Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1395: Who is the great benefactor


Qi Shengkun hugged Liu Xiyu into his arms, and said softly: "Xiyu, I know what you're thinking, there's nothing wrong with Ah Wang and Feng'er, so don't punish them too harshly. From now on, treat them as strangers."

The Sun family and his wife are dead, and these four children are the last of their blood. After all, they are Liu Xiyu's nephews, so they just need to give them a way to survive.

Liu Xiyu lay in Qi Shengkun's arms, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes.

She is very grateful to her husband, if it is not for her own sake, her husband would not forgive the four siblings... and no matter how much Liu Xiyu has feelings for her younger sister, she can't stand the torture of the four siblings, They shouldn't, they shouldn't, they shouldn't do something to their children, otherwise, the Qi family will have a big business, even if they are raised, how much will it cost

On one side, the husband and wife cuddled up to each other, and on the other side, Qi Feng returned to the boudoir where he had been away for a long time, even a little uncomfortable.

When I sent the two of them to Yuzhou City, none of the attendants followed. This time when Qifeng returned to his Ningxiangyuan, two big maids, Chunying Biyu, greeted him, hugging Qifeng for a long time. Cry.

"Miss, you are finally back, this servant misses you so much that you lose weight."

"Miss, you must have suffered a lot outside, and this servant must cook a lot of the lady's favorite food to nourish your body."

Chunying Biyu is a big girl who has served Qifeng since she was a child, and her relationship with Qifeng is extraordinary. If the two of them had followed Qifeng to Yuzhou City at the beginning, when they were in trouble, they would definitely not be like her. It was the two servant girls of the Sun family who also ignored her.

When Qi Feng went to the main courtyard for dinner, the Ningxiang courtyard had been cleaned up by the servants, and everything was no different from before he left. Qi Feng sat on the soft bed, feeling as if he had never left like.

It was only when she rubbed her hand on the brocade quilt that the cocoon in her palm unhooked the brocade quilt, and Qi Feng suddenly realized that everything was really different.

In the past, she enjoyed being served by the maids very naturally. She didn't have to do anything, and the maids could take care of her properly by raising her hand. But after experiencing a lot of wandering, she seemed to be more used to herself do things.

Just when Qi Feng wanted to fetch water to wash herself, Chun Ying hurriedly stopped her: "My dear lady, how can you do this kind of thing? You just stay here safely, and the servants will do these things Just fine."

Biyu also said: "Yes, Miss, now that you have returned home, the servants will come to do these tasks. If you do it, Madam will find out later, and the servants will be punished."

This should have been a normal thing, but when being served by them, Qi Feng always felt like sitting on pins and needles. She wanted to do it herself several times, but was stopped in the end.

When everything was tidied up, the two maids wanted to serve Qi Feng to take a bath and change clothes, but she sternly refused.

"No need, I'll just come by myself, you two stay outside and don't come in."

Chunying and Biyu had no choice but to give up and obediently guard the outside of the room.

Chunying looked at the closed door worriedly, and said in a low voice: "Biyu, do you feel that Miss has a lot of trouble with us? In the past, Miss would tell us anything, but now when Miss is facing us , as if he didn't want to say anything."

They have been with Qi Feng since they were young, and they know her personality well, but during the nearly one year of going to Yuzhou City, Qi Feng seems to have changed people, and they have the same relationship with both of them. divided up.

Chun Ying can feel that there seems to be some barrier between Qi Feng and them, and that feeling makes Chun Ying feel very uneasy. You must know that the maid of a rich family is the most trusted by the master. If Qi Feng and them With a gap, what should the other little girls do if they sneak in

Compared with the impatient Chunying, Biyu's temperament is much calmer, she glanced at the worried Chunying, and said in a good voice: "You are worrying too much, look at Miss's hands and her skin, Thinking about these days, the lady has suffered a lot of grievances outside, we take good care of the lady, and sooner or later she will accept us like before."

Biyu has heard a little about what happened before, but now seeing Qi Feng's rough skin and her hands that seem to be used to rough work, Biyu knows that the previous rumors are not groundless. I suffered a lot of grievances outside.

It is normal for a rich young lady to come back from being wronged outside and not adapt to life at home for a while. What they have to do now is not to wonder if they are going to be replaced, but to take care of Qi Feng in every possible way and let her Forget those unpleasant days before as soon as possible, and return to the appearance of the spoiled young lady in the past as soon as possible.

Chun Ying thought about it, and felt that this was the reason, she sighed, and said nothing.

In fact, the two maids have no bad intentions. Even though their personalities are different, they all have the same idea, that is, to take good care of the young lady and restore the young lady to her carefree appearance as soon as possible.

Before, I had been eating and sleeping outside, so how could I get a wooden barrel to take a bath? It's all just rubbing casually by the river. Qi Feng didn't get used to it at first, but then she got used to it gradually, and she still didn't get used to it when she suddenly returned to the exquisite life before.

