Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1371: dark abyss


"Since there's nothing wrong, I'd better not waste public resources. It's okay to go home to recuperate."

However, these words could not convince Sun Xiaohua, her hands were tightly grasping Qi Wang's arm, her tone became more and more urgent, and the way she looked at Qi Wang was constantly changing.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. When I went there before, the doctor said that your condition is very serious. He said that you must be hospitalized in the hospital, and it will take at least half a month before you can be discharged. How could you It's totally illogical to recover."

Hearing Sun Xiaohua's words, Qi Huang laughed, but his smile didn't reach his eyes, which made him look extremely cold and strange.

"Sun Xiaohua, there will be miracles in this world. Before encountering a miracle, you would not have imagined the earth-shattering changes that a miracle will bring. I recovered so quickly because of a miracle. It's nothing. You don't have to be so surprised that it's not normal, after all, the reason why miracles are miracles is because they transcend common sense."

"What's more, isn't this a good thing? After all, my body has recovered, which is a very good thing for you and me. Don't you feel happy for me? I Why do you feel like you want me to stay in the hospital for a long time to be happy."

Qi Wang's words were like a sharp sword across Sun Xiaohua's mind, her body immediately froze in place, and then she twitched the corners of her mouth, showing a very stiff smile on her face.

"Qi Wang, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that. I am naturally very happy that you recovered, but I always feel that a person's body recovery speed cannot be ridiculously fast. What might this do to your body? Injury, maybe you should go to the hospital to check again, don’t you think?”

Saying that, Sun Xiaohua stretched out her hand, trying to touch Qi Wang's head, but Qi Wang took a slight step back, and somehow broke free from Sun Xiaohua's hand holding his wrist.

Sun Xiaohua looked at her empty palm, then raised her head to look at Qi Wang opposite, with a look of surprise and uncertainty on her face.

Sun Xiaohua always felt that the current Qi Wang seemed to be different from the past, she pursed the corners of her lips and forced a smile.

"Qi Wang, why do I feel that you seem to have doubts about me now, I really have to care about your body, that's why I said this, don't think too much, okay?"

However, Qi Wang said with an innocent face: "Sun Xiaohua, you misunderstood, I didn't think much about it, and I also know that you care about my body. After all, we two grew up together and have a very good relationship. You It's very normal to care about me, but I really have nothing to do, if you don't believe me, you can ask my mother, and my mother also knows about it."

After speaking, Qi Wang turned around and shouted, and Song Tongyu, who was busy in the kitchen, came out, she wiped her two wet hands on the apron, then looked up at Sun Xiaohua opposite, and then her face showed Sun Xiaohua Xiao Hua's extremely familiar smile.

"Xiaohua, you're here. I originally thought I'd call you over after dinner is ready. I still want to thank you for your help these days. If it wasn't for your help, I don't know what I should do." Well, fortunately, Ah Wang's condition is not too serious. The doctor said that as long as he goes home and recuperates, he will recover completely after a while. This is a happy event. I want you and your mother to come over. Let's have a good time Happy to celebrate, okay?"

After hearing Song Tongyu's words, Sun Xiaohua's eyes widened, and she looked at Song Tongyu as if she had seen a ghost. She took two steps back and leaned against the railing behind her with a firm grip. The railing pinched her waist, and the pain spread from the waist to the whole body in an instant, until the severe pain came, and Sun Xiaohua calmed down. She hooked her hook reluctantly, and a stiff smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Aunt Song, you are too polite. In fact, my mother and I didn't do anything. We just fulfilled our responsibilities as neighbors. You don't have to be so polite."

She declined Song Tongyu's invitation. In this chaotic situation, she didn't want to make things more and more chaotic.

"Okay, Xiao Hua, what do you know as a child? You should go back and call Elder Sister Xu to stop cooking at night, and come and eat at my place."

Sun Xiaohua wanted to say something else, but Song Tongyu's invitation was very sincere and warm, even if Sun Xiaohua wanted to say something, she couldn't help it.

She looked at the sincere expression on Song Tongyu's face, and then at Qi Wang's eyes that seemed to see through everything. At this time, Sun Xiaohua suddenly became a little timid. The expression on her face changed drastically, and the corners of her lips pursed. Woke up, and finally chose to go home.

Just when she chose to go downstairs to go home, the anti-theft door behind her slammed shut. Sun Xiaohua only felt a cold pain from the bottom of her feet, and her whole body seemed to fall into icy water, unable to lift herself up. Get up a little bit of heat.

No, all of this should not be like this, whether it is Qi Wang or Song Tongyu, both of them look very abnormal.

Sun Xiaohua gritted her teeth, and before she realized it, her fingernails had been deeply inserted into the palm of her hand. The severe pain spread from the palm of her hand to her whole body, and Sun Xiaohua's face turned pale. , the corners of her mouth also began to tremble non-stop. For a moment, her body seemed to lose her strength, and she fell limply to the ground.

All the sensor lights in the stairs were broken. At this time, the stairwell was in darkness, and there was no sound coming from all around. Sun Xiaohua only felt that a strong sense of fear enveloped her whole body. She felt as if her soul had been grabbed by a giant hand that appeared out of the sky, and then was torn into pieces by that hand, which made her unable to think properly.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe it was only a few seconds, maybe a few minutes, or maybe a few centuries, Sun Xiaohua finally found her own thoughts, she stood up while supporting the wall next to her, and walked step by step. Moved towards downstairs.

At this time, she didn't even know how she got home. When the anti-theft door in front of her opened, warm light poured out from the room, and Xu Changying's familiar face appeared in front of her. Sun Xiaohua finally had a happy life. A feeling of coming alive, her mouth was deflated and she began to cry hopelessly.

Xu Changying was taken aback by Sun Xiaohua's current appearance, thinking that her daughter was being bullied by someone, she pulled Sun Xiaohua into the room and asked anxiously.

"What happened to Xiaohua? Why did you suddenly run out just now? Did someone bully you? Tell your mother, if someone bullies you, I will go to that person immediately, and my mother will definitely find you back , can you stop crying?"

At this time, Sun Xiaohua was in the most vulnerable period. Without saying a word, she threw herself into Xu Changying's arms, hugged her body tightly with both hands, and let the tears pour out.

Xu Changying comforted Sun Xiaohua for a long time, but Sun Xiaohua's tears never stopped. In the end, Xu Changying was also sweating profusely. She had no choice but to carry her daughter back to the sofa and speak nicely. He coaxed her for a long time.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, you child, you are so brave that you can pierce the sky on weekdays, why are you crying like a coward now? What happened? Just tell your mother, mother will help you get ahead, how can mother help you if you cry like this?"

Xu Changying's words reached Sun Xiaohua's ears, and her original fear gradually calmed down. Thinking of her embarrassing appearance just now, Sun Xiaohua's face flushed instantly. She got out of Xu Changying's arms, raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her face, and said sullenly.

"It's okay, I just came back, because the corridor was too dark to see anything, I thought there was something following me behind, and I was frightened."

This explanation is very lame, but Xu Changying believes her daughter's words, because Sun Xiaohua does have a problem of being afraid of the dark, and it is normal for her to feel afraid...

"Since you're afraid of the dark, what were you doing running out by yourself just now? I called you from behind for a long time and you didn't respond. I thought you had changed your sex, and you weren't afraid of the dark at all. I didn't expect you to be a coward."

Knowing that her daughter was not crying because she was being bullied, Xu Changying breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her hand and tapped her daughter's nose, and said angrily.

Sun Xiaohua also felt that her appearance just now was really embarrassing. She looked like a real child, and she was still lying in her mother's arms and crying loudly to seek her mother's comfort. He groaned for a long time and couldn't come up with an explanation.

"I'm going to wash my face."

After saying this, Sun Xiaohua ran into the bathroom, raised her hand and closed the bathroom door, she looked at the pair of beautiful eyes in the mirror, and then at the familiar yet unfamiliar ordinary face, she He let out a long breath of turbid air, raised his hand and put it on his heart, and the beating of the heart was transmitted over.

Sun Xiaohua took a deep breath and started the countdown: "Nineteen eighty seven...one."

[There seems to be a problem in this world, I need your help, please give me higher authority.]

After Sun Xiaohua said these words, a moment later, a familiar voice rang in her mind.

[No. 1580, your authority is already at the highest level, and you can no longer increase your authority. Your actions must conform to the logic of this world. If your authority is too high, it will cause problems with the logic of this world. Ultimately, the world collapses.]

There was seriousness in the other party's voice, but Sun Xiaohua's expression turned pale when she thought of what she had just encountered, she gritted her teeth and said.

[But now I feel that the world is on the verge of collapse. There have been very illogical things before. Haven't you noticed it?]

[No. 1580, you have to remember one thing. You chose to use this method to carry out the mission before. We have few chances. If the world collapses again, then there will be no chance to start again.]

The other party's words brought a strong sense of oppression to Sun Xiaohua. Drops of sweat slipped from her forehead and dripped onto the countertop of the sink. She looked at the pale girl in the mirror, gritted her teeth and said .

[Data synchronization may be delayed. I am sure that serious illogical events have occurred just now. You should know better than me what the core rules of this world are. If you don’t give me higher authority, once I If there is a major mistake, the world will also collapse.]

Having said this, Sun Xiaohua's voice became more serious than before.

[I care more about this world than you. If this world collapses, do you think it is possible for me to break free from this world before it collapses?]

[Have you ever thought that if there is a problem with the mission this time, then I will also be stuck in this world. Even if the world can be restarted again, how can you guarantee that the next person who comes in can fix it?]

[This world is already riddled with holes, and it cannot withstand another collapse and restart. The existence of me and them will only increase the burden of this world. In order to accommodate our existence, it will definitely have more bugs.]

Speaking of this, Sun Xiaohua lowered her head dejectedly. She looked at the empty pool, and her voice was a little ethereal.

[We were all wrong before. Before I came in, I also thought that this world was false, and all people were just a piece of data, but when I was really in this world, I discovered that these people are not pure data.]

When she was an outsider, she could look down on the world with lofty eyes, but when she really went deep into it, she found that the world was far from being as simple as she thought.

The data she thought was actually terrifyingly real.