Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1317: The darkness of the world


At this time, Bai Qianmiao was trapped in a dream, and she kept struggling in the dream, trying to escape from the person who was pressing her every step of the way.

"Bao Xin, I was wrong, Bao Xin, I can take care of myself now, you don't have to follow me."

In the dream, Bai Qianmiao was running on a mountain road. There was a vast fog on both sides of the mountain road, and she couldn't see anything clearly. The only thing she could see clearly was the path under her feet that was less than half a meter wide.

This mountain road has been winding upwards, leading to nowhere, misty, thick water vapor lingering around her nose, Bai Qianmiao was obviously exhausted, but she didn't dare to stop.

Because there is a 'person' chasing her behind her, a 'person' who has completely disappeared in this world.

Bai Qianmiao didn't know how long she had been running, her legs were weak, and she struggled with every step, but she didn't dare to stop, and she didn't even dare to look back.

Because every time she stops, a pair of weak and boneless hands will climb up her shoulders, and then gently embrace her, and then, Bai Qianmiao will feel a weight on her shoulders, as if there is something It was as if something was resting on her shoulders.

"Miaomiao, why are you running? I'm so tired of chasing you."

"Miaomiao, I'm so lonely, can I accompany you?"

The voice was very nice, but it fell into Bai Qianmiao's ears, it was like a death knell. She didn't dare to hear for a moment, and only by running hard can she get a moment of respite.

But now Bai Qianmiao feels that her physical strength and energy have reached the peak. She can no longer run, and her legs can't lift a little strength. She fell softly on the mountain road, feeling that there is another The soft body was pressed against her, and Bai Qianmiao felt the hairs all over her forehead stand on end.

"Miaomiao, why are you treating me like this? Isn't it good to let me stay with you? You once told me that you wanted to never be separated from me for the rest of your life. Now I'm here to fulfill your promise. Why are you afraid? I?"

The weeping voice kept echoing in Bai Qianmiao's ears. Because Bai Qianmiao never responded, the originally gentle female voice began to become ferocious and shrill, like a steel knife, scratching her eardrums with pain.

Bai Qianmiao clearly knew that she was dreaming at this time, and everything was fake now, but what if she knew everything was fake? She will be afraid, she will be afraid, and she will be desperate. These emotions have not dissipated because this is a dream, but have become clearer.

In the end, when that weak and boneless pale hand was about to touch Bai Qianmiao's heart, she finally couldn't bear it and collapsed.

"Please let me go, Baoxin, I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong..."

"Woooooo... I was young and ignorant back then. I didn't do it on purpose. Can you forgive me?"

"I have a child, a very beautiful and well-behaved daughter, she is actually very similar to yours, as beautiful as you, you will definitely like her..."

"You don't want my daughter to have no mother, do you? Please let me go, please?"

At this time, Bai Qianmiao was already incoherent, she didn't even know what she was talking about, her fear was constantly increasing, and she felt that her whole body was about to be swallowed up by the boundless fear.

After the incident happened that year, she was actually very happy, but she also blamed herself very much in her heart. She felt that she was not a born bad breed. Although she was jealous of Qi Baoxin, and although she hoped that Qi Baoxin would disappear completely, when he was really gone, she would Excited and fearful, there are still many feelings of guilt in my heart.

She was really 'sick' for a long time, and during that time she even had the idea of giving up Yang Qiuhe.

After all, Yang Qiuhe is Qi Baoxin's boyfriend, she knows how much Qi Baoxin likes Yang Qiuhe, if Qi Baoxin is gone, as Qi Baoxin's friend, if she gets involved with Yang Qiuhe, what will become of her

"I didn't do it on purpose, and I didn't sincerely want to snatch you away from Yang Qiuhe. He was the one who kept seducing me. I didn't resist the temptation to be with him..."

It was Yang Qiuhe who took the initiative first, and he wanted her to be with him.

Although many years have passed, Bai Qianmiao still clearly remembers what happened that day.

Yang Qiuhe found her and said he wanted to be with her.

"You are Baoxin's best friend. You have Baoxin's continuation in you. She was so kind to you before she was alive. After she died, she must have someone who can take care of you. Let me take care of you, okay? In this way, we can also take care of you." We can miss Baoxin together."

At that time, Yang Qiuhe told Bai Qianmiao that she was a delicate girl with weak willpower, and she had a crush on Yang Qiuhe when Qi Baoxin was still alive. Because I like Yang Qiuhe too much.

