Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1226: Eighty bad luck


After sitting like this for a while, Qi Wang felt that his body was getting colder and colder, his body seemed to have been frozen stiff, and his hands and feet were a little uncontrollable.

This dilapidated thatched house has not been lived in for many years. It is completely dangerous. The house is ventilated on all sides. The thatched roof on the top is squeaking under the heavy snow, and it looks like it is about to collapse at any time. like.

Although it was just a roof made of thatched mats, and the supporting beams were made of moso bamboo poles, if it really collapsed, his body probably wouldn't be able to support it.

Qi Wang's body had some warmth due to the medicine he had just taken, but now that the cold wind blows outside, the warmth has almost disappeared. The blood in his body is at such a low temperature It feels like it's going to freeze, and I can't go on like this.

Qi Wang moved his body and felt his body softened a little, so he jumped off the half-collapsed kang, jumped on the spot for a while, and found that his body had regained its temperature, he just walked towards the door go.

The snow outside was getting heavier and heavier, and the goose feather snow fell from the sky one after another, and the snow on the ground became thicker. Not long after Qi Wang came out, a layer of snowflakes fell on his shoulders. Looking up, the whole sky was gray, as if it was about to be suppressed, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

The original owner failed to survive this winter, so he died in the first snow in such a muddleheaded way.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with the original owner's appeal, but the people in the village head's family felt that he was a wolf-hearted dog, and tried every means to deal with him.

They thought that their family raised the original owner, and the original owner should be grateful to them, and repay them by being a cow and a horse for their family, but the original owner did not repay them as they thought. On the contrary, the wings became hard and wanted to be separated, so the two brothers naturally refused to let it go.

Although the village chief and his daughter-in-law did not deliberately abuse the original owner, after all, life is hard for any family these days. Even the village chief's family has no extra food to waste. Even if Qi Wang finds out about secretly taking his own children to eat, they won't share some with him.

In the beginning, they would have some scruples and avoid Qi Huang, but later on, they would be blatantly partial to their own children.

After other people in the village knew about this incident, they would not blame the village chief and his family. After all, the original owner was a son of the landlord's family, and these tenants in the village hated the landlord who had oppressed them. Because homicide is against the law, and the original owner is a child, they are afraid that they have already terminated the original owner.

Even though the original owner was not very old, because of his background, he faced a lot of malice. These people wished that the original owner would not survive.

So after the original owner died, they would only applaud, but no one cared about the cause of the original owner's death, and no one would claim justice for him, because he no longer had any relatives here.

He was originally the extra person in this village, even if he was born here, no one regarded him as a member of the village, everyone would only be happy when he died, and who would care if he died of murder

The original owner was already four years old when he was brought into the house by the village head. He had a long memory and actually had memories of his family members. Whenever he cries, the village head's wife will beat him.

"You are a son of a landlord's family. It would be nice if we can take care of you well. How dare you miss your landlord's wife and father and mother. If you really miss them, why don't you go with them? Those two dead It's time to strangle you with a rope."

"Eat my house, drink my house, sleep with my house, do everything in my house, give you food and drink and raise a white-eyed wolf, if you really miss your dead landlord parents, then follow Let them go, I will keep it safe and not stop you."

How hard bones can a four-year-old have? The more times he was beaten, he gradually stopped mentioning his parents, but their figures were still deeply imprinted in the heart of the original owner, and they could never be erased. When going down, he would secretly miss his parents, after all, no matter how many wrong things they did, they loved him sincerely.

Rather than saying that the original owner was missing his parents, it would be better to say that he was missing the self who was loved and loved by others.

Therefore, the original owner didn't have much sense of belonging to the village chief's family. He knew that he was just passing by. The village chief and his wife treated him absolutely differently from their children. There is no need to be grateful to them.

So after the policy reform, knowing that the land can be divided, the big guys don't need to eat big pots, and they can farm the land and live their own lives. The owner of the garden mustered up his courage and took the opportunity to ask for a separate family.

