Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1233: Eighty bad luck


It may be unbelievable to say, but the original owner really did not hate those people in the village. He might not have understood it when he was a child, but as he got older, after hearing their complaints about the atrocities committed by his relatives, he could understand their love for them. His hatred was gone.

After all, they and their parents have indeed been tortured by their parents. In the past that he did not experience and did not participate in, his parents and relatives played the role of absolute villains, and everyone hated It is extremely normal for them to hate them, and even hate him, the existence that continues their blood.

So in the past, he has been enduring all this silently, without resisting or complaining, and accepting their revenge on him frankly.

However, his grandparents, father, and mother have already paid their lives for this, and the money that originally belonged to their family has been divided by the villagers, and he has also endured ten years of torture. No matter how serious the crime is, it is enough to offset it. up.

The policy has changed, and his status is no longer a stain on him. Even the country has pardoned his crimes. He should be released from the prison set up by the villagers.

They were used to him being inferior and used to bullying him wantonly, but now, he didn't want to be bullied any longer.

He had paid enough and it was time to live his own life.

The old man helped Qi Huang to treat the wound on his face. Seeing that the ragged jacket wrapped around his body was thin and hard, it looked like a piece of cardboard from when he was a child. Through his open chest, the old man Seeing the criss-cross scars on Qi Wang's fair chest, the uncle frowned, and said: "It's quite warm in the room, or if you take off your clothes, I'll rub some medicine on your body too. God is pitiful, how many people have you been beaten by?"

In fact, what the old man wants to say is that it is not the old society anymore, how can anyone be so poor? The clothes he was wearing couldn't keep out the cold wind, and he didn't know how long he had walked to get here. It's his life that he didn't freeze to death on the road.

Qi Wang didn't refuse, and took off the worn-out padded jacket silently. The old man took a breath when he saw the scars on his body, and saw a dent in Qi Wang's chest, the old man's face suddenly turned pale. Changed, summoned Qi Wang to lie down on his bed.

"You child can really bear it. You have a broken rib, do you know? You dare to walk so far with a broken rib. If the rib stubble punctures the internal organs and causes internal bleeding, you will have a hundred lives. Not enough for what you made."

The beatings I received on the face just now were all skin traumas. I endured the most painful stage. In fact, the pain can be endured, but the pain of broken bones is not something ordinary people can bear. Seeing Qi Wang’s appearance , I should have traveled a long way to come here, broke a rib, and came here with scars all over my body, among other things, this perseverance is really admirable.

It’s okay for him to deal with some skin injuries, but if a bone is broken, he should go to the county hospital for treatment. He can’t deal with it here. After the old man let Qi Wang lie down, he didn’t bother to talk to him, so he immediately planned to go in and find the person on duty. The police discussed sending Qi Wang to the hospital.

And Qi Wang struggled to sit up, clutching his chest and said: "Master, I always want to report to the police, someone wants to kill me."

Seeing that Qi Wang actually sat up, the old man was taken aback, hurriedly jumped over, lightly pushed Qi Wang down on the bed again: "You can calm down, lie down, I really don't want to die Did you? I just went in and asked the police to come out. If I have anything to say, I’ll talk about it later. Your injuries are quite serious. I don’t know if you have internal bleeding. You need to seek medical attention as soon as possible.”

After saying these words, he turned around in a hurry, opened the door and walked towards the compound of the Public Security Bureau.

Qi Wang let out a foul breath, lying on the bed covered with thick mattresses, his cold body began to warm up little by little.

There are indeed a lot of bad people in this world, but likewise, there are also a lot of good people.

Not long after the old man left, he came in with two men wearing police uniforms and big caps. The uniforms are still army green, with a belt around his waist and a gun hanging from the buckle. They covered the guns, and if it weren't for Qi Huang's sharp eyes, he wouldn't be able to see the guns buckled around their waists.

"Xiao Li Xiaowang, this is the doll. He is poor. I don't know who has beaten him so badly. I just took a look at it. Two ribs are probably broken. This doll is also a strong man. I can bear it, I heard what he said just now, and he walked for almost an hour in the heavy snow outside before coming to us."

