Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1379: dark abyss


Does Sun Xiaohua really regret it? Did she really apologize to Qi Huang because she made a mistake, because she realized how unforgivable the mistake she made was

In fact, this is not the case. The reason why Sun Xiaohua apologized to Qi Wang, and the reason why she said so many apologies, was actually because she wanted to use these few words in exchange for the opportunity to return to her own world.

I'm afraid that now Sun Xiaohua has realized what happened, but he and she don't want to admit it, so they pray to Qi Huang so desperately.

"It's useless, the world has escaped your capture, it's free."

The higher world has opened up a channel connecting the lower world, and this channel is two-way, they can reach the lower world, and the existence of the lower world can naturally reach the higher world, but no one in this world has been able to do this in the past , but the existence of Qi Wang changed these.

The current Qi Wang has completely cut off the connection between the two worlds, allowing this small world that has been riddled with holes to regain its freedom. After the passage is disconnected, the higher world naturally cannot spy on this small world, nor can it Let the spiritual bodies of their world come to this small world again.

Similarly, the remaining spirit bodies belonging to the higher world in this small world can no longer return to their world.

The universe is vast and boundless, and there are countless small worlds in different space planes. It was only by chance that the high-level world that Sun Xiaohua was in at the beginning captured the unformed small world where the original owner was. When the connection between them was broken, It turned out that this unformed small world returned to the vast and boundless universe, and that higher world would not have another coincidence to capture it again.

"Don't you like our world very much? In the past, you forced your way into our world without our consent. Now that you have the opportunity to stay in this world for a long time, isn't it just right? This is your wish, Naturally, I don’t want to disobey it, since I like this place so much, then stay here, you will have a lifetime to appreciate the scenery of this world.”

Qi Duan's voice was ethereal, as if it came from an extremely distant place, Sun Xiaohua sat on the ground blankly, her eyes were wide open, but the eyes that were originally brilliant now looked like dried up lake water , full of loneliness and despair.

Originally, Sun Xiaohua still had a faint hope in her heart. She thought that maybe as long as she could get Qi Wang's forgiveness, then she could return to her own world, but Qi Wang's words gave her a lot of trouble. With one blow, those original hopes were instantly annihilated.

It turned out that the worst situation had already happened, and what she couldn't believe, or dare not admit, had become a reality.

This is not her world at all, this face, this identity, everything experienced by this body does not belong to her, she comes from another world, there is everything she is familiar with, she just came to this world Doing a very simple task, as long as the task is completed, she can go home, but now she is stuck here...

What's more frightening is that, based on what Qi Wang said, it can be inferred that she has lost the chance to go home, and she will be trapped in this strange and terrifying world for the rest of her life.

"No, none of this is true... Impossible, how could this be..."

Sun Xiaohua couldn't accept this cruel truth. She kept scratching her cheeks and tore her hair with her hands. Bloodstains appeared on her fair cheeks, and her hair, which was originally neat, was also messed up by her scratching. Xiao Hua bit her lips until blood was dripping, and the strong smell of blood filled her mouth, but she seemed to have not noticed it, and was still torturing herself crazily.

And Qi Wang was standing not far from Sun Xiaohua, she stood there quietly, watching Sun Xiaohua torture herself here, there was no emotional change in his eyes, as if watching It's just an ordinary thing.

"Why do you do this? Since there is no way to change it, it is better to accept all of this. Anyway, you still have a chance of suffering and despair, but have you ever thought about Sun Xiaohua whose body was occupied by you? The real Sun Xiaohua, she is A girl who was just twelve years old, her life has been forcibly deprived by you before it even started, you are still alive, even if there is no hope of returning to your own world, at least you are still alive, but the real Sun Xiaohua... It's gone."

The Sun Xiaohua in front of her is not the real Sun Xiaohua. From the moment she invaded this world and occupied Sun Xiaohua's body, the real Sun Xiaohua has been wiped out of existence by her.

In the memory of the original owner, Sun Xiaohua is a shy girl. She didn't have much contact with the original owner, but she helped the original owner silently. She has always been a beautiful existence in the original owner's heart , but the person in front of her deprived that beautiful girl of her identity.

The saddest thing is that, except for Qi Wang, no one knows that the former Sun Xiaohua is no longer there. The real Sun Xiaohua only exists in Qi Wang's memory, and no one has ever remembered her existence.

After all, 'Sun Xiaohua' is still alive, isn't she? Everyone can still see her, hear her, feel everything about her, how can everyone believe that the girl is no longer there

Qi Wang's voice didn't have any ups and downs from the beginning to the end, but it was such a flat voice, but it turned into a sharp knife and pierced into Sun Xiaohua's heart fiercely. At this moment, she could only feel the overwhelming malice towards her Sweeping, she wanted to dodge, but her body was fixed in place by an unknown force, she couldn't dodge at all, and could only be forced to bear the malice.

