Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1394: Who is the great benefactor


Qi Wang's words had brought Liu Xiyu's dislike towards the Sun family to the climax, and what Qi Wang wanted to say next was the key point.

"We originally wanted to bring the Sun family siblings back to Jizhou City, but when we returned to the cave, we heard the conversation between the Sun family siblings."

Seeing what Qi Wang said, Qi Feng couldn't help being stunned for a moment. She subconsciously looked at Qi Wang with a look of confusion in her eyes. She remembered that Qi Wang had no intention of bringing the four Sun family siblings with her at the beginning. Back together, why did you suddenly change your mind

Although he had doubts in his heart, Qi Feng knew that Qi Huang always had a method in doing things, so he didn't interrupt him.

Qi Wang continued: "It was only at that time that we realized that we were not penniless. It turned out that the four members of the Sun family had always had money in their hands."

"They probably sincerely believed that it was because of the two of us that the Sun family was destroyed, so even though my sister and I have worked hard to make money and come back, they never told us that they have money in their hands."

Obviously they had money in their hands, and obviously the money was enough for all of them to fill their stomachs, but the four siblings of the Sun family still watched them do things they hadn't done before in order to make money.

"When my sister and I go out to make money, they will sneak out and buy things with money to fill our stomachs. I think this is why we all often eat and eat, but they are always white and tender. My sister and I The reason for being skinny."

Having said that, Liu Xiyu's face turned pale with anger, as if she wanted to eat the Sun family's siblings alive, but what Qi Wang said next was the fatal blow to Liu Xiyu, making her clearly realize that How the four of the Sun family's siblings are so wolf-hearted.

"Until the time my sister and I left, they still had enough money in their hands. The money could completely cure the two men of the Sun family, but they still refused to use the money."

"Probably they really hated and poisoned my sister, that's why they want her to be enslaved, and they want to destroy her life..."

Speaking of this, Qi Wang suddenly added another sentence: "And I heard that what the family wants to buy is not a slave at all, what they want is a concubine..."

Qi Wang didn't make it up, what he said was the truth, at the beginning Qi Feng thought that he sold himself to that family to be a slave, but in fact they deceived Qi Feng, what the family wanted was a concubine.

Even if because of Qi Wang's existence, that kind of bad thing won't happen, Qi Wang also wanted Liu Xiyu to know that Qi Feng didn't almost become a slave, but almost became a concubine who could be slaughtered.

And the culprit who caused all this was the four siblings of the Sun family.

They obviously have money in their hands, and they can use the money to buy food and treat the two men's illnesses, but they have concealed the fact that they have money, and just watched Qi Feng go Sell yourself cheap.

There is no way to forgive this kind of evil. They knew what would happen to Qi Feng if he betrayed himself, but they still did it, so Qi Wang didn't mind telling the evil things they did.

After all, those four people are the flesh and blood of Liu Xiyue's younger sister. After all, the Sun family was destroyed and the four of them became orphans. What if Liu Xiyu still loves them as much as the original plot

Qi Wang must prevent such a bad situation from happening.

After hearing these things, Liu Xiyu's face was like the bottom of a pot at this time, her teeth were creaking, and her pretty face was almost distorted.

"How could they do this? Feng'er is their direct cousin, how could they treat her like this?"

Seeing Liu Xiyu trembling with anger, Qi Feng quickly hugged his mother: "Mother, my daughter is fine, their plan didn't work... Isn't my daughter in front of you? Don't be angry, your body will be ruined by anger." It’s not worth it, it’s not worth being angry for people like them... "

Said, Qi Feng glared at Qi Huang, motioning him to say something to appease Liu Xiyu.

Qi Huan sighed, and said softly: "Mother, in fact, if you stand on the standpoint of the four members of the Sun family, they might still think that they are avenging their parents... After all, they think it is because of their sister that the Sun family was killed. After killing the door, they just asked my sister to be someone else's concubine, which is already exaggerating... "

"Ah, stop talking!"

Seeing that instead of comforting Liu Xiyu, Qi Wangfei said these words to provoke her, Qi Feng glared at his younger brother and raised his voice to stop her from speaking.

Qi Huang sighed, and said quietly: "Sister, don't let me say these things to irritate my mother, but have you ever thought that the Sun family brothers and sisters have money in their hands, maybe they can come to Jizhou city directly by boat, When the time comes when they are really going to Jizhou City, the four siblings will kneel at the door of our house and say that you have ruined the whole family of the Sun family, do you still want your reputation?"

The four members of the Sun family have no bottom line in their actions, so we have to guard against it. Although Qi Wang said it to Qi Feng, he was actually reminding Liu Xiyu.

"Sister, have you ever thought that my uncle also has brothers in Yuzhou City, why did the four of them follow us all the way to this Jizhou City? I'm afraid they want to destroy our whole family, so that they can save us." Their parents take revenge..."

In fact, in the original plot, the whole family of the Qi family was indeed dead. At least four siblings remained in the Sun family. With them, the blood of the Sun family can still continue, but the Qi family is dead. Everything was clean, and the century-old foundation of the Qi family also collapsed.

If it is said that there is no handwriting of the Sun family, Qi Huang will not believe it.

He was not exaggerating, but told the mother and daughter what would happen in the future, and let them know clearly that the four Sun family siblings had no good intentions to follow them to Jizhou City.

Qi Feng's complexion turned pale, and he wanted to speak up to argue, but he couldn't utter those words anyway. What the four Sun family siblings did was clearly laid out there, even if she wanted to speak for them, she couldn't help it .

She looked at Liu Xiyu uneasily, and stretched out her hand to hold Liu Xiyu's hand tightly: "Mother, are you alright?"

