Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1304: The darkness of the world


Seeing that familiar face, Qi Baoxin's tears welled up instantly, she subconsciously stretched out her hand, wanting to touch his face, want to blow his scars, but now she has become a phantom at all. Nothing can be done.

After the violent man left, the young boy shriveled his mouth and tears fell down. He opened his mouth and silently called out 'Mom'.

Qi Baoxin burst into tears.

The little Qi Wang struggled to get up from the ground, and staggered towards the water tank. He picked up the dilapidated ladle next to the water tank, trying to scoop water out of the tank, but that The water tank, which is nothing to an adult, is a bit too high for him. Qi Huang spent a lot of effort, moving several bricks and stacking them together, before he could drink the water.

After drinking, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and sat slumped next to the water tank, looking at the dark and dilapidated room with those godless eyes, whispering something in his mouth.

"Mom, I'm so scared."

"Mom, I didn't cry when that man hit me, am I very powerful?"

"Mom, but my body hurts... Am I going to die?"

"Mom, can I see you after I die?"

Having said that, Qi Wang's voice lowered. Looking at his body covered with scars, he suddenly raised his hand vigorously to wipe away his tears.

"I can't die, my mother let me live."

"I'm going to leave here and go find my mother's parents."

"Mom is gone. I want to take her share with me and tell her parents that my mother has been thinking about them."

"No matter how difficult it is, I will live on."

The little child kept repeating these words in his mouth. He dragged his beaten body, moved outside step by step, then found a lot of herbs, chewed them and applied them on his body.

Qi Baoxin knelt beside Qi Wang, watching her child enduring the pain while trying to treat the wound by herself.

"sorry Sorry… "

Qi Baoxin repeated this sentence over and over again. She wanted to reach out to hug the child, and to help the child who rolled down the hillside to gather medicine, but her hands passed through his body time and time again. He was close at hand, but she still couldn't touch him.

Qi Baoxin thought that being trapped in Nanwa Village and being tortured by that man day and night was enough to make people despair, but it wasn't until she became a disembodied ghost that she realized that there was something more hopeless than life. things.

When she was alive, she could at least protect her child, at least stop that man when he was being beaten, at least help him apply medicine...

She could at least hug her child, tell him that his mother was still here, that his mother was with him.

He is not alone.

Qi Baoxin suddenly calmed down, and she stayed by Qi Wang's side, watching how this child who was brought into the world by her selfishness struggled to survive in Nanwa Village.

Yang Dashu is a man with a violent personality. When Qi Baoxin was alive, he could vent to Qi Baoxin, and because Qi Wang was a boy, he seldom did anything to him. Apart from scolding him a few words, Qi Wang didn't do much. Beaten.

But after Qi Baoxin died, Yang Dashu became more and more violent, and would punch and kick Qi Huang when he was in a bad mood. Every time he beat him, Yang Dashu seemed to be facing an enemy, wishing he could live Beat him to death.

Qi Wang never begged for mercy, even if Yang Dashu broke a stick as thick as an adult's arm, even if he was beaten with injuries all over his body, and was woken up by cold water after passing out, he never opened his mouth to beg for mercy.

However, the more he behaved like this, the angrier Yang Dashu became, and he beat him more and more frequently. In the end, he often kicked him out of the house, forbidding him to go home, not giving him a bite to eat, and letting him live on his own outside. self-destruct.

Qi Wang still didn't beg for mercy, and wouldn't let him go home, so he ran to live in the cave, and if he wasn't given food, he searched for food in the mountains, and if he was unlucky, he ate weeds, leaves, and trees skin, and eat whatever fills your stomach.

He grows wildly like a weed, no matter how difficult it is, he is strong and hardworking to live.

Qi Baoxin's tears had already dried up. When Qi Wang was beaten violently, she knelt beside him, begging her stubborn son to subdue him, say a few soft words, and bow her head in order to survive. Nothing.

But he never gave in, even if he was hung from a tree by Yang Dashu for a whole day, even if he was beaten with a thorny bramble and rolled on the ground, his whole body was soaked in blood, he would not Let go and beg for mercy.

