Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1375: dark abyss


As early as when this world was used as a playground, tragedies were already doomed. There are still many tragedies like Qi Wang, but will those players who invaded this world care? They don't care. To them, this is just a game. When the game is over, they can leave this world and live a normal life again. Only the people in this world will suffer.

"I don't believe that you have never found something inappropriate. Are you really sure that this world is a virtual world created by yourself? If this is the case, then why is this game world so popular all over the world?"

Qi Wang didn't say anything radical, but it was his flat tone that brought out all the dark thoughts hidden in Sun Xiaohua's heart.

Has no one really suspected it

Others Sun Xiaohua dare not say it, but she herself has indeed doubted it, because every game player's evaluation of their game world is true, and almost all players will say that the relationship between those npcs and them The interactions don't feel like programmed at all.

In fact, Sun Xiaohua has seen many game players' comments on their company's virtual game. The more she reads, the more uneasy Sun Xiaohua becomes, because as one of the developers, Sun Xiaohua knows very well about their company's global presence. Among the various game companies, there are not any famous companies at all. Compared with many top game companies, their technology is much worse.

The anthropomorphism of npcs that many other top companies are unable to do, why can their company do it

But the benefits brought to them by this game are too great, because countless game players have realized the authenticity of the game, they are addicted to it, and after that, other players come here, which leads to the change in the number of people who go online. more and more.

Of course, the benefits obtained by the company will become more and more huge.

Money touches people's hearts, and such huge benefits are placed in front of them, and these benefits can be completely given to them as long as they stretch out their hands, even if they find something wrong, who will say it

And they have the idea of fluke, constantly hypnotizing themselves, telling them that this is a virtual game developed by themselves, perhaps because their technology has improved during the development process, which led to the in-game The intelligence of npc is improved.

What's more, every virtual game has to go through the inspection and verification of relevant departments before it is put into the market. Those inspection departments have not found anything wrong, so why should they think wildly

For various reasons, those discordant places were ignored by them in the end, and after a few years, they have forgotten the mistakes they discovered at the beginning, and completely regarded this world as a virtual game developed by themselves. world.

It's just that facing Qi Wang's questioning at this moment, Sun Xiaohua felt very guilty. She wanted to defend herself, but those words were all piled up on her lips. Looking at Qi Wang's eyes that seemed to see through everything, Sun Xiaohua finally Still nothing came out.

"What did you come to this world for? To rescue those gamers who are addicted to this world? I don't understand, since you like playing in this game world so much, why do you want to rescue them?"

Qi Wang squatted down as he spoke, his eyes met Sun Xiaohua's, his pair of black eyes clearly reflected Sun Xiaohua's distressed appearance at this time.

"Why bother? Since you like this place, why not stay here and completely integrate with this world, and truly experience everything in this world?"

Sensing the seriousness in Qi Du's words, Sun Xiaohua spoke with difficulty.

"It can't be like this, this world doesn't belong to us, we have to leave..."

More than 10,000 people have fallen into this virtual game world. If they are not rescued, the people of Dreamland Company will probably spend their entire lives in prison.

At this moment, Sun Xiaohua has decided that it is Qi Wang who controls everything in the virtual game world. He can control the world, and his authority is even higher than that of a technician like her. Sun Xiaohua's face showed pleading In color, tears slid down his face.

"They don't belong to this world, please let them go, I assure you, no matter what this world is, as long as you let them go, we will not enter this world at will from now on, we Will you return this world to you?"

After hearing what Sun Xiaohua said, Qi Wang seemed to have heard some joke, and couldn't help laughing out loud. His laughter carried the immature meaning unique to children, but when it reached his ears, it was Piercing her eardrums so painfully, Sun Xiaohua covered her ears in pain, with a deep pain showing on her face.

"Now you have thought of returning this world to me. What about before that? You have entered this world again and again, but have you ever thought of returning this world to me? Have you ever thought that you are an intruder in this world?" ? Have you ever thought about how many people's lives have been ruined because of your reckless actions?"

"But why do you care? After all, in your eyes, this is just a fake game world. This is your playground, a place where you can revel in wantonly. Here, you can get rid of the shackles and be unscrupulous. to do things that outsiders would not dare to do.”

"Anyway, as long as you format the data and restart the game, everything will start again, and everything that happened in the past will be erased. What will happen to the existence of this world is not important to you at all, is it?"

