Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1282: The darkness of the world


The original owner's mother is Qi Baoxin. Just by looking at her name, you can tell how much love her parents have devoted to her. Before the age of seventeen, she lived a life full of stars, like a princess.

The girl raised in a loving family environment is innocent and ignorant of the world. She is well protected by her parents and has never seen the dark side of society. She thinks that all people in this world are kind .

She has never been stingy in giving love to others, she will enthusiastically help everyone in need, even if others treat her coldly, she will never take it to heart.

Not all girls who are too beautiful are so lucky. There is never a shortage of people with dark thoughts in this world, and there is never a shortage of people who want to destroy beautiful things.

It was just an ordinary graduation trip, at least everyone thought so at the time.

Seventeen-year-old Qi Baoxin fell in love with a boy, a boy in her class. He was tall and handsome, in line with every Huaichun girl's fantasy about the person she loves. What made Qi Baoxin even happier was that the one she liked People also like her.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy fell in love for the first time and tasted the forbidden fruit. Since then, Qi Baoxin's affection for that boy has grown deeper and deeper. She once told her daughter that that boy is the light in her life and the love she loves most in her life. people.

"We will be admitted to the same university, and when we graduate, we will get married, start a family of our own, and give birth to two lovely babies. We will definitely live happily."

But all the fantasies and plans for the future ended in the summer of that year. The school organized a graduation trip. They went to the mountains, where the scenery was very good. She took a lot of photos with the boy she loved.

She thought it was the happiest moment of her life.

Then her best friend Bai Qianmiao wanted to make it convenient, but she didn't dare to go far alone, so she asked Qi Baoxin to go with her.

"Xinxin, can you accompany me? This place is too close to the mountains, and I'm afraid by myself."

Because of this sentence, Qi Baoxin and Bai Qianmiao left the team together.

Afraid of being seen by others, Bai Qianmiao kept walking with Qi Baoxin far away, and the accident happened at that time.

The day before they came here, it was raining and the ground was slippery and difficult to walk on. In order not to be seen by others, Bai Qianmiao took Qi Baoxin farther and farther. Tilted to the side.

Bai Qianmiao grabbed Qi Baoxin's hand, and when she was about to pull her up, she slipped and let go of Qi Baoxin's hand.

The last thing Qi Baoxin heard was the heart-piercing cry of the boy she loved.


Everyone thought it was an accident, but Qi Baoxin's lover who witnessed everything said that it was just an accident.

"Qi Baoxin accidentally slipped down."

Under the attack of Bai Qianmiao's tears, Qi Baoxin's lover, the boy named Yang Qiuhe, concealed all the truth.

They said that it was Qi Baoxin who wanted to go there for convenience, and she slipped down by accident, and it had nothing to do with anyone else.

Two young boys and girls have the same secret, and because of this secret, their relationship is getting closer and closer. During the years of being together, they came together with the common memory of Qi Baoxin and formed a relationship. A husband and wife, gave birth to the crystallization of their love.

The crystallization of love is Yang Xuerong, the woman who raised the ghost baby and was also the original owner's loved one.

This story is absurd and bizarre, but all of it is true.

Yang Xuerong found out the identity of the original owner, and she firmly believed that the original owner killed her ghost baby not to avenge his girlfriend, but to avenge her parents.

She said to the original owner: "Because of your mother's matter, my parents have been depressed for so many years, and because of this matter, they passed away early, leaving me to live alone in this world."

According to Yang Xuerong, her parents have been depressed because of Qi Baoxin's affairs. Although it has nothing to do with them, they still feel guilty and sorry for Qi Baoxin. She went to Yang Xuerong, so she had to live under the fence.

"Since your mother is not dead, why didn't you show up early to clarify all this?"

Yang Xuerong's questioning hit the original owner's most painful memory. The original owner, who was still three points sane, fell into a complete frenzy and became a ghost without any reason.

The original owner who lost his mind killed Yang Xuerong's good friend. When she was killing Yang Xuerong, her lover appeared and dealt a fatal blow to her. Seeing her dying lover, Yang Xuerong broke out.

She used a forbidden technique, and used her own blood as an inducement to beat the original owner to death.