Soaking in the bathtub sprinkled with flower petals, looking at his skin that was much rougher than before, Qi Feng's expression was in a trance for a moment, and he always felt that all this was like a dream.

She pinched her own skin hard, feeling the pain, Qi Feng let go of the piece of flesh that was pinched, and then let out a long breath of foul air.

Fortunately, this wasn't a dream. She didn't have to worry that when she woke up she would see a leaky roof, and she didn't have to worry that her body would get wet from the sudden blowing rain.

She has already returned to the Qi family, and has become the noble lady of the Qi family again. She has to adapt to such a life as soon as possible.


On the other side, in Qi Wang's Pine Fragrance Courtyard, he didn't have any discomfort with this kind of life, and soon finished washing and lay down on the bed.

The two servants, Shishu and Shimo, competed to keep watch at night for Qi Huang, but they were all rejected by him, and they were sent out by Qi Huang, telling them not to wait in the room.

"I'm not used to people in the room, you go out."

The servant said anxiously: "Second young master, you used to have the habit of drinking tea at night. How could you get used to it without the servant serving you tea?"

Not to be outdone, Shi Mo said: "Yes, Second Young Master, you used to have leg cramps at night, and Shi Mo would pinch your legs for you. If Shi Mo is not here, what should you do if your legs cramp?"

These two followers of mine are not young, and the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy is still a half-grown child, how can Qi Wang let them guard him here

If you can't sleep well at night, you will not grow tall. These two attendants are only one year younger than him, but they are naturally a head shorter than him. The reason is largely due to lack of sleep at night.

"No need, after wandering outside for so long, that bad problem has long since disappeared, you two go back to your room to rest, and leave me alone."

Qi Wang had already talked about this point, and the two servants, Shi Shu and Mo Mo, had no choice but to reluctantly leave Qi Wang's room.

After leaving, the two who were still vying for the night watch got together and started discussing in a low voice.

"Second Young Master looks very different when he comes back this time. He doesn't even want us to watch the night."

"That's right, the second young master probably suffered a lot outside this time, otherwise how could he change his fear of the dark?"

You must know that they were scrambling to keep vigil for Qi Wang just now, not because they wanted to serve Qi Wang tea or pinch his feet, but because Qi Wang was afraid of the dark, and if no one was watching at night, he would not be able to sleep well, but He has a stubborn temper, and he doesn't want people who know his age to be afraid of the dark, so they are the only two personal attendants who know that he has this problem.

It's just that I didn't expect to go out and come back again. Qi Wang seemed to be different from the past. He lost some of his childishness and became more mature. there is none left.

Shi Mo sighed, and looked back at the room with the candles lit: "I just don't know how much our young master has suffered and suffered outside."

The servant said quietly: "Who knows? The young master would tell us everything in the past, but after coming back this time, he seems to be much more silent than before, and he is unwilling to tell us many things."

The two discussed and discussed, but there was no result of the discussion. In the end, the two heaved a long sigh and went back to their rooms to rest.

And Qi Wang's hearing is excellent, even if the two people outside the door deliberately lowered their voices, Qi Wang still heard their voices, but Qi Wang was noncommittal about what the two of them were talking about.

Although it has only been half a year since they left Jizhou City, they have experienced too many things, including the painful experience of wandering outside for more than a month. People will always grow. With this incident at the bottom, all the changes can be pushed to those things.

Besides, the hurdle of the original owner's parents has passed, so it doesn't matter if the servants have doubts. In this special era, the master has the absolute right to speak. Even if they have doubts, they will eventually He will rationalize things by himself, which is commonly known as self-persuasion.

What Qi Wang has to consider now is the matter of the four siblings of the Sun family.

He remembered that in the original plot, the man Sun Ziyun married last was the Qinghe King of the current dynasty, and the two of them met in Jizhou City. If Sun Ziyun really knew something, she would definitely come to Jizhou City .

After all, Sun Ziyun's parents were gone, and her uncles were not in a good family. If Sun Ziyun was willing to stay in Yuzhou City, he wouldn't follow them all the way to Jizhou City.

Even with Qi Wang's previous words as a foreshadowing, which made the Qi family and his wife feel bad for the Sun family's four siblings to the extreme, Qi Wang can't guarantee whether the next thing will develop as he envisioned.

How many hole cards Sun Ziyun has, and what kind of tricks she has, Qi Wang doesn't know these things, and more importantly, in this age of distinct classes, if Sun Ziyun succeeds in climbing the King of Qinghe, then Qinghe For the sake of Sun Ziyun, Wang is likely to attack the Qi family.

After all, King Qinghe had done such a thing in his previous life, and the death of the original owner's parents and him were all written by King Qinghe.

Qi Huang slowly closed his eyes, and began to think quickly in his mind, to see where he could start to break the situation.

However, the body he was using was very weak, and after thinking for a long time, he felt dizzy, and he didn't even know when he fell asleep.


