Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1391: Who is the great benefactor


"My lord, my subordinates did not find the person you mentioned, maybe she is not in Jizhou City."

Just as Young Master Jin Yi was looking down at the jade pendant in his hand, a man in black came in from outside the courtyard without a sound. He knelt down on one knee and reported to Young Master Jin Yi.

The young master who was called the prince frowned slightly, and the hand holding the jade pendant couldn't help but tighten.

More than a month ago, King Qinghe was attacked by bandits in Yuzhou City. At that time, he had few guards. Those guards were killed by bandits to protect him, and King Qinghe fell down accidentally after being hacked by bandits. Cliff, Dang even passed out in a coma.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying in a woodshed, and the wound on his body had been bandaged, but maybe it was because he injured his head when he fell from the mountain. King Qinghe saw Everything was blurred, and he could only see an outline of everything, and the rest could not be seen clearly.

He didn't know who he was saved by, and he was always on guard, and he was afraid that the person who saved him was also with the person who hurt him, so he didn't dare to slack off in the slightest.

Later, a woman in Tsing Yi would often come to bring him water and food. At first, King Qinghe was on guard against her, fearing that she might have evil intentions, but the other party was gentle and didn't ask much. This young woman is dumb, and the woman in Tsing Yi took good care of King Qinghe, and his guard was slowly relaxed, and King Qinghe's injury gradually improved under the care of the other party.

But it was probably because there was no doctor to diagnose and treat him, so his eyes were always blurry, and the young woman seldom spoke to him, and came to take care of him like a routine task every day. King Qinghe asked her many times, but the other party never told him his name.

And the more the other party doesn't say anything, the more King Qinghe cares about it. You must know that because of being noble, all the women that King Qinghe has met, would not want to show their gentleness and virtuousness in front of him as long as they met him. Submissive, and as if afraid that King Qinghe would not know who they were, each wished to put their names on top of their heads, hoping that King Qinghe would take a fancy to them, even if he could not be Mrs. Wang, if he could enter his backyard, he would be able to reach the sky in one step up.

But the young woman didn't say anything to him, as if she treated him like an ordinary person.

This kind of experience is very new to King Qinghe. After all, his status and status are different. Even if the other party doesn't know who he is, his clothes are far from what ordinary people can compare, and his appearance is even more outstanding. Everyone knew that he was not an ordinary person, but this young woman never asked his identity from the beginning to the end, and the other party was also very careful, never accidentally revealing her identity in front of him, which made King Qinghe's affection for the woman on the rise.

At that time, King Qinghe was still thinking that if his eyes could return to normal, he would be able to see what the other person looked like. As long as he knew her appearance, it would be easy to find her.

After several trials, he still didn't know the other party's name. In the end, King Qinghe had no choice but to secretly pull off the jade pendant on the other party's body, and then replaced the other party's jade pendant with the jade pendant he carried with him. The worn jade pendants are somewhat similar, but they are quite different upon closer inspection.

King Qinghe thought that it would be okay if the young woman didn't want to tell him her identity all the time, as long as he could recognize her with this jade pendant in the future.

However, just when King Qinghe was expecting his eyes to heal and he could see the other person's face, the young woman suddenly rushed to the chaifang and said that she was going to leave here and return to Jizhou City.

"Young master, I probably won't be able to come over to take care of you in the future. I can see that your body should have almost recovered. After I leave, you can go to the temple to seek help from the masters. I can't help you anymore. Help you."

This was the first time that the other party spoke such a long word. Seeing that the farewell was imminent, King Qinghe wanted the other party to tell him his name, but until this time the young woman still refused to say her name.

"Young master, the two of us just met by chance. After this farewell, I'm afraid we will never have the chance to meet again in this lifetime. I didn't save you back then because I wanted something in return. Let's just say goodbye."

In the end, the young woman still didn't tell him her identity, and left in such a hurry.

At first, King Qinghe thought that the other party might come back, but when she waited until night, she still didn't come back. King Qinghe could only grope for help from the monks in the temple.

After some twists and turns, King Qinghe's subordinates finally found him, and after the doctor's diagnosis and treatment, his eyes were restored.

At this time, King Qinghe also knew that the place where he lived was the firewood room provided by the temple near the residence of pilgrims. During that time, there were many pilgrims living in the temple, so he couldn't find out who the woman was at all.

King Qinghe only knew that the other party was going to Jizhou City, and he didn't know anything about the rest. After his injury was healed, he rushed to Jizhou City as fast as he could, but Qinghe didn't know anything about the other party's identity. I don't know, I only know that it is a very young woman, she is not yet married, and has a gentle temperament, but he doesn't know what she looks like, where her family is, how big this Jizhou city is, and he wants to be in this huge Jizhou city. Finding a woman who doesn't know what she looks like is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

The subordinates sent by King Qinghe searched for nearly half a month, but still had no clue, and he, Pan Heng, had been in Jizhou City for half a month, so he couldn't stay here any longer.

