Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1358: dark abyss


At this time, Sun Xiaohua's attention was all in the emergency room, and she didn't even want to look at Song Tongyu one more time. Although she was also a poor person, a large part of Qi Wang's tragedy came from her. If it wasn't because of her He is unwilling to divorce Qi Shaocheng, and would rather endure the other party's beating all the time than leave the other party, and Qi Wang will not suffer so many years.

Even if she died later, what Qi Wang brought was not liberation, but a deeper shackle. In his short life, he was forced to bear the shackles that Song Tongyu put on him, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe for a moment.

It was said that Song Tongyu did not divorce Qi Shaocheng because of Qi Wang. Sun Xiaohua didn't even believe a word of this kind of nonsense. If she really loved her child, how could she watch her child suffer mentally? abuse

What normal mother would let her child be tied up and watch her be beaten? Even when the child begged her to divorce Qi Shaocheng, she even said that it was because of Qi Huang that she didn't divorce.

Obviously she didn't want to get a divorce, but in the end she put the shit pot on Qi Wang's body and put him in layers of shackles, making him really think that all the torture his mother suffered It is because of him.

And when she just came here, Sun Xiaohua could clearly hear that Song Tongyu was only concerned about Qi Huang's situation, and then shifted her attention to Qi Shaocheng, saying that it was impossible for Qi Shaocheng to do anything to Qi Huang.

Impossible to do anything to Qi Huan? Is there anything a scumbag like that can't do

Sun Xiaohua only hated herself as an underage girl now, otherwise she would definitely scold Song Tongyu severely.

If you don't want to be a responsible mother, why have children? If you can't give your child a healthy family, if you can't protect him to lead a normal life, then why let him suffer in this world

Xu Changying was also speechless to Song Tongyu. Seeing her crying so sadly, she couldn't continue to say a lot of things, but Xu Changying was really irritated by her appearance, so she simply turned her head away, losing sight of her heart.

About two hours after Qi Wang was sent to the emergency room, he was finally pushed out by the doctor. Sun Xiaohua and Xu Changying rushed to meet him and asked the doctor how Qi Wang was doing.

"The patient's condition is relatively stable at present, but he suffered a serious head injury and must recuperate well. If the patient wakes up and has dizziness and vomiting, please notify us in time."

Xu Changying and Sun Xiaohua couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they heard the words, the mother and daughter followed the doctor and pushed Qi Wang into the ward.

From the beginning to the end, neither mother nor daughter looked at Song Tongyu, but after crying for a long time, Song Tongyu finally came to her senses, she wiped her tears indiscriminately, and hurriedly followed them into the ward.

"How is Ah Wan? Is the situation serious? What did the doctor say just now? Is he all right?"

Song Tongyu asked one after another, and Xu Changying said impatiently: "Can you shut up? Now Qi Wang needs to be quiet, if you continue like this, you will disturb him. Do you have any common sense?"

Xu Changying's words made Song Tongyu close her eyes. She was sitting by the bed, looking at her son with a bandage on his head and an extremely pale face, tears streaming down his face.

It was clear that her son was fine when he left in the morning, but now he was lying here breathing weakly, her heart ached so badly, and her tears flowed more and more fiercely.

Seeing Song Tongyu like this, Sun Xiaohua endured and endured, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and said directly: "Aunt Song, can you stop crying? Let me ask you, Qi Wang is almost being teased by his father now." After death, do you plan to continue living with his father?"

"I don't understand. Qi Wang's father only comes back once a month. Every time he comes back, he comes to beat you. Every time you are beaten up by him, you can't see your face for several days. Don't you think so?" Does it hurt? And beating is addictive, and a person’s perversion will also escalate. Qi Wang’s father made up his mind to divorce you, and he beat you to divorce you. Can you agree? ? Why don't you agree?"

"What are you talking about for Qi Wang, but look at him now, he is about to be killed by his father, if you continue like this, maybe the next time you see is not Qi Wang, but him His body, do you have to wait until you see him dead before giving up?"

"Still, you didn't want to raise Qi Wang in the first place, but you assumed that you would not divorce, just to force Qi Shaocheng to beat Qi Wang to death, so that you could send Qi Shaocheng to prison, and at that time Qi Wang died too. , you can live a life without any drag when you are relaxed?"

What Sun Xiaohua said was a bit too much. Even Xu Changying, who had never thought of stopping her daughter from speaking, felt that it was a bit too much. She stretched out her hand and pulled Sun Xiaohua, and said in a low voice: "Kids, don't talk nonsense! , your Aunt Song can't be so vicious."

Xu Changying really felt that what Sun Xiaohua said was a bit too much, and Song Tongyu was at best confused, but she really wasn't so vicious, she was thinking a little too much.

"Don't talk nonsense, your Aunt Song is not so bad."

Sun Xiaohua curled her lips. She really didn't think there was anything wrong with what she said. After all, what Song Tongyu did was completely unreasonable in the eyes of normal people. In the end, she killed someone and committed suicide. It was all over, but did she think about it? However, what will Qi Wang, who survived alone, face

From Sun Xiaohua's point of view, Song Tongyu may not be so loving. Maternal love is so great. Mothers are willing to sacrifice a lot for their children, even willing to sacrifice their own lives. But what about Song Tongyu? All the things she did were aimed at killing Qi Wang. Although she never abused Qi Wang physically, isn't mental abuse considered abuse

But considering her mother, Sun Xiaohua still didn't say too many bad words.

Forget it, even if it's a disguise, maybe this time she will completely sever ties with Qi Shaocheng on the premise that something happened to Qi Wang.


When Qi Wang woke up again, it was already the next morning. However, the strange thing is that he didn't feel much pain in his body, except that his head felt a little uncomfortable. In addition, the state of the whole person is similar to that of the uninjured situation.

Qi Wang's eyes flickered, and the abnormality of his body made him more sure of his previous guess, but he didn't say anything, but looked at the woman lying beside his bed.

"Mother… "

The soft childish voice of the little boy rang out in the room. At first it was thin and meowing like a kitten, but soon it became louder.

Originally, Song Tongyu didn't sleep well, but when she heard her son's voice, she woke up from her sleep, and when she saw Qi Wang waking up, Song Tongyu rushed over, she wanted to reach out and touch him , and was afraid that his touch would make Qi Wang uncomfortable, so he withdrew his hand abruptly, and asked in a trembling voice: "Ah Wang, you woke up, is there any discomfort on your body? Does your headache hurt? Are you dizzy? Do you want to vomit? Do you feel uncomfortable? If you feel uncomfortable, tell your mother, and mother will call the doctor... "

Qi Wang showed a weak smile towards Song Tongyu, and said softly: "Mom, I'm fine, don't worry..."

Looking at her son who was obviously weak, but still comforting herself that he was fine, Song Tongyu's heart was like a knife, and tears flowed out uncontrollably, but she was afraid that Qi Wang would be worried, so she wiped away the tears indiscriminately, reluctantly She smiled at Qi Wang, and said softly: "It's good that you are fine, mother can rest assured that you are fine..."

Qi Wang raised his hand and put it on Song Tongyu's cold hand. He said softly, "Mom, Dad wants to kill me, so I don't want him to be my father, okay? Can you divorce him?"

Song Tongyu didn't expect Qi Wang to say such words when she woke up, she sniffed and said, "Ah Wang, your father..."

It's just that before he could say the three words of being drunk, he was interrupted by Qi Wang.

"Mom, you always say that Daddy loves me, that I am Daddy's son, and he won't beat me, but last night, he really wanted to kill me... Maybe, maybe I should be killed by him, so Mom, you won't be tortured by him."

Qi Wang said, with a weak smile on his face: "Perhaps, when Dad beats me to death, Mom, you will be free. If Dad kills me, he will go to jail, so that he can no longer beat Mom and you." gone."

Song Tongyu didn't expect Qi Wang to say such a thing, she shook her head frantically, and said in a trembling voice: "It's not like that, it's not like that, Ah Wan, mom didn't think about it that way, your father is just confused... Mom didn't Such thoughts... I'm sorry..."

Qi Wang's words turned into a sharp sword and pierced Song Tongyu's heart fiercely. She panicked and explained to Qi Wang in a hurry, but her mind was completely messed up at this time, and she couldn't speak at all. It was so messy that even she didn't know what she was talking about.

Qi Wang withdrew his hand on the back of Song Tongyu's hand, stared at the snow-white ceiling without blinking, but his words were full of frustration.

"If you don't want a divorce, you don't want a divorce. I found that mom, you don't seem to love me as much as you said, and you seem to love dad more. Even if he beats you often, even if he doesn't come home, even if he doesn't love me. You can't bear him either."

"What am I still looking forward to? Mom, you love Dad more. I know. If you had told me this earlier, I wouldn't have persuaded you to divorce him. "

Obviously he is only a twelve-year-old child, but now he behaves like a monk who sees through the world. The words he said can't hear any emotional ups and downs, as if he was just saying something very ordinary. things like.

His calm attitude completely broke Song Tongyu's heart, she cried and grabbed Qi Wang's hand, shaking her head frantically, denying Qi Wang's words.

"It's not like this, it's not like this, mom loves you, mom just wants to give you a complete family, mom doesn't love your dad, mom doesn't love him at all..."

She tried to explain to Qi Wang and let him understand that the reason why she wanted to maintain this family was to give him a complete family. She didn't want Qi Wang to grow up in a broken family. Dad, she did it for the good of Qi Wang...

"I don't need a father who beats my mother, and I don't need a father who wants to kill me. If you say you don't love him, then divorce. If you refuse to divorce, then I will run away from home, even if I go out Begging for food, even if you die outside, it's better than being tied up every month and watching him beat you."

"Maybe one day, I will watch him beat you to death, and then no matter how much I cry, no one will come to help. After he beat you to death, he may also kill me to silence you. "

"I think that kind of ending is pretty good. At least our mother and son will die together, so we can have a companion even on the way to Huangquan."

These few words of Qi Wang completely broke Song Tongyu's psychological defense, and when she thought of that terrible future, she felt that she couldn't breathe.

What's even more frightening is that the kind of future that Qi Wang said is not completely impossible. Maybe when Qi Shaocheng can't stand it anymore, he will kill himself and then kill Qi Wang.

This time Qi Shaocheng almost killed Qi Wang, although he said that he was drunk and deliberately provoked him because of Qi Wang, he didn't mean it, but it means that he also hates Qi Wang, He wanted to kill Qi Wang...

I did all this for my son, if Qi Wang was killed, then what's the point of her being alive

"I promise you, can't I promise you?"

Song Tongyu cried desperately and painfully. She covered her face and cried loudly, as if making this decision exhausted all her strength.

However, Qi Wang did not make a sound to comfort her, but said lightly.

"If you are reluctant, then don't divorce. I don't want you to regret it in the future, and I don't want you to tell me that the reason for your divorce is because of me."