Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1260: Eighty bad luck


The existence of Wang Xiaojun was just a small episode for the two of them. What he did was not important to them. Neither of them took it seriously. After he left, the two threw him away. behind the head.

Liu Tianzheng had one more day of vacation, so he decided to take Qi Wang to the department store for a stroll and buy him some things, Qi Wang readily agreed, and the two of them simply cleaned up, seeing that it was almost time for the department store to open , the two closed the door and left from the house.

Now it's the twelfth lunar month, and the Chinese New Year will be in a while. There are many more pedestrians on the street. The two of them walked slowly towards the department store, chatting with each other while walking.

Just as we were approaching the department store, chaos suddenly broke out at the intersection in front of us. A group of people got into an argument for some unknown reason. Originally, the two sides were just arguing, but it quickly developed into a fight. Seven or eight big men quickly quarreled. We got into a ball.

This road leading to the department store is considered the main road of the county town, and there are quite a few people coming and going. After those people huddled together, the ordinary people walking around were startled and bypassed them one after another.

Although Liu Tianzheng was only the gatekeeper of the Public Security Bureau, he belonged to the public security system. After seeing this scene, he immediately wanted to step forward to stop them.

But before going over, Liu Tianzheng still remembered that Qi Wang was a wounded man whose body hadn't fully recovered, so he explained to him, let Qi Wang notice that he was accidentally injured, and then hurried over to stop the group of people.

"What are you doing here? Fighting here in front of the audience, you are disturbing social order, be careful to be arrested and sent to the Public Security Bureau, do you want to spend this year in the Public Security Bureau?"

Liu Tianzheng's voice was as loud as a bell, and it was astonishingly loud. It quickly silenced these people. Of course, there were still some people who were unconvinced and waved their fists to hit Liu Tianzheng. However, although Liu Tianzheng was not old enough, It's small, but it's a veteran who has been on the battlefield. How can these little rookies handle it? But three or two hits brought them all down.

"You guys, this is enough of a good life, do you want to make yourself unhappy? You actually gather people here to fight, what do you want to do? Ah?"

Facing these seemingly sloppy guys, Liu Tianzheng was not polite when speaking.

You must know that since the policy changed, there have suddenly been many idlers on the street. They haven't done anything big and evil, but they have done a lot of disgusting things, but what they did is also Not enough to be arrested and locked up in the Public Security Bureau for a few days. Many of them are guys who have been in the palace several times in the Public Security Bureau. These people look familiar to Liu Tianzheng. They are obviously regular visitors to the Public Security Bureau. Fighting on the street, Liu Tianzheng was naturally not polite to them.

However, after those people were taught a lesson, they didn't feel ashamed. After recognizing that Liu Tianzheng was the gatekeeper of the Public Security Bureau, these people even laughed and joked with Liu Tianzheng.

"Hey, isn't this Uncle Liu? We are so familiar, Uncle Liu, can you be sympathetic when you attack us?"

"It's Uncle Liu, our skin is thick and tough, it's Uncle Liu, what do you do if you hurt your fist when you beat us?"

"Uncle Liu, our brothers haven't had any trouble recently. Isn't this a rush to get together, let's discuss it? There is no trouble."

These flamboyantly dressed guys talked to Liu Tianzheng with a smile on their faces, and even started a joke with him.

After they entered and exited the Public Security Bureau a few times, they also knew a lot about the means of punishment. As long as they did not commit serious mistakes, they would not be put in prison. Not to mention, the place they live in is more spacious than at home, and some of them even make trouble on purpose, wanting to eat and live in the detention center.

What else can you do in the face of such people who don't even want your face? Liu Tianzheng had nothing to do with these guys. After reprimanding them with a straight face and telling them not to cause trouble here, he could only let them go.

"Uncle Liu, is the matter over?"

After Liu Tianzheng finished handling the matter, Qi Huang walked over and handed over the padded jacket that Liu Tianzheng had just taken off to him.

