Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1318: The darkness of the world


What Qi Baoxin looks like, Yang Qiuhe has actually forgotten about it before, but yesterday he saw Xinxin, not a star, that girl has a very similar appearance to Qi Baoxin, but she is more beautiful and more radiant than her .

He vaguely remembered that when he was at the playground yesterday, at a certain moment, Bai Qianmiao's appearance strangely overlapped with Qi Baoxin's, as if she had turned into Qi Baoxin.

But how is it possible, if Qi Baoxin is like a bright moon, then Bai Qianmiao is just a little bit of starlight, she has no way to compare with the radiant Qi Baoxin.

"Bai Qianmiao, you are crazy, you are really crazy, how could you be Qi Baoxin? You can never be her in your life!"

Qi Baoxin is very beautiful, that beauty was bestowed on her by God, and if Bai Qianmiao wants to achieve Qi Baoxin's beauty, even if ten of the most skilled plastic surgeons work together, there is no way to make her look like Qi Baoxin.

What she said now that Qi Baoxin is in her body, what is it if she is not crazy

Yang Qiuhe refused to believe Bai Qianmiao's words. She let go of Bai Qianmiao's collar and let her fall on the bed. He looked down at Bai Qianmiao, whose face was twisted and ferocious, and he could no longer see any tenderness. He suddenly sneered and said coldly.

"I should have sent you to a mental hospital. I should have sent you there long ago."

Yang Qiuhe's voice is no longer as gentle as it used to be, as if treating a stranger, no, his appearance is even a bit colder than treating a stranger, looking at Bai Qianmiao as if he is looking at something Like something dirty and disgusting.

Those tender feelings in the past seemed to disappear at this moment, and those feelings that were so deep that people doubted they would never disappear, at this moment, they also receded like a tide.

Without the pretense of those false feelings, Bai Qianmiao also saw clearly the true face of Yang Qiuhe.

She stared at Yang Qiuhe quietly, and suddenly, Bai Qianmiao couldn't help but grinned.

"Ha ha ha ha… "

It was still a low laugh at the beginning, but soon it became more and more rampant, as if she thought of something funny, the laughter became more and more arrogant, and in the end she even hugged her stomach exaggeratedly Rolling on the bed.

Looking at Bai Qianmiao like this, Yang Qiuhe didn't have any other thoughts other than being disgusted. His tone revealed a strong color of disgust, and he said coldly: "What are you laughing about? What are you laughing at?" Something makes you feel so ridiculous?"

After a long time, Bai Qianmiao finally stopped laughing. She wiped away the tears shed from laughing wildly just now, and when she looked at Yang Qiuhe again, there was no friendship in her eyes.

"Yang Qiuhe, I was blind and fell in love with a thing like you. If I had known that you were such a thing, I would not have liked you from the beginning."

Yang Qiuhe didn't expect that the woman who once liked him crazily would say such words suddenly, his complexion suddenly changed, and a stern look appeared between his brows.

"What did you say?"

Bai Qianmiao was not afraid of Yang Qiuhe, she stared at him firmly, because of too much force, her eyes seemed to come out of the two eye sockets.

"I said, I regret falling in love with you. After nine years of acting with you, I am also tired. Now that you have an affair, let's get together and get divorced."

A heavy bomb was dropped, turning Yang Qiu and the bomber on their backs. He stared at Bai Qianmiao, his eyes slowly turning red.

"Say it again, if you have a chance, just say it again."

Bai Qianmiao didn't look at Yang Qiuhe, but looked up at the photo printed on A4 paper and glued together above her head.

Perhaps it is because the number of printed paper is not too high, and it is black and white, the characters in the photos appear extremely fake.

It's like her married life with Yang Qiuhe.

Everything is based on hypocrisy. Both of them are actors with excellent acting skills. She is immersed in this scene, accompanying Yang Qiuhe to act as a loving couple.

She used to think that Yang Qiuhe really liked her, but when the lies in her mind peeled off and she saw her true self, she suddenly realized how false the relationship between herself and Yang Qiuhe was.

