Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1272: Eighty bad luck


Probably because of drinking too much wine, Li Mocheng's mind was muddled. He blinked, and it took a long time before he recognized who the person in front of him was.

"Qian Duochen is you, why are you still up so late?"

As he spoke, Li Mocheng pushed away Qian Duochen's hand that was supporting him, and said, "Can you stop approaching me, seeing you annoys me."

After Qian Duochen listened to Li Mocheng's words, the expression on his face was almost unbearable, but he endured it: "I will open the door for you when you are drunk, and now everyone is asleep, you will disturb everyone like this."

It is said that Qian Duochen took the key in Li Mocheng's hand involuntarily, and quickly opened the door of his dormitory, but Li Mocheng didn't appreciate it. Qian Duochen's behavior even made him feel offended. The smiling Li Mocheng suddenly turned cold.

"Qian Duochen, do you know what I hate the most about you? You and I have no blood relationship. If it weren't for your mother marrying my father, it would be impossible for the two of us to be together. Under the same roof, why do you have to pretend to be a good brother? Don't you think it's hypocritical?"

Li Mocheng's voice was a bit loud, and it spread far away in the silent night, and Qian Duochen's face changed because of Li Mocheng's words.

"Captain Li, please don't attack me personally, I know you hate me and my mother, but my mother married your father after your mother died, and you can say yes My mother brought it up with one hand. When I was young, you followed me behind my back and called you brother. Have you forgotten how I took care of you when I was a child? Why didn’t you say that I was hypocritical when I took care of you when I was a child? "

When facing Li Mocheng, Qian Duochen mostly gave in. He did act like a good brother, but only Li Mocheng knew that Qian Duochen was not like what he showed so kind.

So after Qi Wang said that the big drug lord might be hiding in the task force, Li Mocheng immediately suspected Qian Duochen.

This person is good at disguising, he looks like a good old man, but in fact he has the most fluffy intestines. When Li Mocheng didn't see his true face clearly in the past, he suffered a lot under his hands, which led him to know him now. Their people still think that Li Mocheng is aggressive, but Qian Duochen is the one who has been suffering.

That's why he deliberately pretended to be drunk to test Qian Duochen.


Li Mocheng sneered, he was too lazy to say anything more to Qian Duochen, and went straight into his dormitory. When he was about to close the door, he looked at Qian Duochen standing outside the door, and suddenly said: "Don't think you are pretending to be someone I can't even tell, I was stupid when I was a child, that's why I was played around by you, but now I am not the same person I used to be, don't think of me as a fool anymore."

After saying these words, Li Mocheng directly closed the door.

The expression on the face of Qian Duochen standing outside the door kept changing, but because of the cover of the night, it was hard to see what he was thinking clearly.

Qian Duochen stood outside Li Mocheng's room door for a long time, and finally turned around and went back to his dormitory.


The people from the task force and the comrades from the County Public Security Bureau checked a lot of things together, but the case still didn't make any progress, as if after those drug dealers were arrested, all the changes came to an end, everything was over, and there was no need to stay. Spend time here.

Everyone felt that staying here was a waste of time. Seeing that Li Mocheng's mood seemed to be better than yesterday, and he looked easy to talk, everyone boldly approached Li Mocheng and proposed to go back to the provincial capital.

Ding Dake said: "Captain Li, our work here has almost been completed, it is better to go back to the provincial capital, and leave the rest of the finishing work to these comrades in the County Public Security Bureau."

Xiao Sihe followed suit and said: "Yes, Captain Li, there are still many cases to be handled in the provincial capital. It is a waste of time and energy for us to stay here. These people in the County Public Security Bureau are not capable enough, and the work of mopping up is still not done." ?"

Although Chen Qingyun and Zhao Fengguang didn't speak, they expressed almost the same meaning.

Li Mocheng rubbed his brows, glanced at the silent Qian Duochen, and suddenly said, "Vice Captain Qian, what do you think?"

Qian Duochen looked up at Li Mocheng, twitched the corners of his mouth, and showed a smirk: "Captain Li, you always say the same thing. Is our opinion useful on this kind of thing? It's for everyone to discuss, but in the end it's not all right." Is it up to you?"

Everyone didn't expect that Qian Duochen, who is always easy to talk to, would say such a thing this time when facing Li Mocheng. Everyone looked at each other, wondering if they should say something to ease the atmosphere.