"I just fulfilled your wishes. Why do you still want to escape from here? Since you want to escape now, why did you enter this world in the first place? Don't you feel that what you are doing is contradictory? ?”

Sun Xiaohua's mind was in a mess at this time, and she couldn't answer Qi Wang's question at all. She looked at Qi Wang blankly, tears had spread all over her cheeks, and she just kept repeating "I'm sorry" in her mouth. Three words, as if apart from these three words, she couldn't say anything else.

Looking at Sun Xiaohua who was in such a panic at this moment, and thinking about his appearance when he saw her just now, Qi Wang suddenly felt a little bored, a meaningless smile appeared on his face, and then he slowly stood up from the ground.

As he got up, the surrounding space began to surge again, the deformed ceiling rose up, the surrounding walls also returned to their normal appearance, and the floor also returned to its original appearance, as if everything was the same as before, and there was nothing wrong with it. any changes.

"Why are you so afraid? Don't you see that everything here is back to normal now? If so, why are you crying for things that never happened? If you want to open up, just pretend that what happened just now didn't happen. It's convenient for you, I'll go out first."

Before the words finished, Qi Wang had already walked out of the bathroom, he even closed the door of the bathroom intimately, and let Sun Xiaohua stay in that space alone, after doing all this, Qi Wang took a step forward, but he thought What, the footsteps stopped, and then turned back to look into the kitchen.

The kitchen of their house is not big, and Song Tongyu filled the kitchen by herself. At this time, she was busy in it, cutting and preparing vegetables, heating the oil, and then frying the vegetables. Song Tongyu was very busy, as if I didn't notice what was going on in the bathroom next door at all.

After staring at Song Tongyu for a long time, Qi Wang withdrew his gaze and walked into the living room step by step. Xu Changying, who was sitting on the sofa, saw Qi Wang coming out, smiled and waved to him, and then offered herself The walnuts just peeled off were placed in front of Qi Wang.

"Qi Wang, although the doctor said that your body has recovered, but you have injured your brain before. People say that what you eat can nourish your brain, but eating walnuts is also very nourishing for your brain. You can eat some to nourish your brain first, and wait until tomorrow, auntie. Go to the vegetable market and get you some pig brain stew."

In the memory of the original owner, because Xu Changying was disappointed with Song Tongyu, he even alienated him, a bullied child, and even refused to let Sun Xiaohua associate with the original owner.

Even when Xu Changying saw the original owner on the road, she would subconsciously avoid it and not have any communication with the original owner.

It seems that in the memory of the original owner, no one has shown kindness to him. Those people are either keeping a respectful distance from him, or they are bullying and bullying him. It seems that all the evils in the world are presented in front of the original owner, and he cannot see any I can’t feel the hope that there is a little bit of light. For a young child, after his parents died, his heart was full of self-destructive emotions, and then those bullying became It was the fuse that led to his ultimate demise.

Everything is different now, Song Tongyu has changed, and Xu Changying, who was not fake to him before, and Sun Xiaohua, who regarded him as a stranger, they surround him again, caring for him, caring for him, and releasing him. There is a lot of goodwill.

In fact, what the original owner asked for was not much, he just wanted to live the life that a normal child should live, and all of the present is the life he dreamed of living for him.

Sun Xiaohua stayed in the bathroom for a long time, until Song Tongyu finished dinner and put all the food on the table, Xu Changying went to the door of the bathroom and knocked on the door to call her out. The pale-faced Sun Xiaohua looked like a wandering soul It seemed to float out of the bathroom.

"Xiaohua, don't you like playing with Qi Wang the most? Today you are sitting next to Qi Wang, are you satisfied now?"

Saying that, Xu Changying couldn't help but place Sun Xiaohua next to Qi Wang, and Qi Wang turned his head to look at Sun Xiaohua, and then licked the corners of his mouth at her, showing a smile.

"Xiao Hua, why did you stay in the bathroom for so long? Are you feeling unwell? If that's the case, why don't we ask Auntie to take you to the hospital to have a look, what do you think?"

Sun Xiaohua shook her head, she didn't even dare to meet Qi Wang's eyes, she glanced at him and then moved away like an electric shock, while her hands were unconsciously twisted together.

Just after Qi Wang left the bathroom, Sun Xiaohua wanted to contact the technicians outside as quickly as possible, but soon she was shocked to find that she had disconnected from the outside.