But at this moment, Sun Ziyun had already taken his younger brothers and sisters on the merchant ship leading to Jizhou City, and they had spent a lot of money just by paying the boat fare. The rest of the money, they I bought some pancakes that are easy to store and take them with me as food for the past few days.

Because of the lack of money, the four of them squeezed into the small cabin, and a wooden bed could barely sleep the four of them. Sun Ziyin was squeezed close to her sister, Sun Ziyin, smelling fish full of fish. The broken quilt smelled fishy, and Sun Ziyin's heart was filled with fear and anxiety about the future.

She stretched out her hand and tugged at the hem of her sister's clothes, and said in a trembling voice: "Sister, do you think we can really enter Qi's mansion successfully?"

In fact, at this moment, Sun Ziyin also regretted a little bit. If she had known that leaving Yuzhou City would suffer so much, she should have stayed in Yuzhou City and lived at her uncle's house for the sake of her parents. , even if her life is not good, she can't do without a mouthful of food.

Why did Sun Ziyin regret it at this moment? In the final analysis, it was because she herself began to feel guilty and afraid.

Before, she was so determined that it was Qi Feng who killed her parents, so she shouted and shouted at each other without any respect, and Qi Feng has always been humble, letting her shout and shout, This invisibly fueled Sun Ziyin's arrogance.

At that time, Sun Ziyin felt in his heart that Qi Feng owed their family, relying on this guilt, after arriving in Jizhou City, the Qi family would definitely give them up.

However, the words that Qi Wang and Qi Feng said before they left yesterday made Sun Ziyin feel a deep sense of uneasiness, especially since Qi Feng no longer bowed to her like in the past and let her do whatever she wanted. This made Sun Ziyin feel even more uneasy.

Before, she thought it was natural for them to hide the money from the Qi family siblings, but after being exposed by the other party, she felt inexplicably guilty, especially the way Qi Wang looked at her, every time Sun Ziyin thought of it, she felt full of pain. cold.

"Sister, did we do something wrong? Otherwise, let's go back to Yuzhou City..."

After the Qi family siblings arrive at the Qi family, will they sue like Qi Shengkun and Liu Xiyu? If the two brothers and sisters say bad things about them, will the Qi family couple's perception of them become bad? If they just ate the weight and decided to ignore the four of them, what should they do

Sensing that his sister's body was trembling non-stop, Sun Ziyun held her in his arms and calmed her down softly.

"It's okay, it's not as bad as you think, brother Ah Wang and sister Feng are not like that."

Sun Ziyun said firmly, not to mention whether they would talk nonsense after going back according to their two temperaments, whether they can return to Jizhou City safely is still a question.

The waterway has always been uneven, if the identities of those two people are accidentally exposed, and they are targeted by water bandits, things will be troublesome.

You must know that the water bandits are cruel and often hijack passing merchant ships. If they kidnap some rich and powerful families, they will even ask those families for money.

When the money is fully paid, the water bandits might be relieved, but if there is a little bit of dissatisfaction, after taking the money, it is not uncommon for them to kill the kidnapped people in order to eradicate the roots.

Now in this world, it is peaceful if you say it is peaceful, and it is not peaceful if you say it is not peaceful. Water bandits and mountain bandits are all the same cruel and vicious guys. If there is a way in the government, it will not matter if you kill a few people.

Sun Ziyun patted Sun Ziyin on the back, and said softly: "Don't be afraid, my uncle and aunt are good people, they won't let us go to another country, even for the face of the Qi family, they won't let us go make us beggars."

The Qi family is an imperial merchant, and they are engaged in imperial business, and the royal family values the reputation the most. If the imperial merchant makes a mistake and has a problem with its reputation, it is not a small matter, and at least it will lose the imperial merchant's reputation. Plaque, the whole family may be implicated...

Besides, even if they had no way to enter Qi's mansion, Sun Ziyun was not helpless. With her here, the four of them would never be at the end of their rope.

"I have my sister here, don't worry, no matter what time, my sister will always protect you."

Sun Ziyun's voice carried a strange force, she comforted the frightened Sun Ziyin, under her comfort, Sun Ziyin gradually calmed down, the cabin kept shaking, she yawned, unconsciously Then fell asleep.

The younger brothers and sisters were all asleep, but Sun Ziyun didn't feel sleepy. She pulled her hand back, then silently inserted it into the innermost layer of the clothes, and touched the thing that she had sewn into the innermost layer of the clothes.

The hard object gave Sun Ziyun courage, she exhaled a long breath, and her tense body slowly relaxed.

The best result is that their group is respectfully welcomed in by the Qi family, and then raised as honored guests. Even if the Qi family refuses, then they are not without retreat.

Sun Ziyun pinched the hard object, and her body trembled slightly. She seemed to be agitated, and at the same time seemed to be excited. Various complex emotions were intertwined, and her breathing became rapid.

Although the development of the situation is completely different from what she expected, it doesn't matter, as long as this thing is with her, there is no hindrance.

Most of the things in this world are just words.