In pain and desperation, Sun Xiaohua closed her eyes, tears rolled down her eyes, and said in her mouth: "Since you hate me so much, then you kill me, I can't live in this world for a day, you Kill me, I don't want to live anymore."

The truth that Sun Xiaohua didn't want to face was forcibly placed in front of her. No matter how she tried to avoid it, she couldn't escape. Every day she lived, she was bound by layers of shackles. In addition, she has lost hope of returning to her own world, so what's the point of her being alive

"just kill me."

If her death could undo the sins she committed, then she would rather use death in exchange for relief.

Sun Xiaohua closed her eyes and waited for a long time, but the expected pain did not come to her body, her consciousness was still clear, she didn't even feel anyone approaching her, Sun Xiaohua opened her eyes blankly, looked at still Qi Wang stood not far away.

"Since you hate me so much, why don't you kill me now that I want to kill you? Are you keeping me just to torture me with words? What's the point of that?"

Looking at the little girl who wanted to die, Qi Wang shook his head and said.

"I won't kill you."

"This world has experienced too many deaths and has been tortured by you for so long. This world is already on the verge of fragmentation. Every life is precious to this world, especially those of you from the higher planes. The existence that has entered our world is even more precious."

Speaking of this, Qi Huan chuckled lightly, and the expression on his face suddenly became weird. He looked Sun Xiaohua up and down, and said lightly: "Death is a kind of relief for you, but why do you think After killing billions of people in this world, can you use death as an easy way to escape the punishment you deserve?"

Sure enough, after Qi Wang finished speaking, Sun Xiaohua's expression suddenly changed. She held on to the tree trunk and struggled to stand up, but at this moment her body was so weak that she couldn't get up from the ground after struggling for a long time .

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

Qi Huang smiled and said: "I don't want to do anything, but I want you to not lose your precious life no matter what method you use before you pay for the sins you have committed."

This sentence fell like a curse, it was clearly words without any substance, but Sun Xiaohua felt that when Qi Huang spoke, an invisible rope tightly entangled her body.

She felt unspeakable pain coming from all parts of her body. Sun Xiaohua wanted to scream, but she couldn't make any sound from her mouth. The severe pain made her want to faint, but her body seemed to have her own As if she hadn't thought about it, she could only bear this pain while she was conscious.

When Sun Xiaohua came back to her senses, there was no sign of Qi Wang around, the sky had completely darkened, the street lights were turned on, and the neon lights on the billboards of the shops on the side of the road were also turned on one by one.

Next to it is a road with cars coming and going. As the night fell, those speeding vehicles turned on their lights, and the vehicles gathered together to form a long strip of lights. Sun Xiaohua probably felt that it was because she cried for too long. Everything seemed so grotesque, she remembered the last words Qi Wang said to her.

"No matter what method you use, you can't lose your precious life."

At this time, Sun Xiaohua took a step forward as if possessed by a demon, and not far away was a large truck speeding towards her. Sun Xiaohua didn't dodge or dodge, as if she was waiting for the truck to run over her body But at this moment, an arm stretched out from behind and pulled Sun Xiaohua who was standing on the road back.

Just after that person pulled Sun Xiaohua over, the big truck whizzed by in front of her, and the wind that blew across her cheeks like a knife cut, Sun Xiaohua was stunned, she turned around like a puppet. She turned her head to the man who had rescued her from under the truck wheels.

The person in front of her was her head teacher, and before Sun Xiaohua recovered, the head teacher reprimanded Sun Xiaohua.

"What the hell is going on with you kid? How did I teach you in school? Did I teach you to use crosswalks or flyovers when crossing the road, and to look left and right before crossing the road to make sure there are no vehicles on the road? Tongxing, what were you doing just now?"

"Why are you so courageous, kid? Do you know that if I almost missed you just now, you would be crushed into meatloaf by that truck!"

"Could it be that you were frightened and stupid?"

"You are talking, you."

Listening to the class teacher's reprimand, Sun Xiaohua's icy body slowly recovered some temperature. This world is so strange to her, and the teacher in front of her has become a little familiar now, and Sun Xiaohua suddenly jumped into it. In the arms of the head teacher, holding her waist, she burst into tears.

Originally, the head teacher was still reprimanding Sun Xiaohua, but unexpectedly, Sun Xiaohua threw herself into her arms and hugged her and started to cry. Frightened by the speeding car.

But thinking about it, she was really close to being hit by that car just now, and it's normal to feel scared.

"All right, all right, stop crying. The teacher didn't reprimand you on purpose. The teacher did it for your own good. Don't do such a dangerous thing next time."

"Forget it, seeing you crying like this, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to go home alone, the teacher will send you back today."