Now that Yang Qiuhe finally confessed his love to her, how could Bai Qianmiao refuse

She felt that the person behind her was completely attached to her body, and through the thin clothes, she felt the piercing coldness emanating from the other person's body, and a breath mixed with the smell of water poured into Bai Qianmiao The tip of her nose pierced into her body along her airway.

At this moment, Bai Qianmiao felt that her lungs seemed to be filled with water. At this time, her lungs seemed to become a huge water sac. With every breath she took, the water sac in her lungs seemed to be As if being hit hard.

The unspeakable pain began to spread all over her body. It was like suffocation at first, but she could still bear it, but soon, she felt as if there were sharp knives cutting her internal organs, one knife after another, seemingly forever There is no end to either.

The pain began to stack up, escalate, and the pain doubled. Bai Qianmiao wanted to struggle and roll on the ground to offset the pain on her body.

But no.

Those slender arms and the thin person behind her were firmly attached to her body, restricting her movement, making it impossible for her to break free.

She wanted to beg for mercy, but when she opened her mouth, countless stinky water gushed out from her mouth.

So sad…


Who can help me…

Bai Qianmiao has never been tortured like this since she was a child. The biggest crime she has suffered in her life is when she gave birth to a child.

She didn't want to have ugly scars on her stomach, so she chose to give birth naturally, but no one told her that it would be so painful.

She suffered from pain for a day and a night before she gave birth to a thin child, and that child was Yang Xuerong.

No one had ever made her suffer so much, and no one had ever made her suffer like that, so Bai Qianmiao had already hated Yang Xuerong at that time.

Who would have thought that a mother would hate the child she gave birth to with her life

But Bai Qianmiao hated Yang Xuerong, she even hated her to the point where she didn't want to feed her or hug her.

However, Yang Qiuhe didn't notice anything. He just thought that Bai Qianmiao had just given birth and was not feeling well, so he didn't want to take care of the child. He took over the task of taking care of the child, and carefully nursed, hugged and coaxed Yang Xuerong. she sleeps.

He looked at Yang Xuerong with gentle eyes, as if looking at some rare treasure. He even hugged Yang Xuerong to show off in front of Bai Qianmiao, showing her how beautiful the child who caused her to suffer so much was.

What did Bai Qianmiao think at that time

She thought the child was ugly, so ugly that it didn't seem like she was born at all.

It was hard for her to get Yang Qiuhe, and it was hard for her to be with Yang Qiuhe. She couldn't allow another existence between herself and Yang Qiuhe, let alone allow Yang Qiuhe to care more about that existence.

So she took over the task of breastfeeding and began to learn how to take care of Yang Xuerong like Beng Zhuo, and Yang Qiuhe finally turned his attention back to her.

But no one knew, not even Yang Qiuhe, what Bai Qianmiao did secretly.

She would secretly pinch Yang Xuerong while she was breastfeeding, pinch Yang Xuerong to cry through the quilt, or pinch her awake from her sleep when she was asleep.

Because Bai Qianmiao found that if he was always tired, Yang Qiuhe would pay more attention to her and reprimand the culprit who made her tired.

How simple, it can even be said to kill two birds with one stone, and it can clean up that little thing that disgusted her, and make Yang Qiuhe pay more attention to her.

There were many, many things to do after that. When the baby couldn't speak or ask for help, Bai Qianmiao did many, many things.

So Yang Xuerong was often sick when she was a child, and she would play the role of a good mother who took care of Yang Xuerong.

Every time this happens, Yang Qiuhe will love her more and treat her better and better.

This is her secret, just like the accidental killing of Qi Baoxin deliberately designed, it is a secret hidden deep in her heart.

If she is sane, it is not so easy to pry into the depths of her heart, because everyone has protective measures, and that measure protects the secret they most want to hide, so that it will not be seen by others .

But now, Bai Qianmiao's inner world has fallen into a state of chaos and disorder, her main consciousness began to collapse continuously, and those hidden secrets were naturally seen by others.

In Bai Qianmiao's chaotic consciousness, Qi Huan quietly looked at the dirty secrets she had hidden.

To be able to attack a helpless baby, even if he already knew Bai Qianmiao's viciousness, was beyond his imagination.

Just for a man, in order to get more love from that man, her children have become her tools, used and tortured by her, and become pawns for her to show her mother's love.

No wonder the later Yang Xuerong became crooked like that. When she was still young, even before she knew it, she had been continuously abused.

It is really not easy for Yang Xuerong to live in peace and stability to such a big age.

Qi Wang seldom used such means, but now, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Bai Qianmiao is like a collection of pure malice, even her love for Yang Qiuhe is distorted and unbearable, Qi Wang didn't find even a little bit of kindness in her heart.