The original owner didn't know until after his death that he was just a villain boss in a book, and his existence was to let the female protagonist Yang Xuerong see clearly the male protagonist's feelings for her, so as to achieve Happy End.

The original owner, even the original owner's mother, was just a background board to make Yang Xuerong's life experience even more miserable.


Fortunately, it is summer and the weather is hot. Even in the mountains, the temperature will not be too low, which makes it slightly easier for the two of them to escape.

The woman sleeping next to Qi Wang is Qi Baoxin. Qi Wang looked at him and felt his eyes were hot, as if he wanted to cry, which belonged to the original owner.

The original owner who had exchanged with the system could no longer enter this world, and only the remaining emotions in his body still had deep feelings for his mother.

Qi Wang stretched out his hand silently, and quietly held the woman's hand.

Having lived in this mountainous village for nine years, this hell-like life has tortured Qi Baoxin to the point of inhumanity. If it wasn't for the existence of the original owner, she would have already lost her mind in this endless torture. The belief to live.

The original owner was the child of Qi Baoxin and Yang Qiuhe. The young and ignorant Qi Baoxin hid the forbidden fruit secretly, but he didn't know that enjoying the pleasure required protective measures. The original owner had it at that time.

She fell from the hillside, but she didn't die, but was discovered by a man in Nanwa Village, who took Qi Baoxin home, imprisoned her in the cellar, and raped her.

Nanwa Village is a small village located deep in the mountains. There are only more than a hundred households in this village, and the village is extremely exclusive. Almost all the people in the village are related, and they will not disclose any information about the village to others. matter.

This impoverished and closed village is isolated from the outside world, and few outsiders come here. Because of poverty, the way men in the village solve their marriages is to buy daughters-in-law from traffickers.

One can imagine what would happen to a young and beautiful woman who was picked up by men in this village.

Qi Baoxin has struggled and resisted, but how could she, a little girl who grew up in a greenhouse, be the opponent of these people who are used to doing farm work

After being bullied, Qi Baoxin had a desire to die, but within two days, she found out that she seemed to be pregnant.

It was only a matter of two days since she was defiled by these beasts, even if she had no common sense, Qi Baoxin knew that this child would not belong to those beasts.

That is her and Yang Qiuhe's child.

The arrival of the child infused Qi Baoxin's gloomy and desperate life with delusion. Her strong desire to survive broke through the limits of human beings, allowing her to protect the child in her stomach under such extremely bad conditions, and successfully gave birth to him.

No one ever doubted the original owner's identity. After all, she was very young in pregnancy and she was young. Everyone thought that the original owner was the son of the man named Yang Dashu.

After giving birth to her son, Yang Dashu and the others took care of Qi Baoxin a little more loosely because she had behaved very well before, and they released her from the cellar.

In order to leave this ghostly place and return to her lover, Qi Baoxin ran away many times with the original owner in her arms, but every time she was caught and beaten, but Qi Baoxin never gave up.

She doesn't belong here, this is not her home, she wants to take her children home.

Because Qi Baoxin ran away again and again, Yang Dashu's attitude became rough again after she gave birth to a son. He found someone to tie two big iron chains to Qi Baoxin's legs. The chains restricted Qi Baoxin's movements, and also cut off her hope of escape.

Later, Qi Baoxin got pregnant many times, but she tried every means to abort each time. She refused to give birth to that devil's child, no matter how the other party tortured her, she was unwilling.

Later, she probably realized that if she kept resisting like this, it would be impossible to leave here. Qi Baoxin slowly put away her temper and pretended to be tamed. After seven years of pretending, she finally didn't have to continue to wear chains. Life.

But this time, after planning for a long time, Qi Baoxin took her son and fled the village that ruined everything for her.

Unfortunately, in the original plot, they still failed to escape, and Qi Baoxin's life once again came to an end.

The original owner didn't know whether his mother's soul returned to his hometown after his mother died. He never dreamed of his mother. Later, after knowing the cruel truth, the original owner sincerely hoped that his mother could go directly to reincarnation after death.

In this way, she will not know that the person she loves has already been with the woman who indirectly killed her, and she will not know that her parents searched for her over and over again in the place where she disappeared, and finally because of Landslides killed Huangquan.

