Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1228: Eighty bad luck


Wang Chunmei saw Qi Wang rushing in so recklessly, she was very anxious, rushed up quickly, and blocked Qi Wang's way with her arms outstretched.

"Qi Wang, you heard from my aunt that the room is full of adults talking about things, you better not go in to join in the fun as a child, if you get reprimanded, you will lose your face."

Now the village cadres inside are talking about the distribution of land to households. Whether their families can get a good distribution depends on the present. Isn't Qi Wang going in at this time to cause trouble

Wang Chunmei was very anxious in her heart. If it had been different, she would have already scolded Qi Huang sternly, but today is a special situation. She was afraid that her words would be heard by the people inside, and she would lose face, so she had to be patient. He came to coax Qi Wang with his temper, thinking that as long as today is over, the rest of the account will be settled with Qi Wang later.

A little intolerance leads to chaos and big schemes. She has no culture, but she still knows this.

Saying that, Wang Chunmei came to pull Qi Wang's arm. It looked like he wanted to drag Qi Wang into the kitchen. No matter what, he must not be allowed to make trouble in the house today, involving the division of fields. Things, how can not let him get mixed up.

Even those village cadres actually look down on Qi Wang, a son of a landlord's family, and can't let him go in to make trouble.

It's just that this child who has been silent all the time, who speaks and does everything up to them, seems to have committed a twist today. Wang Chunmei has said so, and she treats him politely, but he is still as usual. With a cold face, he shook off Wang Chunmei's hand, refusing to listen to her.

"Auntie, you don't need to worry about it. The other village cadres are just here, so I don't need to look for them. In front of the big guys, I still have to explain the matter clearly and put it away."

The more Wang Chunmei refused to let Qi Wang do anything, Qi Wang decided to do it. Seeing that she was going to arrest him again, Qi Wang bypassed Wang Chunmei and went straight to the upper room. Wang Chunmei was so anxious that he was really going to be caught He went over to let the other village cadres know their family's plan, which is hard to say.

"Boss and second, you come out quickly and take Qi Wang to your room for a sit-down, one or two are dead, don't you see that he is frozen like this now?"

Listening to what Wang Chunmei said seemed to be full of kindness, but in fact, anyone could hear the malice in the words. Originally, the two brothers Qin Shulin and Qin Shuzhi had already taken their children to sleep, but after hearing their mother's shouts , The two hurriedly put on their clothes and came out.

It's just that it was too late when they came out, Qi Wang had already lifted the curtain and entered the upper room, the two brothers looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

Qi Wang was beaten up by them before, and they threw him into the broken house. According to common sense, he should not wake up so early, why did he come back suddenly now? Could it be that someone woke him up? So he came back specifically to trouble them

The two brothers didn't think too much when they took their children to beat people. They just thought that Qi Wang, the landlord's son, was not familiar with him at all. Their family had raised him for so many years with good food and drink, but they saw that life was getting better However, he was thinking of splitting up and living elsewhere, and wanted their fields in a whimsical way. How could they be willing to do it

The two brothers thought about beating up Qi Huang severely to let him know how to be afraid, and to live an honest life in the future, so he probably wouldn't dare to mention this matter again.

According to their thinking, Qi Wang would wake up at least in the middle of the night after fainting. At that time, they happened to go over and get him back, and then threatened him well. Thinking about it, he should be completely honest. You can also clean them up.

Who would have thought that he would touch it back so early, but when his father was entertaining the village cadres in the village, this really made him go in and talk nonsense, where would the face of their family go

It can be seen from the incident of taking their own children to beat people, Qin Shulin and Qin Shuzhi are both impulsive people, they don't care about things when they do things, and don't even think about what will happen if they cause trouble Now that Qi Wang is back, it looks like he is going to make a big fuss, the two brothers suddenly became anxious, and Qi Qi looked at Wang Chunmei, wanting Wang Chunmei to come up with a solution.

"Mother, does Qi Wang want to sue? What should we do? If he is talking nonsense, what should others do if they believe him?"