Liu Tianzheng took the clothes and put them on. He glanced at the bums on the ground who were supported by each other to stand up after being knocked down by him. The more he looked at them, the more he found them annoying, but he also understood that a large part of them didn't do it on purpose. Want to be this kind of bum who wanders around the streets with nothing to do, but when they come back from the countryside, there is no unit in the city to accept them, and they eat idle meals at home every day, and come and go, won't they be disgusted by the people in the family

It is not easy for this person to walk on the right path, but it is very easy to walk on the crooked path. After being a bum for a long time, and doing a lot of petty theft, he grows courageous, and finally dares to reach out for anything. up.

Liu Tianzheng endured and endured, but finally he couldn't hold back, and said: "You are all a group of young men, it's not a big deal to hang around like this all day long, you should find a way to find a decent job to do it .”

After hearing Liu Tianzheng's words, these bums laughed out loud instead, and said while laughing: "Uncle Liu, who wouldn't say something so obedient, but this serious job is not something you can have if you want it. Fazi, who wouldn't want to be a person with a formal job?"

After he finished speaking, the others also laughed loudly, not knowing whether to laugh at Liu Tianzheng or themselves.

Liu Tianzheng was a little helpless, and after sighing, he greeted Qi Huang and prepared to leave.

However, at this moment, a thin man among the bums suddenly asked, "Uncle Liu, who is this young man following you? Why haven't I seen him before?"

Uncle Liu glanced at the person who asked the question, and vaguely remembered that his surname seemed to be Yang, but he didn't know the exact name.

"This is the nephew I just met. Of course you haven't seen him before, but I happened to meet you today. I'd better say hello to you in advance. This kid is called Qi Wang, and he is my nephew. When you meet him in the future Be polite and don't bully him."

This group of people were very familiar with Liu Tianzheng, so after hearing this, they naturally didn't disagree.

"Uncle Liu, don't worry about that, we are all about loyalty, this bit of face is still for you, Qi Wang, right, we will be buddies from now on."

Seeing that these people were laughing and laughing at Qi Wang, Liu Tianzheng was kind enough not to tell them that Qi Wang would also be a police officer in the future, forget it, let them be happy for a while.

In fact, there is nothing to talk to these people, after a brief introduction of Qi Wang's identity, Liu Tianzheng is ready to take Qi Wang away.

"Qi Lu!"

The two of them had just walked two steps away when suddenly a voice called Qi Wang's name from behind them. They all turned around, only to see the thin man rushing towards Qi Wang with a fruit knife.

The sharp knife in the man's hand shone coldly in the sunlight, and the sharp knife was aimed at Qi Lu's throat.

This man wanted to kill Qi Huang.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and the distance between the two is not far away. If the knife is solid, Qi Wang's life may have to be confessed here.

At this moment, Qi Wang was unable to avoid it, and the thin man even showed a ferocious smile on his face, but in the next second, Qi Wang turned sideways to avoid his knife, and at the same time, with an elbow, he hit the ground. The other hand slashed on the man's ribs, and the other hand slashed hard on his wrist. There was a crisp cracking sound, and the man's hand showed an abnormal bend, and the dagger in his hand fell down in response. .

In the next second, the man who had been hit hard seemed to have just reacted. There was a scream from the inside of him, and he fell limply to the ground, holding his broken hand and screaming. .

All this happened so fast that the people around didn't even figure out what happened. The person who was holding a knife and trying to kill Qi Wang just fell to the ground and screamed.

The little bastards who came with him were all dumbfounded. The big guy looked at the thin man rolling around with his arms folded in surprise, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Fighting is a fight for big guys, but they are usually small fights, at most they just shake their fists, what's the matter with this guy? Why did you suddenly use a knife

These little bastards have no other skills, but their sensitivity to danger is extremely high. Just now, the sharp-eyed man who has seen the appearance of a thin monkey aimed his knife at Qi Wang's neck. If it wasn't because of Qi Wang's timely response, He was the one lying on the ground now.

Everyone immediately took a big step back to the side, distanced themselves from the thin man, and at the same time began to distance themselves from each other.

"We don't know him at all, and we don't know why he suddenly went crazy."

"That's right, we all just get together and play casually, and no one has a good relationship with him."

