Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1348: task punishment


Three months will indeed make a person grow a lot. For example, Qi Feifei, she has become much more mature and stable now than when she was with Qi Wang. Although the rented house is not big, it is tidy. Clean, although there are a lot of things, it doesn't look messy.

During the meal, Qi Feifei shared the experience of the past three months with Qi Wang.

Without Qi Wang's protection, she has a deeper understanding of the world, and at the same time understands how lucky she was in the past, but as Qi Wang once said, people only grow up after falling.

In the past, she was just a flower in the greenhouse. After leaving the greenhouse built by her father, she didn't know how to live. Now, although she has experienced many winds and rains, compared with the dull life before, But also a lot more interesting.

"Dad, I'm really happy."

Looking at the daughter with a little more unrestrained look in her eyebrows, Qi Huang smiled and raised the cup full of drinks, and clinked glasses with Qi Feifei.

After dinner, when the father and daughter were chatting, Qi Wang talked about Xu Wenqing.

Three months is enough time for the police to investigate Xu Wenqing's crimes.

He thought that he was so resourceful that he could conceal what he had done, and that as long as those victims did not report the crime, he could get away with it, but he forgot that the law will not spare every criminal, and justice will be late , but it will surely come.

Xu Xiaowen was the first victim of the case committed by Xu Wenqing. When he dealt with Xu Xiaowen, he did use some drugs, and these drugs were bought on Penguin. As long as they were put into food and water, they could make people feel sick. The girl lost consciousness, which is the so-called "obedient water", "obedient medicine" and "lost body medicine".

He bought these medicines from the other party, and then used them on Xu Xiaowen's body, so Xu Xiaowen didn't know that he was raped by Xu Wenqing again while he was in a coma.

In fact, what happened back then, with the passage of time, should not have left any evidence, but at that time Xu Wenqing took photos and videos, and then resold them to the drug seller, and he In many groups, they personally described what they did.

[This scumbag is the top student in our school, so he was raped by me.]

[Such an idiot can actually get such high grades in the exam, tsk tsk tsk, so what if the grades are good, he doesn't look like a **** now.]

[Hey, when I get tired of playing in the future, I will show her these videos and photos. Do you think she will go crazy?]

[Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that after tossing her for so long, her grades are still so good, but she got pregnant by me, and if my parents give her an abortion later, she should be ruined.]

[I am reluctant to lose such a useful thing, there are really not many cheap people like her, I have to make good use of her.]

He posted all his criminal acts on the Internet, and there are videos and photos to prove it. The evidence is so strong that even if he wants to talk back, he has no chance.

Li Wenqing has been in constant contact with the person who sells other drugs. After entering university, he was exposed to the latest criminal method through that person-deceiving girls naked and taking loans.

Although Li Wenqing deleted all the messages, Penguin restored all his chat records in the background.

Li Wenqing didn't just cheat the girls with nude loans, that was just the first step. He used this method to control the girls' indecent photos, and then he pressed on step by step, and finally even used this to drag those girls into the sea.

The videos and photos he forced the girls to take have all become things that can make money, and he has also obtained a lot of money by using this method.

It is because the country has cracked down on these crimes for two years that he slowly began to restrain himself and stop doing these things, but he never let those girls go. He threatened those girls with these photos and videos , let them give him all the money they sold themselves.

Many girls found that they could not escape Li Wenqing's control no matter what, they could not accept such a life, and finally chose suicide to escape.

But even after knowing that a girl committed suicide in order to escape his influence, Xu Wenqing still didn't restrain himself, and instead intensified.

Qi Feifei is Xu Wenqing's prey. In the original plot, the original owner did not discover Xu Wenqing's true face. He just instinctively disliked that kid and wanted his daughter to break up with him. However, Qi Feifei seemed to be fascinated. Like medicine, all his thoughts were on Xu Wenqing.

For Xu Wenqing, Qi Feifei and the original owner quarreled many times. When the two had the worst quarrel, the original owner was so angry that Qi Feifei was about to have a heart attack. He was very disappointed in this daughter, and impulsively said the words to let her go Come.

At that time, Qi Feifei was also extremely stubborn. She felt that she couldn't make sense with the original owner. She felt that the original owner was a person who disliked the poor and loved the rich. She was brainwashed by Xu Wen, thinking that the original owner didn't really love her at all. Premeditated.

Qi Feifei and the original owner gradually drifted away, and after moving out, she refused to talk to the original owner. She was obviously in a city, but she didn't call or send text messages, and she refused to go home to find the original owner, and the original owner wanted to bow down to find this daughter Talking about it, Qi Feifei didn't even give the original owner this chance.

The original owner is also a tempered person. What his daughter did made the original owner very disappointed. In addition, the original owner's company was about to go public during that time, so he put all his thoughts into his work.

At that time, the original owner thought that the daughter might just be throwing a temper tantrum, and she could change her mind after she calmed down. The relationship between the father and daughter is very stiff now, and it should be eased after a while.

However, the original owner still didn't wait until Qi Feifei turned around, and when he received news from Qi Feifei again, it was the public security organ who notified him.

His daughter died.

The original owner loved this daughter very much. He never thought that his daughter lost her life at the age of twenty-two. Seeing her daughter's fragmented body, the original owner collapsed and burst into tears.

