Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1216: Bright Star Road


After sending Meng Zhifei away, Qi Wang returned to the laboratory. At this time, student Xiao Ai had already analyzed a bunch of data and was arguing with Yang Zhenggang.

"Professor Yang, I respect you because you are my master's teacher, but I don't think your IQ is higher than mine. I am superior to you in terms of analysis ability and data processing ability, and my current database Pretty much covers everything that exists, so I think I'm right."

Yang Zhengang felt that he was a good-tempered person, but no matter how good-tempered he was, he would be so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven.

Super artificial intelligence is great. It is great to have all the knowledge accumulated by human civilization. He just knows that it does not mean that he can deduce new ones. Even if the existing artificial intelligence can think, it is definitely not as good as the human brain.

"I think what you said is wrong. It doesn't conform to the law of energy conservation. If it is an energy body, perhaps the energy can be compressed to the extreme to achieve such an effect, but since it can be captured by the quantum standpoint, it is obvious that it The power of the body is still not compressed to the limit, it has a body, no matter what material the body is made of, the power it can hold is limited, no matter what kind of civilization, how different the power is, the most essential things remain the same.”

Yang Zhenggang was blown bearded and stared at by classmate Xiao Ai, and said his point of view loudly. If it wasn't for classmate Xiao Ai's insubstantial nature, he would grab classmate Xiao Ai by the collar and fight him now.

Xiao Ai has already detected Yang Zhenggang's emotional instability. Considering that the other party is old, if he is too emotional, it may cause various diseases, cerebral hemorrhage, cardiac arrest, etc., which will cause sudden death to fragile human beings.

"Okay, we can wait for the master to come back to continue the discussion. Our current situation is not suitable for discussion, but I still maintain my opinion. You can think whatever you want. I will not change your opinion, and you should not try to change me of."

After saying these words, Xiao Ai's body flickered and disappeared completely.

Yang Zhenggang with a mouthful of old blood clogging his chest: "..."

Is this superintelligent artificial program despising him

"No matter what you say, I still think you are wrong!"

He waved his fist and said loudly. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, Yang Zhenggang was so annoyed that he returned to the computer and continued to look at the data he had just obtained.

Seeing that he was busy, Qi Wang didn't come in to disturb Yang Zhenggang, he turned and left, went to another laboratory, and shortly after he entered, the virtual projection of classmate Xiao Ai appeared in front of him.

"Master, I have to admit my mistake to you. I had a conflict with your teacher just now. Although I don't think I did something wrong, I think I performed too well and may hurt your teacher. After all, your Teacher is considered an outstanding existence among human beings, and in his field, he has always been a character like Taishan Beidou. I was born not long ago, and I can't fully understand human behavior habits, so my words are a little more intense, which may affect Yang Professor's health, I must apologize to you."

The virtual image in front of him, which was almost exactly the same as Qi Wang, apologized to Qi Wang. Obviously, he also realized his mistake. When facing the master who created himself, he did not hide anything and told everything exactly.

Qi Wang glanced at the other party, and slowly said: "It's okay, it's very normal to have disputes with different opinions, you don't need to apologize, the teacher is not that fragile."

When the original owner was doing experiments with Yang Zhenggang, there were quite a few times when the original owner slapped the table and yelled at each other because of disagreements. Almost every time they quarreled until they blushed and their necks were thick, and it almost turned into a fight in the end.

But they are like this because of their different viewpoints, and there is no contradiction in essence. After the past, and whose viewpoint is proved to be correct, the contradiction will disappear.

Xiao Ai breathed a sigh of relief: "This way I can rest assured. I am really afraid that you will be angry. After all, Professor Yang is your teacher. If he has any problems because of me, I will feel guilty."

Qi Huan: "..."

Xiao Ai’s words sounded right at first, but Qi Wang still vaguely felt that there was something wrong. After a moment of silence, he said: “Stop reading books that humans use to pass the time, it’s bad for your intelligence. Development is no good."

Those words just revealed a bit of green tea and white lotus, which is really not suitable for such an artificial intelligence.

Classmate Xiao Ai nodded, and said sternly: "I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

After saying these words, he bowed towards Qi Huang, turned and left the place.