It's obviously a very fake play, but they have been acting for so many years. Bai Qianmiao knows what he wants, and Yang Qiuhe is good at acting, so he has acted with her for nine years, pretending Acting as an affectionate husband, it seems that he really loves her as deeply as the ocean.

But Yang Qiuhe's appearance just now broke Bai Qianmiao's fantasy. She felt that Yang Qiuhe might never have loved her from the beginning to the end.

He just regards her as a pastime, an existence that can pass the boring time.

Does it make sense to continue like this

Obviously, this is a meaningless thing, so Bai Qianmiao chose to end it all.

She slowly sat up from the bed, then straightened her clothes, tied up her messy hair, and tried to make herself as decent as possible.

And Yang Qiuhe, who had lost his mind about acting, also completely let go of his disguise, revealing his true face.

"What exactly do you want to do? Bai Qianmiao, I warn you, if you continue to lose your nerve, I will send you to a mental hospital. Haven't you been pretending to be sick? Then I will satisfy you and let you stay in the hospital for the rest of your life." not come out."

Bai Qianmiao's abnormality made Yang Qiuhe feel very uncomfortable. He kept babbling heart-warming words in his mouth, and he couldn't tell at all that not long ago, he was still talking softly to himself, for fear of scaring her.

Bai Qianmiao hooked the corners of her mouth, and a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on her face. She spoke slowly, and one sentence hit Yang Qiuhe's most concerned place.

"Actually, I haven't been satisfied all these years."

After saying this meaningful sentence, the expression on Yang Qiuhe's face froze instantly. He looked at Bai Qianmiao in disbelief, as if he couldn't believe what he heard.

However, Bai Qianmiao was dancing in a minefield at this time, and stabbed Yang Qiuhe's heart several times.

"Short, small, fast, no technology, but I think I'm good at it."

As he said that, Bai Qianmiao showed a confused expression on his face.

"I'm curious, where did you get so much confidence that you're good at it?"

As Bai Qianmiao said, she suddenly covered her mouth and laughed gigglingly: "You don't know, actually, Baoxin told me when she was still alive, and she compared me with size."

As she spoke, Bai Qianmiao raised her hand, and her index finger and thumb kept getting closer, making a distance she thought was appropriate.

"It's just this big, and you still ask me if it's normal."

Bai Qianmiao's words made Yang Qiuhe's face turn red. How could Yang Qiuhe endure the attack on the thing he cared most about? He looked at Bai Qianmiao with a fierce expression, and said in a word: "I tell you to shut up, don't say any more."

At this time, Yang Qiuhe exuded a strong aura of danger from top to bottom, the veins on his forehead collapsed, and that handsome face became extremely ferocious at this moment.

However, Bai Qianmiao giggled as if she didn't see it.

"At that time, I told her that all men are like this, but later I found out that it's not true, only you are like this, and the average level has not reached, you are so pitiful..."

This time he poked a hornet's nest, the angry Yang Qiuhe jumped on it, and strangled Bai Qianmiao's neck tightly.

"Shut up, shut up!"

No man can bear such humiliation, especially when this humiliation comes from his wife. Yang Qiuhe flew over like an angry hyena, and the hand pinching Bai Qianmiao's neck became more and more intense. The harder you work.

Bai Qianmiao looked at Yang Qiuhe, even though the pain in her neck was getting stronger and her breathing was getting weaker, but there was still a strong sarcasm on her face and the corners of her mouth.

"You are not a man."

"Both Baoxin and I regret following you."

"If we weren't attracted by you when we were young and ignorant, we wouldn't be able to find a wife like you."

It was obvious that she was about to be suffocated, but Bai Qianmiao was still able to make a sound. She attacked Yang Qiuhe's most concerned place, constantly stimulating him, making him lose his mind and make him crazy Incomparable.

Because of the insufficient blood supply to the brain, Bai Qianmiao even had hallucinations in front of his eyes, but Yang Qiuhe, who was close at hand, became extremely clear.

Bai Qianmiao was fascinated by his facial features, his real appearance after taking off the disguise.

In fact, Bai Qianmiao lied.

