Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1378: dark abyss


When I saw him just now, he was fine. What kind of inhuman blow did he suffer in such a short period of time, and how did he become what he is now

However, what Li Guangming did not expect was that Qi Shaocheng, who was like a puddle of mud, suddenly jumped up from the ground with agility that was completely inconsistent with his physical state, and rushed towards Qi Huang.

Li Guangming was frightened by him, thinking that this person wanted to harm Qi Wang, so he immediately kicked Qi Shaocheng to the ground.

"What do you want to do!"

Could it be that this guy became angry from embarrassment and wanted to attack Qi Wang's child

After all, Qi Shaocheng had a precedent for attacking Qi Huang before. At that time, he beat Qi Huang until he was covered in blood, as if he wanted to kill this son. Qi acted rashly.

However, to Li Guangming's expectation, Qi Shaocheng still didn't give up after being kicked to the ground, and he wanted to lean towards Qi Huang while crawling. He held Qi Shaocheng down to stop him from going crazy.

However, Qi Shaocheng suddenly yelled at Qi Huang. At this time, he looked extremely miserable, with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. I really know I was wrong. Can you let me go? Please let me go. As long as you let me go, I can do anything."

No one knows why Qi Shaocheng begged Qi Wang for mercy, but he was begging Qi Wang for mercy like this, even when he was taken down by Li Mingguang, he still shouted apology hoarsely at Qi Wang, wanting Qi Wang to let go over him.

Song Tongyu thinks that Qi Shaocheng is crazy, and she also thinks that Qi Shaocheng wants to kidnap Qi Wang morally. After all, Qi Wang is his son, and Qi Shaocheng has the upper hand in public opinion.

"Ignore him, Wang, he is already crazy, and now he will do everything to get out, so let's ignore him."

Song Tongyu hugged Qi Wang who hadn't spoken all the time, thinking that he was frightened, so he kept comforting his son and told Qi Wang not to care about Qi Shaocheng's words.

Lawyer Fang frowned and said, "Yeah, Qi Shaocheng is at the end of his rope now, and it's a shame that he could come up with such a way. Next time, don't let Qi Huang come over, the child will be fooled by his appearance." Scared."

Lawyer Hao continued: "That's true. For the sake of the child's mental health at this moment, it's better not to let him participate in it. Ms. Song, you have to believe in the professionalism of Lawyer Fang and me. In such a simple case, we both Individuals can definitely get you to a happy ending."

Song Tongyu nodded again and again to show that she knew, then she lowered her head to look at the son in her arms and asked softly.

"Ah Wan, I have seen Qi Shaocheng now, and I don't have any expectations for him, so let the adults handle this matter, okay? You are just a child, and you should be healthy and healthy like an ordinary child. To grow, not to get involved in this kind of thing."

Qi Zhu hummed lightly: "I won't see him again."

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to say goodbye, it is just a clown, so there is no need to worry about it.

Seeing that Qi Wang finally agreed, Song Tongyu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on his face.

It's great, she is about to break free from the shackles that have trapped her for three years, and from now on, she can lead her son to live a normal life, which is the life she once dreamed of, even if she is alone With her son, as long as her heart is filled with love for him, she can go on strong.

Qi Wang returned to school and started to go to school again. This time, Qi Wang, who was originally a marginal person, became the favorite of the class. All the students were very enthusiastic about him.

Of course, there is one exception, and that is Sun Xiaohua.

In the past two days, Sun Xiaohua has exhausted all means but failed to contact the technical personnel outside, and what makes her feel even more frightening is that this world seems to have undergone some kind of change that she dare not even imagine. Xiao Hua's heart was full of deep anxiety and fear.

At this time, Sun Xiaohua no longer thinks about saving those players who have fallen into this world and her former colleagues. She just wants to leave this world, because she feels that if she continues to stay in this world, she will lose her life. It may be impossible to escape from this virtual world in this lifetime.

It's just that she has used all kinds of methods, and the technicians who could be easily contacted in the past have disappeared, and the privileges that originally came with her have also disappeared.

Now she has become an ordinary twelve-year-old girl, she wants to study and live like an ordinary person in this world, and do what she can.

This is something Sun Xiaohua can't stand.

When exhausting all means and unable to get out of this world, Sun Xiaohua finally began to face up to those things that she was forced to ignore before.

Everything shows that the reason why the world has become like this is inseparable from Qi Wang. The former Sun Xiaohua did not dare to confront Qi Wang because of the fear in her heart. She even avoided Qi Wang, afraid that Qi Wang would notice. Own.

But when she found that all her things were useless, she had no choice but to find Qi Wang, and wanted to ask him if he could let her escape from this world.

So when school was over this afternoon, Sun Xiaohua stopped in front of Qi Wang. She looked at the little boy standing quietly in front of her, and said in a trembling voice: "I have realized my mistakes, and I also know what I did in the past. Those things are very wrong, so now can you let me go?"

Sun Xiaohua put down all her self-esteem and pride to beg Qi Huang. She couldn't tolerate being trapped in this world. This is not her world at all. Everything in this world is false. She wants to go home, go back Go to your own world.