"Yeah, mother, we are not afraid of him at ordinary times, but isn't this the time when we are dividing the land? Even the village cadres are planning for their own sake. If Qi Huang interferes, our family can't get a good land. Isn't it going to be a big loss? And if he takes the opportunity to ask for more, will we still have to suffer from this dumbness?"

At this time, the IQs of the two brothers are higher than before, and what they say is that Qi Wang wants to plot a field, and there is no mention of them going to beat Qi Wang.

Anyway, no one saw them when they beat people, Qi Wang was beaten for nothing, they denied it, and there was nothing he could do.

What her two sons said was also what Wang Chunmei was worried about. After all, this kind of thing is easy to say, and it is related to the matter of her family's land distribution. Wang Chunmei stomped her feet and ignored other things. She called her two sons and followed them in In the upper room.

Anyway, no matter what method you think of today, you must not let Qi Wang take advantage of it. They have been raising him for so many years. , I'm afraid he's dead already, he didn't say he was grateful, but he wanted to bite off a piece of meat from them, which didn't make any sense.

At this time, Qi Wang had already entered the upper room, and the village head had just finished explaining to Wang Chunmei, and he returned to the kang not long ago. At this time, he was talking about the mountains with other village officials, and the security director sitting in the innermost raised his head. Look, he found Qi Wang who came in from the outside, he raised his eyebrows, and said with some depression.

"Hey, isn't that the dog... Qi Wang? Why did you come in? Hurry up, kids, don't come here to get in the way, we're talking about big things in the village, what are you doing here? This isn't making trouble Is it?"

Security director Chen Aiguo has always looked down on Qi Wang, but in fact he and Qi Wang have no enmity, there is some enmity between them from the previous generation.

Chen Aiguo is the cowherd of the landlord's family. He used to accidentally use the whip too hard when herding the cow, which caused two cuts on the cow's body. As a result, Qi Wang's grandfather whipped him to death with the whip, almost alive. not go down.

At that time, Chen Aiguo had already remembered things. When he saw his father almost being beaten to death, he cried to death, and hated Qi Fan's family in his heart. But at that time, Qi Fan's father covered the sky with only one hand in Peach Blossom Village. There is no way to avenge his father even if he is full of hatred.

Fortunately, everything changed later. After liberation, the landlord was liquidated, and the slaves who belonged to the landlord's family also regained their freedom.

If it wasn't because Qi Huang's grandparents were cunning and hanged himself to death early in the morning, Chen Aiguo, the chief security officer, would have dealt with their family severely, so as to protect his father and everyone in the village who had been bullied by them. Poor farmers take revenge.

Of course, because Qi Wang was young at that time, he didn't participate in those things when they happened, so Chen Aiguo naturally didn't care about Qi Wang, but he also looked down on the landlord's dog in every possible way. bastard.

At that time, all members of the Qi family chose to commit suicide, leaving behind a child like him. At that time, Chen Aiguo advocated driving the child out and letting him fend for himself. If it wasn't for this, how could there be such an eyesore in their village

Zhang Hongxing, director of the Revolutionary Committee, also doesn't like Qi Wang. In fact, none of the village cadres in the room like Qi Wang.

Although he could not choose his own birth, and Qi Wang was only a child back then, and he did not do any wrong things, but who made him the son of a landlord? People say that the father pays the son's debt, and he will naturally pay for his parents' sins.

Whoever let him be born badly, and reincarnated into a landlord's family, he should be inferior to others, and it is normal for him to be looked down upon by everyone.

"That's right, this is the meeting place for us village cadres. Hurry up and get out, don't come here to get in the way, you are too old, and you still can't figure out your status, can't you tell the height of your eyebrows?"

Neither of them had a good attitude, but the village head, Qin Qihe, had a much better attitude than everyone else. He looked back at Qi Huang with a smile on his face.

"Qi Wang, do you have something to say when you come in? But I'm busy now, what's the matter after I finish my meeting with your uncles and uncles, do you think so?"

