Justice Across The Dimensions

Chapter 1397: Who is the great benefactor


"Brother officer, please help us, these people want to send us away, we really have nowhere to go..."

Although Sun Ziyun was dressed in tatters, but she had a good appearance, and the appearance of pear blossoms raining with tears at this time was still very distressing.

People tend to sympathize with the weak, especially when the weak are born beautiful and put themselves in a very low position, the hearts of these yamen servants are naturally biased towards them.

The brawny man originally thought it would be easy to send the Sun family siblings away, but he didn't expect that they would make such a scene. His face immediately changed, and he said in a rough voice.

"Miss Sun San, why do you have to make things difficult for me? This is what Master Qi requested. Master Qi asked us to send you and the ladies and young masters of the Sun family back to Yuzhou City. After all, Yuzhou City is your real home. In this city of Jizhou, how can you survive without any support?"

Qi Shengkun has made it clear that he doesn't welcome the four siblings of the Sun family. Even if they have the cheek to go to the Qi family, Qi Shengkun will not let them in. It is already good for them to send the Sun family siblings back to Yuzhou City. What else do they want to do

However, Sun Ziyun wiped away her tears, she still looked like a cowardly Liu Fufeng, after hearing what the strong man said, she took two weak steps back, and raised her arms to wrap her arms around her younger brothers and sisters.

"Stop talking nonsense. Our uncle and aunt are the most kind-hearted. After knowing that our parents have died tragically and have nowhere to go, how could they cruelly drive us away who came from thousands of miles away?"

Sun Ziyun's voice was so loud that everyone present heard her voice, and then Sun Ziyun smiled miserably and said in despair: "Or did my uncle and aunt listen to the words of my cousin who abandoned us? That's why we are the ones to blame? "

As she spoke, big tears flowed down her smooth cheeks, Sun Ziyun was sobbing, and her plaintive voice echoed in everyone's ears.

"We don't blame my cousin for leaving us, and we don't resent my cousin for wanting to sell us into other people's homes as slaves... We know that my cousin must have a hard time."

"After all, the Qi family is an imperial merchant headed by Xinyi. How could the eldest lady and the second young master of the Qi family be treacherous people? We know there must be some difficulties in this. Now the four of us don't want anything, just want to face each other. Ask my cousin why they treat us like this. As long as we get the answer, we will definitely not keep us, if the Qi family refuses to keep us, we have hands and feet, and there will always be a way to make a living."

The Royal Merchant Qi's family is not a nameless business in Jeju City, once Sun Ziyun mentioned the Royal Merchant Qi's family, everyone immediately knew which one they were talking about.

"Looking at them, it doesn't look like they are lying. Could it be that the two brothers and sisters of the Qi family really did something like abandoning their cousins?"

"It's hard to say, I didn't hear the girl say that their parents are dead, they have become orphans... No orphans can be accepted by the Qi family, not only can't help much, but also have to post a lot of things Only fools would do that."

"I don't think the Qi family is such a family. After all, how much money can it cost to raise four people? The Qi family has a big business, can't it be that they can't afford to support the four siblings?"

"It's hard to say. Didn't you just hear that brawny man say that he wants to send the four siblings of the Sun family back to Yuzhou City? It seems that they don't want to support these relatives. It's true, the poor relatives who come to fight the autumn wind Who can like it?"

There were quite a few people on the pier, and their argument attracted many people's attention to this side, and more and more people were watching, pointing their fingers and talking loudly.

Hearing the comments from the people around, Sun Ziyun's hanging heart was quietly relieved. The most important thing for a big family like the Qi family is the place of interest. Even if they don't like people like themselves, they have to pinch their noses to recognize them go back.

And not only that, after the Qi family recognizes them back, they can't treat them harshly. After all, there are so many eyes staring at them. A lot of people paid attention, and some people just waited to grab the Qi family's tail and give them the qualifications of the imperial merchant.

The strong man obviously didn't expect Sun Ziyun to be so embarrassing. She changed the direction of the scene with just a few words. The strong man wanted to say something, but the servants had already believed Sun Ziyun's words. Behind him, he looked at those strong men warily.

"The lady is right. Who are you guys? Why are you pretending to be the Qi family? If you want to kidnap and traffic people, it depends on whether we agree or not!"

Well, the job that was once a sure thing, now makes them be regarded as kidnappers in a daze, the strong man hurriedly explained, and took out a token to prove that he was indeed a servant of the Qi family.

The leading yamen servant looked at the strong man with disdain in his eyes, and turned his head to comfort Sun Ziyun: "Miss, why don't I send you to Qi's house, these servants may have misunderstood the master's intentions. It means that the Qi family will definitely not do such a thing to drive away the poor relatives who came to seek refuge."

You must know that not everyone can be an imperial merchant. The Qi family can sit in the position of imperial merchants, relying on the accumulation of reputation from generation to generation, so even if poor relatives come to the door, no matter how impatient the Qi family is, they must take good care of themselves. After entertaining, absolutely no one can catch the slightest mistake.