Looking at the person in front of him who was clearly terrified, but still mustered up the courage to say these words, Qi Wang suddenly licked the corner of his mouth towards her, revealing a simple smile that belonged to a child.

"Xiaohua, I don't understand what you are talking about, what have you done? Why don't I know? Why do you want me to let you go?"

Sun Xiaohua's face turned pale inch by inch, she bit her lip tightly, until her lip was bitten by her teeth, and the strong smell of blood filled her mouth, and she found her voice.

"I want to go home, I just want to go home."

She doesn't want to stay in this terrible world any longer. Every minute and every second here makes Sun Xiaohua feel scared. Sun Xiaohua, who used to be high and thought that she is above this world, has learned to be in awe, and at the same time knows What is fear.

"Do you want to go home? Then take the bus with me. These two days I'm still wondering why you don't want to take the same bus with me after school. You are my good friend."

Qi Wang looked ignorant, and invited Sun Xiaohua to take the same bus with him back home, and even said that Song Tongyu didn't need to work overtime today, and she would come back early to make Sun Xiaohua's favorite leek box.

"Don't you like eating leek boxes the most? Every time you eat until you are full, you will not give up. Do you still remember the time when you ate six leek boxes in one go, and you were so bloated that you couldn't walk?" Well, it's because my mother brought you Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets, which made you feel better."

As Qi Wang told, this memory appeared in Sun Xiaohua's mind, that memory was so vivid, as if she had really experienced it herself, she widened her eyes in amazement, and looked at Qi Wang staggered a few steps back, leaning against the big tree behind her to stabilize her body.

"What exactly did you do to me, and what exactly do you want to stop?"

Sun Xiaohua collapsed, Qi Wang didn't answer her words, but what he did after that was forcing himself, which made Sun Xiaohua unable to bear all this.

"Don't be like this, okay? I have already apologized to you, and I said that I know what I did wrong, why do you still treat me like this?"

Created a false memory for himself out of thin air, said so many specious things, and decided on her own whether to stay or not, why did he do this

Sun Xiaohua slipped to the ground, covered her face and burst into tears.

"I just want to go home. What did I do wrong to make you punish me in this way?"

Obviously, obviously she didn't do anything, didn't she? Why did he treat himself like this

The pressure accumulated these days turned into a mountain and pressed firmly on Sun Xiaohua's body. She felt that she was going to be out of breath. What is even more desperate is that at this moment she seems to be unable to do anything else except cry.

"Just like this, can't you bear it?"

Qi Wang's voice rang in her ears, the voice was ethereal, it sounded like it came from another dimension, Sun Xiaohua opened her eyes full of tears, and looked up at Qi Wang.

"It's just that you can't stand it anymore, have you ever thought about how countless I survived those one hundred and ninety-eight reincarnations?"

In the past, Sun Xiaohua was aloof. She thought she was the creator and controlled everything in this world, so she unscrupulously manipulated other people's thoughts and changed them at will.

When she did this in the past, did she feel that she was doing something wrong even once

No, she took all this for granted, because she was a superior existence, so of course she could do this.

She is capable, she is powerful, she thinks she controls everything in this world, it's just changing some small things, and it doesn't hurt, how could she care

But when everything was turned upside down, she lost the ability she was proud of, lost the means to control the world, she cried and begged for mercy like an ordinary person, hoping that Qi Huang would let her go.

"Did you let me go?"

This world is never false, it is just a small world that has not yet formed, if there is no accident, it will slowly take shape step by step and become a mature world.

But higher civilizations captured its existence and turned it into their playground.

Since then, the world has stopped developing, and it and all of it have been trapped in artificially created space-time loops, repeating life again and again.

This world and the people in this world are forced to endure the invasion of the higher world. It tries to use its own methods to tell the other party that it is not a virtual existence. It hopes that the higher-level existence can let it go and let go of the world all life.

But the other party didn't take it to heart at all.

The existence of higher civilizations descended on lower civilizations. As many players entered this world, as many original life forms that originally belonged to this world disappeared.

Those living bodies are also part of the original power of the world. Their disappearance makes this small world more and more fragile. The instinct of survival makes the other party desperate, condensing its own few powers on the original owner.

The original owner is a special existence in this world. The original owner who condensed the original power of the world started to save the world, although he did it unconsciously.

So when the people in Sun Xiaohua's world find out that this small world is wrong, and send technicians to repair the world, it will still run according to the established track.

Destiny had already been set from the very beginning, so even if it was repeated a hundred and ninety-eight times, the original owner would still go to perish like the first time.

He is using his own way to tell the higher-level existence that they are not virtual, they are real, and all the lives in this world are alive, not meaningless data one after another.

"You know it, right? In fact, you have already discovered it. There is no need to deny it. I have seen it myself."

They have been trying to destroy what the original owner did. Even if they knew that this world was not false, they still refused to admit it, wishful thinking that this world was false.

Because only the world is false, they did not commit the heinous crime.