If he had known that his daughter would end up in a dead end because of a love affair, he would not have let her be with Xu Wenqing even if he had broken Qi Feifei's leg.

Although the police finally classified his daughter's death as a suicide, and all the evidence showed that his daughter had indeed committed suicide, the original owner refused to believe it.

His daughter is still so young, she has just found the man she wants to spend her life with, for that man she would give everything, how could she seek death for no reason

The original owner was very rich, and after spending money at all costs to ask someone to investigate the cause of his daughter's death, he finally found the reason—it turned out that everything was because of this man Xu Wenqing.

Xu Wenqing originally wanted to marry Qi Feifei so that he could successfully inherit the original owner's wealth, but later found out that the original owner seemed to have severed ties with Qi Feifei. My mind changed immediately.

He stunned Qi Feifei for Qi Feifei, then pushed her to other men, and recorded the scene, and then sold such photos and videos. On those illegal websites, her face The video went viral.

Originally Xu Wenqing kept it from Qi Feifei, but Qi Feifei's classmates saw her video on the website, and then sent it to Qi Feifei, asking her if the woman in the video was her.

At that time, Qi Feifei was in a state of unconsciousness due to the effects of drugs, and she couldn't remember everything after waking up, but after seeing those videos, she realized what happened to her.

Qi Feifei ran to question Xu Wenqing, Xu Wenqing did not deny it, but told Qi Feifei maliciously how many people she 'entertained' when she was unconscious.

Xu Wenqing knew very well how to force a woman to death, and he succeeded again. Qi Feifei, who could not accept that she had suffered such a terrible thing, finally chose to commit suicide. Death to cleanse oneself of its filth.

His daughter died, but Xu Wenqing didn't even need to pay any price. Under the pain and despair, the original owner found an opportunity to drive Xu Wenqing to death, and crushed his body repeatedly until he was crushed into a Meat puree.

After killing Xu Wenqing, the original owner drove down the embankment and ended his own life.

When Xu Wenqing was sentenced to death, Qi Wang's lost memory also recovered. He remembered his true identity and what his mission in this world was.

Although the original owner killed Xu Wenqing, his daughter couldn't come back. He didn't want her daughter to suffer those terrible things. She wanted her daughter to live for a long time and live happily in this world.

So after paying a lot of price, he exchanged for Qi Wang's arrival.

After Qi Wang regained his memory, he once asked the system what kind of punishment he would face if he didn't complete the task and failed to stop Qi Feifei in time when he lost his memory.

The system tells Qi Wang that if he fails to complete the tasks in this world, he will have to pay the corresponding price, because the commissioner has given too much. In order to make up for this loss, he will stay in this world forever as the original owner. World.

[Then my points are not all yours?]

The system didn't speak, and seemed very unhappy, but Qi Wang didn't care.

"I'm really sorry, your dream of getting rich overnight can't come true."

In the state of amnesia, Qi Wang successfully completed the task, even if he had no memory, his IQ and instinct were still there, so he passed the punishment task smoothly.

Everything is fine now.

Because the crimes he committed were too bad, Xu Wenqing was sentenced to death and no appeal was allowed, and all his property was confiscated to compensate the girls he had framed.

And Xu Xiaowen quit his job in the provincial capital, returned to the small county town, and ran a flower shop with his parents.

When Xu Wenqing was sentenced, Xu Xiaowen came to the court. After hearing the judge's sentence, she laughed happily, smiled and shed tears again.

She knew about the existence of those videos and photos, and illegal websites would never be eliminated. Those things were like ticking time bombs. Once someone saw them, her current peaceful life would be completely broken.

The mistakes she made will always leave traces in this world. Like those victims, she will never live a normal life in this life.

But when Xu Xiaowen returned to the small county, she received a message. An anonymous person sent her a message, telling her that all the photos and videos related to her had been destroyed.

[Don't be imprisoned by those mistakes, there is still a long way to go in life, no one will keep staring at you, live your life well.]

When Xu Xiaowen saw this message, she burst into tears. This message suddenly appeared on her mobile phone. There was no sender, as if it appeared out of nowhere, and the other party also used this hand to tell her , that person can really destroy all videos and photos.

She can live a normal life now, and she doesn't have to worry about all the past being revealed suddenly one day, which is really good.

Except for Xu Xiaowen, other victimized girls also received the same message. The mysterious existence told them that they no longer need to be threatened by those photos and videos, and they can crawl out of the quagmire and live a normal life again.

The person who did all this is Qi Wang, and he actually knows that the injuries he received are not so easy to heal, but people are creatures with strong resilience. As long as there is hope, even if there is only a little bit of hope, people who are stuck in the quagmire will be able to recover. It can be grasped, and then with this little hope, we can have a new life again.

Later, after Qi Feifei grew up and took over the company, Qi Wang did a lot of things again. He existed as a mysterious and anonymous person on the Internet, and helped lost lambs one after another through the Internet, bringing them back to the right path.

Love is sacred and beautiful, but crimes committed in the name of love have tarnished this sacredness and beauty.

Qi Wang's power is limited, but if he can make every deceived little girl understand what love is, and won't be deceived by a scumbag, his goal will be achieved.

That's actually pretty good.