What the yamen servant did was also a good thing for the Qi family. He maintained the reputation of the Qi family. Can a rich family like the Qi family lose his benefits

When Sun Ziyun heard the words, her heart finally fell back into her stomach again. She said with a trembling voice with a strong expression of gratitude on her face.

"Thank you, Brother Cha. There is no way to repay your great kindness. In the next life, the little girl will definitely repay your kindness with a straw ring."

Speaking of which, Sun Ziyun pushed his younger brothers and sisters to express their gratitude to the yamen servants.

The bearded yamen servant waved at them, then hired a carriage at the pier, welcomed the four Sun family siblings into the carriage, and then sent them all the way to the gate of Qi's mansion outside.

Youdao is to help people to the end, send the Buddha to the west, and they are all outside the gate of Qi's house, so the yamen servant simply sent these four people into the gate of Qi's house.

The King of Hades is easy to see, but little ghosts are hard to deal with. Even for a rich family like Qi, the servants in the mansion would not dare to neglect the servants from the Yamen, so Sun Ziyun and the others rely on this warm-hearted servant, and they can almost go all the way unimpeded. Entered Qi's house.

The four siblings of the Sun family actually only came to Jizhou City a few times when they were very young. After all, Jizhou City and Yuzhou City are far apart, and it takes more than two months to go back and forth. When they were young, they could still I had time to come here with my mother, but as I grew older, I no longer had time to come.

After wandering outside for more than a month, now seeing this carved gallery and painted building, showing the exquisite garden everywhere, the four members of the Sun family feel that their eyes are not enough, especially when they walk through the garden, they see those burning blooming flowers. When it came to flowers, Sun Ziyin's eyes showed deep envy.

She remembered that she had a small garden when she was at Sun's house. Because she loved flowers, her parents also bought many flowers and planted them in her garden.

However, most of the flowers in her garden bloom in spring and summer, and only some hardy chrysanthemums are left after autumn, but now the Qi family's garden is full of flowers of various colors. At first glance, those The delicate flowers gave Sun Ziyin a sense of season confusion, as if it is not autumn, but still stuck in spring and summer.

Sun Ziyun's footsteps slowed down unknowingly. She looked at the flowers and couldn't walk for a while, and Sun Ziyun was the first to discover that Sun Ziyin's situation was wrong. She turned around from the front and saw her sister Staring at the flowers in the garden, Sun Ziyun grabbed Sun Ziyin's hand and said in a low voice.

"Xiao Si, what flowers are you still looking at at this time? My sister promises that when our life gets better in the future, my sister will definitely build you a bigger and better garden, filled with all kinds of flowers you like."

In the past, if Sun Ziyun had said these words to her, Sun Ziyin would have been moved to tears, but that day when Sun Ziyu said that Sun Ziyun might have hidden a jade pendant, Sun Ziyin became suspicious of her sister .

At that time, the elder sister and the second sister were so sick, but they refused to take medicine to save money. They could be said to have watched the elder sister and the second sister pass away. At that time, Sun Ziyun also said that it was all because of Qi Feng. If the wind ruined their family, the two sisters would not lose their lives because of the mere wind and cold.

At that time, Sun Ziyin enshrined everything Sun Ziyun said as a canon, and thus her hatred for Qi Feng grew day by day.

In fact, Sun Ziyin didn't see it with her own eyes when her parents were killed, and Sun Ziyin didn't really feel much when Sun Ziyun said that those bandits wanted to kill all of them because they liked Qi Feng.

Although she hated Qi Feng at that time, the hatred was not deep. It was not until she saw her eldest sister and second sister cut off her breath in front of her that her hatred for Qi Feng reached its peak. Only then will we try our best to target Qi Feng.

But all the hatred was shaken when he touched the jade pendant on Sun Ziyun's heart that night.

Although Sun Ziyun often said that she would protect them and take care of them, she never went out to do any work, and most of the time she spoke with her own mouth.

And the people who really take care of them and protect them, and work hard to earn money to support them are Qi Feng and Qi Wang, the siblings.

Will this sister of mine really treat them as she said, after everything gets better

Sun Ziyin became suspicious. At this moment, she even wanted to ask Sun Ziyun what happened to that jade pendant, but in the end she still didn't ask, but obediently followed behind Sun Ziyun and walked forward. go.

Now is not the time to tear her face apart, maybe after a while, when everything becomes clear, she can ask all these questions.


Liu Xiyu didn't go out with Qi Shengkun to discuss business these two days, but stayed at home with her two children, even if she didn't do anything, just chatting with them, Liu Xiyu would feel satisfied.

She hadn't seen her two children for nearly half a year. After hearing the news of their disappearance, Liu Xiyu fell ill. After meeting Qi Wang and Qi Feng, the illness completely recovered.

Liu Xiyu knew that what she had was actually a heart disease. After her two sons and daughters came back to her, wouldn't her illness be cured without medicine

After a few days, in fact, Qi Feng has slowly regained the feeling of being the eldest lady of the Qi family in the past, and the restraint in her body has gradually faded away. At this time, she is sitting next to her mother, and there is nothing wrong with her. He sat down and chatted with her, while Qi Huang was sitting a little far away, reading a book in his hand.