However, just when the big guy thought that Li Mocheng would be furious, he suddenly laughed: "I didn't expect that I would be such a tyrant in your eyes. It seems that usually your good brother is pretending from."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qian Duochen to say anything, he turned to look at several other people: "Okay, if you continue to say that I am a tyrant, we will go back to the provincial capital tomorrow morning, as you said, The cases here are almost finished, and there are still many cases to be handled in the provincial capital, so we'd better go back and play our role."

Speaking of this, he showed a mocking smile on his face: "After all, we said that we are a task force, but we have not made any achievements when we came to the County Public Security Bureau. It's better not to continue to embarrass yourself here."

Although Li Mocheng still had a smile on his face, the big guy knew that this guy was really angry, everyone was silent, and no one dared to speak to touch Li Mocheng's brow.

However, Li Mocheng didn't seem to be lying. After he said that he would go back to the provincial capital tomorrow, he immediately went to Director Lin of the County Public Security Bureau and told him that they were going back.

I don't know how the two of them talked in the office. Anyway, after the two came out, Director Lin announced the matter and said that a farewell ceremony would be held to send them away.

These people in the special case team originally thought that this matter would take some effort, but they did not expect that Li Mocheng was a vigorous person, and he would go back as soon as he said he wanted to go back, without interrupting at all. Now he has told Director Lin that they want to go back, and everyone The farewell ceremony is about to be held, so it can be seen that he is here for real.

For a while, everyone felt a little bit guilty. Although they actually looked down on these comrades from the County Public Security Bureau, they were very enthusiastic about them after they came, and they cooperated with their work very much. They are all very good partners now, now that they are leaving, how could they have the nerve to ask them to hold a farewell ceremony

However, after Li Mocheng decided to leave, Qian Duochen suddenly said that the people here are so enthusiastic and cooperate with their work so well, should they stay for a few more days

Hearing his words, Li Mocheng sneered, and said without shame: "You don't have to put on a show here, don't you want to leave too? Finally, if you have a chance, don't do it, be careful that I leave you alone Keep working here."

These words were extremely blunt, Qian Duochen seemed to be irritated by Li Mocheng, and he clenched the hands hanging by his sides tightly, as if he was going to attack him.

When the other people saw this, they hurried forward to stop Qian Duochen, and Ding Dake laughed and said, "Captain Li, we are all brothers, and Vice-Captain Qian didn't do it on purpose, so don't be so fussy with him."

Li Mocheng still looks foolish: "Who is his brother? Don't put gold on his face. If you don't want to follow me, then stay here. You said you wanted to leave before, but now you don't want to. You Is this a monkey trick?"

Well, Li Mocheng owed a lot to this mouth. Seeing that Qian Duochen was really going to be so angry that he couldn't control his actions, everyone hurriedly stopped him and dragged Qian Duochen out of Li Mocheng's office.

Soon Li Mocheng was the only one left in the small office. Looking at the open office door, Li Mocheng hooked the corner of his mouth, and a slightly sarcastic smile appeared on his face.

Although Li Mocheng has repeatedly stated that they don't need any farewell party, Captain Lin feels that the members of the special case team from the provincial capital have finally come to show that they want to show it, so the farewell ceremony was set at the police station after get off work. Held in the bureau's cafeteria.

Director Lin deliberately went to personally inform the members of the special case team, asking them to participate. He was so enthusiastic. As the director of the public security bureau, even if it was only a county police chief, he condescended to invite them. I was too embarrassed to refuse, and they all said that they would come to participate.

Extravagance and waste are not advocated these days, especially in public institutions like theirs, which are even more reluctant to make big arrangements, so the so-called farewell ceremony is to stick some red paper, then have a big meal and drink some wine, that's all. These things are available in the cafeteria of the Public Security Bureau, but it is not considered a waste.

When the time was up, all the police comrades, except those who had to be on duty, came to the cafeteria. Including Liu Tianzheng and Qi Wang who was about to join the post, there were a total of twenty-six police officers in the County Public Security Bureau. There were six people in the task force, a total of thirty-two people, and they sat down at three tables.

Because of the cracking of this case, Qi Wang played a certain role in it, and because he was implicated, he was almost killed by Li Ming, Director Lin felt a little sorry for him, and placed Qi Wang at the same table as Director Lin. , and besides the members of the task force at the same table, Liu Tianzheng, as the oldest comrade in the Public Security Bureau, was also arranged at this table.

"The comrades in the special task force have worked hard these days, and I will offer you a toast with tea instead of wine."