"We don't even know his name, he just sneaked into the house opposite us recently."

Everyone put aside their relationship one after another, and repeatedly stated that they were not familiar with the man on the ground, and they were afraid that they would have something to do with him.

However, at this moment, Qi Wang and Liu Tianzheng have no time to deal with these people.

"Uncle Liu, this man came after me. He only attacked me after confirming my identity again and again. He really wanted to kill me."

Qi Wang said with a determined face.

What this man did just now proved that everything was premeditated, he was not unintentional, obviously he came for Qi Wang, and his purpose was to kill Qi Wang.

Liu Tianzheng's face also became serious. He grabbed the man who was still screaming from the ground and prepared to take him to the Public Security Bureau.

Qi Wang has not been in the county for a long time. He has been living in the hospital before, and the people he has met can be counted on ten fingers. During this time, Liu Tianzheng has been with Qi Wang, and he knows very well that he is in the county. He didn't offend anyone at all.

This person came up to get Qi Wang's life, and his methods were extremely cruel, obviously he was not an ordinary person. Liu Tianzheng felt that he might have something to do with the previous drug trafficking case. After all, Qi Wang was the only one who offended him, and This is the only case that can make the other party do such a cruel thing.

"You are all witnesses, and you know something about this criminal suspect. Don't talk too much, and go with me to the Public Security Bureau."

Those bastards originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but Liu Tianzheng has spoken to such a degree, how dare they leave casually? Although they were reluctant to go to the Public Security Bureau in every possible way, they had nothing to do at this time.


After Liu Tianzheng brought him to the Public Security Bureau, he told Li Ming to put him in the interrogation room, and then brought Qi Wang to Director Lin.

They just dug up the tip of the iceberg in the drug trafficking case before, and followed the line they dug up to find it. It seems that they all involved the provincial capital. Now Director Lin and the others are cooperating with the provincial capital to handle the case. The provincial police The bureau specially sent a task force to take over the case, and now they have almost handed over the case to the task force.

"Director Lin, that's how things are. The man named Yang Ming was trying to kill Qi Wang on the street just now, but we took him down. I think it's someone who wants to take revenge on Qi Wang. Maybe it's from Yang Ming. What useful information can we find out from the mouth of the people?"

Director Lin's expression became serious when he heard this, he looked at Qi Wang who was standing quietly at the side, looked him up and down, and was relieved when he saw that there were no wounds on his body, and immediately Asked: "Comrade Xiao Qi, as a party involved, do you think this incident has something to do with the drug trafficking case?"

When Liu Tianzheng heard this, he felt a little weird, and couldn't help but said: "Director Lin, what do you mean by that? Qi Wang's social relationship is very simple, and I can't guess who else except those drug dealers He will be so cruel to him.”

It can be said that the reason why the drug gang hidden in the back mountain of Taohua Village can be eradicated is also related to Qi Wang, if it wasn't because he was the first to discover something wrong with Xu Xiaomeng, saw the poppy powder, and thought of himself in the village. The inappropriateness found in the report, the drug trafficking base should still be concealed for a while.

After all, who would have thought that there would be a natural hot spring hidden in the deep mountain, and the hot spring happened to be in a hidden valley, and someone would use these things to grow poppies

There is a lot of land in the valley where poppies can be planted, and now that they have taken it all together, don't those drug dealers hate Qi Wang to death

Director Lin frowned, and said slowly, "Old Liu, do you know what you mean by these words?"

This Liu Tianzheng usually looks very smart, but now he can't even think of such a thing? As police officers, they are well aware of the viciousness of drug dealers, so in order to protect Qi Wang, the police officers who knew that the clue was provided by him have been repeatedly issued a gag order by Director Lin, telling them not to reveal Qi Wang's existence.

And the rewards given to Qi Wang before were also under the banner of donating his family property to the county government, without mentioning his contribution to the suppression of drug gangs at all.

If that Yang Ming killed Qi Huang because of the drug gang, wouldn't that mean that there were traitors in their public security? Someone leaked Qi Wang's news.