Seeing Qi Wang's hard work, Qi Feng couldn't help laughing, and said teasingly: "Ah Wang, didn't you just doze off when you read a book in the past? Why have you changed your temper now and started to concentrate on reading?" ? Are you really watching, not pretending?"

You must know that in the Great Yan Dynasty, there was no rule that merchants could not take the imperial examination. Even the children of merchants' families could read books and take the imperial examination.

Among the four classes of scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen, the status of merchants is the lowest, and the most important thing for merchants is money. In order to change the lintel, most merchants attach great importance to the education of their children. The status of the family will rise to a higher level.

Qi Shengkun naturally also attached great importance to Qi Wang's education. When he was a child, he invited his wife to teach Qi Wang, hoping that he could take the imperial examination in the future and change the family for the Qi family. Unfortunately, Qi Wang did not seem to have any talent in learning. The master said that his aptitude is mediocre, even if he bites the bullet and takes the imperial examination, at most he can only pass the exam as a scholar, and the most likely thing is to pass the exam as a child student.

Qi Shengkun invited many masters back, but the opinions of these masters are all the same. They all said that Qi Wang is not a material for reading, and he will not get any return by forcing him to study. It is better to let him concentrate on doing business, maybe he can Make a name for yourself.

"Although Mr. Ling is smart, his smartness is not in reading. The key is that he has no interest in reading. If he is forced to force him, there will be no good results."

And Qi Wang was just like what the master said, he could not learn anything after learning and learning. In the end, Qi Shengkun could only accept his fate and did not ask the master to teach him.

Qi Feng has a very good relationship with her younger brother, and she also knows that her younger brother is someone who can doze off with a book, but now he is holding the book and reading it seriously, and he looks like he is really serious about reading , How can Qi Feng not be surprised

After hearing what Qi Feng said, Qi Huang put down the book in his hand, looked at Qi Feng and Liu Xiyu who were sitting in the upper seat, and said seriously.

"Mother, after so many things, I feel that studying is still very important. In the past, I wasted too much time, always thinking that relying on Qi's family can live comfortably for the rest of my life, but now I find that I took it for granted in the past. .”

"The Qi family is indeed a towering tree, but the family of the Qi family is supported by you and your father. As a member of the Qi family, I will always contribute to this family."

"Mom, I want to take the imperial examination."

Qi Wang finally said such a sentence.

However, after hearing what Qi Wang said, Liu Xiyu was stunned. She looked Qi Wang up and down, and couldn't believe what she heard—her son who didn't like reading the most, now offered to take the imperial examination. ? Is this the sun coming out in the west

Just when Liu Xiyu was about to say something, someone came to report that it was a yamen servant who brought the Sun family siblings to the door.

When Liu Xiyu heard this, her complexion sank instantly, especially when she saw her daughter's complexion turning pale, Liu Xiyu almost had the four Sun siblings kicked out.

Qi Feng stopped his impulsive mother, and said softly: "Mom, let's see each other. After all, the four members of the Sun family have been brought by the yamen servants. If we drive the yamen servants out, we will still suffer. , my daughter is fine."

She felt that there was no need for her to avoid seeing the four Sun family siblings. After all, it was the Sun family siblings who did the wrong thing and had nothing to do with her. If she avoided seeing them instead, wouldn't it be that she had a guilty conscience

Liu Xiyu looked at her daughter with a deep distressed look on her face.

"Feng'er, I have wronged you."

Qi Feng snuggled into Liu Xiyu's arms and said softly: "Mother, my daughter is not wronged. After all, she has returned to you now. With you taking care of her, how can she feel wronged?"

Liu Xiyu patted Qi Feng's head, called Qi Huang along, and led them to the front yard.

A group of people came to the living room in the front yard in a mighty manner. Because of the existence of the yamen servant, the servants did not neglect. Tea and pastries were placed in front of the yamen servant and the four Sun family siblings for them to take.

The yamen servant drank tea and ate cakes very naturally. Seeing that the four members of the Sun family were staring at the cakes and tea eagerly, but did not dare to reach out for them, he even told them to take whatever they wanted.

Sun Zixun and Sun Ziyu both looked at Sun Ziyun, wanting to hear what his sister had to say, but Sun Ziyun just smiled and said softly.

"Brother Cha, thank you for your kindness, we can't eat it."

In fact, Sun Ziyun wanted to apply eye drops in front of the yamen servants, but there were servants from the Qi family in the living room, and Sun Ziyun didn't want to offend those people from the Qi family, so he didn't say anything in the end.

Fortunately, they didn't wait for a long time before Liu Xiyu walked in with Qi Feng and Qi Huang. After Sun Ziyun saw Liu Xiyu, he immediately stood up, tears rolling down his cheeks.


Sun Ziyun yelled at her aunt, she stepped forward quickly, then knelt down in front of Liu Xiyu, covered her face and began to cry.

"Auntie, Yun'er finally saw you..."