who was wearing a white dress, was sitting upright watching the performance on the stage and applauding, while Brother Chen, who was wearing a black suit on the left, was also applauding, but his head was tilted and he was looking to the right— His eyes fell on Liang Yinghou's face, the corner of his mouth was smiling, his eyes were as bright as stars, but also as tender as water.

As soon as the photos came out, everyone saw the clues. Zhou Jianchen has always been like a young master in the entertainment industry, when did he look at someone with such eyes? This has never happened in his movies and TV shows. So everyone was guessing what was going on between Zhou Jianchen and Liang Yinghou. Reminiscent of the photo from last year, it seems to be more illustrative. Because it had already been released at that time, but the two only participated in the performance together, and there was no rivalry scene.

It is said that there was originally someone between the two of them in that photo, and the actress Rong Xin was the one who arranged it, but for some reason, the actress finally sat next to Zhou Jianchen.

Some people speculated that Zhou Jianchen had made a good greeting in advance to show the beauty of an adult. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that the actress Rong Ying and Brother Chen have always had a close relationship.

Interested people began to look for clues, and Liang Yinghou kept a low profile to the dust, so naturally she couldn't make a move, so she could only focus on Zhou Jianchen. Sure enough, I finally found clues on Brother Chen's Weibo.

As early as more than a year ago, before the two had cooperated, Liang Yinghou had already frequently appeared on Brother Chen's Weibo. Those microblogs that Brother Chen reposted, those movies that he helped to promote, seemed to be talking about other people talking about other things, but in the final analysis, they all had the shadow of Liang Yinghou, just like the posters promoted by others with pictures on Weibo , so many photos, he only chose the one with Liang Yinghou. During the period when they participated in the movie together, his Weibo posts reached a peak. The words and pictures on it seemed ordinary, but after careful analysis, they all had profound meanings.

At the same time, someone started breaking the news that Zhou Jianchen frequently went to the crew to visit the set. However, when he visited the set, Liang Yinghou was often present; moreover, some people witnessed Zhou Jianchen personally driving Liang Yin to the hotel...

The rumors are disturbing, and no one knows whether it is true or not. There are doubters, there are confirmations, and so on.

Until one day, Brother Chen participated in an interview.

The reporter asked: Mr. Zhou, do you have a favorite actress

Brother Chen smiled and replied: Yes, Liang Yin.

His answer was generous and unabashed, which stunned everyone.

However, the woman remained silent.

Three days later, Liang Yinghou was finally blocked by reporters at the door of the film conference.

The reporter asked: Ms. Liang, do you have anything to say about Zhou Jianchen's confession to you

Liang Yinghou was silent for a few seconds before replying, "He is a very good actor."

Very good actor, that's all.

Back and forth, one question and one answer, it seems that all the answers have been revealed, but it is different from what everyone guessed, this relationship seems to be just Zhou Jianchen's wishful thinking, everything only started with his unrequited love, and ended with Liang Yinghou's polite refusal .

Afterwards, Brother Chen's public relations team got off the stage immediately, and did not deny or slander. On the contrary, they admitted that Brother Chen liked Liang Yinghou even more. They claimed that Zhou Jianchen was a fan of Liang Yinghou, and they especially liked her performance. and appreciate. They also expressed their apologies for the troubles they caused this time. Apart from this, they also hope to have more cooperation in the future - all the remarks will end in the love of "fans" for "idols".

The PR team spoke convincingly, and Zhou Jianchen was used to "Meng Lang", so everything had a new explanation.

But under the dilution of time, it seems that everyone believed this statement. After all, Liang Yin had already been widely known by the third movie at that time, and her acting skills were indeed outstanding; after all these years, I had never heard of it. After Zhou Jianchen took the initiative to chase someone.

It's just that there are still people who complain about Liang Yin's answer. Even if everything is a misunderstanding, you shouldn't refuse so mercilessly—Brother Chen is more than enough to match her, and Queen Liang is like this, but she is arrogant.

Except for Brother Chen's obsessed fans, those who have this idea are naturally the group of people around him.

All the insiders didn't quite understand why Liang Yin refused Brother Chen's pursuit, and she didn't even give her a chance. After looking through her resume, she was accidentally spotted by the great director Chen Huaen at the age of seventeen and participated in the first film. The film, the female lead of another film directed by Chen at the age of 20, took this title, and participated in the third film at the age of 22 and became popular in China... Although it is lucky enough, it is far from the glory that Brother Chen won. Compare.

Brother Chen participated in his first movie at the age of fifteen, and won numerous awards, big and small. His fan appeal and commercial value are undoubtedly the first in the entertainment industry. There were many actresses rushing towards him one after another, but when it came to Liang Yin, they just said "he is a very good actor", so Liang Yinghou just became a clueless person.

Simply, Liang Yinghou retired five years ago, and her whereabouts have been missing since then.

It is said that there was a car accident that ruined her appearance...