Now that he is an adult, he can fully support himself. As long as he has two acres of land, he can build a house again, not to mention anything else, and there will be no problem with eating enough.

He really had enough of living under the fence. He didn't want to eat two extra bites of food after a day of hard work and still have to look at people's faces, and he had to smile at the seven or eight-year-old children at home, letting them treat him Come and drink.

He didn't want to live a day like this any longer.

But who would have thought that he would be beaten up by the village head's two sons just for making this reasonable request, and even thrown into a broken thatched hut in such a heavy snow day.

The village head kept saying that there was no difference between treating him and his own son, but now it is so cold and snowing outside, obviously he is not at home, but the village head did not come out to look for him, as if he did not know that he was not at home like.

How much sincerity can such a person have for him? But whoever cares about the relationship for many years will not ignore him like this.

As for the kindness of the village head and the others for raising him, the original owner felt that this kindness did not exist, because when his parents died, he still hid some gold jewelry on his body, and the longevity lock and bracelet he wore on his body were all gold. Yes, and these things were taken by the village chief and they never returned them to him.

The original owner didn't intend to ask for these things. He thought they could be used as the cost of raising them for so many years. If he really had to count them up, he didn't owe the village chief and his family anything, and they really didn't need to use a benefactor. to face him.

It was snowing heavily outside, and when Qi Wang walked out, the snow had already covered his ankles, and when he stepped on it, the snow poured in from his ankles, and the biting cold air spread from his ankles to his whole body. I just feel like my feet are going to freeze off.

The shoes on his feet were discarded by the two sons of the village head's family. Although they were called cotton shoes, the uppers of the shoes were torn, and the soles were also broken a few times. It poured in through the gap that was opened, and the melted snow soaked his entire foot. Originally, his foot was covered with chilblains. Such stimulation made people feel heart-rending pain after wave.

Even Qi Wang, who is so tolerant, couldn't help frowning.

The original owner was only eighteen years old this year. Looking through his memory, those days in the past were like soaking in coptis water. The suffering was unbearable. Before he could welcome the dawn, he was completely plunged into darkness.

With the memory of the original owner, Qi Wang quickly figured out the direction. He walked along the snow-covered road step by step towards the direction of the village chief's house.


Because the village cadres had to discuss things related to the farm property transfer, the village chief’s house was quite lively at this time, and because it was snowing outside, they simply moved the table to the kang, and the kang hole below was burning hot It was hot, and several people in thin clothes sat on the kang pushing cups and changing cups.

The village head's daughter-in-law Wang Chunmei was busy, sending them a plate of fried peanuts for a while, and seeing that there was nothing left on the table, she fried a large plate of eggs and sent them up, taking good care of the group of people. post.

The eldest daughter-in-law pursed her lips in displeasure, and said sullenly.

"What's the matter with these people? Why don't they know anything about it? It's not enough to go to other people's houses to eat in such a season. This dish has been up for three times, but in the end there is nothing left."

After guests come to the house, it is the rule to treat them with good wine and good food. If there is leftover soup, soup and vegetables, women like them can also taste something good.

This time when the family was entertaining guests, Wang Chunmei specially brought a large piece of old fat meat, and mixed it with potatoes and cabbage to fry two large pots of vegetables, but they ate them all to a golden light, and there was not even soup left. Excuse me, I haven't finished the wine yet, I have to deliver peanuts in a moment, and a fried egg in a moment, and these people have eaten up all these things not long after they went up.

The eldest daughter-in-law was busy all night, and she poured a bowl into her stomach. Millet porridge, so busy now, the millet porridge in the stomach has almost been digested, and the stomach is growling with hunger, but the stomachs of the people inside are like a bottomless pit, no matter how much food is sent in, they can eat it , Seeing that it is impossible for me to eat some leftovers to add oil to my stomach, the face of the eldest daughter-in-law is even more ugly.

Seeing her eldest daughter-in-law's shameless appearance, Wang Chunmei glared at her, and her tone became severe.