No matter what method Sun Xiaohua tried, she couldn't contact the technicians outside. She even thought of forcibly leaving this virtual world, but then she found out in despair that her spiritual body was sealed in this small body. There is no way to leave.

She seems to be trapped in this world, this virtual body, and she cannot leave.

This realization caused Sun Xiaohua to fall into a great panic. She wanted to ask Qi Wang a lot of questions, but when she thought of the smiling face of the other party, she couldn't open her mouth to ask. In fact, even if she didn't have to ask now, , I also know that the reason why I became what I am now is absolutely inseparable from Qi Wang.

What makes Sun Xiaohua feel even more desperate is that, let alone using the highest authority, even the power she had before has been sealed. can not do this.

"Mom, let's go home, shall we? I want to go back."

Sun Xiaohua used her authority without hope—she can modify the thinking of npcs on some unimportant things to facilitate her own actions. She has used this method many times before, and she is very proficient in using it Yes, but this time after she said these words, Xu Changying frowned and said.

"Xiaohua, why are you so ignorant? We haven't finished our meal yet, how can we leave? Let's talk about it after we finish our meal. Your Auntie Song cooked so many meals for us, how can we not show Auntie Song face?"

Song Tongyu also said: "Xiaohua, is it that the meals I made are not to your liking? Just tell auntie what you want to eat, and auntie will cook for you."

Sun Xiaohua is just doing an experiment, so how can she be picky about food? She shook her head with a pale face, and picked up the chopsticks to pick up the rice mechanically. At this moment, a piece of beef fell into her bowl, and Qi Wang's devil-like voice came from the side.

"Since you're here, don't leave in a hurry. Didn't you like coming to our house very much before? Why don't you stay in a hurry. "

Sun Xiaohua was about to cry. The food she ate was stuck in her throat, making her unable to spit it out or swallow it. At this moment, Sun Xiaohua hoped that the technicians outside could notice that something was wrong with her and come back as soon as possible. Save her from this world.

However, what Sun Xiaohua didn't know was that the outside world was already in chaos.

"It's not good, a large amount of garbled data suddenly appeared on the server of the dream world, and those garbled data are constantly devouring the data content inside."

"Oops, we have lost control of the dream world."

"The dream world is collapsing, and the data linked to it on our side is being disconnected..."

Didi’s alarm sounded in the lobby of the company, and all the staff of Dreamland Company were sweating profusely. In fact, they had already lost their understanding of the dreamland world when there was a problem with the dreamland game. Part of the control, the only data they have is disconnected, which means that they have completely lost control of the dream world at this time.

Before, they could still have conversations with the characters in the dream world, but after they lost control, let alone talk to the characters in the dream world, they couldn't even detect the world anymore.

The virtual dream world has completely gone out of control, and the life instruments representing those gamers have been wiped out one by one.

"Damn it! What the hell happened? Didn't 1580 say that it has mastered the trick? Why is there such a change?"

"Anyone of you will explain to me what's going on, I don't care what method you use, just reconnect me to the dream world immediately."

However, the person in charge can only be incompetent and furious. Most of the technicians who developed this virtual game world have already invested in the game to save those players who are trapped in the virtual world. The remaining technicians are actually just non-staff personnel. Their abilities are limited, and at this time they don't even know what happened and how they can save this virtual world.

In the end, the server carrying the virtual game world was completely scrapped, which meant that they could not enter the virtual game world.

What is even more frightening is that those players and technicians trapped in the virtual game world are annihilated in the virtual world as the virtual world collapses.

It's over, it's over.

This was the thought of everyone present. They all thought that the virtual game world had been completely destroyed. After restarting so many times in a short period of time, this virtual game world was already on the verge of collapse. It can still sustain two reincarnations, but who would have thought that it would suddenly be unable to sustain it under the premise that they did not detect any changes.

"Then what do we do next?"

Someone suddenly asked such a sentence. After a long silence, the person in charge smiled miserably. He looked at all the staff present and murmured.

"What else can we do? More than 10,000 lives were lost in the game. That's more than 10,000 lives. Everyone present must bear the responsibility. We are all finished."

Who can afford the lives of so many people? Although they were not the murderers who directly killed those people, but because of the games they developed, those people died in the virtual world, and they will stay in prison for the rest of their lives