"My lord, the capital is still waiting for you to go. The emperor's birthday is coming soon. If you don't leave, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it in time."

King Qinghe set off for the capital from his own fief at that time. Because he was afraid that something would happen on the way and delay the time, he set off half a year in advance, so he would have two months to prepare when he arrived in the capital.

But no one thought that King Qinghe would be attacked in Yuzhou City, and he had been delayed for a month in Yuzhou City for recuperation, and he had been delayed for half a month after arriving in Jizhou City. At first they rushed to the capital, and there was only half a month of preparation time left when they reached the ground.

The subordinates don't know why King Qinghe insists on looking for the woman whose appearance and name are unknown, but compared with finding the woman, the emperor's birthday banquet is more important. If King Qinghe goes late, I am afraid that other ministers will Impeach.

Qinghe Dynasty waved his hand at the other party, signaling his subordinate to retreat, that subordinate didn't dare to say anything more, and retreated silently, leaving only King Qinghe in the huge courtyard, he sat on the stone bench, and Taking out the jade pendant from the woman in green, he fumbled for the pendant lightly, and the voice of the woman in green seemed to come from his ear.

The other woman was completely different from the woman he had ever seen, and she saved his own life, which made King Qinghe's feelings for her very complicated. He actually didn't know why he was so persistent in finding her, but if he couldn't see her all the time, If that woman said it, he would feel as if there was an empty piece in his heart.

"Who the hell are you? Why didn't you want to tell me your name?"

King Qinghe said something in a low voice, and held the piece of jade in his hand, then he closed his eyes and let out a long breath of foul air.

What the subordinate said is right, he has wasted too much time on the road, if he fails to arrive at the capital before the birthday banquet starts, he will be guilty of disrespect, even if he is the son of the emperor, he will be punished .

It seems that this time he has no way to find the other party. King Qinghe is not the kind of sticky person. After confirming that there is no way to find someone for the time being, he immediately ordered to go down and set off for the capital.

Anyway, Jizhou City is here. If he can't find it this time, he can continue to look for it after the birthday banquet is over. Since the woman said that she is going to Jizhou City, as long as he looks here patiently, he will definitely find it. The opponent's.

No matter whether he went to heaven or earth, he always wanted to find that woman. The existence of the other party had become King Qinghe's obsession. He must take a good look at what that woman looked like.


"Sister, are you okay?"

Qi Feng is a standard landlubber, this is the first time for her to travel by boat, and the cabin that Boss Cai arranged for them is not good, the cabin is small and dark, and there are bursts of indescribable smell inside, which makes Qi Feng feel very uncomfortable Comfortable.

After getting on the boat, Qi Feng didn't eat much, but even so, she was still nauseated by the wobbly boat.

Qi Feng had retched just now, and now she was lying on the bed weakly, after hearing Qi Wang's words, she raised her head reluctantly, and showed a weak smile towards Qi Wang.

"Wan, I'm fine, it's just that I'm not used to being on the boat just now, I'll get used to it after a while."

But even so, with the slight sway of the boat, Qi Feng's face turned pale again, and then he lay on the bedside and retched, Qi Huang lightly patted Qi Feng's back, calmly Gently pressed a few acupuncture points on her body.

It's just that Qi Feng's physique is too poor, plus she has been working hard for more than a month, and her body is much worse than before. How can Qi Huang press a few acupuncture points to make her get better

After retching for a while, Qi Feng's body was tense to the extreme, she closed her eyes and soon fell into a drowsy sleep, Qi Huang pulled the quilt aside to cover Qi Feng, looking at the sleeping Qi Qi Huang sighed, pushed open the hatch and walked out.

Qi Wang's room is next to Qi Feng's, and the layout of his room is similar to that of Qi Feng's room, except for a bed, there is nothing else.

In fact, this is not to say that Boss Cai deliberately treated the two of them harshly, it is because they are on a merchant ship, and the rooms on the merchant ship are similar, even Boss Cai’s room is just one more table than theirs. Just a few stools.

Qi Wang's ability to adapt is very strong, such a little sway of the merchant ship is nothing to him, Qi Wang quickly walked to the deck and looked into the distance.

They had been driving on the river for a day, and the orange-red sunset reflected on the sky, dyeing the distant sky orange.

Qi Wang stood in the twilight, and even his body seemed to be dyed with a faint orange light.

At this moment, footsteps came from behind him, Qi Wang looked back and saw the chubby Boss Cai walking towards him with a smile.

"Mr. Qi, this should be your first time on a boat. Your adaptability is very good, unlike your sister..."

While talking, Boss Cai paused for a moment, and then continued: "I didn't think carefully. I just asked the boatman to make some motion sickness medicine. You can give it to Miss Qi later. Seasickness is not a pleasant thing."

Qi Wang thanked generously: "Thank you, Boss Cai, for your kindness. I'm here to thank you for my sister."

Boss Cai waved his hand and said, "It's just a little effort, it's okay."