"Don't gossip about me there. When guests come to the house, you have to treat them well. Besides, those guests are not other people. They are all cadres in the village. What you are talking about with your husband and father is a major event in the village. Son, you silly woman, don't talk nonsense if you don't know."

Although the above has issued a policy saying that the land should be divided into households, how to divide it, whether it is good or not, is up to the village cadres in the village. Although the village head is the head of a village, he is in the village It's not a word in there, it has to be discussed with the village cadres below. If not, why would he need to talk to these people about such things here

These days, who doesn’t want to buy some better land for their own home? It’s the same field. A better field is not the same as a poorer field. The harvest of each mu of land can be different by dozens of dollars. catty

Now they came here to discuss this matter, which is related to the life of the family in the future, but they have to talk about it carefully, my eldest daughter-in-law is not very knowledgeable, if she is really disturbed, they will have no place to cry cry.

It's just that the eldest daughter-in-law who doesn't know much about these words can't understand them even if they tell her. Wang Chunmei doesn't bother to talk about these things with her, it's not enough to waste her tongue.

The eldest daughter-in-law was unhappy in every possible way, but her mother-in-law was one-sided, even if she was unhappy, she didn't dare to show it. She only dared to lower her head and fiddle with the fire when she was lighting the fire, to have fun and relieve her anger.

Wang Chunmei naturally knew that her eldest daughter-in-law looked silent and didn't take what she said seriously in her heart, but she didn't care about it either. As an old woman, she only needs to show her prestige, and let her be The daughter-in-law doesn't dare to murmur in front of her, but as for saying she doesn't care in private, can she control people's shit and fart

Wang Chunmei always paid attention to the movement in the room, and heard the sound of the chopsticks hitting the plate became much clearer than before, which proved that the dishes on the plate were gone again. Hit the owner's house with chopsticks to inform them that it's time to serve.

Wang Chunmei was also very distressed, but thinking that what they were talking about was serious business, and thinking that his family would be able to get more land in the future, he gritted his teeth, endured the distress, and cut a large piece of white radish. The lard passed in the pot for a while, and then sent to the table eagerly.

Seeing Wang Chunmei's appearance, the village accountant said with a smile, "Sister-in-law, don't be too busy. You've worked so hard tonight. Otherwise, come up and have a bite to make up for it, so you don't starve yourself."

It sounds good to say this, but the cups and plates on the table are messed up, and each plate is clean, at most there is a little oil, soup, and vegetable water left. She really wants to eat, but how can she eat these things

The village secretary also said with a smile: "Yeah, Chunmei, don't be too polite. Everyone is an outsider. You can just have a bite here, and just have a chat with us. What's good for you about dividing the land to households?" After all, women hold up half the sky, and you are also the village women's director in our village, maybe you have some good ideas to share with us."

All the people sitting on this kang are men, either the security director, the village director, or the village secretary. They all have straight backs in the village, and they hate women when they see their nostrils on weekdays. You can't go to the sky, and the words that come out of your mouth are women with long hair and short knowledge, who will only circle around the pot and pot cover. They don't know these policies at all, so don't listen to what they say.

What they are saying now is just polite words. If you take it seriously and sit down on the table to talk to them about serious matters, these people might even slump their donkey faces to the ground.

Wang Chunmei knew that what they said was nothing more than polite words, so she didn't put their words in her ears, but waved her hand at them and said, "Okay, why are you telling me about such a big thing? The women's director is dealing with the trivial matters of the parents in the village, and I can take care of the old women's fights, but I can't take care of such big things, you can just talk."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chunmei withdrew without waiting for them to say anything more, and Wang Chunmei was so knowledgeable, but to the face of the village chief, he drank another cup, and his face suddenly became red and swollen, looking like It looked like an inflated pig urine bubble.

Several other village cadres laughed and praised the village chief for his ability. The female director who is vigorous and resolute outside looks like a cat when she gets home. What does this mean? It shows that the village chief has trained them well.

The village chief couldn't help being proud, and he made everyone drink and eat food, and the atmosphere on the wine table became lively again.