Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1369: dark abyss


As he said that, Qi Wang was about to get off the bed, but Song Tongyu stretched out his hand to hold Qi Wang down.

"Ah Wan, Mom thinks that your current state is not right, you should take a break and stop thinking about it."

At this time, Song Tongyu looked the same as usual, she stretched out her hand to press Qi Wang, but her expression was very serious, as if she really cared about him.

However, Qi Wang stretched out his hand and grabbed Song Tongyu's wrist, and then moved her hand away from his body. His eyes met Song Tongyu's, and the corners of his mouth showed a strong sarcasm.

At this time, Qi Wang no longer looked like a simple child, and there was an expression on his immature face that only adults would appear.

"Mom, I want to leave the hospital. Didn't you say that you will listen to me in everything in the future? You will be good to me, listen to my opinion, and will not deny me as before. If this is the case, then we will go to the doctor now Get out of the hospital."

This change of Qi Wang fell into Song Tongyu's eyes, the expression on her face was cracked, a thin layer of sweat seeped from her forehead, she stared at Qi Wang firmly, even the sound of breathing disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, Qi Wang suddenly said: "If you don't breathe, won't you die? Or do you not need to breathe, and you just pretended to be a normal person before?"

After saying these words, Song Tongyu's complexion changed suddenly, she jumped up suddenly, then stepped back a few steps, looking at Qi Huang in surprise.

"you… "

She wanted to say something, but those words were stuck in her throat, but she couldn't get them out. In the end, she almost squeezed out a few words from between her teeth: "Why?"

Qi Wang suddenly laughed, he was sitting on the edge of the bed, his legs were dangling back and forth, and the innocent and innocent expression that only belonged to children appeared on his face again.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Why can't I understand anything? Mom, didn't you say you were going to take me to the doctor? Have you forgotten that the doctor told you yesterday that my illness is already cured , you can go home and rest, you don’t need to stay in the hospital, have you forgotten all these things?”

The immature child's voice kept echoing in the ward, and these words fell into Song Tongyu's ears. The expression on her face kept changing, and finally fixed on the gentle and kind expression.

"Ah Wan, I'll take you to see a doctor right away."

Saying that, Song Tongyu, who had been hiding aside, walked up to Qi Wang again, and then reached out to hug him from the hospital bed, while Qi Wang stretched out his hand to wrap his arms around Song Tongyu's neck, his face full of strong dependence meaning.

"Mom, you are the best mother in the world, don't let me down please? I have been disappointed too many times, don't lie to me..."

He clung to Song Tongyu's ear and whispered his prayers. He hoped that his mother could protect him and not let him suffer any harm—especially the harm came from her.

After Song Tongyu heard these words, she hugged Qi Wang even tighter, and she solemnly made a promise: "Ah Wang, Mom has made mistakes many times, this time Mom will not do wrong again. gone."

"You trust mom."

Qi Wang didn't speak, but she hugged Song Tongyu tightly, expressing her trust in Song Tongyu with her actions.

The atmosphere in the ward became warm and beautiful, and after about ten minutes, Song Tongyu carried Qi Huang out of the ward.

It is already eight o'clock in the morning. According to common sense, the hospital should have already started to be busy. After all, many medicines need to be injected in the morning. Usually, at this point, the doctors and nurses are already too busy to touch the ground. .

But now, the corridors of the hospital are very quiet. The doors of every ward are tightly closed. The doctors and nurses who should be busy can't be seen at all. There were no other voices.

Qi Wang's ward is near the end of the corridor, and it takes a long time to get to the doctor's office from here. In the long corridor, except for Song Tongyu's footsteps, no other sounds can be heard, giving people a very depressing feeling.

Song Tongyu probably sensed something was wrong, her footsteps stopped slowly, and then looked at Qi Wang in surprise: "Ah Wang, do you think something is wrong here?"

Her voice was trembling, and then the echo spread through the corridor, which made her voice even more strange, obviously she was talking in Qi Wang's ear, but these voices seemed to be transmitted from all directions As if coming, the sound passed through layers, even with overlapping sounds.

Hospitals, empty corridors, mothers with distorted voices, and ignorant children, all these scenes are like the omens of bad things about to happen in horror movies.

Song Tongyu hugged Qi Wang tightly, and looked around warily, as if there was some monster lurking around, and that monster had been spying on their mother and child, it was waiting for an opportunity, if the two of them relaxed, the monster would come He would rush up, tear the two of them apart and swallow them, until not even a single bone was left.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, but at this moment, Qi Wang suddenly said something that disrupted the atmosphere.

"I think patients are just waking up at this point in time."

"They slept very late last night, and they have been exercising according to the orders of the doctors and nurses, so they slept late and were tired, so they got up late today."

"But now they should all be up. If you don't believe me, Mom, listen, did you hear the voices in the ward?"

As Qi Wang's voice fell, the strange silence was quickly broken by the sudden noise. After those chaotic voices sounded, they were suddenly dragged out of that weird alien space. To the human world full of fireworks.

The door of the nurse's station opened, and young nurses in nurse uniforms came out, holding medicine bottles in their hands, and hurried towards the inside of the ward.

The doors of the wards were opened, and the nurses skillfully changed the medicines and injections for the patients, and patiently asked them to rest well and cooperate with the treatment.

The attitude of those nurses towards the patients was very gentle, and the patients were also very obedient and obedient. It was almost as if the nurses ordered them to move one by one, obediently obeying the nurse's arrangements.

"Miss Nurse, thank you, thanks to your care, my body can recover."

"Miss Nurse, you are really angels in white. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid my illness would never get better."

"Miss Nurse, you have worked hard. You are so busy, but you still have to take good care of us. It is really difficult for you."

The patients sincerely expressed their gratitude to the nurses, but the nurses were also smiling.

"You're welcome, this is what we should do, as long as you can get better, everything we do makes sense."

"Okay, you guys rest, don't say thank you, it will make us feel embarrassed."

"How can we praise you so well? The angel in white is really absurd, and we are ashamed."

The nurses are modest, advance and retreat appropriately, speak softly, and coax the patients to smile. Each of them is in a good mood, and each ward is basically full of laughter.

The noisy environment made Song Tongyu feel a little uncomfortable. It was obvious that the place was scary and quiet just now, but now it has become like this. Song Tongyu hugged her tightly and looked around warily, always feeling that everything seemed extremely weird.

"Wan...was the hospital like this before?"

Obviously everything looks very beautiful, the nurses speak softly, and the patients are also very easy to talk to, but the current situation only makes Song Tongyu feel fake, as if everything has been covered with a mask. It's touching, but after watching it for a long time, it makes people feel extremely irritable.

"Okay, mom, let's go to the doctor. Don't you want the doctor to issue a discharge certificate for me? Let's go there quickly. If I go late, I'm afraid there will be patients from the doctor's side. "

"My body is recovering very well, and the doctor agreed to let me out of the hospital. I'm too bored in the hospital. I want to go home. Will you promise me?"

Who can resist a cute child's acting like a baby? Song Tongyu was no exception. At first she still had doubts in her heart, but at this moment, those doubts disappeared. She hugged her son tightly, as if she hugged the whole world, and then led him towards the doctor's office. past.

The nurse's station is busy, but the doctor's office is extremely quiet. The patients seem to think that they should not disturb the doctor. They ask the nurse to help them with everything, which makes the doctor idle. down.

In the doctor's office, the doctors who didn't see patients sat in their seats and buried their heads in writing the medical records. They worked very hard. Even if Song Tongyu came in with a child in his arms, these people still didn't seem to notice and kept their heads buried. Work hard.

So many doctors in white coats are sitting in their positions like copy and paste, and everyone's head is not too big, Song Tongyu can only see the hair on the top of their heads, but how can she have the ability to do it from there? Who is Qi Huang's attending doctor recognized in their hair

Song Tongyu looked at Qi Huang with some embarrassment, a deep bewildered expression appeared on his face.

"Wan, there are so many doctors here, who is your attending doctor?"

Her voice broke the silence in the office, and the doctors who were busy writing the case all looked up, but Song Tongyu was just stunned for a moment, and soon found Qi Huang's attending doctor.

Song Tongyu immediately walked towards the young doctor with Qi Wang in his arms.

"Dr. Sun, hello, do you still remember what you said yesterday? You said that our family is recovering very well and does not need to stay in the hospital for a long time. He can go home today. If this is the case, I Can you take him home?"

After saying these words, Song Tongyu looked eagerly at the young Dr. Sun in front of him.

After Dr. Sun heard Song Tongyu's words, he couldn't help being stunned. He widened his eyes in surprise and said, "Who said that? Did your memory make a mistake? I seemed to say that the patient is going to stay in the hospital." For at least half a month... "

Before he finished speaking, Qi Wang looked at Dr. Sun. He still looked like a innocent and harmless child, but the words he spit out seemed to have extremely sharp poisonous thorns.

"Dr. Sun, I think your memory is very bad. Can you be a doctor if you have a bad memory? Think about it carefully. You said clearly yesterday that I can be discharged from the hospital today. What you said yourself can still be treated." Forgot?"

Dr. Sun turned his head to look at Qi Wang, his eyes met with Qi Wang's, the other's dark eyes seemed to have turned into two black holes at this moment, he felt that his consciousness and thinking were about to be shattered. engulfed by the two black holes.

The memories in his mind became chaotic, and various thoughts kept swirling in his mind. Those messy and complicated memories became scattered fragments, and then began to assemble and paste again, and finally formed new memory.

After the memory was reassembled, the expression on Dr. Sun's face suddenly changed. He blinked his eyes, put away the previous businesslike expression, and put on an amiable and amiable expression. Sometimes the voice is even softer, as if talking to a baby, not to mention how gentle it is.

"Ms. Song, I did say that yesterday. I'm sorry. I was too busy with work before, so I forgot about it. I'm sorry, but please accept my apology."

Song Tongyu always felt that Dr. Sun's changes were a little strange. She looked at him blankly, and only recovered after he said the words of apology again, and hurriedly said, "It's okay, Dr. Sun, you have to see me like this every day." There are many patients, it is normal to be busy, I will not blame you, but now can you write me a discharge certificate? I want to leave the hospital with my son. "

As he said that, Song Tongyu showed an embarrassed expression on his face: "Our family is a sensible child. He said that the hospital ward is tense and many patients are asleep in the corridor. Since he has nothing to do, then There is no need to be hospitalized, and the ward can be freed up for other patients."

Dr. Sun smiled, stretched out his hand and stroked Qi Wang's hair: "He is indeed a very sensible child, how about this, I will write you a discharge certificate now, and you can go directly to the hospital with the certificate later That's the procedure."

"Children have strong resilience, which is different from adults, and this child's recovery speed is much faster than ordinary children. It takes a long time for ordinary children to recover from such serious injuries. Like him It won't take long to fully recover."

As he said that, Dr. Sun seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and started to help Qi Huang remove the gauze from his head and neck with scissors.

"I almost forgot about this. Qi Wang is allergic to gauze. It was used to make his injury recover faster... But now that he is going to be discharged from the hospital, these things are no longer needed. If he is allergic, That would be bad."

After the gauze on Qi Wang's head and neck was removed, his fair skin was revealed. Judging from the wound, he was indeed recovering very well.

Seeing that Qi Wang's wound had indeed recovered, Song Tongyu immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed a smile on his face.

"Doctor, you are really amazing."

Dr. Sun was chatting with Song Tongyu while writing the discharge certificate. He was very fast, and he wrote the discharge certificate in a short time. After handing it over to Song Tongyu, Dr. Sun worriedly asked: .

"But although he can be discharged from the hospital now, it's best to take care of him for a while after he goes back, and wait until his body fully recovers..."

Song Tongyu nodded, then left the doctor's office with Qi Wang in his arms.

"Mom, the discharge certificate has been written, let's go through the discharge procedures."

Song Tongyu didn't delay anything, and after returning to the ward to pack up the things she brought, she took Qi Huang to go through the discharge procedures.