Qi Huang shook his head, quickly put this matter aside, and began to devote himself to the research work.


Ye Zhengzheng felt as if she had had an absurd dream, and she had forgotten all about what happened in the dream, but after waking up, she felt that her body was sore, that feeling was like her own After dancing parame for two hours, the muscles in the whole body seemed to be completely out of control.

What exactly happened

Her memory stayed on the day of Qi Wang's birthday. She remembered that she drugged Qi Wang and wanted to make raw rice and cooked rice, so that Qi Wang had to marry herself.

This kind of approach is crazy, so crazy that Ye Zhengzheng can't face the crazy self. She clearly knows that Qi Wang doesn't have the slightest affection for her. It's just because of the relationship between the two parents that he endures it. She is around him.

But that man was so outstanding, when Ye Zhengzheng could clearly distinguish liking and love, he had already taken root in his heart, and he couldn't come out no matter what.

She has loved that man for so many years, and seeing him getting better and better, like the sun in the sky, shining with light, she is just a humble firefly on the ground, desperately following his existence.

Ye Zhengzheng loved him for so many years, but in the end he couldn't control himself, so he did such crazy things.

But now after waking up, when she found out that something might really have happened between herself and Qi Wang, Ye Zhengzheng suddenly felt a sense of loss. She felt that everything should not be like this. It shouldn't be like this.

How could I be so despicable? If Qi Wang knew that all of this was his own scheme, would they still be the same as before

Thinking of this, Ye Zhengzheng felt chills all over his body, his mind was preoccupied with the idea that Qi Wang would hate her and ignore her for the rest of his life.

No, Qi Wang is her life and everything to her, she will never allow Qi Wang to ignore her, she will die.

With a strong mind, Ye Zhengzheng sat up from the bed suddenly, regardless of the pain in his body.

The quilt covering her body fell down, she subconsciously wanted to pull the quilt cover off, because she remembered that in order to make everything look real, she took off her and Qi Wang's clothes...

However, when Ye Zhengzheng lowered his head to pull the quilt, he found that he was wearing a white cotton pajamas.

This dress is not his own, and of course it cannot be Qi Huang's. He has never liked white, and there will never be white pajamas.

And this quilt is not right, Qi Wang's quilt is not this color...

Ye Zhengzheng's complexion changed, she suddenly realized something, and looked up suddenly, but the silver-white metal walls around her seemed to have a cold sense of technology, and the incandescent lights above her head shone down, her naked body was exposed outside. The skin has an abnormal bluish white color.

Ye Zhengzheng's mind started to buzz, her mouth opened and closed, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

How could this be

Why is she here? Did Qi Huang do it? Did he find out what she did, so he sent her to a mental hospital

Thinking of this possibility, Ye Zhengzheng collapsed, hugging the quilt and crying loudly.

Although she drugged Qi Wang, it was because she liked Qi Wang so much, how could Qi Wang treat her like this

"woo woo woo woo… "

Not long after Ye Zhengzheng woke up, Xiao Ai reported the situation to Qi Wang, and at the same time explained that Ye Zhengzheng's situation is unstable now, and now he has started to cry for no reason.


The movement of Qi Fan's hands paused for a moment, and he turned his head to look at Yang Zhenggang who was busy beside him.

"Teacher, can you go to Ye Zhengzheng's place? She's awake."

Yang Zhenggang said without raising his head, "There's nothing to see, let the doctor talk to her, we still have a lot of things to do here, can you do it alone?"

According to Qi Wang, what they captured before was just a split body. The body of the unknown creature was in the hands of Ye Zhengzheng. After confirming that the instrument they made was effective, they immediately sent someone to take Ye Zhengzheng away. come over.

While Ye Zhengzheng was still in a coma just now, they had separated the unknown creature in Ye Zhengzheng's body. Of course, there was another energy body separated at the same time, but that energy body was relatively weaker, and it seemed It's nothing offensive, they've put it in another container, and they're doing analysis and research now, so why worry about a little girl

"Teacher, Ye Zhengzheng is very likely to be the first human being invaded. That unknown creature has been with her for the longest time. Perhaps part of her body has been assimilated. The doctor and our research specialize in different directions. I want you to take a look."