The words Bai Qianmiao said just now were all to deceive 'Qi Baoxin', she never felt guilty, nor did she think that there was any mistake in what she did, those words were just for deceiving, evading, and convincing herself. That's all.

She even deceived herself.

With Qi Wang around, Bai Qianmiao will not be completely swallowed by fear, but it has become impossible to live in peace and stability as before.

She told so many lies that even she herself believed her own lies, and she took it for granted that she was classified as a victim, but in fact she was never a victim.

Qi Wang wiped away all the lies she had buried and used to deceive herself, revealing the truth covered by the lies.

After confirming that she had seen the truth and that she would never be able to bury it with lies, Qi Wang left here quietly.

In the dream, Bai Qianmiao was still screaming silently, and the dirty spring water gushed out of her mouth continuously. She thought that she would collapse with fear, but she did not expect that her consciousness would be so clear, and then As the dirty springs slowly flowed clean, she also remembered many things that she had deliberately forgotten.

"Can't remember." "No, that's wrong, I'm not like that." "How is it possible, I'm not, that's not me, it's not me..."

The dream began to collapse, and the lies fell apart. Bai Qianmiao tried in vain to restore everything to its original state, but in the end she found that everything she had done was useless.

She had lied to herself for so long, and now it was time to face the truth she was hiding.


"Bai Qianmiao, where are you! Look at the good things you have done!"

At this moment, Bai Qianmiao yelled loudly, and she opened her eyes in fright. Before she could see clearly what happened, she was dragged and slammed onto the bed. .

"it hurts!"

Bai Qianmiao is delicate and weak, how could she stand such an attack? She cried out in pain, and looked at the person who did it to her with eyes full of hatred.

However, when she saw Yang Qiuhe's face, Bai Qianmiao felt chills rising from the bottom of her heart.

"Qiuhe, what's wrong with you..."

Bai Qianmiao's voice couldn't help softening, just like in the past, she asked a question coquettishly and timidly.

This is Yang Qiuhe's favorite gesture to see, he just likes her leaning on him like a dodder, trusting him wholeheartedly.

However, this time, it seemed that something was different.

Yang Qiuhe's eyes looking at Bai Qianmiao were full of disgust, those eyes that were originally full of friendship lost any warmth at this moment, as if they were looking at something disgusting.

"You lunatic, why do you do such a thing? It's not enough for you to kill Baoxin, do you still want to kill me?"

Looking at the crazy Yang Qiuhe, Bai Qianmiao's heart was beating like a drum. She looked at him with a pale face, and asked dully: "Qiuhe, what's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong? , if I did something wrong, please forgive me, please? I just love you too much... "

It's just that she has just experienced a heart collapse, and now her lies are not as perfect as they used to be. The traces of her lying are so obvious that people can tell at a glance that she is lying.

Yang Qiuhe's temper was already on the verge of breaking out, he never thought that Bai Qianmiao would still think of deceiving him at this moment.

Layers of anger surged out, he grabbed Bai Qianmiao and forced her to look at the things on the roof.

"Look at what you have done? Bai Qianmiao, why did I never know that you are so scary? What do you want to do!"

Bai Qianmiao's eyes fell on the roof. When she saw the fragmented group photo, Bai Qianmiao's pupils constricted instantly, and a sense of extreme fear surged out. She opened her mouth, and the sound she made changed because of fear. Tune.

"What is that! Yang Qiuhe, what the hell is that damn thing!"

Bai Qianmiao remembers every photo of her and Yang Qiuhe clearly. Her smile was made by herself after exercising in front of the mirror thousands of times, ensuring that the smile in every photo is the same.

Although the woman in that photo still had a smile on her face, that kind of smile wasn't cultivated by herself, but a completely different kind of smile.

"That's not me, that's Qi Baoxin, the person with you is Qi Baoxin! Yang Qiuhe, how can you be worthy of me!!!"

Bai Qianmiao loves Yang Qiuhe so much that she can't help herself. She thought Yang Qiuhe treated her the same way, but what she didn't expect was that Yang Qiuhe couldn't even recognize her smile.

Does he really love her

Once this idea arises, it will be difficult to suppress it, Bai Qianmiao looked at Yang Qiuhe like crazy, and shouted hoarsely.

"Yang Qiuhe, Qi Baoxin is back. She has come to seek revenge from us. She is here, in my body. She has come to revenge us. She is reluctant to part with you, and she refuses to let me have you to myself. She is here in my body. In the body, you see, it's her in the picture, she's back..."

Yang Qiuhe was struck by lightning.