The head teacher coaxed Sun Xiaohua for a long time, but Sun Xiaohua might have been really scared by the scene just now. The head teacher coaxed her for a long time, but she still didn't want to stop crying.

In the end, the class teacher had no choice but to send Sun Xiaohua home.

After returning home, Sun Xiaohua's eyes were already swollen from crying. The head teacher told Xu Changying what happened before, but seeing Xu Changming's complexion was not good, she told Xu Changying to stop fussing with Sun Xiaohua.

"Mother Xiaohua, please don't reprimand Xiaohua anymore. She was also frightened. She cried all the way on the way back. You can see that her eyes are swollen. I'm afraid this child knows that he is wrong."

Xu Changying barely suppressed the irritability in her heart, smiled at the head teacher, thanked the head teacher kindly, and sent her out of the community. After returning home, Xu Changying's face suddenly pulled down, she looked at Sun Xiaohua, who was sitting on the sofa as if she had lost her soul, stretched out her finger and tapped her forehead vigorously.

"You girl, you forgot all the things I taught you before into the dog's belly, and ran to the main road in a daze. If you were hit by a car and killed, how would you let your mother and I live?"

However, Sun Xiaohua's brows were reddened by Xu Changying's poking, but she still didn't react at all, and just sat there blankly, looking like she was lost in the sky.

Seeing Sun Xiaohua like this, Xu Changying couldn't help feeling worried. She sat beside her daughter and asked her what was going on.

However, no matter Xu Changying asked in a good voice or loudly, Sun Xiaohua didn't respond at all from the beginning to the end.

Now Xu Changying couldn't help but also worried, afraid that her daughter would be really scared out of her mind by what happened today.

"Xiaohua, don't scare mom, if you don't speak again, mom will send you to the hospital."

Sun Xiaohua still didn't respond, Xu Changying really panicked now, she packed up some things casually, then hugged Sun Xiaohua, wanting to take her to the hospital to have a look.

However, when Xu Changying carried Sun Xiaohua downstairs, she suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing in front of her. Xu Changying was stunned for a moment, not caring about what to say to Qi Huang.

"Qi Wang, give way, Auntie is going to take Xiaohua to the hospital..."

"Aunt Xu, what's wrong with Xiaohua? She was fine just after school, why did she suddenly become like this?"

Qi Wang blocked Xu Changying's way, and then said: "Auntie, Xiaohua and I are good friends, if you let me say a few words to her, Xiaohua may get better."

At this time, Sun Changying obviously felt the body of the daughter she was holding in her arms trembled. She looked much better than she just looked like a wooden figure. It was good to have a reaction. Xu Changying thought it was because of Qi Huang, so she hurriedly moved her Sun Xiaohua put it down.

"Qi Wang, hurry up and talk to Xiaohua. This child seems to be frightened. She didn't speak or move after she came back. She didn't answer anything. You are the same age. See if you can let her talk. .”

Qi Wang looked at Sun Xiaohua who was standing there in a daze, and knew that the woman in front of her hadn't collapsed, she was just unwilling to face the reality, so she wanted to face everything with this negative attitude.

"Xiaohua, have you forgotten what you have done? Or are you just talking nonsense when you said you were wrong before, and you just want to escape punishment in this way, am I right?"

Qi Huan's voice was very soft, and with such a soft voice, he easily tore through the defense that Sun Xiaohua had just built for herself. Her eyes trembled violently, and she fell into a struggle.

"Aunt Xu is really worried about you. She is a good mother. Do you want your mother to worry about you? This is not what a good daughter should do. If it was Sun Xiaohua, she would not make her mother sad …”

Before Qi Wang finished speaking, Sun Xiaohua's defense line collapsed, she wailed, turned around and threw herself into Xu Changying's arms, with her arms tightly around her neck, crying in despair.

"I'm sorry mom, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong..."

Facing the crying daughter who suddenly broke down, Xu Changying didn't know what happened, but hearing her cry, Xu Changying felt her heart was broken. She hugged Sun Xiaohua tightly and comforted her constantly. .

"Okay, Xiao Hua, don't cry, no matter what happens to your mother, she will protect you."

"Little Hua, don't cry, don't cry..."

However, what Xu Changying didn't know was that every little flower she yelled would turn into a poisoned sharp blade and penetrate Sun Xiaohua's heart. She would be surrounded by these sharp blades all her life, and she would never be able to escape.

She stepped into this cage voluntarily. Since she admitted her mistakes, she has to pay for the mistakes she made.

At the end of the cry, Sun Xiaohua passed out as soon as she closed her eyes. Xu Changying was startled, and hurried home with her daughter in her arms. Qi Wang watched Xu Changying walk into the darkness with Sun Xiaohua's body in his arms. His eyes were drawn back.

He is not omnipotent, the real Sun Xiaohua is gone, all he can do is to let Xu Changying have the current Sun Xiaohua.