Director Lin held up a teacup to offer a toast to the members of the special case team. He hurt his stomach when he was sent down and couldn't drink, so he could only use tea instead. He said this before, so everyone didn't care about it.

Li Mocheng smiled and said a few words on the scene, and the big guys exchanged cups, it was so lively.

But Qi Wang and Liu Tianzheng were the ones who couldn't get along with the excitement.

The relationship between these two people was obviously very good before, but today I don't know what happened, they sat together, but the two of them didn't say a word, even when Director Lin asked Qi Huang to toast Liu Tianzheng, thank you Liu Tianzheng When asked for care and help, Qi Wang also refused with a straight face.

"I'm sorry Director Lin, I can't drink."

This is obviously a lie. Just now he raised his glass to the members of the special case team, but now he refuses to raise his glass to his benefactor, and even lies empty-mouthed that he can't drink. This is obviously Don't give Liu Tian face.

They were fine yesterday, why did the two of them suddenly have such a quarrel today

Director Lin tried to smooth things over and said, "Comrade Xiao Qi, it's fine for you to sip a little bit of meaning, but Old Liu won't care about that..."

However, before Director Lin finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qi Wang, who said with a dull face: "I don't want to drink, by the way, Director Lin, didn't you say that I will be able to join the job after the next year? I can Can't you report in advance? There should be a dormitory here at the Public Security Bureau, can I apply for a dormitory?"

After Qi Wang said such words to Director Lin, everyone couldn't help but looked at Qi Wang after hearing the words.

If they remember correctly, Qi Wang should have always lived in Liu Tianzheng's house, and what Liu Tianzheng said before, it seemed that he wanted to train Qi Wang as a serious relative, and in the future he was counting on Qi Wang to give him What about retirement, why did this happen all of a sudden today? Could it be that the two of them had a falling out

However, before Director Lin could say anything, Liu Tianzheng, who had been silent just now, suddenly slammed the wine glass in his hand towards the ground. After the wine glass fell to the ground, it made a crisp sound, and the fragments splashed everywhere. , and Liu Tianzheng stood up abruptly, pointed at Qi Huang's nose and cursed.

"You're an ungrateful little bastard, white-eyed wolf, do you really think you can get into the Public Security Bureau without my relationship? It's just a dream."

The more Liu Tianzheng spoke, the more excited he became. Because of being too angry, his whole face was distorted, his appearance looked particularly pervasive, and the hand pointing at Qi Wang was trembling.

"I give you food, drink, clothes, and take good care of you when you are injured and hospitalized. Even my own father can do nothing more than that. I never thought that I would serve you with an enemy. Let me say a few words to you." You are going to attack me, and now the villain is the first to sue, your wings are hard and you want to fly?"

As he talked, Liu Tianzheng became more and more emotional, and his fingers almost touched Qi Wang's nose.

"Let me tell you, I put your wings on. If you want to fly away from me, I can break your wings!"

Liu Tianzheng was known for his good temper in the Public Security Bureau. Everyone had never seen him get so angry. Seeing that Liu Tianzheng was about to faint from anger, everyone hurriedly spoke out, trying to appease him.

Qi Wang slapped Liu Tianzheng's hand open with a slap, and he didn't spare any effort when he did it. This slap directly made the back of Liu Tianzheng's hand red, and Liu Tianzheng's hand was opened directly by him. .

He looked at Liu Tianzheng with a stern face, with an unconcealable ferocity on his face: "Liu Tianzheng, I don't owe you anything, don't always pretend to be a benefactor in front of me. , I have won everything I have now, and it has something to do with you, so don't show me your prestige!"

As soon as these words were spoken, and looking at the incompatibility between the two, it was obvious that the two of them had a disagreement because of something, and now they even broke up because of it.

Director Lin tried to persuade, but his persuasion was like adding fuel to the fire. Liu Tianzheng couldn't control his temper and wanted to beat Qi Wang, but Qi Wang threw him to the ground.

Liu Tianzheng, who lost face, shouted angrily: "Director Lin, he is a son of a landlord's family. Let alone his status is not good. The purpose of entering our police station is not pure, and his political background is not clean. Even temporary workers I don’t deserve to do it either, and I hope that the previously promised job will be exempted.”

Director Lin was still a little embarrassed at first, but he made a decision when Qi Wang tried to continue attacking Liu Tianzheng.

"I promise you."

With this sentence, the job that Qi Wang has been looking forward to for a long time is so yellow.