The old man really likes Qi Wang, he came down from the battlefield like this, after the flames of war and the smoke of gunpowder, what he likes the most is the one with backbone, and Qi Wang just hit the spot he likes.

The police officer who was called Xiao Li by the old man was called Li Ming, and the one with him was called Wang Xiaojun. Both of them were in their early thirties. They looked upright and walked with their backs straight. It is a habit after many years of training. These two people should be veterans.

After they came in, Qi Wang sized them up calmly, analyzed their personalities, and soon felt relieved.

The eyebrows and eyes of these two people are clear, not the kind of indiscriminate, worthy of trust.

Li Ming's temperament is softer than Wang Xiaojun's. He walked up to Qi Huang, saw his frightening face after being treated with purple syrup, and asked gently: "I heard Uncle Liu said that you want to report the crime. Is something wrong?"

Uncle Liu is the old man in the guard room. His name is Liu Tianzheng, and the boys in the Public Security Bureau are used to calling him Uncle Liu.

Qi Wang nodded, and briefly explained what happened to him.

In fact, the movement was over last year, and the social order has gradually returned to normal after ordering things out of chaos. For those who are landlords like Qi Wang, when they walked on the street in those years, they wished they could stick their heads into the cockroaches. Alright, if you want to beat this kind of bad elements, you can beat them and scold them if you want, and no one else can say anything.

But those are aimed at the real villains. Judging by Qi Wang's age, he is less than twenty years old. He was a child before. What can he do wrong? Is it necessary to use such a cruel hand on him

Li Ming questioned Qi Wang, and made a simple statement, saying that he would go to Taohua Village to investigate tomorrow, and then rushed him to the county hospital.

There was not much distance from the police station to the county hospital, and it took about ten minutes to walk there. Qi Wang's ribs were broken and he couldn't move, so Li Ming and Wang Xiaojun took him there on a stretcher.

Don't look at Qi Wang's height of more than 1.8 meters, but he is as thin as a bamboo pole, and he is so light that two people can lift him without any effort.

Liu Tianzheng covered Qi Wang's body with his military overcoat, filled a hot water bottle and stuffed it in, and said in a babbling voice: "Don't think about it, go to the hospital and get a good treatment. It's important, protect yourself when you should protect yourself, don't toss, it's you who suffers."

In fact, he wanted to go with him, but he still had to watch the gate, so he had to tell Li Ming and Wang Xiaojun to take good care of Qi Huang, while he himself could only watch them leave in the snowstorm.

Well, forget it, let's go see him after get off work tomorrow.


These days, no one is happy to come to the hospital. If there is a minor illness, they will be treated with earth prescriptions, or they will rely on their own body to resist the past. Unless they can't bear it anymore, no one will come to the hospital.

It is still snowing outside now, the hospital is empty, there are not many doctors and nurses, and the patients are only two or three kittens, that is because Qi Wang was sent by the police, otherwise, it is not so easy to arrange hospitalization easy.

However, the orthopedic surgeon didn't go to work at night, and it was snowing heavily outside. Qi Wang's condition seemed to be okay, so the hospital just admitted him, and no doctor was arranged for treatment.

The ward arranged by the hospital for Qi Huang was a three-person room, and he lived alone in it. There was a radiator installed in the ward, and the temperature was not too high. Fortunately, the quilt in the hospital was thick enough, so he didn't feel cold.

What satisfied Qi Wang the most was that there were special patient gowns in the hospital, which were quite thick, and he finally had a normal set of clothes to wear.

After Qi Wang settled down, Wang Xiaojun left first. There were only three night shift workers in the Public Security Bureau. He and Li Ming left. If something happened, the remaining colleagues would not be there. Easy to deal with.

Li Ming naturally had no objection, but Wang Xiaojun was cold-tempered, and acted like a stranger not to enter when he was not familiar with them. He explained to Li Ming and left directly. He never told Qi Huang from the beginning to the end One word.

After Li Ming returned to the ward, he explained to Qi Wang: "Xiaojun has gone back, he asked me to tell you."

Qi Wang nodded, and did not expose Li Ming's lies. The sound insulation effect of the door of the ward is not good. Qi Wang heard all their conversations outside. Wang Xiaojun did not mention him. Li Ming said this just to appease him. That's all.

