Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1354: dark abyss


"Do you want me to accompany you today?"

Qi Wang let go of his hand suddenly, Sun Xiaohua couldn't hold back, and directly pulled Qi Wang's schoolbag into her arms, and the heavy schoolbag hit her body, causing Sun Xiaohua to bark her teeth in pain.

"What you promised me and what you promised others must be done. This is what you said. You can't take your word for it."

Sun Xiaohua held Qi Wang's schoolbag and said stubbornly.

And Qi Wang stared at Sun Xiaohua for a long time, just when she thought that Qi Wang would not agree, she did not expect that the boy on the opposite side nodded and agreed.

"Okay, I'll go with you."

Sun Xiaohua: "..."

She thought that she would need to spend a lot of words to persuade Qi Wang, but she didn't expect that the other party would agree so easily.


In order to prevent Qi Wang from running away secretly, Sun Xiaohua asked Qi Wang to carry her schoolbag, and she carried Qi Wang's schoolbag on her back. When Qi Wang asked her, she plausibly said: "In order to prevent you from suddenly Run away, I can only do this."

Regarding her words, Qi Wang was noncommittal, and silently carried her pink schoolbag and left the school with Sun Xiaohua.

When Sun Xiaohua was about to take him to the bus, Qi Wang found that the direction of the bus on this road was completely different from the direction of the two of them. He pursed his lips and said with a serious face: "We Is it necessary to go to the bookstore so far away?"

Sun Xiaohua replied confidently: "Of course it is necessary. The book I want to buy is only available in that bookstore, and no other bookstore has it. I dare not go to buy it by myself. It is just right for you to accompany me."

If Sun Xiaohua followed what Sun Xiaohua said, it would take them 40 minutes to go there by bus, and the round trip would take one hour and twenty minutes, plus the time she needed to buy and choose books, it would take at least two hours. And now it is five o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be dark in two hours.

"Can I not go?"

Qi Wang refused again, but Sun Xiaohua took his hand and boarded the bus.

She is obviously a little girl, but her strength is much stronger than her own. Even if Qi Wang wanted to break free, he couldn't break free from her confinement, so Sun Xiaohua dragged her onto the bus.

"Okay, okay, it's rare for me to let you accompany me like this, isn't it just two hours? According to your speed, you can finish your homework in half an hour after you get home, it's okay."

Qi Wang was silent for a while, before he said: "But if I go back too late, my mother will be worried."

Sun Xiaohua was amused by Qi Wang's words, and said without thinking: "Where does your mother have time to worry about you tonight?"

As soon as the words came out, she also realized that something was wrong, so she hurriedly made up for it: "I mean, your mother is very busy with work, she may not be able to go back so early, do you think so? I remember that your mother often asks Are you on the night shift?"

Sun Xiaohua looked into Qi Wang's eyes, and her voice softened a little: "I'm right?"

Qi Wang's eyes were involuntarily attracted by Sun Xiaohua's eyes, he looked into the other's eyes, and after a long time, he replied: "You are right."

Sun Xiaohua breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, it's rare for you to come out to relax, don't you like reading books the most? The bookstore we are going to has a lot of books, you must like to read them. In return, I will choose a book and give it to you, so aren't you satisfied?"

"I will be satisfied."

After getting Qi Wang's words, Sun Xiaohua became more and more happy. She grabbed the end of her hair and circled it, humming an out-of-tune song, and seemed to be in a good mood.

In fact, Qi Wang is not so difficult to get along with, why should he be so fully on guard

She was thinking wildly in her mind, and looked sideways inadvertently, the bus glass reflected the blurred shadows of two people, she saw that Qi Wang seemed to be staring at her all the time... Because the glass shadow was so blurry, she couldn't see it at all A delirious expression.

Sun Xiaohua's heart trembled, she looked back abruptly, and happened to meet Qi Wang's eyes, she blinked, and asked with some embarrassment: "Why do you keep staring at me?"

Qi Huang shook his head and said softly: "I didn't stare at you, I was just in a daze."

Sun Xiaohua frowned, and didn't really believe Qi Wang's words, but seeing the other party's frank appearance, she was slightly relieved, and a smile appeared on her face again.