Ah Zhao regretted for a while when he heard that she was disfigured in a car accident. Although he had never met Liang Yin, he had known her for a long time in the process of getting to know her. After the later resistance, he actually liked her quite a bit. He has seen her movies, her acting skills are really good, and she is also really beautiful, unconventional and unique.

He just didn't expect that he would see her here.

In the past five years, Liang Yinghou has completely disappeared from the public's sight, and there has been no news of her. It is said that many people on the Internet have inquired about her whereabouts, but no one has found out. Unexpectedly, she actually appeared here.

Moreover, it seemed that she was not disfigured in a car accident as the legend said.

So what has she been doing for the past five years? How come you retired so well

"Brother Chen, she seems to be alone!" After confirming one thing, Ah Zhao frowned again and said.

This VIP room is only open to the first-class customers of the airline, and he came in with Brother Chen—Brother Chen also wanted to book a first-class ticket for him at the beginning, but there are only six first-class seats on this flight, unfortunately, Only one left when ordering. But Liang Yinghou was obviously alone, she was sitting on a single sofa, and there was only one cup on the table - if she was accompanied by an assistant, she wouldn't be sitting here.

Thinking of something, he couldn't help but said, "I don't know where she is going, and if she is photographed, I don't know what she will be written about..." His eyes still fell on Liang Yin, with some unbearable eyes.

Zhou Jianchen withdrew his gaze, with a half-smile, "You really care about her."

Azhao heard something was wrong from his voice, and turned around quickly. Seeing that Zhou Chen had a bad expression on his face, he quickly explained: "Brother Chen, I just remembered a push message I saw a while ago..."

Zhou Jianchen raised his eyebrows, and Ah Zhao hurriedly took out his mobile phone to find out the original notification. Zhou Jianchen took a look, his expression remained unchanged, his eyes settled down.

Although Liang Yin has disappeared these years, there are still some fans. In some forums, fans still miss her from time to time. Someone even took screenshots of her movies, frame by frame, all of which are picturesque.

It has to be said that demons and goblins have been prevalent in the entertainment industry for the past two years, and Liang Yin beats them both in terms of appearance and acting skills.

But people are always unwilling to compare, the more people praise, the more enemies they make, no one wants to always have such a character on the head of their idol, so as a counterattack, posts have also emerged as the times require.

A few days ago, such a post appeared in the eyes of everyone.

——"August 18 Those Outdated Female Stars".

"In the entertainment industry, the replacement has always been fast. So what if they were once popular, but they are still outdated in a blink of an eye. Those female stars who were once popular in August 18th are now flop..."

The post is full of praise and criticism, and it is almost full of ridicule. And Liang Yin, the queen of the actress, was impressively on the list.

After Qiying, they gave her a new label.

There are even quite a few followers who question her acting skills, thinking that her acting skills are mediocre, and she can't afford the honor of actress...

Azhao was quite angry when he saw it at the beginning. Stars in the entertainment circle are most afraid of the word "outdated". Once it is pasted, the whole body can smell a musty smell. But he couldn't refute it yet. The entertainment industry is very cruel. Stars, big and small, are always springing up one after another. A female star disappears for five years and then comes back. There really is not much chance of turning around. What's more, Liang Yinghou was also disfigured. Those fans wanted to speak up for her, but they were pushed back by the sentence "You let her come back and try".

So just now he thought that Liang Yinghou might have recovered from the injuries on her face, or maybe she was just blocked on the other side. But no matter what, she just appeared in the eyes of everyone. Once she is discovered by those media, it is uncertain what it will be written about—the entertainment industry also talks about ostentation. Alone, in the eyes of caring people, it will really prove the word "passed".

Zhou Jianchen quickly scanned the entire post, and handed the phone back. Ah Zhao was still a little trembling, brother Chen's eyes were cold, there was no joy or sorrow on his face, he was not sure what he meant.

He is Brother Chen's assistant. Back then, Liang Yinghou rejected Brother Chen, so he should have stood by his side. Now that he is "eating the inside out", I don't know what he will think of him.

"Brother Chen..." he called out tentatively.

"You go out." Zhou Jianchen interrupted him and didn't let him continue.

Ah Zhao was even more flustered.

Zhou Jianchen looked up at him, his expression softened, "Go out."

"Oh." Ah Zhao didn't dare to say any more, so he answered, and went out again with his things.

As soon as Ah Zhao left, the surrounding area became quiet again. Zhou Jianchen took a sip from the cup, his eyes deep.

The cup is a glass, the water is plain water, it couldn't be simpler.

In the distance, Liang Yin didn't notice the movement here, she just read her book quietly.

Zhou Jianchen looked at it for a while, then put down the cup again, took out his mobile phone to take a picture of the cup, and posted it on Weibo casually.

There is only one word attached—"Heh."

The author has something to say: Good morning~

I'm going out, come back and give out red envelopes~