The medicine given by the doctor contained sedative ingredients. After taking it for a while, Qi Duan became a little drowsy. He knew that he was safe now, so he didn't resist this feeling. He closed his eyes and fell asleep. past.

Li Ming stayed by Qi Wang's side all the time. After seeing that he was fast asleep, Li Ming stayed by his side for a while. Seeing that the snow outside had stopped, he thought for a while, explained to the night watch nurse, and left in a hurry. hospital.

Now he is still at work, it is not good to be away from work for a long time, there is nothing serious about Qi Wang here, just come back tomorrow morning.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital were quite responsible, and they patted their chests to ensure that they would take good care of Qi Wang, but the little nurse kept an eye out, seeing that Qi Wang was beaten so miserably, she was afraid that he was a bad person, so she deliberately After questioning Li Ming, the nurse was relieved to learn that Qi Wang was here for security.

It’s fine if it’s not a bad guy. If there’s a bad guy, there’s no police guarding them, so they’re afraid, right

It was late at night, and in the middle of the night, a parturient woman entered the hospital. After tossing until dawn, the parturient finally gave birth to a child. In order to facilitate water changes and dressings, a ward is basically full. Only then will other wards be arranged, so the pregnant woman was placed in the ward where Qi Wang was.

The mother gave birth to a boy, but because it was a sudden birth, her parents-in-law and her parents were not around, so only the mother and her husband came together. The mother was exhausted physically and mentally after giving birth, and fell asleep in a drowsy state after returning to the ward , only her husband was left to take care of the child.

Qi Wang was woken up by the crying of a child. After falling asleep, he felt his body recovered a little bit. When he opened his eyes, he found that the man was holding a swaddling baby in a hurry, talking nonsense. Words coax the children.

However, the newborn baby couldn't understand the man's words, and cried even louder. The whole ward was filled with the baby's shrill cries.

"Did he pee and feel uncomfortable? How about you try changing his diaper?"

Qi Wang opened his mouth to remind, the man in the indigo padded jacket froze for a moment, hurriedly unwrapped the swaddling clothes and checked, only to find that the child had indeed urinated, he changed the diaper clumsily, and the cry of the child slowly When he was young, he carried the child around the room again under Qi Wang's instructions, and finally put the child to sleep.

He put the child in the small bed provided by the hospital, raised his hand to wipe off the sweat on his head, and looked back at the person who had just helped him instruct him on how to take care of the child, only to find that the other person's face was bruised and purple. It's scary.

He was taken aback, but his good self-cultivation prevented him from saying anything inappropriate, and he quickly adjusted his mood, and said with a smile: "Little brother, thank you just now, I didn't expect you to look so young , I'm quite good at taking care of children, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid I'd really be ruined."

Qi Huang smiled, and said in a warm voice: "Brother, you don't have to be so polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands. Practice makes perfect when you take care of a child, just get used to it."

Although the original owner is not very old, he almost brought up the grandchildren of the Qin family. The Qin family can't see him idle. As long as they find an opportunity, they will ask him to help take care of the children. The four children almost all grew up on the original owner's back.

But even so, none of them remembered the kindness of the original owner, and when they followed their father to beat the original owner, they were more ruthless than the other.

The reason is actually that the adults didn't respect the original owner and never treated him as a person, while the children naturally followed suit and naturally lost respect for the original owner.

Because Qi Wang just asked for help, the man relieved the urgent need, and the two of them knew each other. The other party introduced himself. His surname is Lin, his name is Lin Huai'an, and he lives in the county.

Although he didn't introduce too much about his occupation, it can be seen from the clothes he was wearing and the swaddling material for the child that this person's family background is good, and from his inadvertently exposed It can be seen from small habits that he should work in a government department.

Lin Huai'an chatted with Qi Wang for a while, then dragged him to help him look after some children, and he went out to buy some food.

Qi Wang nodded in response, and Lin Huai'an left in a hurry.

Not long after Lin Huaian left, a woman in a gray padded jacket pushed open the door of the ward and walked in. As soon as she entered, she went straight to the child.