"Don't stare at me like this if you're in a daze, it's scary."

Qi Wang hummed, turned his head and looked out the window.

Sun Xiaohua didn't look away, but continued to stare at Qi Wang.

In fact, Qi Wang is still very good-looking, exuding a delicate sense of fragility all over his body, which makes people want to pamper and take care of him.

Of course, his appearance can easily bring out the evil side in people's hearts. After all, beautiful things fall into the eyes of evil people, and people have an involuntary desire to destroy him.

A beautiful and fragile existence, a collection of contradictions, will always produce a fatal attraction, making people involuntarily want to get closer, closer, and closer...

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

At this time, Qi Huang suddenly said something, and then he turned his head to look at Sun Xiaohua, and Sun Xiaohua's appearance was clearly reflected in those dark eyes.

"Why do you keep staring at me?"

Sun Xiaohua's heart skipped a beat, but she didn't show it on her face. She said softly, "I'm also in a daze."

Qi made a noise, and didn't know whether to believe her words or not.

Sun Xiaohua, who had been chattering all day, seemed a little tired. She slowly leaned back on the seat and let out a long breath of foul air. She was so tired... Why did she suddenly feel like she wanted to sleep

Sun Xiaohua couldn't control her tiredness, she closed her eyes and fell asleep, and started snoring after a while.

The moment she fell asleep, Qi Wang shifted his gaze to Sun Xiaohua again, and after confirming that she had fallen asleep, Qi Wang picked up Sun Xiaohua's schoolbag, and then opened her schoolbag to get things out.

Workbooks, exercise books, papers, books...

After a while, Qi Wang took out a lot of things, and then he opened them one by one.

The handwriting in the exercise book and the book are all the same, and it is basically confirmed that it was written by the same person, and her grades on each paper are very stable, basically in the 60s, and the notes in the textbook are messy , It looks like a ghost drawing, and it looks like something written at random, most of which have nothing to do with learning.

'so boring. ''Why is it not over? ''too tired? ''Why does he keep looking at me? '

There are a lot of words like this, almost all over the blank content of all the books, and when you open those exercise books, there is nothing wrong with the front, but when you turn to the middle, you find that there are many things written in a mess.

[it's wired.]

[how so?]

[It shouldn't be like this.]

These contents have no beginning and no end, making it impossible to tell what kind of situation she wrote them down.

And although the notes are all the same, there are still some things that are different, and the difference is the attitude when writing.

The first half of the exercise book was written very seriously, and I don't know when it started, the handwriting became scribbled, and the homework that was taken seriously, suddenly became unimportant, and you can scribble on it at will.

If it weren't for the fact that the handwriting was exactly the same, it would be easy for people to think that it was a different person just because of the completely different content.

Has someone changed

Qi Huang frowned slightly, and looked at Sun Xiaohua who was sleeping in the front seat in the dark.

In the original owner's memory, Sun Xiaohua didn't seem to be her friend, but suddenly there was an extra memory in the memory he received before, and the two memories merged together, making everything strangely reasonable.

Qi Wang let out a foul breath, and silently stuffed all the things he took out into his schoolbag.

He remembered that today was the day when the fate of the original owner changed. On this day, he was beaten by Qi Shaocheng for the first time. It was also at this point that he lost his father and mother at the same time.

However, in the memory of the original owner, he went home directly after school, and did not go out to buy books with Sun Xiaohua... No, it seems that he went out to buy books with Sun Xiaohua, and was delayed for some reason …

Qi Wang narrowed his eyes and tapped his head lightly.

Another memory

The memories that appeared out of thin air were perfectly integrated into the memories of the original owner, making Qi Huan because those memories existed in the first place, but he had accidentally forgotten them before.

However, did he really forget it by accident

Qi Wang lowered his eyes and closed them.


After arriving at the end of get off work, Song Tongyu was about to go home, but her colleague stopped her: "Tongyu, have you forgotten that we have to work overtime today?"

Song Tongyu was stunned for a moment, and she said blankly: "Work overtime? Do you need to work overtime today?"