The gloom accumulated in his heart was about to explode, and Qi Wang felt extremely uncomfortable in his heart, which belonged to the original owner, and he felt pain and sadness for what happened to his mother.

She should have been a carefree girl, if not for this accident that could have been avoided, she would not have encountered these things at all.

[I will take her out of here, and I will seek justice for her, you believe me.]

Qi Wang's promise calmed down the anger of the original owner, and feeling that his emotions had almost recovered, Qi Wang closed his eyes and started to rest.

The group of Yang Dashu will not let it go. It is not so easy to find a wife in such a secluded mountain village. They are self-sufficient and refuse to live outside the mountains. They only rely on farming and hunting in exchange for money, and most of the money All were used by them to buy wives.

Even Yang Dashu's family with relatively good conditions does not have extra money, and it is even more impossible for them to have spare money to buy a new daughter-in-law, not to mention the "son" who was taken away.

Qi Baoxin has been concealing the identity of the original owner. Everyone does not know that Qi Fan is not Yang Dashu's child. Although Yang Dashu likes his son, he is not a "good father". However, even after Qi Baoxin died, he and the original owner were 'depending on each other', but he never treated the original owner any better.

And the original owner was told by Qi Baoxin who his father was when he was very young.

During the countless days of suffering, Qi Baoxin continued to beautify Yang Qiuhe's image in order to sustain herself, and she instilled her beautified 'father' image into the original owner.

The original owner always thought that his biological father was tall and handsome, with a gentle temperament, and loved his mother very much. If he knew of his existence, he would love him very much and would pay everything for him, even at the cost of his life.

After leaving this nightmare land as an adult, the original owner also tried to find his father, but what he didn't expect was that, after going around, his father would turn out to be the father of the woman who killed her lover.

The moment he knew the truth, the tall image of his father in his heart collapsed.

[Your father said that he only loves me in this world. If one day I disappear, he will definitely come to find me. No matter where I am in the world or in any corner of the world, he will come to find me mine.]

[His heart is very small, he can only live with me alone, even if one day I die, he will still guard me.]

However, the fictional father who loves his mother does not exist, and Yang Xuerong is only two years younger than the original owner.

Her age is enough to say a lot of things.

Qi Wang suppressed those troubled thoughts and began to think about how to escape.

Nanwa Village is deep in the mountains, and there is no proper way out of the village. If you want to get out of the mountains, you have to climb over the mountains with two legs. If no one is with you, people who are not familiar with the mountains will easily get lost inside the mountain.

Qi Baoxin didn't know the way, but the original owner had left the mountain before, and Qi Wang had all the original owner's memories, so he naturally knew how to leave.

However, the road that the villagers often take is not allowed. If the villagers run into it, I am afraid that there will be big troubles.

He had to think about how to leave.

When Qi Baoxin woke up, the sky outside had already darkened, and she was the only one left in the cave, and Qi Huang who was with her had disappeared.

Huge panic welled up in her heart, Qi Baoxin panicked and shouted anxiously: "Qi Qi!"

"I'm here!"

Before the words were finished, a small figure came in from outside the cave, Qi Baoxin's eyes were sore, she directly pulled Qi Huang into her arms, and hugged him tightly.

"Qi Qi, Qi Qi..."

Qi Baoxin called Qi Wang's name one after another, her voice was trembling scary, Qi Wang knew that she was frightened, so he raised his hand and patted her on the back non-stop.

"I'm here, mom, don't be afraid."

After a while, Qi Baoxin finally came to her senses, she let go of Qi Duan, and asked in a sobbing voice, "Where have you been?"

Qi Huang smiled, took out two straw sandals, one large and one small, from his bosom, and presented them to Qi Baoxin like offering treasures.

"Mom, we have to go on a journey at night. Bare feet are not acceptable. I made two pairs of straw sandals. Put them on and see if they fit?"

Even though he was a son, the original owner had never received special care. The original owner loved his mother and would help her with any work. Things like weaving straw sandals were nothing to the original owner.

Seeing her such a well-behaved and sensible child, Qi Baoxin couldn't help reaching out and touching Qi Wang's face.

"Good boy, when we escape, mom will buy you a lot of shoes, so that you can wear different ones every day."

Qi Wang nodded: "We can definitely escape."