The words Qi Wang said brought a lot of information, which indeed caused a great impact on Liu Xiyu, but after all, she has been sitting in the position of Qi's mistress for such a long time, Liu Xiyu's ability to bear it is much stronger than Qi Feng is much stronger.

"Mother is fine, don't worry."

Liu Xiyu's complexion was pale, but there was a look of determination between her brows, she let out a long breath of foul air, and raised her eyes to look at Qi Huang who was sitting opposite.

Compared with her own daughter, Qi Huang's son seems to have changed a little bit more. At a certain moment, Liu Xiyu even felt that the boy in front of her was no longer her son. Like a stranger who has nothing to do with him except his face.

A system notification sounded in Qi Wang's ear, and at the same time, he also felt the world's rejection of him. Obviously, during the short time that the two of them got together for less than half an hour, Liu Xiyu's love for him had already been made. Doubts about his own identity.

Every mother who loves her child deeply knows her child very well, no matter how similar Qi Wang plays, it is normal for Liu Xiyu to suspect that she is not the original owner.

"Mom, do you think that your son is too cold now, that he doesn't look like the good son in your heart anymore? I don't think anyone who has gone through what his son has experienced can't change into the same simple."

"When I saw my sister washing clothes so that we could have enough to eat, and when I saw my sister wanting to sell herself as a slave so that we could go home as soon as possible, I felt that I was too cowardly and insignificant. If I'm strong enough, then my sister won't have to bear this."

"Mother, my son is no longer the son he used to be."

Looking at her younger brother's childish face, Qi Feng couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Qi Wang's hand. She looked up at her mother and said in a hoarse voice.

"Mother, in fact, Ah Wan has done a lot of things, and he is also trying his best to protect me. If it weren't for Ah Wan this time, we would have no way to return to Jizhou City so soon, and my daughter might have sold herself foolishly. "

Seeing Qi Feng defending Qi Wang so much, Liu Xiyu's doubts about Qi Wang dissipated a lot, and at the same time, she also felt that her suspicion just now was a bit absurd.

Just because her son has become calmer and more mature than before, does she have to suspect that this son is not her child

How many hardships the two of them have suffered to become what they are now, in the final analysis, it is because she has not fulfilled the responsibility of being a mother, and she has not protected her children well.

"It's all mother's fault, it's mother who is sorry for you."

Inside the carriage, Liu Xiyu didn't have as many scruples as she did outside. She reached out and took her two children into her arms.

"Don't worry, from now on, mother will definitely protect the two of you, and mother will never let anyone hurt you again."

The two siblings nestled in their mother's arms, and neither of them spoke again.

The carriage quickly carried the group of people back to Qi's mansion. Qi Wang and Qi Feng went back to their yard to wash and change into clean clothes. When they arrived at the hospital, Qi Shengkun had already rushed back.

"Ah, Feng'er..."

Qi Shengkun took the two children into his arms one by one in each hand, the corners of his eyes were a little moist, and he tried his best not to let himself cry.

What Qi Shengkun didn't tell his wife before was that the subordinates sent to Yuzhou City sent news that the two brothers and sisters could not be found. At that time, his heart was cold. But he dared not tell Liu Xiyu these doubts, fearing that she would not be able to bear any more accidents.

Good thing they're both back now...

The two sons and daughters had to come back in full, Qi Shengkun waved his hand, set up a table of good wine and food in the kitchen, and distributed a month's worth of money to the servants of the entire Qi family to celebrate the safe return of the two siblings.

However, Qi Duan and Qi Feng came back hungry and full after fleeing all the way, their appetites had already been hurt, and they couldn't eat anything from the big fish and meat they brought up, so they could only eat some light porridge and pastries to fill their stomachs abdomen.

Seeing them like this, the husband and wife were even more distressed, so they immediately called a doctor to treat the siblings.

Fortunately, the results of the diagnosis and treatment were not that bad. The doctor only said that the two siblings had a weak spleen and stomach and needed to be recuperated. Other than that, there was nothing serious.

After getting the doctor's words, the Qi family and his wife finally felt at ease. After what happened before, they didn't ask for anything. They only hoped that their children would be well, that's all, and the rest was not important.

After dinner, Qi Wang and Qi Feng returned to their courtyard to rest, and Liu Xiyu stopped Qi Shengkun who was about to go to the study, and then told Qi Shengkun everything Qi Wang said.

"Master, the four siblings of the Sun family are plotting against Ah Wang and Feng'er so much, what do you think we should do?"

Looking at Liu Xiyu's pale face, Qi Shengkun knew that although his wife was very sad about what the four siblings did, she didn't want to kill them all. After all, the Sun family and his wife were gone, and there were only Liu Xiyu's younger sisters left. Flesh and blood, even if they did something wrong, Liu Xiyu didn't want to kill them all.

"In the future, I will have people guarding the pier and the gate of the city. If I see the four siblings, I will send them back to Yuzhou City directly."

Liu Xiyu looked at Qi Shengkun, her voice was somewhat hoarse: "Master, don't you blame them? They almost ruined Feng'er..."

The reason why she didn't dare to make a decision without authorization was because of this, although she couldn't bear it, she still wanted to hand over the decision-making power to Qi Shengkun, how he treated the four siblings of the Sun family, Liu Xiyu absolutely had no complaints.

"They are your sister's flesh and blood after all. We don't need to kill them all. We are doing your sister a favor by leaving them a way out."

Liu Xiyu was so grateful in her heart that she threw herself into Qi Shengkun's arms.

"Master, thank you..."

Qi Shengkun patted Liu Xiyu on the back, and said softly: "Why do you and I need to say thank you?"