The female colleague who stopped her said firmly, "Yes, the boss notified yesterday that the overtime work must be done by all employees. If anyone dares to sneak away, the attendance bonus for this month will be deducted. "

Colleagues know Song Tongyu. She is the person who is most reluctant to give up the perfect attendance award. Others may find various reasons not to work overtime, and would rather give up the full attendance award and run home, but Song Tongyu will not. down.

"I see, I will remember to work overtime."

Song Tongyu felt that her memory had deteriorated. She had no impression of the boss asking them to work overtime today, but her colleagues said they had to work overtime, so she had no choice but to stay.

Obviously promised to go back early today to celebrate Qi Huang's birthday, it seems that he can only miss the appointment.

Song Tongyu sighed, lowered his head and got busy.


"Xiaomei, you are obedient. I can't accompany you today... No, it's not because of that bastard. I really want to go back. Aren't you still waiting for me to marry you after the divorce?"

"Xiaomei, you have to have confidence in yourself. You are so beautiful, so gentle and considerate. Unless I am blind, how could I not want you, and want that yellow-faced woman instead?"

"Okay, okay, I'll buy you a bag tomorrow, is that okay?"

Qi Shaocheng coaxed You Meiyin for a long time, and he finally managed to coax You Meiyin. He was not a man with a temper, but as long as he faced You Meiyin and heard her humming a few words, Qi Shaocheng's whole body would be soft. Yes, that is, I won't lose my temper at all.

"Damn it, she's a goblin."

Qi Shaocheng cursed, lit a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. The neon lights outside shone through the car window into the car, reflecting his face into a strange color, while he sucked heavily on the cigarette, and soon Make the inside of the car smoky.

After a while, Qi Shaocheng opened the car window, and the smoke inside quickly ran outside along the open car window. He was suffocated by his own cigarettes, and he was so dizzy from the smoke that he could only open the car door and get out to breathe. breathable.

Being blown by the cold wind outside, he felt a lot more awake. Qi Shaocheng felt upset and irritable when he wanted to meet what he was going to do today.

He also didn't understand why Song Tongyu insisted on refusing to get a divorce. He had laid such a heavy hand on her and almost destroyed her, but Song Tongyu still refused to divorce.

God knows how irritable Qi Shaocheng is every time he goes back to beat her up, and he's not a sadist, if it wasn't for forcing Song Tongyu to divorce, he wouldn't have done anything to her.

Qi Shaocheng, full of irritability, kicked the concrete pile next to him. The concrete pile was fine, but he grinned in pain. Qi Shaocheng stomped his feet to calm down his feverish brain. He glanced at the feasting lights in the distance, and got back into the car .

He had to divorce Song Tongyu, that woman was like a leech parasitic on him, if he didn't get rid of her as soon as possible, You Meiyin might leave him.

After all, You Meiyin is pretty and has a good personality, why should she hang on him all the time

"Don't blame me, if you agreed to divorce, how could we have come to this point?"

He said something in a low voice, and started the car.


"It's time for us to go back. Now we are going back. It will be eight o'clock when we go back."

She is obviously a scumbag who doesn't like studying, but after arriving at the bookstore, Sun Xiaohua also wants this and that, and she almost gets confused by picking and escaping.

After such a dawdling, two hours passed, and Mingming's books were almost bought, but she was still unwilling to leave.

"It's not easy for us to come here, why don't you just take it as my company?"

Qi Huang shook his head, looking at the dark sky outside: "I'm going back, if you don't go, I'll go alone."

After saying that, he walked towards the outside of the bookstore, seeing that Qi Wang couldn't stay, Sun Xiaohua stomped her feet, and could only agree to leave with him.

"You are really a boy, and you don't know how to take care of girls at all."

Sun Xiaohua complained softly, seeing Qi Wang walking forward without saying a word, she trotted over, stretched out her hand to grab Qi Wang's arm.

"Qi Wang, do you have a problem with me?"

The little girl suddenly said such a sentence, then took Qi Wang's arm and refused to let go, stubbornly waiting for his answer.

Qi Wang looked back at Sun Xiaohua, and said abruptly.

"Are you procrastinating on purpose?"