Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1387: Who is the great benefactor


Sun Ziyun's heart was filled with a deep sense of uneasiness. She was lying on the thorny haystack, but she never fell asleep. Thinking of the eyes that Qi Duan and Qi Feng looked at her just now, Sun Ziyun felt more and more uneasy. bigger.

At this moment, Sun Ziyin suddenly turned over, hugged Sun Ziyun, and muttered, "The steamed stuffed bun is delicious... I want to eat it..."

Sun Ziyun was startled, and hastily turned her head to look at the other side. Seeing that the siblings didn't respond, she was slightly relieved.

After fleeing for so long, Sun Ziyun's energy had reached its limit, and she closed her eyes and fell asleep at some point.

A long night passed, and the next morning, Sun Ziyun was awakened by Sun Ziyin's cry.

"Sister Yun, it's too bad, Qi Fan and Qi Feng are gone, did they leave us and leave?"

After hearing Sun Ziyin's voice, Sun Ziyun slowly opened her eyes. She had just woken up and her brain hadn't returned to normal operation. She looked at her younger sister who was talking to her anxiously, and couldn't react to what happened for a long time.

"Sister Yun, you didn't let me target the two of them before. Look at what they did? I knew they just disliked us as a burden. They would definitely run away if they had the chance. You see, they don't see us like that now. tracked."

Sun Ziyin said angrily that when she woke up in the morning and went out for convenience, she didn't notice that there was no one on the haystack beside her. The two disappeared, and Sun Ziyun was so angry that he didn't know what to do, so he woke Sun Ziyun up and wanted to ask her what to do.

"Sister Yun, those two people must have hidden money. That woman Qi Feng has a bad heart. How could she give us all the money? They must have deliberately found a reason to quarrel with us yesterday. , so that they can justly dump us."

The more Sun Ziyin spoke, the more angry she became, and the expression on her face became distorted. She grabbed a handful of hay and slammed it on the ground, then raised her voice.

"If I had known those two heartless people would leave us like this, I should have scolded them severely yesterday to relieve my anger."

Sun Ziyin said a lot angrily, and at this time Sun Ziyun finally came to her senses and understood why her sister lost her temper so much. She rubbed the center of her brows, looked at the empty haystacks beside her, with a serious expression on her face. Her expression was not very good-looking, but she still said patiently.

"Xiao Si, please don't misunderstand Sister Feng and Brother Ah Wang. Maybe the two of them have gone to work in the city, or Sister Feng has figured it out. Maybe she wants to exchange money for us to go back to Jizhou City."

Although Sun Ziyun also felt that this possibility was not great, but at this moment, besides convincing herself to believe this reason, what else could she do

Sun Ziyin sneered coldly and said, "Exchange us for the silver in Jizhou City? Sister Yun, it's not that I speak harshly. Do you think that Sister Feng is like you, and can do anything for us? Obviously, my family has fallen. But she still pretends to be Miss Qianjin, I feel like throwing up when I see her like that."

"Okay, stop talking, what's the point of saying this now?"

As Sun Ziyun said, he touched Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu's foreheads to confirm that the temperature on their foreheads had returned to normal, and Sun Ziyun breathed a sigh of relief just now.

"I believe Sister Feng and Brother Ah Wang are not the kind of wolf-hearted people. They must have gone out to make money, and they will come back later."

Sun Ziyun said firmly, firmly believing that those two people would not leave the four of them behind.

If they wanted to abandon the four siblings, they would have had countless opportunities to abandon them before, but during this month, those two have been leading them to flee, and their personalities should be Won't leave them alone.

As for whether Qi Feng sold himself... At this time, Sun Ziyun was not sure.

If there hadn't been a conversation between herself and the siblings yesterday, she believed that with Qi Feng's personality, she would definitely be able to sell herself for silver and let them go on the road.

After all, these people are now at the end of the mountain, and the siblings are so hungry and sick that they can't survive at all. In order to keep them alive, so that they can rush to Jizhou City as soon as possible, Qi Feng will definitely choose to sell them. I exchanged it for silver taels by myself.

But yesterday Qi Huang first stopped Qi Feng from selling her body, and told Qi Feng so much at night, what did Qi Feng think

Sun Ziyun bit her lip, with a struggling look on her face, she didn't realize how weird the expression on her face was at this moment.

Seeing her sister in this state, Sun Ziyin couldn't help reaching out and tugging at her arm, and asked with concern.

"Sister Yun, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Do you want to see a doctor?"

Listening to Sun Ziyin's concerned words, Sun Ziyun came back to her senses, she shook her head towards her sister, and said softly: "Don't waste money, my body is fine, just rest for a while and I'll be fine."

Obviously Sun Ziyun was in a lot of pain, but in order to save money, even the doctor didn't dare to look at it. The family is still in good shape, they are still the sons and daughters of the Sun family, living a life of rich clothes and good food, how is it like now, every copper coin wants to be broken into two halves

"Sister Yun, the two of them treated us so badly. Will they speak for us when we arrive in Jizhou City? Will uncle and aunt accept us?"