Qin Qihe's attitude towards Qi Wang was indescribably gentle. Seeing his appearance, other people couldn't help curling their lips, thinking that Qin Qihe was really too gentle. It is already he who is soft-hearted and treats him so well, regardless of whether he is worthy or not.

The accountant Wang Lianshan didn't speak, he just held a small wine cup and sipped the wine, his eyes narrowed comfortably.

He is Wang Chunmei's elder brother, and because he is related to the village chief's family, he often goes to and from the Qin family. Wang Lianshan is also very clear about what kind of life Qi Huang lived in the Qin family.

It's just a play, Zhang Hongxing, Chen Aiguo and the others really think Qin Qihe is a good person, if he is really a good one, he and his son are wearing big padded jackets and two cotton trousers, while the clothes Qi Huang is wearing are patches piled on top of each other, Like that beggar.

He wants both fame and benefits, looking at it, no one knows what is going on, my brother-in-law is a worthless one, if there is no benefit, how can he support Qi Wang for so many years? Stop dreaming.

But even if he knew this, Wang Lianshan wouldn't say it, let alone his relationship with Qin Qihe, even if it didn't matter, as a village accountant, he could still speak for the landlord's son? What are you kidding.

The village cadres are all looking at Qi Wang, their eyes are full of contempt and disdain, and they don't hide it at all. Even though the movement is over now, many people are already ordinary, and the superiors tell everyone not to look at the composition, but Qi Wangsheng was a child of a landlord's family, and everyone despised this status.

After all, there is only the Qi family as the landlord in the entire Taohua Village. In the past, all the villagers lived in the hands of the landlord. Counting them carefully, which of these families in the village has not been insulted and bullied by the landlord

In fact, strictly speaking, the people in the whole village have enmity with Qi Wang's family, and they are all suspected of killing Qi Wang, not to mention anything else, the five elders in the house alone Everyone is suspicious.

Qi Wang didn't speak, but took off the ragged jacket on his body, revealing his thin body.

The clothes he was wearing were only a ragged jacket, not even a linen or anything like that inside, and the skin inside was exposed when the clothes were taken off.

The medicine that Qi Wang took only healed the internal injury that caused him to die, but the external injury did not heal, and the bruises and bruises on his body were exposed after being beaten.

Maybe it's because of the genes of the landlord's family, or because of the good foundation when he was young, Qi Wang's skin is very fair, even after so many years of hard work, the skin on his body is still as white as porcelain, and it is precisely because of this , those scars on his body will be particularly shocking.

Seeing Qi Wang's appearance, Qin Qihe's heart skipped a beat, his brows furrowed involuntarily, but thinking of the mask he maintained, he resisted his impatience and said.

"In front of the big guys, what are you doing? Don't hurry up and put on your clothes. You are a young man, and you don't mind being ashamed."

Qi Wang didn't argue with Qin Qihe, he looked at the people present and said: "Someone wants to kill me, I want justice, if you don't help me, I will go to the county to find the police, the county police don't care If not, I will go to the city, and I will seek justice for myself."

He has never spoken so forcefully. The whole village is poor and lower-middle peasants, and he is the only landlord. He was able to throw the dirt on him, cursing over and over again: "You son of a bitch, don't be arrogant, dirt, hit the head first, then the feet, until the puppy howled."

As for the older children, they would surround him and beat him up every five days, shouting words like "down with the landlord" while beating him.

In the whole village, he was the only one who didn't stand up for him after he was beaten. Instead, the parents would praise the children for their good beating. After all, he was a son of the landlord's family.

It was just such a child who had been bullied for more than ten years and didn't dare to speak out loud. Now he suddenly took off his clothes in front of the village cadres, revealing the scars all over his body. .

Someone is going to kill him

Everyone here believed it.

After all, even during the most intense period of the movement, no one in the village killed him, the landlord's son of a bitch. Now that life is getting easier, who would want to kill him

"Qi Wang, have you had enough trouble?"