Seeing what Qi Wang said, Yang Zhenggang also felt that it made sense. He nodded, expressing that he understood. After putting down his work, he hurried to the ward where Ye Zhengzheng was.

After Xiao Ai was silent for a while, she continued: "According to my information, Ms. Ye Zhengzheng is the only woman who has had close contact with you. The person she wants to see most now should be you. The reason why you don't go , Is it because you feel that you can't face Miss Ye Zhengzheng?"

Qi Wang said without raising his head: "Is this related to the research we conducted?"

Xiao Ai said: "It doesn't matter, I'm just curious. Of course, I remember it was said on the Internet that gossip is the nature of human beings. I am now learning how to be a qualified human being."

Qi Wang: "Maybe you can watch less messy things, which is good for you. Your memory is limited, storing too many things will affect your running speed."

The data generated by a super-intelligent program is very huge. If it continues like this, its memory may not be enough for him to manipulate.

Obviously Qi Huang set up everything very well when making this artificial intelligence, why do you feel that his way seems a bit crooked now

Should I upgrade him and purify his system

Xiao Ai naturally didn't know that Qi Wang wanted to upgrade and purify him now, seeing that he didn't seem to have any intention of answering these words, Xiao Ai left silently.

Of course, as an artificial intelligence system, if you encounter a problem, you must solve it. Qi Wang didn't get an answer here, so he felt that he should go to Ye Zhengzheng to have a look, maybe he could get a clear answer .


The unknown creature captured by Qi Wang is intelligent. After being caught, it tried to escape, but the quantum position trapped it firmly, no matter what method it used, there was no way to escape.

However, even at this time, it still feels that all this is so absurd and bizarre that it doesn't seem like a real thing at all.

It, an existence from a high-level civilization, would be captured by creatures from a low-level world, which is simply incredible.

It doesn't believe that this low-level world has the technological power to capture itself. According to common sense, they can't even detect its existence. After all, in the biological cognition of this world, it is a virtual thing, a human being. The existence created by imagination cannot exist in reality at all.

But now it has been pulled out of the host's body, and it is just exposed to the outside world. The surrounding energy field is firmly bound to it, and it is even nibbling away bit by bit. strength.

Perhaps it was because of its lack of strength that it was caught.

Just as it was thinking about how to get out of trouble, a pleasant voice appeared in its ears.

"Hi, I'm Qi Wang. I discovered your existence and arrested you. Can you tell me who you are?"

The existence of the self-proclaimed female supporting counterattack system: "..."

It turned out to be Qi Wang who caught it.

Yes, how did it ignore this point, even in the low-level world, there are various rules, and some creatures born in these civilizations can sense the power of rules-such people are born more than others Smart, after all, the power of rules can be said to be the original power of every world. If they sense the power of rules, they will be able to resonate with the world they are in. Naturally, they are smarter and better than ordinary people.

It actually deceived Ye Zhengzheng. What it needs is never luck, but these human beings who are favored by the power of rules. It can absorb the power of rules in this world through the medium to supplement its own strength.

It has been doing this for a long time, and it has never overturned, but it never thought that it would capsize in the gutter in this low-level world.

It has its own self-esteem and pride, how can it bow to people in a low-level world

It refused to answer Qi Wang's question and chose to keep silent.

Seeing that it didn't speak, Qi Wang didn't continue to question it.

Anyway, if it doesn't say it, someone will say it.

Qi Wang performed various transformations on another separated energy body through Xiao Ai, turning her into a data-like existence, and then made it appear in the laboratory through virtual images.

The dizzy Ye Zhengzheng slowly opened her eyes, and then she saw Qi Huang appearing in front of her.

Although her body is a little weird now, Ye Zhengzheng didn't care about it at all. She looked at Qi Huang angrily, and said loudly: "What did you do to me? Don't you know that kidnapping is against the law? I told You, don't think that I will let you go because of the relationship between the two families, I will call the police, and I will send you to the detention center."

Looking at Ye Zhengzheng who was flaring his teeth and claws, Qi Wang pointed to her body, and kindly reminded: "Before you talk nonsense to me, why don't you look down at yourself, are you satisfied with your current image?"