Don't look at Sun Ziyin's usual fangs and claws, but in fact it is just her disguise. The little girl's heart is filled with deep anxiety and fear. Thinking of the days that she will live under the fence after she comes to Qi's family in the future, Sun Ziyin feels uncomfortable all over her body.

As she spoke, tears came out of her voice: "Sister Yun, I'm really scared..."

Sun Ziyun felt terribly uncomfortable seeing her normally delicate younger sister become like this. She stretched out her hand and pulled her younger sister into her arms, hugged her and patted her back gently, and said softly.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaosi. Auntie is a very gentle person. She loves us the most and will definitely treat us well."

As for his uncle, Sun Ziyun was not worried that he would treat them badly.

Qi Shengkun is a kind person, he loves their aunt Liu Xiyu very much, he is also very good to them children, after knowing what happened to them, he will only feel sorry for them, and will not do anything to them.

What's more, the Qi family has a big business, so a wealthy family does not lack the money they spend. Even if it is for the sake of face and to make it sound good, the Qi family must treat them well.

But Sun Ziyun didn't tell Sun Ziyin about these things in detail, just let her feel at ease.

Soon Sun Zixun and Sun Ziyu also woke up. After recovering from their illness, their appetites were much better than before. After waking up, they yelled that they were hungry.

"Sister Yun, we are hungry. The steamed stuffed buns were delicious last night. Didn't you say that there are some left over for us for breakfast?"

Seeing the two younger brothers looking at her eagerly, Sun Ziyun's heart almost softened. She sighed, rubbed the hair of the two younger brothers, told them to wait here, and walked out quickly.

After arriving outside, Sun Ziyun looked around and found no one, so she walked quickly to a tree, then picked up a branch from the side and dug it up on the ground. Her movements were very fast, and it didn't take long Then she dug a small hole, and then she took out the things buried in last night.

There were four buns buried inside. The buns were tightly wrapped with oil paper so that they would not be soiled by the soil. Sun Ziyun went to the stream to wash his hands, and then returned with four buns.

The cold steamed stuffed buns were not as tasty as when they were just out of the oven yesterday, but they were much better than those straw-rooted taro. The two younger brothers devoured the steamed stuffed buns and quickly ate up all the steamed stuffed buns in their hands, but they were also very hungry. Sensible, even if he was still hungry after eating the steamed stuffed bun, he didn't ask Sun Ziyun and Sun Ziyin for it.

Sun Ziyun and Sun Ziyin's appetites were not very good, they only ate ordinary buns, and gave the remaining half to their two younger brothers.

After eating the buns, they looked at Sun Ziyun and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yun, can we still go into the city today?"

If Sister Yun took them into the city, they would definitely be able to eat delicious steamed buns. If they stayed here and waited for Qi Feng to come back, they would at most be able to eat some dry pancakes.

In the past when they were in the Sun family, as the young masters of the Sun family, although the two of them ate not delicacies, they were also delicacies carefully cooked by the cook. Eating steamed buns would be regarded as wronging them, not to mention the unpalatable food. of rough cakes.

The two little guys don't want to eat rough pancakes anymore.

Looking at the appearance of her two younger brothers, how could Sun Ziyun not feel distressed? But the money in her hand is limited, and every penny she spends is one penny less, and she has to guard against possible accidents in the future, so she must not spend it carelessly.

"I'm sorry, I'm all sisters. It's useless and I can't take good care of you. I'm sorry..."

As Sun Ziyun spoke, tears flowed down his face, looking sad because he couldn't satisfy his younger brother.

Seeing this, Sun Zixun and Sun Ziyu didn't dare to mention the matter of going to the city to eat, and hurriedly comforted Sun Ziyun.

"Sister, we can bear it, sister, don't feel bad."

"Sister, we said the wrong thing, sister, don't blame us..."

Sun Ziyun hugged the two younger brothers in his arms, and the tears flowed even more fiercely.

"I'm sorry, my sister has wronged you now, but my sister promises that as long as life gets easier, she will give you whatever you want, and she will definitely protect you."

The four siblings hugged each other, looking pitifully dependent on each other.

However, at this moment, Qi Wang and Qi Feng have already entered Zhangzhou City.

After talking with Qi Wang last night, Qi Feng felt that the shackles that had been tied to her body had fallen off. She had always felt that the Sun family's extermination had an inescapable relationship with her, and it was all because of herself, so The Sun family will be gone, so no matter how noisy the four Sun family siblings are, how bad their words are, Qi Feng endured it and treated them doubly well. At that time, she just wanted to make up for the mistakes she made. Where would you think that the Sun family is going too far

In the past month or so, Qi Feng had nightmares every night. In his dreams, the bloody faces of those from the Sun family, his uncle, aunt, and familiar servants kept flashing in front of him. Let yourself pay for it, saying that she killed them.

He couldn't rest well every night, and during the day he had to try his best to earn money to support the lives of the few of them. Qi Feng's spirit was already tense to the extreme. If it wasn't for the belief that he wanted to bring his younger siblings back to Jizhou City to support her, She had already fallen down.

After being untied by Qi Wang last night, the nightmare dissipated, and Qi Feng had a rare good night's sleep. When he woke up in the morning, he still had a very unreal feeling.