She likes Yang Qiuhe very much, she likes it very much, she likes it so much that she doesn't even allow her own daughter to distract Yang Qiuhe's attention.

Probably no one in this world likes Yang Qiuhe more than her.

But just because she likes Yang Qiuhe, she doesn't allow the man she likes to be shared with others.

Yang Qiuhe is hers, and only hers. No one else, or anything else, is allowed to touch her things.

Bai Qianmiao's eyes went dark, and she completely lost consciousness, but she was very happy before losing consciousness.

If she could kill Qi Baoxin once, she could kill her a second time. It was absolutely impossible for her to let this woman get between Yang Qiuhe and her again.

That's actually pretty good...


When Yang Qiuhe, who was in a state of madness, came to his senses, his subordinate Bai Qianmiao was no longer breathing, his eyes slowly regained focus, and he realized what he had done belatedly.

Bai Qianmiao died.

She was strangled alive by him.

How could he do such a thing

A strong sense of fear surged up, swallowing Yang Qiu and his whole body. He didn't even dare to look at Bai Qianmiao's body that had lost his breath, and staggered towards the door.

Escape, he has to escape here, as long as he escapes fast enough, no one will find him...

However, not long after Yang Qiuhe fled, he was arrested by the public security organs and brought to justice.

The person who called the police was Yang Xuerong. This little girl saw her father running away in a panic, and also saw her mother lying on the bed without breathing. She called the police, so Yang Qiuhe didn't even have time to drive out of the city. Already been arrested.

Bai Qianmiao's parents have passed away for many years, and she has no other siblings. Yang Qiuhe is also an only child, but his father is paralyzed in bed and needs long-term care, let alone raising a child.

Yang Xuerong lost her mother in one day, and her father went to jail again. She became a little girl that no one wanted.

In the end, she was sent to the orphanage, and like all the children in it, she became a poor little girl without father or mother.

It was late at night, Yang Xuerong hugged her little doll, her eyes were full of excitement.

She never thought that the things that had troubled her for so many years could be solved so easily.

Yang Xuerong never imagined that that disgusting couple would end up like that.

But she was still very happy, after all, she finally got her wish and became an orphan.

"are you there?"

Yang Xuerong looked at her little doll and asked in a soft voice. After saying this, she looked forward to looking at the little doll, waiting for its change.

One minute passed, two minutes passed...

Ten minutes later, just when Yang Xuerong thought the little doll would not change, it quietly changed into a familiar phantom, and Yang Xuerong fell into the opponent's arms like a sucking swallow thrown into the forest.

However, she soon realized something was wrong.

The touch of the phantom in front of her seemed to be different from the past, she seemed to have become empty, without the warm and soft touch of the past.

She seems to be disappearing.

Even if her mother died and her father was imprisoned, Yang Xuerong was never so frightened, but now when she found that this phantom that gave her a warm feeling was about to disappear, Yang Xuerong fell into a huge panic.

"Are you going to disappear?"

"Can you not go?"

"The future has changed, we can be together now, will you stay with me?"

As the little girl spoke, she couldn't help crying.

She was very scared, and also very scared. If this phantom disappeared, what would she do in the future

Xu Ying kissed her forehead and said softly: "Your future has changed, so I will no longer exist. That future is too bad. I don't want you to become that cold-blooded look."

A warm kiss landed on her forehead, and Yang Xuerong felt her cold body gradually warming up.

"You will meet many people who will make your life better and better. A bad future will not come, and you must work hard to make our future better."

"I will wait for you in the future, and when you get better and better, we will meet again."

Yang Xuerong's eyes widened, feeling that the limp body she was hugging slowly lost its sense of existence, she bit her lip, trying not to cry out.

"You wait for me, I will grow up soon, and we will meet again."

The phantom finally disappeared, but Yang Xuerong didn't cry, she wiped her tears vigorously, and slowly closed her eyes.

She didn't disappear, but went to a better future waiting for her. As long as she grows up well and obediently, she will soon reach that beautiful future.

At the same time, in Fengcheng, thousands of miles away, Qi Huang who was lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes.