Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1357: dark abyss


"Say what you just said again if you have the ability!"

Qi Shaocheng looked at Qi Huang fiercely, and the blue veins on his forehead bulged. At this time, he didn't look like a father at all, but like Qi Huang's enemy, as if in the next second, he was going to put his The flesh and blood were killed alive.

However, no matter how scary he acted, Qi Wang was not afraid at all, he opened his mouth slowly and uttered two words.


When these two words came out of Qi Wang's mouth, coupled with his contemptuous expression, the lethality caused multiplied.

Originally, Qi Shaocheng's brain was already blurred by alcohol, and he just knocked on the door for a long time, Song Tongyu didn't even come to open the door for him, his anger was already on the verge of erupting, Qi Wang just Still come to stimulate him at this time.


The boy's unique child's voice kept echoing in his mind, his eyes became more and more terrifying, and the direction of the flesh on his face seemed to have changed.

With such a close distance, Qi Wang can clearly see all his reactions.

Song Tongyu often told the original owner that although your father is not good to me, he still has feelings for you, you are his son, no matter what our relationship is, he always has feelings for you.

However, Qi Shaocheng's current appearance told Qi Huang that what Song Tongyu said was all lies, and this man had no feelings for his son at all. In his eyes, his son was like an enemy, and he was still a He wants to kill the enemy who will be killed by all means.

The last scruples are just the slightest blood relationship, and Qi Wang doesn't mind cutting off the last scruples in the beast's heart.

"You're a piece of shit."

He spoke again, and a strong ironic voice poured into the man's ears, but his voice became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel's camel. Qi Shaocheng seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and directly threw Qi Huang away. flew out.

Qi Duan's thin body turned into an arc and flew out. Qi Shaocheng, who was angry, used great strength. How could a thin child bear his anger


At this time, Sun Xiaohua and Xu Changying just came in a hurry, and the two of them happened to see the scene of Qi Huang bumping into the wall and then rolling down the stairs.

Qi Wang's small body lay motionless on the ground, blood poured out from under his body, and a strong bloody smell soon filled the entire stairwell.

Sun Xiaohua never thought that things would turn out like this, she froze and screamed, she ran over staggeringly, stretched out her trembling fingers and put her trembling fingers under Qi Wang's nose.

The current development has exceeded her cognition, Sun Xiaohua's mind is blank, and she doesn't know what she is thinking, she just hopes that Qi Wang will not die, otherwise, wouldn't everything she did be a success? Useless work

Fortunately, she felt a weak air current blowing over her fingers. Qi Wang was still breathless and did not die. Sun Xiaohua felt her tense body relax instantly, and tears welled up in her eyes .

And Xu Changying obviously didn't expect that this time Qi Shaocheng would be so frantic that he would do something to a child of Qi Huang. This is his own son, how could he do such a heavy hand to his own son

"Qi Shaocheng, are you crazy? This is your own son!"

At first Xu Changying also thought that Qi Wang was directly killed by Qi Shaocheng, but when she heard Sun Xiaohua say that he was still alive, she breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Qi Shaocheng cursed.

This man is simply inhuman, look at how he beat Qi Wang, if the child's life was not strong enough, he would have killed him now.

At this time, Qi Shaocheng's feverish mind finally calmed down a little, his face turned pale, his lips trembled for a long time, but he couldn't say a word.

The most important person now is Qi Wang. As for Qi Shaocheng, Xu Changying didn't care about it. When she came here just now, she had called the Public Security Bureau and reported to the police. This time Qi Shaocheng will definitely not escape legal sanctions.

She couldn't believe it anymore, Song Tongyu didn't care when she was beaten with a sick brain, she could continue to lick her face and push Qi Shaocheng not to divorce, but now that the child was about to be killed by Qi Shaocheng, she could still continue to grit her teeth and not divorce.

There was too much commotion outside. After hearing that someone might be killed, the neighbors who had been hiding in the room and hadn’t come out all came out of the house. When they saw a child lying in a pool of blood, These neighbors exploded in an instant.

It's one thing to beat your wife, but it's another thing to kill your own child. Qi Shaocheng wanted to run away, but he was surrounded by big guys. Even if he wanted to run, he couldn't.

Qi Shaocheng was pressed to the ground by several strong men, and he couldn't break free. He broke out in a cold sweat, and the alcohol smell from his body also came out.

Thinking of what he had just done, Qi Shaocheng was so frightened that he trembled all over, and shouted loudly: "I didn't do it on purpose, it was that kid who kept calling me a waste, and I did it in a hurry, I really didn't on purpose… "

However, no matter how Qi Shaocheng yelled, the big guys didn't believe his words. Some of the grumpy ones directly hit him in the face, and then yelled at him.

"I've never seen a father who is more asshole than you. How can you be justified in beating your son like that? If you pour dirty water on him, you are bullying him so that he can't speak, right?"

"You are a beast! Look at how you beat the child, you are not human at all!"

"Bah, you're still licking your face and saying that a child wronged you, looking at who doesn't know what kind of virtue you are?"

Song Tongyu and Qi Shaocheng are also celebrities in this community. After all, there is no one like Qi Shaocheng who comes back on time every month to beat his wife, and no woman is like Song Tongyu. Still insisting on not getting a divorce.

The big guy would intervene in the beginning, but Song Tongyu didn't know what to do. If he tried to help her, she would say that he was meddling in other people's business. In this way, no one was willing to help.

But today is different, the person who started Qi Shaocheng today is Qi Huang, who in the neighborhood doesn't know how well-behaved and sensible this kid is? In fact, everyone felt sorry for the child. He had unreliable parents and lived a good life. This time Qi Shaocheng made a move against Qi Huan, didn't he just poke a hornet's nest

As for what Qi Shaocheng said, he did it because Qi Huang scolded him as a waste, and no one believed his nonsense. Qi Huang is so well-behaved and sensible, how could he say such things to Qi Shaocheng

Qi Shaocheng felt that he was about to be wronged to death. It was really Qi Wang who provocatively spoke out first, so he couldn't hold back his actions. Otherwise, he would be crazy to attack his son

However, no matter how he explained, everyone still didn't believe it, and those strong men pressed him to the ground firmly. He was no match for those people at all.

The police and the ambulance arrived at the same time. Qi Wang was sent to the ambulance, and Qi Shaocheng was handcuffed and taken away by the police. It should be said that Qi Shaocheng was also an acquaintance of the police. Dead hand? At first, he thought he was beating his wife again today, but he didn't expect that this man would actually beat his son. Judging by his posture, he didn't even think about whether his son's life would be saved or not.

"Comrade policeman, I was wronged. It was because he scolded me first that I couldn't help but do it. I didn't want to do anything to him. After all, he is my son. No matter how frantic I am, I won't do anything to my son. …”

However, the police who arrested him have long disliked his behavior of beating his wife. Before that, it was because Song Tongyu had been with Si Ni all the time, and only said that it was an ordinary fight between husband and wife. They refused to let the police arrest Qi Shaocheng. Even if they wanted to arrest him There is nothing this person can do.

But this time is different, he almost killed a child, and there are all witnesses and evidences, even if Song Tongyu wants to fool him with housework this time, he won't be able to.

"Don't waste your tongue, you'd better go back to the police station and explain to us."

Qi Shaocheng was taken to the police car just like that. At this moment, he was in a daze. Looking at the ambulance going away, Qi Shaocheng had never been so devout as he is now at that moment.

Qi Wang must be fine, if something happens to him, then he will be finished, he still has a good life, but he doesn't want to spend the rest of his days in prison.

I just hope that little bastard will be fine...

The police car brought Qi Shaocheng full of remorse back to the police station, while the ambulance took Qi Wang to the hospital. After the police car and the ambulance left, the neighbors still got together and said talking.

"Let me tell you, all of this is Song Tongyu's fault. She knows what Qi Shaocheng is, why doesn't she get a divorce? She keeps saying it's for her son, and I look at her for herself."

"Who says it's not? This person doesn't care about human affairs. Qi Shaocheng isn't the kind who won't divorce her? Seeing her beating her, he wants to divorce her. But she still clings to that man, so why can't she bear to be with that man?" He's divorced."

"You guys are better off. I live with her neighbors. You don't know how perverted Qi Shaocheng is. Every time he beat Song Tongyu, he tied up Qi Huang and let him see how he is. Beating his mother, the child cried so much that it broke people's hearts."

"Who said it wasn't? I've heard it several times. The child cried and begged Song Tongyu for a divorce so that his mother would stop being with Qi Shaocheng. Do you know what Song Tongyu said? She said 'You don't know that there is no father How sad life is, I did this for you', 'Do you think I don't want to get a divorce? If it wasn't for you, how could I live with him? Divorce, living together all the time is for Qi Wang."

"Qi Shaocheng is not a good person, and Song Tongyu is not a good person either. The man has already had an affair, and the divorce is enough. She has a job, and the child is sensible. She just takes care of the child. She has to be on that man. What are you doing?"

Everyone didn't understand Song Tongyu's actions. After leaving this man, she would have a better life. Both she and the child could live a more comfortable life, but she was unwilling to divorce no matter what.

Obviously the child was crying and asked her to divorce, but she kept saying that she couldn't leave because of the child, her mind seemed to have been soaked in water, and she had no sense at all.

This time Qi Shaocheng obviously came to beat Song Tongyu violently again. Everyone's sympathy from the beginning has become numb now. After all, the couple is willing to fight and suffer, so what can they do? I have said it, I have persuaded it, I have to rush forward, no matter what I refuse to divorce, people have to rush to commit crimes, how can they stop it

But this time the situation is different. Qi Shaocheng has obviously lost control and started to attack Qi Wang. Before Song Tongyu kept saying that it was because of Qi Huang that he did not want to divorce. Now Qi Shaocheng was about to be beaten to death by Qi Shaocheng. Will you divorce that man for the sake of the child

Everyone discussed for a long time, but they didn't come up with any clues. In the end, they dispersed and went home.

At this time, the protagonist of the incident discussed by them was still working overtime in the unit. When she was immersed in her work, the phone ringing on the side suddenly rang. Song Tongyu was startled. She touched the phone and took a look. Xu Changying called.

Her eyebrows twitched, thinking that today is the day when Qi Shaocheng comes to find her regularly every month. She didn't have to work overtime before, and she went home early. Qi Shaocheng won't find time, but today she has to work overtime. Did he go crazy without finding her

For a moment, Song Tongyu felt evasive and didn't want to answer the call, but in the end she pressed the call button.

"Sister Xu, I'm Song Tongyu..."

Before she finished speaking, Song Tongyu's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Song Tongyu, hurry up to the No. 2 Hospital, Qi Shaocheng beat Qi Huang, and now he is being rescued in the emergency room..."

Song Tongyu couldn't listen to what Xu Changying said next, and her mind was full of Qi Wang who was in the emergency room now. She didn't care about her work, so she rushed out with her mobile phone.

When the taxi was taken, Song Tongyu was sobbing and couldn't even finish her sentence: "Go to the second... People's... Hospital..."

The taxi driver was also used to seeing strong winds and waves. When he heard that he was going to the hospital and saw Song Tongyu crying like this, he casually comforted her.

"Comrade, don't cry, I believe that the person you care about will be fine."

However, how could Song Tongyu listen to what the driver said, she cried more and more loudly, her mind was full of what should she do if something happened to Qi Huang

Qi Wang is her only hope in life. The reason why she can persevere until now is entirely because of Qi Wang. If something happens to Qi Wang, she will definitely not be able to survive.


After Song Tongyu rushed to the hospital, she saw Xu Changying and Sun Xiaohua, a mother and daughter, outside the emergency room very quickly. She cried and rushed forward, grabbed Xu Changying's arm and asked in a panic.

"Sister Xu, what happened? Ah Wan, what happened to Ah Wan? How could Qi Shaocheng do anything to Ah Wan? Ah Wan is his own son, how could he do anything to him?"

Xu Changying saw that at this time, Song Tongyu still had hope for Qi Shaocheng. She was full of disgust, and said loudly without thinking: "Song Tongyu, when will the water in your mind be drained? How did Qi Shaocheng treat you? Have you forgotten? Such a ruthless man, how can you expect him to be kind to Qi Wang? Your own life is dead, and you deserve it if you are willing to be killed by Qi Shaocheng, but why should Qi Wang be killed? To bear all this?"

It's not that Xu Changying didn't persuade Song Tongyu in the past to wake her up and stop wasting time on Qi Shaocheng, that man is not worth her.

"If you want Qi Wang to have a father, you can find another man. As long as that man has a good character, the stepfather may not be inferior to the real father."

But at that time, Song Tongyu's mind was like cement, and he couldn't listen to anyone's words, so he decided with all his heart that Qi Wang must follow his own father to become successful.

Will the evil come out now

"Do you know what we just saw? Qi Wang was thrown out by Qi Shaocheng's neck. He hit the wall and rolled down the stairs. He bled a lot. The doctor said he was The situation is very dangerous and may not be able to survive."

"I beg you to be a person. If you really can't do without Qi Shaocheng, then throw Qi Wang away and send him to an orphanage, or find someone to sell him. Let me tell you, even if he sells him to It is better for someone else to be your son than to continue to suffer with you!"

Xu Changying had never said such harsh words to Song Tongyu, her face was pale, and she involuntarily took a few steps back.

"I don't know, I really don't know, he would actually do something to Ah Wang..."

She thought that Qi Wang was Qi Shaocheng's son, and no matter how much he abused her, he would never do anything to him, and as long as there was this son, Qi Shaocheng would think it over sooner or later and come back to her. , their family is still reunited, and they can still live a good life like in the past.

Why did Qi Shaocheng attack Qi Huang? Obviously, obviously he loves this son very much...

All kinds of thoughts flooded into Song Tongyu's mind. Those messy thoughts kept tearing at her brain, and severe pain came from her brain. She couldn't bear the severe pain and slid back against the wall. on the ground.

If Qi Wang can't get better, then she is also an executioner.

At this time, Song Tongyu looked extremely scary, but neither Xu Changying nor Sun Xiaohua had sympathy for her.

Obviously she is not a housewife, obviously she also graduated from a regular university, obviously she also has a serious job, obviously she also has a house, and the salary is not low, obviously she can raise Qi Wang by herself.

But she refused to let go of that trashy man Qi Shaocheng.