She will still take care of the four siblings, but now she no longer has the mentality of atonement as in the past, and just simply takes care of them.

"It's not easy to do part-time jobs. Generally, you can find part-time workers in restaurants, and sometimes you can get jobs in Xiulou, but Xiulou requires a deposit. We are penniless now, and there is no way to do the work of Xiulou. , why not go to the restaurant to try your luck."

It's not so easy to find short-term workers. In addition, the two of them are now in tatters, and the clothes they wear look very shabby. It looks like they are from poor families. Generally, people who are looking for workers in restaurants will not choose them. , so the two wandered around Zhangzhou City for a long time, but they still couldn't find a suitable job.

Qi Feng was so hungry that his stomach was rumbling, but he still pretended to be okay. Seeing this, Qi Wang couldn't help but spend two copper coins to buy a bun from the vendor and handed it to Qi Feng.

The twenty copper coins on Qi Wang's body were the money he sold for the fish he caught from the stream. This was the only property they had left, and Qi Feng was reluctant to spend it. Seeing that Qi Wang did not hesitate to spend money to buy it for himself Baozi, Qi Feng's heart ached to death.

"Ah Wan, sister is not hungry, you don't have to buy buns for me."

Qi Wang looked at Qi Feng who was so thin that he could blow it away in a gust of wind, and couldn't help but push the bun that the other party stuffed into his hand.

"Sister, as a girl, you have to take good care of your body. During this period of time, your body has suffered a lot. If you get sick, you will have to spend a lot of money to see a doctor... You eat buns to make up for it."

"Besides, I've already bought the buns. Even if you take them back, they won't give you the copper coins. You'd better eat them."

When Qi Feng saw this, she didn't say anything else, but she still broke the bun into two pieces, one big and one small, and she only ate the part with the skin on, and gave the rest with the stuffing to Qi Huang.

"Ah Wan, you don't have a big appetite for eating your sister, so you can eat just a little... Oh, what are you doing, Ah Wan?"

I saw that Qi Wang didn't pick up the stuffed buns, but quickly took the small strand of bun skin in Qi Feng's other hand and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You are my sister, and it is my responsibility to take care of you. You can eat quickly. I can eat this."

It was as if a piece of cotton was stuck in Qi Feng's throat. She looked at Qi Wang with tears in her eyes, and silently ate the bun in her hand. It was given to her by her younger brother, and she could not live up to his kindness.

Qi Feng really doesn't have a big appetite. After eating such a piece of steamed stuffed bun, it has already filled her stomach. The burning stomach has been soothed by food, and she finally feels much more comfortable, and her slightly frowning brows relaxed.

After eating the buns, the two continued to look for jobs, and finally Qi Wang found a job as a handyman at the dockā€”in fact, according to Qi Wang's own skills, he has countless ways to make money, and he can earn hundreds of dollars in minutes. Two silvers, but the crux of the problem is that he is now Qi Feng's younger brother, Qi Wang. The two grew up together. No one knows how much his younger brother weighs. It doesn't belong to the ability that the original owner should have, how can I explain it to Qi Feng

Although Ligong's work was hard, Qi Wang worked non-stop throughout the afternoon, and when it was over, he received fifty Wen, which was the money he earned after a busy afternoon. .

Qi Feng looked at his brother who was sweating profusely, and his heart ached to death: "Fang, don't do it tomorrow, you can't bear this kind of suffering."

My younger brother has never done this kind of work, even if he was said to be disrespectful at most when he was sent to the fence, but he has never suffered physical pain. How much her heart ached when he was in a big sack.

Qi Feng would rather work harder than himself, and he doesn't want his younger brother to suffer like this.

Looking at Qi Feng with red eyes, Qi Huang smiled, and said warmly: "Okay sister, these jobs are nothing to me at all, your brother and I have a lot of strength, it's just hard work, what can I do?" Do what I can do."

Qi Feng was still distressed, and kept muttering, not wanting Qi Wang to do such hard work again.

"Okay, okay, I'm not joking with you. I don't have to do this job tomorrow. I just heard from the owner of the dock that there will be a boat to Jizhou City tomorrow. We can go to Jizhou City by boat."

"Are you willing to let us take a boat?"

Qi Feng felt that everything was like a dream, she looked at Qi Duan with wide eyes, and murmured a question.

You must know that if you take a boat from Zhangzhou City to Jizhou City, you need two coins for one person. The copper plates on their bodies now add up to only sixty-eight coins, which is not enough for even one person. Would you like to let them take a boat

"No, we don't have money, how can they let us go by boat?"

Qi Huang smiled and replied: "The owner of the shop I moved just now is in the fabric business, and he wants to sell fabrics to Jizhou City recently."

Qi's family has a big business, and there are several clothing shops in the family. Qi falsely said that he can accept the other party's fabrics, and if his fabrics are of good quality, the business can go on for a long time.

Qi Feng still felt a little unbelievable: "The boss believes your words?"

They were thieves before, and all the things that could prove their tokens were lost. If it weren't for this, they wouldn't be in such a mess as they are now.