Qi Baoxin used to think that what she suffered was unbearable for human beings, but now she saw what her son suffered, watching him being beaten, abused, and bullied day after day, looking at him In the winter, he couldn't find food because of a fever, he was so hungry that he couldn't get up from lying in the cave, but in order to survive, he still crawled out of the cave little by little, and then grabbed the weeds with mud. Qi Baoxin cried to death when she kept stuffing in her mouth and swallowed Xuexue one gulp at a time.

If it was her, I am afraid that under these inhuman tortures, she would have been unable to survive long ago, and chose to die to end all of this.

At that time, she still had Qi Wang, who supported her belief in living, but now that she was gone, Qi Wang had nothing left, and he wanted to live so hard, but only for her.

She wants to survive, she wants to escape from this small mountain village, she wants to meet her parents...

Those are her obsessions. After she died, her child inherited her obsessions. Even though he was tortured, even if he had to face endless pain forever, he persisted for his mother. .

Qi Baoxin had seen this child showing his vulnerable side countless times in the middle of the night, saw him looking at the darkness and muttering to himself, and heard him ask the mother he imagined.

"Mom, it's hard to live. Can I die? I really want to see you."

"Mom, I'm in so much pain... Can I stop living?"

His fragility can only be revealed in the dead of night, but when dawn dawns, he works hard to live for his mother.

Never before has Qi Baoxin known more clearly what it means to be powerless and what it means to be helpless.

She was clearly by her child's side, but she couldn't hug him, comfort him, or protect him. She could only watch the young him struggle hard in order to survive.

Day after day, year after year.

As he grows older, Qi Wang's life is a little better than when he was young, at least he has become half a boy, Yang Dashu dare not hit him casually, and Qi Wang can also catch him from the mountain. Many animals came to fill their stomachs.

Ever since Qi Baoxin died, Qi Wang never ate a grain of rice from Yang Dashu, never said a word to him, and never called him Dad again.

To him, Yang Dashu was nothing but air, and he completely ignored it.

The reason why Yang Dashu beat him all the time before was because of Qi Huang's bad temper, raising a 'son' like Bai Yang, how could Yang Dashu bear such a stubbornness

No matter how Yang Dashu beat him, Qi Wang didn't even groan, let alone beg for mercy.

At the end of the torment, Yang Dashu lost his temper, and simply gave up Qi Huang, his "son", and planned to find another woman to give birth to a son for him.

It's just that he is not as lucky as before every time, and he has no money in his hands, but his requirements are quite high. He does not have a fancy woman brought by the traffickers. In the end, he still only has Qi Wang. This one 'son'.

As Qi Wang grew up, Yang Dashu's attitude towards him became more relaxed. He felt that Qi Wang was his "son" and he had to help him take care of the elderly, so he wanted to get in touch with the seventeen-year-old Qi Wang. .

Qi Wang nodded in agreement.

Then, Yang Dashu died, and he drank too much wine, and when he went to scoop water from the water tank, he fell headlong into it.

Qi Wang saw it, but he didn't go forward, just stood aside silently, watching the man who killed his mother, the man who abused him for countless years kept struggling, and then slowly fell silent.

Yang Dashu died, Qi Huang swept away his few money, and then left Nanwa Village with the few things left by his mother.

Qi Baoxin has been following behind Qi Wang, watching him finally escape from the mountain that trapped their mother and son for countless years, she thought that life would be easier in the future.

But Qi Baoxin neglected that a person without any diplomas, and his knowledge of the outside world only comes from what his mother described when he was young, how difficult it is for a half-year-old boy to live in this society.

It is difficult to live in Nanwa Village, and it is also difficult to live in the outside world.

Qi Baoxin watched Qi Wang without anyone's help struggling to survive in this strange world, watched him adapt to this world step by step, found the ability to make a living, watched him find his parents for himself, one city at a time City looking.

Even though many years have passed, Qi Wang never forgot his mother's obsession.

He wants to take her home, even if she has been dead for many years, he also wants to send her to her parents.

Later, Qi Baoxin saw that Qi Wang met a beautiful girl, and saw that Qi Wang, who had been living like a walking dead, finally regained his vitality, she saw Qi Xuan approaching the girl clumsily, and saw the child who had never pursued anyone Using my own method, I warmed up that girl's heart a little bit.

She thought that her child's life could finally be on the right track, she thought that her child could finally live a normal life, marry and have children like every ordinary person.

But Qi Baoxin forgot that fate has never treated her children preferentially. Just when she thought Qi Huang could finally be happy, a bigger disaster suddenly struck.

The girl Qi Wang loved died, and he suffered a lot in order to find the murderer, but in the end he found that the murderer was not something he could deal with now.

Qi Huang, who has been working hard to live for his mother, chose to kill himself in the most cruel way. He turned into a ghost, wanting to seek justice for the one he loves.

However, fate is so cruel, even if he gave everything, in the end, he still failed to avenge his beloved.

He was killed, his soul was scattered, and he would never be reborn.

Seeing this, Qi Baoxin completely collapsed. She didn't understand why the world treated their mother and child like this. They had done nothing wrong, so why wouldn't they give them a little bit of warmth? Why are they still not willing to give them even a little bit of warmth after they have suffered so much and suffered so much

Why is it that even though her son is dead, as a ghost, she still has no way to meet the ghost who has become a ghost? Why can't she tell that child who is completely disappointed in this world that she has always been by his side.

"Why so cruel? Why are we being treated like this? What did we do wrong?"

Qi Baoxin yelled frantically, she didn't understand why.

She found that she still couldn't do anything. She couldn't protect her child well when she was alive, and she still couldn't protect him after death.

All the tragedies in Qi Wang's life were caused by her. If she hadn't selfishly brought this child into the world, how could he have encountered these things

All these pains and tribulations were brought to him by her mother.

It was all her fault that she gave birth to him but failed to protect him.

Just when Qi Baoxin fell into the endless abyss of despair, she heard an indistinct voice.

"If you did it all over again, would you easily give up your life?"

Qi Baoxin didn't know where this voice came from, but now it was the only life-saving straw she could grasp, she screamed in despair.

"I want to live. I want to protect my child. I don't want his life to be without any happiness. I want to protect him."

As soon as the words fell, Qi Baoxin felt that everything around her was still, and then everything exploded like a shattered mirror. Qi Baoxin began to fall, and she saw countless memory fragments flying past her eyes.

She saw Qi Wang who chose to live by eating bark and grass roots for her obsession.

She saw Qi Wang who was constantly being beaten, but never said a word.

Finally, she saw the little Qi Wang lying in the cave.

"Mom, it's really hard to live. You said that there are miracles in the world. As long as there is or, miracles will always appear."

"If there is a miracle, I hope my mother can come back to life."

"Mom, can you live with me?"

The darkness surged in like a tide, turning into a viscous liquid and engulfing her whole body, but this time, Qi Baoxin did not choose to perish in the darkness.

Her child is looking forward to a miracle, he hopes his mother can live in this world, can accompany him and protect him.

Qi Baoxin didn't want that terrible future to fall on her child.

That was too cruel.

If she had to endure endless pain in life, and if she had to watch her child bear those pains instead of her in death, she wanted to continue living.

The soul power overflowing towards the surroundings stopped in mid-air, and then was recondensed into Qi Baoxin's body by a huge suction force.

This woman who had already lost her desire to survive, now burst out with powerful strength, her belief in wanting to live became stronger than ever, and the three souls and seven souls that were originally collapsed due to the power of the soul also became stronger again. Solidified.

It is indeed difficult to live, especially after experiencing inhuman torture that ordinary people cannot imagine, it is even more difficult to live with those pains and despair.

But only by being alive can there be infinite possibilities, and only by being alive can there be the possibility of breaking free from pain.

Is death a release? Perhaps, but if death is not a relief, but perishes forever in pain, and clearly sees all the suffering happening, but is powerless to stop it.

Presumably at that time, the pain they endured will become more and more, and because they are dead, there is no way to change everything.

Qi Baoxin opened her eyes, she saw Qi Huang standing beside her bed.