As he spoke, Boss Cai showed a look of hesitation on his face. After pondering for a moment, he still couldn't hold back and asked his doubts.

"Mr. Qi, the Qi family is also a big family in Jizhou City. I don't know what happened to you and Ms. Qi? How did you end up in this situation?"

Boss Cai is really curious about this point. You must know that although Qi Wang's speech is not like ordinary people, there are thousands of liars in this world, and there are not no liars who can pretend to be your son.

A small trader like him has never dealt with the Qi family before. You must know that the Qi family is an imperial businessman. How could the young lady of the Qi family be reduced to running away like a beggar? This is ridiculous no matter how you look at it, that's why Boss Cai asked this question.

Qi Wang sighed, and said slowly: "I didn't want to mention this matter at first, since Boss Cai asked, I will tell Boss Cai why we are doing this."

How Qi Wang and Qi Feng went to Yuzhou City at the beginning, Qi Wang did not say, but said that they went to visit their aunt's house, and the aunt's house was unfortunately destroyed by bandits, and they escaped by chance, but the bandits chased after them Reluctant to give up, they had no choice but to escape in a hurry.

"We have never experienced these things before, so naturally we have no experience. When we fled, our silver and valuables were all stolen by thieves..."

Without silver and money, the servants were naturally unwilling to follow them, fearing that the bandits would kill them with them, so the servants abandoned them while they were sleeping.

Boss Cai sighed after hearing what Qi Wang said.

"In that case, why don't you find someone to send a message to your family, so that someone at home will come to pick you up."

Nothing happened to the Qi family, so they could find someone to send a message to the Qi family, and then wait in place for someone from the Qi family to pick them up. Why did they rush to Jizhou City on their own two legs as if they were fleeing famine

Want to know how far it is from Yuzhou City to Jizhou City? Even taking a horse-drawn carriage will take a month to complete. They walk on two legs. Will this go to the Year of the Monkey

In fact, there is a reason why they didn't find anyone to take the message back. After all, when the Qi family couple sent Qi Fan and Qi Feng out, they made the matter very serious and made it clear that if they didn't send someone to pick them up If so, it means that the matter of the Qi family has not been resolved.

"You two, sister and brother, are obedient and obedient at your aunt's house. Don't cause trouble. We will send someone to pick you up until the matter on our side is resolved."

It took them more than half a year to go. At first, the Qi family and his wife would write letters, but then there was no correspondence. The Sun family in Yuzhou City did not know what happened to the Qi family, but only guessed. The situation may be a bit unfavorable. After all, it is indeed a great honor to be an imperial merchant and do things for the royal family, but if something goes wrong, the whole family will be implicated.

It is precisely because of this speculation, and the lack of news from the Qi family and his wife, that the Sun family suspects that the Qi family is about to fall, so their attitudes towards Qi Huang and Qi Feng are gradually changing. Worse.

For various reasons, they couldn't contact the Qi family, and they were afraid that they would cause some trouble to their parents.

As for Qi Wang and Qi Feng, the siblings have always been pampered and brought up in the past, they have never encountered these things, how can they know how to deal with them? It is already very good that they can take the four sluggish white-eyed wolves of the Sun family all the way to Zhangzhou City by their own abilities.

In fact, Qi Wang took the risk of rushing to Jizhou City with Qi Feng because he knew that the Qi family had overcome the difficulties and nothing happened at this time, otherwise he might choose other ways to go back.

"Boss Cai, I'm not very old, and I haven't experienced anything before, so how do I know about it? This time I dared to find Boss Cai, because Boss Cai has a kind face, and he looks like a person who has accumulated virtue and done good deeds. If it were someone else You may not believe my words, so how can you take us back?"

After a pause, Qi Wang continued: "What's more, even if the other party believes the identities of me and my sister, the Qi family can be regarded as a respectable family in Jizhou City. Wouldn't we be more dangerous then?"

Qi Wang complimented Boss Cai calmly, and the chubby Boss Cai suddenly burst into a smile when he heard what Qi Wang said. He raised his hand and patted Qi Wang's shoulder vigorously, smiling. Hehe said.

"Mr. Qi, you are too self-effacing. Apart from other things, your ability to know people is still very good."

"Where is there, where is my ability to know people better than Boss Cai?"

After some business bragging, Boss Cai finally let go of his guard against Qi Wang. It seems that he has believed Qi Wang's words, and his attitude towards him is much more intimate than before.

You must know that Qi Wang is likely to be the future owner of the Qi family, and if you have a good relationship with him, with this good relationship, why can't you worry about your own business in the future

While the two were talking, the sky darkened, and at this time the merchant ship had already sailed into a reed swathe, and not long before passing through this reed shoal was the ferry of Lin'an County.

This piece of reeds stretches as far as the eye can see, and the black reeds are connected together, which looks like a cloud of clouds.

Qi Wang stood at the bow of the boat, and suddenly heard some small voices, as if something was passing through the water.

"Boss Cai, there is something underwater."